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在以往禀赋效应研究的基础上, 本研究引入中立方估价值作为参照, 在时间维度上探讨了禀赋效应的变化趋势, 并尝试延伸禀赋效应的定义。研究发现, 随着卖方拥有物品的时间延长, 买卖双方的估价呈下降趋势, 卖方的估价总是显著高于买方, 但买卖双方的估价之差不随卖方拥有物品的时间延长发生变化; 以中立方的估价为参照, 在较短的时间内卖方的估价倾向于理性, 在较长的时间内买方的估价倾向于理性; 卖方的估价在时间水平上相对于中立价格呈递增性, 而买方的估价相对于中立价格呈递减性。引入中立方再探讨禀赋效应并没有否定它的存在, 而且能够更好地解释生活中的非理性行为。  相似文献   

禀赋效应是指一旦某物品成为自己拥有的一部分,人们倾向给予它更高的价值评价。对于禀赋效应的解释主要是损失规避理论和自尊理论。影响禀赋效应产生的因素主要有物品价格的不确定性、好奇心效应、交易需求效应等。神经机制研究表明,内侧前额叶(MPFC)、伏隔核(NAcc)、岛叶(insula)等脑区与禀赋效应密切相关,神经机制研究为全面理解禀赋效应提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

源于“反常”终于“常理”的禀赋效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如果忽略收入影响和交易成本, 愿意为一样物品支付的价格应等于愿意出售的价格。而塞勒教授却发现, 现实生活中有一些“反常”现象, 个体会对自己所拥有的物品赋予更高的价值, 造成“愿意支付价格”和“愿意出售价格”的不一致。塞勒利用预期理论中的损失厌恶对这些反常现象进行解释, 并将该现象称为禀赋效应(endowment effect)。此后, 众多研究者从不同角度对该效应进行了探索和论证。文章详细梳理了禀赋效应的多种解释机制, 包括损失厌恶、心理所有权理论、偏差的认知过程以及进化的观点等, 论证了禀赋效应符合“常理”的原因, 同时也探讨了禀赋效应在商业销售策略和政府拆迁政策等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

near-miss效应是指在赌博中, 与一般的输钱和赢钱相比, “几乎赢(near-miss)”的输钱会诱发个体更高的生理唤醒和更强的赌博动机, 从而导致个体持续赌博的一种现象, 是导致赌博成瘾的主要诱因之一。针对这种现象的研究范式大致有三种:老虎机/类老虎机任务、轮盘任务和刮刮乐彩票任务。这种现象的理论解释目前主要有认知曲解假说、控制幻觉理论和受挫假说。near-miss效应的脑机制和病理研究才刚刚起步, 所涉及到的脑功能区域主要包括脑岛、腹侧纹状体等。未来的研究应在near-miss效应发生机制的理论模型建构、研究范式多样化、研究技术多模态化、病理机制和临床干预等方面进一步展开。  相似文献   

锚定效应的研究范式、理论模型及应用启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李斌  徐富明  王伟  龚梦园 《应用心理学》2008,14(3):269-275,281
锚定效应是普遍存在的一种现象,它是指在不确定状态判断过程中,人们会以最初的信息作为参照点来调整对事件的估计,这往往会导致得出错误的判断。本文首先阐述了锚定效应的相关概念及经典研究范式,后者包括语意启动范式、数值启动范式、自发锚与外部锚启动范式等。然后对锚定效应的不充分调整启发模型、锚定调整模型、选择通达模型、双加工模型以及神经心理模型等进行了深入的探讨,并总结了锚定效应在经济管理等领域中的应用。最后指出了锚定效应的研究局限及未来的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

眼跳的研究范式及其主要认知功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
眼跳运动系统为研究者探索行为的认知控制机制提供了有力工具。已有研究发现,很多认知过程会影响不同类型眼跳任务中的眼跳参数。在系统梳理已有研究的基础上,从以下4个方面系统阐述和评价了眼跳运动的研究范式和主要认知功能:(1)视觉导向眼跳的研究范式和变式及其认知功能,包括空白/重叠效应、分心物效应、提示效应、学习效应等;(2)预测性眼跳的研究范式和认知控制,涉及神经生物钟理论、视空间工作记忆、指导语等;(3)记忆导向眼跳的研究范式和变式及其认知控制,包括分心物效应、年龄效应、视空间工作记忆的抑制效应、注意等;(4)反向眼跳的研究范式和变式及其认知控制,包括反向眼跳抑制、眼跳决策信号竞争整合模型、工作记忆容量、注意、错误监控、学习、奖励和年龄效应等。最后,结合已有研究范式对未来眼跳研究的趋势和需解决的问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

自我所有权效应(Mere Ownership Effect,MOE)是指自我拥有的物品比他人拥有的物品表现出明显的偏好和记忆优势。当前研究主要探索是否无具体形象、生动特点和低想象度的中性抽象词汇也能产生所有权效应。实验一采用购物实验范式要求被试根据抽象名词上圆点的颜色按键反应,将抽象名词放到自己或他人的篮子里。再认测试结果发现,被试对自我篮子的抽象名词的再认率显著高于他人篮子的抽象名词,产生了所有权效应。为进一步验证这种心理所有权效应的稳健性,实验二以卡片的形式呈现抽象名词并以自由回忆为测试方式,结果再次验证了实验一的结果。当前的研究结果将心理所有权效应从具体维度延伸到抽象维度,是对心理所有权效应研究纵深上的发展。  相似文献   

考察了研究阅读中的"心不在焉"现象的所使用的主要研究方法,包括研究范式和所使用的研究指标。研究范式主要包括:Z字母串范式、思维取样范式以及对反应的持续注意任务范式及其变式。介绍了研究阅读中"心不在焉"现象所采用的眼动观测指标和行为观测指标,对这一领域研究存在的问题与未来的研究方向进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

具身道德是指身体及其活动方式与道德心理和行为的相互作用。迄今为止, 具身道德研究主要采用道德Stroop范式、内隐联想测验范式、情境操纵范式和心境诱发范式。具身道德的研究内容主要包括身体解剖学结构、知觉经验及身体与环境的嵌入作用与道德心理及行为的相互作用, 且在广泛的知觉经验内容中包涵了身体厌恶与道德的关系、自我洁净-道德纯洁隐喻、道德-明度隐喻、道德-颜色隐喻、道德的空间维度与时间维度等多个内容。未来的研究需从研究内容的丰富性与全面性、隐喻效应的文化差异与一致性效应、研究方法技术的科学性与多样性等几个方面着手。  相似文献   

说服效应是指面临说服性信息时, 个体态度发生转变并影响其决策行为的一种现象, 该现象普遍存在于政治选举、生活消费及商业广告等领域, 具有重要的应用价值。说服效应的两个主要理论模型包括双加工模型和自我功效理论。信息源的可信度、情绪、信息框架、社会网络、事件卷入度等是影响说服效应的主要因素。说服效应的应对策略包括公开承诺和自我控制。未来的研究应该从说服效应的产生根源、特征成分及应用领域等方面进行深入地探讨。  相似文献   

People often attach a higher value to an object when they own it (i.e., as seller) compared with when they do not own it (i.e., as buyer)--a phenomenon known as the endowment effect. According to recent cognitive process accounts of the endowment effect, the effect is due to differences between sellers and buyers in information search. Whereas previous investigations have focused on search order and internal search processes (i.e., in memory), we used a sampling paradigm to examine differences in search termination in external search. We asked participants to indicate selling and buying prices for monetary lotteries in a within-subject design. In an experience condition, participants had to learn about the possible outcomes and probabilities of the lotteries by experiential sampling. As hypothesized, sellers tended to terminate search after sampling high outcomes, whereas buyers tended to terminate search after sampling low outcomes. These differences in stopping behavior translated into samples of the lotteries that were differentially distorted for sellers and buyers; the amount of the distortion was predictive of the resulting size of the endowment effect. In addition, for sellers search was more extended when high outcomes were rare compared with when low outcomes were rare. Our results add to the increasing evidence that the endowment effect is due, in part, to differences in predecisional information search.  相似文献   

This research provides evidence for a new moderator of the endowment effect: having a memento of the endowed object. Three studies adapting classic endowment effect paradigms and using a variety of endowment objects and mementos demonstrate that having a memento of an endowment increases willingness to trade the endowment and decreases selling prices for the endowment. We provide evidence that mementos attenuate the endowment effect regardless of whether the memento is a separate small gain when facing the loss of the endowment or a small part of the original endowment that is kept. Examining mementos in context of the endowment effect not only provides insight into the psychology underlying the reluctance to part with one's endowment but also other consumer disposition behaviors.  相似文献   

An object one owns is typically more highly valued than an equivalent object owned by another person. This endowment effect has been attributed to the aversion of loss of one’s possessions (through selling), or the added value of an item due to self-association (through owning). To date, investigation of these mechanisms has been hampered by the between-subjects methodology traditionally employed to measure endowment. Over two experiments, we report a novel within-subjects method for measuring an endowment bias. In these studies, Western participants showed enhanced valuation of owned items, whereas East-Asian participants did not. This endowment bias also correlated with the ownership effect in memory (a measure of self-referential processing) in Western, but not East-Asian participants. Our results suggest that the endowment effect is partly predicated on the same factors that influence the ownership effect and that this commonality is likely linked to conceptions of ownership specifically, and self-concept more generally.  相似文献   

Previous researchers (e.g., J. A. Bargh, 1992, 2002) demonstrated the importance of nonconscious processes on consumer choice behavior. Using an advertisement, the authors determined the effect of two nonconscious processes--the mere exposure effect, which increases object preference by increasing consumer exposure to an object, and the endowment effect, which increases object valuation by providing consumer possession of an object--on consumer behavior. Although the mere exposure effect and endowment effect did not produce an interaction, they produced independent effects. The endowment effect increased object valuation but not object preference. The mere exposure effect increased object preference but not object valuation. Thus, at the unconscious level, an increase in object preference does not lead to an increase in object valuation, nor does an increase in object valuation lead to an increase in object preference. The authors discuss the importance of developing measures of unconscious process in advertising effectiveness.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the endowment effect may actually be a type of self‐referent cognitive bias due to the mere ownership of an object. However, it is not adequately understood how the ownership of an object affects the endowment effect. The current research is the first to explore if the endowment effect could be extended to different ownerships. The results suggest that the endowment effect extends to goods owned by their mothers, romantic partners and close friends, but not acquaintances. Furthermore, the level of intimacy between individuals and mothers/romantic partners/close friends/acquaintances mediates the relationship between the effect of ownership and the extensibility of the endowment effect. These findings are consistent with the mere ownership effect that ownership increases valuation by enhancing the salience of the self.  相似文献   

People typically demand more to relinquish the goods they own than they would be willing to pay to acquire those goods if they did not already own them (the endowment effect). The standard economic explanation of this phenomenon is that people expect the pain of relinquishing a good to be greater than the pleasure of acquiring it (the loss aversion account). The standard psychological explanation is that people are reluctant to relinquish the goods they own simply because they associate those goods with themselves and not because they expect relinquishing them to be especially painful (the ownership account). Because sellers are usually owners, loss aversion and ownership have been confounded in previous studies of the endowment effect. In two experiments that deconfounded them, ownership produced an endowment effect but loss aversion did not. In Experiment 1, buyers were willing to pay just as much for a coffee mug as sellers demanded if the buyers already happened to own an identical mug. In Experiment 2, buyers’ brokers and sellers’ brokers agreed on the price of a mug, but both brokers traded at higher prices when they happened to own mugs that were identical to the ones they were trading. In short, the endowment effect disappeared when buyers were owners and when sellers were not, suggesting that ownership and not loss aversion causes the endowment effect in the standard experimental paradigm.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that individuals value objects more highly if they own them, a finding commonly known as the endowment effect. In fact, simply touching an object can create a perception of ownership that produces the endowment effect. In this paper, we extend this line of research in several ways. First, we show that haptic imagery, or imagining touching an object, can have the same effect on perceived ownership as physical touch. We then demonstrate that haptic imagery can lead to perceptions of physical control, which in turn increase feelings of ownership. Moreover, the more vivid the haptic imagery, the greater the perception of control and the feeling of ownership. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

There now exists considerable evidence to suggest that the appearance of a new object in the visual field captures visual attention. One of the consequences of this attentional capture is that the object initiates a redistribution of attentional resources across visual space. This is classically observed in the precuing paradigm in which the onset of an abrupt cue influences the processing of a subsequently presented target. The present research describes a new phenomenon that occurs as a result of a new object appearing in the visual field. A stimulus presented in a region of space adjacent to a corner of an onsetting object receives an enhancement of processing relative to a stimulus presented adjacent to one of the object's straight edges. With the use of 2 converging methods, evidence is presented that suggests that the effect is a higher order attentional phenomenon whereby greater resources become directed to the corners of objects.  相似文献   

This research examines how time pressure influences bidding behavior in experiment auctions. The studies reported herein investigate how time pressure systematically impacts individual trading of an endowed object by looking at the disparity between buying and selling prices for that object. Study 1 tests whether the effect of time pressure eliminates the disparity between selling and buying prices. In Study 2, transaction demand is employed to see whether sellers and buyers are more sensitive to changes in the item (amount of work). In Study 3, sellers and buyers access information of differing valence in the task. In Study 4, the framing of the reference price is manipulated to moderate the endowment effect. These studies indicate that under time pressure, endowment bias is reduced and, more generally, elucidate the role of trading behavior in decision making.  相似文献   

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