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Allocation of visual attention in good and poor readers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The present study investigated the hypothesis that specific reading disability is attributable to inadequate visual memory. Previous research had demonstrated that poor readers sustain no basic dysfunction in visual perception, but there was need to evaluate the possibility that deficiencies in letter and word recognition result from disorder in long-term visual storage. Adopting a format employed in a previous study, randomly arranged Hebrew letters were presented to poor and normal readers unfamiliar with Hebrew, and both groups were asked to demonstrate retention for these stimuli on three separate occasions: immediately after initial presentation, 24 hours later and 6 months later. As a control measure, the performance of the non-Hebrew subjects was compared with that of normal readers familiar with Hebrew letters. It was found that retention in the non-Hebrew groups was equivalent under all of the temporal conditions, but the performance of both was poorer than the Hebrew groups under the immediate and 24-hour conditions. However, none of the reader groups differed in the case of retention after a 6-month delay period. It was concluded that deficient visual memory is an unlikely source of specific reading disability, and alternative explanations of the disorder were considered.  相似文献   

Spatial localization in left and right visual fields   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Serial order recall for visually and auditorily presented stimuli was examined in a group of 12-year-old poor readers and 7-year-old reading-age controls. With pictorial presentation, the poor readers showed a visual similarity effect, no word length effect, and a smaller phonemic similarity effect than that of controls. However, with visual presentation of printed words and with auditory presentation, poor readers showed word length and phonemic similarity effects of similar magnitude to that of controls. It is concluded that poor readers rely on visual information in tasks where the presented images are highly codable, and where verbal recoding is not obligatory, but that they will make use of phonological coding when the stimuli are not as easily codable visually in memory.  相似文献   

Torgesen (1977b) suggested that reading-disabled children exhibit passivity in learning situations; they fail to employ strategies that enhance learning. Such passivity resembles that of young children who lack awareness of the utility of strategies that enhance cognitive efficiency in a variety of situations (e.g., listening, reading, and memory tasks). Such awareness is one aspect of metamemory, and children with reading problems may lag behind other children with regard to this aspect. Good readers (second-, third-, and fifth-graders) and poor readers (third- and fifth-graders) were interviewed to determine their level of knowledge about a number of variables that affect memory in real-life situations. Each child was asked questions concerning his or her memory ability, and then was shown pictures depicting manipulations of the variables number, time, category, and strategy, as well as two-way combinations of the four variables. Results generally failed to support the developmental lag hypothesis. Poor readers did not resemble younger children in their awareness of variables that affect memory but exhibited knowledge commensurate with that of good readers in the same grade.  相似文献   

An experiment that examined the way in which young readers deployed eye movements while reading sentences and while answering questions containing either a pronominal or noun anaphor is reported. To evaluate the possible causal role played by differences in inspection strategies between readers of above- and below-average reading skill, a third“age control” group of younger children was also tested. This group was matched on absolute reading ability with the less skilled group of older children, and on relative reading ability (i.e. reading quotient) with the more skilled group. Differences in inspection strategy were apparent between the groups of good and poor readers. Good readers launched more selective reinspections, whereas the poorer readers were more inclined to engage in“backtracking” and appeared to make less use of the displayed text. In every case there was a marked similarity in the behaviour of the good readers and the“age controls”. These results suggest that the ability to code the spatial location of words in a sentence, and, where necessary, to use this information to launch accurately targetted selective reinspections of previously read text, plays a crucial role in the development of skilled reading performance.  相似文献   

Seven-year-old children classified as good and poor readers carried out a proofreading task on two passages varying in level of difficulty. Misspellings were introduced by transposing two adjacent letters in the work "the," other three-letter words, and longer words. While both groups of readers were able to identify the correct spelling of the misspelled words on a spelling test, poor readers made significantly more proofreading errors. Word length had a significant effect on performance, indicating that sensitivity to word configuration is important for successful proofreading. The pattern of proofreading errors did not reflect underlying differences which might relate to strategies used by the two groups in normal reading. The results are compared with those from other proofreading and letter detection experiments in order to highlight methodological implications when such tasks are used to verify hypotheses concerned with normal reading strategies.  相似文献   

本研究以眼动仪为工具,采用移动窗口范式来考察小学五年级语文学优生和学困生的阅读知觉广度。实验结果发现,小学五年级语文学优生的阅读知觉广度范围为注视字左侧一个汉字到注视字右侧三个汉字,小学五年级语文学困生的阅读知觉广度范围为注视字左侧一个汉字到注视字右侧两个汉字。小学五年级语文学优生的阅读知觉广度比学困生更大。  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to determine whether echoic memory plays a role in differences between good and poor readers. The first two experiments used a suffix procedure in which the subject is read a list of digits with either a tone control or the word go appended to the list. For lists that exceeded the length of the subjects memory span by one digit (i.e., that avoided ceiling effects), the poor readers showed a larger decrement in the suffix condition than did the good readers. The third experiment was directed at the question of whether the duration of echoic memory is different for good and poor readers. Children shadowed words presented to one ear at a rate determined to give 75-85% shadowing accuracy. The items presented to the nonattended ear were words and an occasional digit. At various intervals after the presentation of the digit, a light signaled that the subject was to cease shadowing and attempt to recall any digit that had occurred in the nonattended ear recently. Whereas good and poor readers recalled the digit equally if tested immediately after presentation, the poor readers showed a faster decline in recall of the digit as retention interval increased. A fourth experiment was conducted to determine whether the differences in echoic memory were specific to speech stimuli or occurred at a more basic level of aural persistence. Bursts of white noise were separated by 9-400 ms of silence and the subject was to say whether there were one or two sounds presented. There were no differences in detectability functions for good and poor readers.  相似文献   

Experiments 1–4 examined immediate serial recall of rhyming and nonrhyming items by normal and poor readers in Grades 2–4. Children with generally low achievement were excluded from the poor-reader groups, so that the achievement deficit of the poor readers was centered in reading. The poor readers did not differ from the normal readers in their susceptibility to phonemic similarity either with letter lists or with word lists. Children low in both achievement and intelligence were included in Experiment 3, and they also showed normal susceptibility to phonemic similarity, except that phonemic-confusion effects were reduced when task-difficulty levels were high. Experiment 5 further demonstrated that the serial-recall task is relatively insensitive to phonemic-similarity effects when difficulty levels are high. Previous results suggesting that poor readers are relatively insensitive to phonemic similarity in such tasks may have been an artifactual consequence of marked differences in overall task difficulty for the groups compared. Implications of variations in sample-selection procedures also are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors studied sensitivity to semantic priming, as distinct from semantic judgment, in poor readers. Association strength (high vs. low semantic association) was manipulated factorially with semantic association type (categoric vs. thematic association). Participants were 11-year-old poor readers (n = 15) who were matched with a group of chronological-age controls (n = 13), and also matched with a group of reading-age controls (n = 15). Three priming conditions were used: related, unrelated, and neutral prime. Neutral primes consisted of a row of hash marks. Related primes elicited shorter decision latencies than did unrelated primes. Neutral primes elicited the slowest responses in all groups. Poor readers showed an additional delay in the neutral prime condition. No effects of association type (categorical vs. thematic) or association strength (high vs. low) were found, nor were any relationship with reading ability found. The delayed performance of the poor readers on neutral primes is explained in terms of orthographic processing and dependency on grapheme phoneme relationships. The findings are discussed with reference to F. R. Vellutino, D. M. Scanlon, and D. Spearing's (1995) work on semantic processing and reading ability.  相似文献   

Summary The paper is concerned with the utilization of linguistic structure in reading-disabled children. Discussing models of word recognition, it is argued that the lexical approach need not necessarily imply holistic processing; intervening stages related to the utilization of intraword structure are also compatible with the basic assumptions of the lexical model. Two experiments using pseudowords as stimuli are reported, showing that poor readers from third grade are inferior to good readers in the utilization of intraword redundancy (Experiment 1) and that poor readers' performance with redundant stimuli can be increased when the stimuli are grouped into syllables (Experiment 2). A reading intervention program is then presented, in which the children are taught how to segment words into syllables. Fifteen poor readers from the third grade were trained for 12 sessions. The success of the program was tested in an oral reading test and in a laboratory experiment investigating changes in the utilization of intraword redundancy after training.  相似文献   

The mappings from grapheme to phoneme are much less consistent in English than they are for most other languages. Therefore, the differences found between English-speaking dyslexics and controls on sensory measures of temporal processing might be related more to the irregularities of English orthography than to a general deficit affecting reading ability in all languages. However, here we show that poor readers of Norwegian, a language with a relatively regular orthography, are less sensitive than controls to dynamic visual and auditory stimuli. Consistent with results from previous studies of English-readers, detection thresholds for visual motion and auditory frequency modulation (FM) were significantly higher in 19 poor readers of Norwegian compared to 22 control readers of the same age. Over two-thirds (68.4%) of the children identified as poor readers were less sensitive than controls to either or both of the visual coherent motion or auditory 2Hz FM stimuli.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of phonetic factors in the performance of good and poor beginning readers on a verbal short-term memory task. Good and poor readers in the second and third grades repeated four-item lists of consonant-vowel syllables in which each consonant shared zero, one, or two features with other consonants in the string. As in previous studies, the poor readers performed less accurately than the good readers. However, the nature of their errors was the same: Both groups tended to transpose initial consonants as a function of their phonetic similarity and adjacency. These findings suggest that poor readers are able to employ a phonetic coding strategy in short-term memory, as do good readers, but less skillfully.  相似文献   

Distances between stimuli and, derivatively, compactness of stimulus subsets are pervasive determiners of discrimination and classification performance. Contrary to Crassini (1986), these factors are sufficient to account for the major patterns in the chronometric data of Podgorny and Shepard (1978, 1983). Other factors, such as the dichotomous one distinguishing what Crassini terms unitary and nonunitary subsets, may exert some additional influence. But a convincing demonstration would require formulation of a quantitative model capable of being pitted against the distance-based model of Podgorny and Shepard within the context of their entire body of data.  相似文献   

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