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While many empirical studies now support second-order simple structure factor analytic distinctions consistent with Cattell's theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence, the hierarchical order analyses carried out in the present study show that these factors are structured so as to suggest a neo-Spearman hierarchical model where fluid intelligence is equivalent to a general intelligence factor and broad group factors of verbal-educational knowledge, speediness, and visualization appear. The two models have different implications regarding the status of the fluid and crystallized "intelligence" factors and the relationship between them.  相似文献   

Separate literatures have demonstrated that mothers’ experiences with trauma during childhood or pregnancy are associated with maternal prenatal health risks, adverse childbirth outcomes, and offspring internalizing and externalizing disorders. These literatures largely align with the intergenerational transmission or fetal programming frameworks, respectively. However, few studies have tested the effects of maternal childhood and prenatal trauma simultaneously on mothers’ and infants’ health outcomes, and no studies have examined these effects on newborn neurobehavioral outcomes. Thus, in the present study, we examined how the developmental timing of pregnant women’s traumatic life experiences associated with their physical health and psychopathology (Aim 1) as well as their newborns’ birth and neurodevelopmental outcomes (Aim 2; for pre-registered aims and hypotheses, see https://osf.io/ygnre/?view_only=cbe17d0ac7f24af5a4d3e37e24eebead). One hundred and fifty-two 3rd trimester pregnant women (Mage = 29 years; 17.1% Hispanic/Latina) completed measures of trauma history and psychopathology. Then, 24–48 h after birth, trained clinicians conducted newborn neurobehavioral exams (n = 118 newborns; 52.6% female). Results indicated that lifetime traumatic experiences associated with multiple prenatal maternal health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, emotion dysregulation, and pregnancy complications. Pregnant women’s experiences with childhood trauma, but not adulthood or prenatal trauma, predicted higher neurobehavioral attention scores among female newborns. Our discussion highlights the importance of considering the developmental timing of maternal trauma on perinatal outcomes and contextualizes our findings within the intergenerational transmission and fetal programming literatures.Data AvailabilityData pertaining to R01MH119070 (MPIs Crowell & Conradt) and that support these findings are uploaded to the NIMH repository.  相似文献   

Preference for fixed-interval schedules: an alternative model   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons were trained under concurrent chain schedules in which the initial links were equal aperiodic schedules and the terminal links were fixed-interval schedules. Choice proportions in the initial links were measured in 26 experimental conditions. The data showed the inadequacy of previous models of concurrent chain performance. A new model was suggested in which choice is a joint function of terminal-link times, overall reinforcement rates, and terminal-link entries. This model accounted for 94% of the variance in the present data and for substantial percentages of the variance in previously reported data. The model simplifies to matching between response ratios and obtained reinforcement rate ratios for simple concurrent schedule performance.  相似文献   

Building on Nicholls's earlier work, we examined developmental changes in children's understanding of effort and ability when faced with a negative outcome. In a sample of 166 children and adolescents (ages 5-15 years), younger children conflated the meaning of effort and ability, explaining that smart students work hard, whereas older children understood effort and ability to be reciprocally related constructs, explaining that smart students do not need to work as hard. Understanding the reciprocal relation between effort and ability was correlated with age. Age-related changes in the meaning and correlates of effort and ability were also examined. Developmental implications for attribution theory and achievement motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

A small computer-assisted word frequency analysis, indicating the extent of explicit concern with sexuality in the psychoanalytic literature, has revealed an apparent decline of psychoanalytic interest in psychosexuality. The apparent decline may be related to the limitations of drive theory and object relations approaches in offering persuasive and comprehensive accounts of the psychosexual. A new model of human sexual experience is proposed, rooted in an integration of French psychoanalytic ideas with recent developmental observational research, that once again places sexuality at the center of psychoanalytic clinical inquiry. Because emotion regulation arises out of the mirroring of affect by a primary caregiver and sexual feelings are unique in that they are systematically ignored and left unmirrored by caregivers, sexual feelings remain fundamentally dysregulated in all of us. Adult sexual experience serves as a way of coming to organize the psychosexual. The model accounts for some aspects of the phenomenology of sexual arousal and suggests ways of understanding pathological distortions of sexual behavior. The nature of the psychosexual is explored in the analytic treatment of an adolescent boy.  相似文献   

In this conceptual article we introduce a model examining emotional intelligence (EI) and its effects on job performance in team sport. Moreover, we propose that both coaches and athletes actively engage in emotional labor (EL) as a means to performing in their respective job roles. A conceptual model linking EI to EL, positive affect, and subsequently job performance is introduced to serve as a conceptual foundation for better understanding the role of EI in sport. Concurrently, research propositions are introduced linking EI to job performance. Finally, implications for future research and practice, as well as potential limitations, are discussed.  相似文献   

A behavioral quantal theory of brain function is formulated on the basis of a newly discovered step-wise relationship invariably present among the findings of three experiments by Tsai, et al. on the effects of (1) cerebral decortication, (2) cranial x-radiation, as well as (3) insulin, metrazol, and electroconvulsive shocks upon white rats' adaptive behavior during their learning of successive habit reversals and one-trial reversal problems. Confirmatory results from earlier investigators who studied effects of various current strengths of ECS upon learning and retention of various maze habits are also cited in support of the behavioral quantal theory of brain function which is proposed here as a close-up, more refined alternative to Lashley's continuity theory of mass action.  相似文献   

The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the American Medical Association.  相似文献   

Theory of mind (ToM) and executive functioning (EF) show marked interrelatedness across childhood, and developmental psychologists have long been interested in understanding the nature of this association. The present review addresses this issue from a cognitive neuroscience perspective by exploring three hypotheses regarding their functional overlap: (1) ToM relies on EF (EF→ToM); (2) EF relies on ToM (ToM→EF); and (3) ToM and EF are mutually related, owing to shared neural structures or networks (ToM?EF). Drawing on evidence from normative brain development, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases, patient lesion studies, and brain-imaging studies, we suggest that only a strict version of the ToM?EF proposal of complete neural overlap can be confidently ruled out on the basis of existing evidence. The balance of evidence suggests that separable neurobiological mechanisms likely underlie ToM and EF, with shared mechanisms for domain-general processing that support both abilities. We highlight how future studies may empirically substantiate the nature of the ToM–EF relationship using various biobehavioral approaches.  相似文献   

In the interest of clarifying the distinction between psychopathology based on structural conflict and psychopathology rooted in an arrest in ego development, the hypothesis is offered that there is a developmental line for each defensive process and that a defense mechanism represents the endpoint of a series of developmental achievements. Clinical material is presented to demonstrate the decisive diagnostic and therapeutic consequences of distinguishing between the defenses of projection, incorporation, and splitting, on the one hand, and their specific developmental prestages, on the other.  相似文献   

In a variety of mammalian species, prenatal androgens organize brain structures and functions that are later activated by steroid hormones in postnatal life. In humans, studies of individuals with typical and atypical development suggest that sex differences in reproductive and nonreproductive behavior derive in part from similar prenatal and postnatal steroid effects on brain development. This paper provides a summary of research investigating hormonal influences on human behavior and describes how sex differences in the prevalences and natural histories of developmental psychopathologies may be consistent with these steroid effects. An association between patterns of sexual differentiation and specific forms of psychopathology suggests novel avenues for assessing the effects of sex steroids on brain structure and function, which may in turn improve our understanding of typical and atypical development in women and men.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the ongoing debate in the JAP to do with archetype theory and supports an emergent/developmental model which sees archetypal imagery as an emergent phenomenon arising out of neural bio-structures laid down in early infant life as a result of developmental experience. This model is supported by the current findings of those developmental biologists who adhere to Developmental Systems Theory. The themes of Developmental Systems Theory are examined and corroborative parallels are drawn with the model. A number of implications follows: the model has substantial explanatory power and leads to a new perspective on innatism; it implies an archetype-environment nexus; it collapses the nature-nurture debate in relation to archetype theory; it collapses the 'sacred heritage' approach to archetypes and it removes the conceptual division between the collective and personal unconscious. This developmental/emergent perspective is then applied to the shaman archetype, using ethnographic records of the Sakha (Yakut) Siberian tribe. The material supports the hypothesis that the shamanic complex is laid down in early infancy by a combination of events which cause emotional ruptures in the mother-infant dyad. Siberian shamanism is then understood to arise out of developmental experience and not from the constellation of an autochthonous archetype.  相似文献   

The irrelevant-speech effect refers to the finding of impaired recall performance in the presence of irrelevant auditory stimuli. Two broad classes of theories exist for the effect, both allowing automatic entry of the distracting sounds into the processing system but differing in how attention is involved. As one source of evidence in the discussion of existing theories of the irrelevant-speech effect, the performance of children and adults on a visual serial recall task with irrelevant sounds (speech and tones) was examined. The magnitude of the effects of irrelevant sounds on performance decreased with age. The developmental differences were marked in the conditions with the greatest need for attentional control (words and especially changing words). The findings were interpreted with respect to current models of memory. Theories of the irrelevant-speech effect that include a role for attentional control were better suited to handle the results than those without a specified role for attention.  相似文献   

The doctrine of informed consent in bioethics has relied on the view that consent is valid when it represents a patient or research subject's autonomous authorization. In this article we challenge this reigning conception of the validity of informed consent in clinical research, focusing in particular on the problem of the therapeutic misconception. We argue that the autonomous authorization model of informed consent suffers from four defects: (1) it fails to do justice to the relevance of risk-benefit considerations in shaping the criteria for the validity of consent, (2) it compromises the interests of subjects by preventing them from consenting to research participation with less than substantial understanding when doing so would likely be consistent with their preferences and beneficial to them or at least be unlikely to cause them harm, (3) it jeopardizes the interests of investigators by denying them fair notice regarding when the consent of research subjects can be considered valid and thus make it permissible for them to be enrolled in research, and (4) it threatens the reasonable limits on the responsibility of investigators to assure the adequacy of subjects' understanding of what research participation involves. In place of the autonomous authorization model, we present and defend a fair transaction model of informed consent, which better reflects the values served by consent.  相似文献   

When children grow older they respond faster and are less susceptible to interference caused by task-irrelevant information. These observations suggested the hypothesis that a global mechanism may account for developmental change in the speed of responding and that inhibitory function may underlie the ability to activate speeded responses. The current study examined these issues by comparing the performance of 4 age groups (5-, 8-, and 11-year-olds and young adults) on a battery of 6 speeded performance tasks, 4 of which required the inhibition of response activation. An analysis of reaction and inhibition times supported a hypothesis of generalized developmental changes in response activation, but revealed a less pronounced development of inhibition. A nonselective mechanism of response inhibition seems to be fully developed during early childhood.  相似文献   

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