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This paper describes a PDP-15 timesharing system in which on-line experimentation and an undergraduate laboratory course co-exist with many other users. Design features include precise stimulus and response timing, easy experiment programming, easy system access, and 15 or more simultaneous users. Students can be both experimenters and subjects in realistic, variable course modules.  相似文献   

采用2×3的被试内实验设计,将注意条件和目标刺激类型作为实验变量,考察了指向不同感觉通道的注意对视听语义整合加工的不同影响。结果发现,只有在同时注意视觉和听觉刺激时,被试对语义一致的视听刺激反应最快,即产生冗余信号效应。而在选择性注意一个感觉通道时,语义一致的视听刺激并不具有加工优势。进一步分析发现,在同时注意视觉和听觉时语义一致视听刺激的加工优势源自于其视觉和听觉成分产生了整合。也就是说,只有在同时注意视觉和听觉时,语义一致视听刺激才会产生整合,语义不一致视听刺激不会产生整合。而在选择性注意一个感觉通道时,不论语义是否一致,视听刺激均不会产生整合。  相似文献   

The present laboratory configuration addresses concerns beyond the functional workings of a computerized research system to include human factors. The logistical aspects of error-free multi-operator operations are discussed along with the economics of developing, assembling, and maintaining the stations. The actual configurations (hardware and software) of the present laboratory are explained and discussed, as are the philosophies and experiences that led to a highly successful combined research and teaching operant laboratory.  相似文献   

6~12岁儿童、13~18岁青少年和20~30岁成人被试各30名,运用McGurk效应研究范式对汉语母语者视听言语知觉的发展趋势进行探讨。所有被试需要接受纯听和视听两种条件下的测试,其任务是出声报告自己听到的刺激。结果发现:(1)三个年龄阶段汉语母语者被试在安静听力环境下的单音节加工中都受到了视觉线索的影响,表现出了McGurk效应;(2)三个年龄阶段汉语母语者被试McGurk效应的强度存在显著差异,其受视觉言语影响的程度表现出随年龄增长而增强的发展趋势;(3)13岁以后汉语被试在视听一致下对视觉线索的依赖没有显著增强,但是在视听冲突下视觉言语的影响仍然在逐渐增强。  相似文献   

以30名小学二年级学生2、4名小学五年级学生和29名大学一年级学生为被试,运用McGurk效应研究范式对汉语母语者视听双通道言语知觉的表现特点、发展趋势等问题进行了探讨,三个年龄阶段被试均接受纯听和视听两种条件下的测查,被试的任务是出声报告自己听到的刺激。结果发现:(1)汉语为母语的二年级小学生、五年级小学生和大学生在自然听力环境下的单音节加工中都受到视觉线索的影响,表现出了McGurk效应;(2)二年级小学生、五年级小学生和大学生受视觉言语影响的程度,也就是McGurk效应的强度没有显著差异,没有表现出类似英语母语者的发展趋势。该结果支持了McGurk效应"普遍存在"的假说。  相似文献   

If a place-of-articulation contrast is created between the auditory and the visual component syllables of videotaped speech, frequently the syllable that listeners report they have heard differs phonetically from the auditory component. These “McGurk effects”, as they have come to be called, show that speech perception may involve some kind of intermodal process. There are two classes of these phenomena: fusions and combinations. Perception of the syllable /da/ when auditory /ba/ and visual /ga/ are presented provides a clear example of the former, and perception of the string /bga/ after presentation of auditory /ga/ and visual /ba/ an unambiguous instance of the latter. Besides perceptual fusions and combinations, hearing visually presented component syllables also shows an influence of vision on audition. It is argued that these “visual” responses arise from basically the same underlying processes that yield fusions and combinations, respectively. In the present study, the visual component of audiovisually incongruous CV-syllables was presented in the left and the right visual hemifield, respectively. Audiovisual fusion responses showed a left hemifield advantage, and audiovisual combination responses a right hemifield advantage. This finding suggests that the process of audiovisual integration differs between audiovisual fusions and combinations and, furthermore, that the two cerebral hemispheres contribute differentially to the two classes of response.  相似文献   

In the introductory psychology laboratory at Drexel University, we employ courseware modules that transform the computer into various pieces of psychological research equipment. Students enrolled in this course use the courseware modules in a series of experiments that investigate motor learning, perception, memory, and other psychological phenomena. In choosing this form of computerization, we have encountered challenges to our methods of instruction, both in the laboratory and in the lecture hall. Opportunities, in the form of financial and programming assistance, have also resulted from our computerization efforts.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the relationship between self-monitoring and factors influencing romantic attraction to others. In Study 1, participants completed an Internet-mediated version of the Self-Monitoring Scale (Gangestad & Snyder, 1985) and indicated which of two people (one physically attractive, one with a more desirable personality) they found most attractive. Results matched previous findings (Snyder, Berscheid, & Glick, 1985), but the effect was smaller. Study 2, a paper-and-pencil replication of Study 1, examined whether the weaker effect was due to Internet mediation and found no differences in the choices made by high and low self-monitors. Results suggested that while determinants of attraction may vary for different populations, Internet research methods can tap the same phenomena as traditional laboratory studies.  相似文献   

A pair of FORTRAN programs allows two individuals or groups to play prisoner’s dilemma and other two-party mixed-motive games on physically isolated terminals of a time-sharing computer. The programs provide a flexible tool for teaching and research through a series of programmable options for structuring and enhancing the playing environment of the game. Four participatory roles for students provide an opportunity for integrated exposure to the broader context of empirical research design and execution.  相似文献   

A .75-ton van was modified to make a mobile research laboratory suitable for visual psychophysical testing under well controlled conditions. The laboratory can be adapted easily to other types of psychological research in which environmental control and/or special-purpose equipment is required.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the psychometric equivalency of Web-based research. The Sexual Boredom Scale was presented via the World-Wide Web along with five additional scales used to validate it. A subset of 533 participants that matched a previously published sample (Watt & Ewing, 1996) on age, gender, and race was identified. An 8 × 8 correlation matrix from the matched Internet sample was compared via structural equation modeling with a similar 8 × 8 correlation matrix from the previously published study. The Internet and previously published samples were psychometrically equivalent. Co-efficient alpha values calculated on the matched Internet sample yielded reliability coefficients almost identical to those for the previously published sample. Factors such as computer administration and uncontrollable administration settings did not appear to affect the results. Demographic data indicated an overrepresentation of males by about 6% and Caucasians by about 13% relative to the U.S. Census (2000). A total of 2,230 participants were obtained in about 8 months without remuneration. These results suggest that data collection on the Web is (1) reliable, (2) valid, (3) reasonably representative, (4) cost effective, and (5) efficient.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the design and development of an interdisciplinary social science computer laboratory for teaching undergraduate research methods courses and research components of applied and theoretical courses. The U.S. Census of the Population, a database commonly used in all of the social sciences, is used in order to give students research experience and to avoid ethical problems involved in working with animal and human subjects in an undergraduate course. Some issues in laboratory design and required changes in teaching methods are discussed.  相似文献   

The Internet presents a potentially revolutionary tool in the dissemination of scientific information, offering many advantages to authors and audiences. However, this resource has been underutilized in psychological research because of several factors: unfamiliarity with required technology, lack of peer review, absence of an efficient centralized accessibility resource, concerns about copyright issues, and financial considerations. The present article describes the advantages of on-line presentation of research, as well as discusses various concerns about on-line publishing and the developing solutions to deal with those concerns.  相似文献   

The Internet is rapidly developing into an important medium of communication in modern society, and both psychological research and therapeutic interventions are being increasingly conducted using this new communication medium. As therapeutic interventions using the Internet are becoming more prevalent, it is becoming increasingly important to conduct research on psychotherapeutic Internet interventions to assist in the development of an appropriate standard of practice regarding interventions using this new medium. In this article, we examine the Internet and the current psychological uses which are being initiated using this medium. Ethical concerns related to the psychological use of the Internet are discussed, and guidelines are proposed for the conduct of Internet intervention research.  相似文献   

Anonymity promotes free speech by protecting the identity of people who might otherwise face negative consequences for expressing their ideas. Wrongdoers, however, often abuse this invisibility cloak. Defenders of anonymity online emphasise its value in advancing public debate and safeguarding political dissension. Critics emphasise the need for identifiability in order to achieve accountability for wrongdoers such as trolls. The problematic tension between anonymity and identifiability online lies in the desirability of having low costs (no repercussions) for desirable speech and high costs (appropriate repercussions) for undesirable speech. If we practice either full anonymity or identifiability, we end up having either low or high costs in all online contexts and for all kinds of speech. I argue that free speech is compatible with instituting costs in the form of repercussions and penalties for controversial and unacceptable speech. Costs can minimise the risks of anonymity by providing a reasonable degree of accountability. Pseudonymity is a tool that can help us regulate those costs while furthering free speech. This article argues that, in order to redesign the Internet to better serve free speech, we should shape much of it to resemble an online masquerade.  相似文献   

This is an account of an Internet romance—a kind of contemporary fable which is only a recent version of an old story: ancient myths and modern ones attest to the illusional nature of love and the beloved. This paper comments on the way the contemporary medium, the Internet, can be a kind of narcissistic particle accelerator—magnifying the power of otherwise weak and tiny impulses, supporting invention, inviting acting out, flattering grandiosity, and lending itself to collisions with the particulate impulses of others. The paper addresses the lovers' joint narrative in general—the way lovers become co-authors of a story of the occasion of and the reason for their passion. It comments on the selfobject function this narrative serves: bringing self-definition, cohesion and vitality to the experience of self for each of the partners.  相似文献   

The Internet offers many new opportunities for behavioral researchers to conduct quantitative and qualitative research. Although the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association generalize, in part, to research conducted through the Internet, several matters related to Internet research require further analysis. This article reviews several fundamental ethical issues related to Internet research, namely the preservation of privacy, the issuance of informed consent, the use of deception and false feedback, and research methods. In essence, the Internet offers unique challenges to behavioral researchers. Among these are the need to better define the distinction between private and public behavior performed through the Internet, ensure mechanisms for obtaining valid informed consent from participants and performing debriefing exercises, and verify the validity of data collected through the Internet.  相似文献   

Spreadsheets can be used to focus academic research and teaching on theoretical models. Examples of models from learning, social psychology, and perception are presented to illustrate how spreadsheet techniques work. Two strengths of this approach are emphasized: (1) Spreadsheets provide a relatively user-friendly alternative to some kinds of instructional and research programming; and (2) the linked tables and graphs of modern spreadsheets provide a powerful display medium and a fast way to examine the behavior of models as parameters change. I suggest some models for which spreadsheets may be appropriate.  相似文献   

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