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Three approaches to a theoretical analysis of confidence judgments are considered: one linking confidence to the number of sensory observations, one based on a distinction between ‘state’ and ‘process’ factors, and a ‘balance of evidence’ hypothesis developed from an accumulator model of discrimination. An experiment is described in which observers were asked to decide which of two parallel lines was the longer, and to rate their confidence in each judgment. Each observer's set for speed or accuracy was manipulated over successive blocks of trials, and effects on response time, accuracy, and confidence were examined. Under an accuracy set, observers produced a higher percentage of correct responses, had longer response times, and made more confident judgments than under a set for speed. Within both speed and accuracy blocks, however, confidence ratings were inversely related to response time. The data on response accuracy, time, and confidence indicate certain deficiencies in either of the first two approaches, but were well accounted for by the third.  相似文献   

A random-walk model of visual discrimination is described and applied to reaction time (RT) distributions from three discrete-trial experiments with pigeons. Experiment 1 was a two-choice hue discrimination task with multiple hues. Choice percentages changed with hue discriminability; RTs were shortest for the least and most discriminable stimuli. Experiments 2 and 3 used go/no-go hue discriminations. Blocks of sessions differed in reward probability associated with a variable red stimulus in Experiment 2 and with a constant green stimulus in Experiment 3. Changes in hue had a large effect on response percentage and a small effect on RT; changes in reward shifted RT distributions on the time axis. The "random-walk, pigeon" model applied to these data is closely related to Ratcliff's diffusion model (Ratcliff, 1978; Ratcliff & Rouder, 1998). Simulations showed that stimulus discriminability affected the speed with which evidence accumulated toward a response threshold, in line with comparable effects in human subjects. Reward probability affected bias, modeled as the amount of evidence needed to reach one threshold rather than the other. The effects of reward probability are novel, and their isolation from stimulus effects within the decision process can guide development of a broader model of discrimination.  相似文献   

The authors examined the function for learning a discrete timing task from a dynamical systems perspective rather than solely the traditional curve-fitting viewpoint. Adult participants (N = 8) practiced a single-limb angular movement task of 125 ms over 20 degrees for 200 trials. There was no significant difference in percentage of variance accounted for in 3 parameter exponential and power-law nonlinear fits to the individual and averaged data. The percentage of variance increased in both exponential and power-law equations when the data were averaged over participants and trials. Drawing on a dynamical systems approach to time scales in motor learning and on analysis of the distinctive features of exponential and power-law functions, however, the authors conclude that the exponential is the learning function for that task and that level of practice.  相似文献   

We tested two explanations for why the slope of the z-transformed receiver operating characteristic (zROC) is less than 1 in recognition memory: the unequal-variance account (target evidence is more variable than lure evidence) and the dual-process account (responding reflects both a continuous familiarity process and a threshold recollection process). These accounts are typically implemented in signal detection models that do not make predictions for response time (RT) data. We tested them using RT data and the diffusion model. Participants completed multiple study/test blocks of an "old"/"new" recognition task with the proportion of targets and the test varying from block to block (.21, .32, .50, .68, or .79 targets). The same participants completed sessions with both speed-emphasis and accuracy-emphasis instructions. zROC slopes were below one for both speed and accuracy sessions, and they were slightly lower for speed. The extremely fast pace of the speed sessions (mean RT=526) should have severely limited the role of the slower recollection process relative to the fast familiarity process. Thus, the slope results are not consistent with the idea that recollection is responsible for slopes below 1. The diffusion model was able to match the empirical zROC slopes and RT distributions when between-trial variability in memory evidence was greater for targets than for lures, but missed the zROC slopes when target and lure variability were constrained to be equal. Therefore, unequal variability in continuous evidence is supported by RT modeling in addition to signal detection modeling. Finally, we found that a two-choice version of the RTCON model could not accommodate the RT distributions as successfully as the diffusion model.  相似文献   


Driving is a complex everyday task. Every year a huge number of driving accidents around the world causes serious physical and mental injuries and deaths. The correct estimation of the remaining time to reach the other vehicles on the road, known as time to collision (TTC), is an important factor to avoid accidents. In this study, we aimed to use a drift-diffusion model (DDM) to better understand the participants’ estimation of TTC in two driving experiments. Both experiments were the same, except that in one of them participants were asked to finish the experiment as fast as they could, while in the other experiment there was no time constraint. DDM fitted the data from all participants well in both experiments according to the chi-square goodness of fit criterion. Also, results showed that time pressure increases subjects’ estimated TTC, the rate of accumulation of sensory information and the response threshold.  相似文献   


To extend our understanding of the proximal etiology of personality pathology, this study examined the dynamic, in-the-moment relations between mindfulness and negative affectivity (NA; emotional lability, anxiousness, separation insecurity) as defined by the alternative model for personality disorders. We tested predictions based upon the Monitor and Acceptance Theory that when people monitored their attention judgmentally, their state NA would be higher than usual; by contrast, when they monitored their attention nonjudgmentally, their state NA would be lower than usual. Sixty-five undergraduates participated in an experience sampling study wherein they completed five reports per day for eight days about their states of mindfulness and NA. Multi-level models revealed an interaction wherein participants exhibited more state NA when they monitored their attention judgmentally than when they monitored their attention nonjudgmentally. Analyses of simple slopes revealed that participants exhibited more state NA than usual when they monitored their attention judgmentally. These findings emerged for only one of two attention monitoring processes, however: monitoring relations between thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, but not monitoring sensory stimuli. Analyses including non-reactivity instead of nonjudgment replicated these findings. Implications for theory, research, and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

This article proposes and tests a formal cognitive model for the go/no-go discrimination task. In this task, the performer chooses whether to respond to stimuli and receives rewards for responding to certain stimuli and punishments for responding to others. Three cognitive models were evaluated on the basis of data from a longitudinal study involving 400 adolescents. The results show that a cue-dependent model presupposing that participants can differentiate between cues was the most accurate and parsimonious. This model has 3 parameters denoting the relative impact of rewards and punishments on evaluations, the rate that contingent payoffs are learned, and the consistency between learning and responding. Commission errors were associated with increased attention to rewards; omission errors were associated with increased attention to punishments. Both error types were associated with low choice consistency. The parameters were also shown to have external validity: Attention to rewards was associated with externalizing behavior problems on the Achenbach scale, and choice consistency was associated with low Welsh anxiety. The present model can thus potentially improve the sensitivity of the task to differences between clinical populations.  相似文献   

A modular package of computer programs is described. The package is designed for parameter fitting in psychology, and includes a program for plotting the fitted curves.  相似文献   

Almost every empirical psychological study finds that the variance of a response time (RT) distribution increases with the mean. Here we present a theoretical analysis of the nature of the relationship between RT mean and RT variance, based on the assumption that a diffusion model (e.g., Ratcliff (1978) Psychological Review, 85, 59-108; Ratcliff (2002). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 9, 278-291), adequately captures the shape of empirical RT distributions. We first derive closed-form analytic solutions for the mean and variance of a diffusion model RT distribution. Next, we study how systematic differences in two important diffusion model parameters simultaneously affect the mean and the variance of the diffusion model RT distribution. Within the range of plausible values for the drift rate parameter, the relation between RT mean and RT standard deviation is approximately linear. Manipulation of the boundary separation parameter also leads to an approximately linear relation between RT mean and RT standard deviation, but only for low values of the drift rate parameter.  相似文献   

CheckVocal is a Windows application that facilitates checking the accuracy and response time of recorded vocal responses in naming and other experimental tasks using the DMDX display and response collection software. CheckVocal handles all keeping-track and presents each recorded response audiovisually (as waveform, spectrogram, and sound played out) along with the correspondingprinted correct response andregistered responsetime. The user simply decides whether the response was correct, wrong, or missing, with a single mouse click advancing to the next response. Response ti me correction can be done manually or automatically (retriggering by apower threshold). Data safety and integrity is ensured by cross-checking and status saving, so t hat interruptedsessions can be resumed later. CheckVocal is freely available to the DMDX community via a dedicated Web page.  相似文献   

A lexical decision task was used in a paradigm testing the effects of sleep loss and fatigue on performance during a 72-h period of sleep deprivation. The data were partitioned into categories of response lapses, response accuracy, and the signal detection measures of discriminability (d’) and bias (β). Response lapses increased as a function of sleep loss and were fitted best by a composite equation with a major linear component and a minor rhythmic component. Response accuracy decreased as a function of sleep loss, with the rate of decrease being greater for nonwords than for words. Although d’ was higher for right visual field (RVF), it decreased for both fields almost linearly as a function of sleep deprivation. The rate of decrease for RVF stimulation was greater than for left visual field (LVF) stimulation, β did not change monotonically as a function of sleep loss, but showed strong circadian rhythmicity, indicating that it was not differentially affected by sleep loss per se.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a speed or accuracy strategy on response interference control during choice step execution. Eighteen healthy young participants were instructed to execute forward stepping on the side indicated by a central arrow (←, left vs. →, right) under task instructions that either emphasized speed or accuracy of response in the neutral condition. In the flanker condition, they were additionally required to ignore the 2 flanking arrows on each side (→→→→→, congruent or →→←→→, incongruent). Errors in the direction of the initial weight transfer (APA errors) and the step execution times were measured from the vertical force data. APA error was increased in response to the flanker task and step execution time was shortened with a speed strategy compared to an accuracy strategy. Furthermore, in response to the visual interference of the flanker task, speed instructions in particular increased APA errors more than other instructions. It may be important to manipulate the level of the speed-accuracy trade-off to improve efficiency and safety. Further research is needed to explore the effects of advancing age and disability on choice step reaction in a speed or accuracy strategy.  相似文献   

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