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There is a debate regarding the use of the white coat, a traditional symbol of the medical profession, by students. In a study evaluating final-year South African medical students' perceptions, the white coat was associated with traditional symbolic values (e.g., trust) and had practical uses (e.g., identification). The coat was generally perceived to evoke positive emotions in patients, but some recognized that it may cause anxiety or mistrust. Donning a white coat generally implied a responsibility to the profession. For a few, without the coat, patients would not cooperate, resulting in some perceiving no need to be distinguished from qualified practitioners. There was thus some evidence of entitled (vs. earned) respect. In the light of the underresourced health care setting in which these students learn clinical medicine, we recommend that students be able to recognize the potential for unprofessional or unethical behavior. Students should also be able to identify role models.  相似文献   

The development of community psychology is of vital importance in South Africa because of the historical context, questions about the relevance of mainstream western psychology and the current social change in the country in the post-apartheid era. Accordingly successful community psychology practices for a South Africa in transition need greater dissemination for access and utilization in the communities. This article draws on the community work conducted at the Itsoseng Clinic to show how and why community psychology could be made more relevant to the new South Africa. The Itsoseng Clinic is a psychology clinic that is situated in the township of Mamelodi. The clinic provides several services including counselling, psychometric assessment, psycho educational workshops, and HIV/AIDS pre and post-test counselling. The clients and community that the clinic serves are of low socio-economic status and struggle with a lack of material and personnel resources. The individuals working within the Itsoseng Clinic represent a diversity that is in itself a valuable resource for supporting the core activities of the clinic. This article explores various themes that were identified within the research study such as, making community, entering the ecology of life, closing the divide and bridging the boundaries.  相似文献   

大学生择业心理归因结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施章清  孙昕怡 《心理科学》2006,29(3):665-667
为了解大学生择业心理,根据归因理论编制了“大学生择业心理归因问卷”。该问卷包括原因源与可控性两个分量表。通过对596名大学生进行问卷调查,对该问卷的项目进行了筛选和修订,最后共保留了20个项目。研究结果表明:(1)分量表一可抽取负性情绪与择业目标两个因子,分量表二可抽取自身努力与社会支持两个因子;(2)问卷的信度与效度都达到了测量学的基本要求。  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to explore the value that psychology students accredit to psychological research in a country like Botswana where psychology is a relatively new discipline. Forty-five undergraduate students belonging to the first cohort of psychology students at the University of Botswana participated in the study (males = 7, females = 38, age range 18–23 years). Data were obtained from student essays and evaluated with Qualitative Content Analysis. Students were of the view that psychological research should (a) increase knowledge to better understand human beings and the world (epistemological value); (b) create awareness about psychology within society so as to to assist society in combating societal problems (societal value); (c) enhance individuals' understanding of psychology so as to to accept psychology (individual value); and (d) up-date psychological theories to ensure their applicability in present times (theoretical value). Considering students' views could play an important role in indigenising psychology in Botswana.  相似文献   

Self-reports of depression-related distress were obtained from girls of 14 to 17 years of age living in communities of low socioeconomic status in Mauritius (n = 198) and South Africa (n = 275). Of the girls in the two samples, 26.3 and 21.5%, respectively, had thought about self-harm during the past 5 yr., while between 14.6 and 16.7% had made self-harm attempts. Also, 39.9% of the Mauritian girls and 31.0% of the South Africans reported being sad and tearful every day for more than 2 wk. over the past year. Of the girls, Mauritians (54.0%) and South Africans (32.1%) felt their problems were too much to cope with, while 20.4% of the South African girls and 44.4% of the Mauritians knew of no place to go for help when feeling sad or depressed. The findings highlight the extent of depression-related symptoms and issues related to access to mental health services. Increasing mental health services and awareness programmes are indicated.  相似文献   

This study investigated how people's beliefs regarding their vocational abilities (i.e., career decision self‐efficacy) are associated with their perceived academic control, self‐liking, and self‐competence. It also assessed the relevance of these 4 types of self‐beliefs for personal job optimism among 268 Croatian college students. Results indicated that participants' career decision self‐efficacy and perceptions of their chances of finding jobs nationwide were significant predictors of personal job optimism. Furthermore, the influences of self‐competence and perceived academic control on personal job optimism were mediated by career decision self‐efficacy. These results extend previous research and may be informative for vocational guidance interventions.  相似文献   

当代大学生就业的不良心理状态   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
殷雷 《心理科学》2004,27(4):993-996
本文对当前我国大学生在就业问题上存在的不良心理状态进行了分析,并就如何帮助他们纠正认识,调整心态,正确择业,提出了一些有益的建议。  相似文献   

This study explored the core themes underlying individuals’ perceptions of their career success with the view to inform retention practices. The participants were a convenience sample of 207 employees (63% Blacks; 60% males) within a South African science and engineering company. Data were gathered by using a quantitative survey approach and posing an open-ended question to the participants regarding their perceived career success. The data were thematically analysed by using the Atlas.ti version 6 computer-aided qualitative data analysis software. Findings suggest that self-perceptions of career success are multifaceted, including learning and development; skills, experience and competence; career transitions and advancement; job content; contributing to a larger community; goal achievement; helping others; rewards and recognition; and work-life balance. Individuals’ inner definitions of career success could inform retention strategies in the science and engineering field focused on their career development, career wellbeing and satisfaction.  相似文献   

The study explored factors that mediate the choice of psychology as a major subject by undergraduate students. Participants were a convenience sample of 368 students from two higher education institutions in Southern Africa (males =186, females =182, mean age = 22.35 years, SD=2.84 years). Data were collected using a survey that investigated social agents that are considered important in students' career choices. The data were analysed to explore differences by family and peer influences. The findings suggest that the students in the sample regarded social influences important in their choice of psychology as a major subject.  相似文献   

This study developed a preliminary career-enabler framework for use in a higher education setting. A quantitative survey was conducted with a sample of 1392 employees within a higher education institution in South Africa. Structural analysis was performed using exploratory factor analysis. The analysis yielded three enablers with acceptable psychometric properties, namely: self-transcendence, self-enhancement and self-conservation through work motives and needs. Interventions that focus on career-enablers within a higher education institution need to address these three factors.  相似文献   

The study examined the role psychosocial resources play in enhancing perceptions of support and career satisfaction among professional women. The participants were a purposive sample of 606 professional women from South Africa (white = 61.8%, black = 19.9%, Indian = 11.1%, and coloured = 6.6%; mean age = 35.41 years, SD = 8.39 years). The participants were in their early adulthood and establishment career stage. The participants were employed in the financial, engineering, and human resource fields. The participants completed measures of emotional intelligence, career adaptability, psychosocial career preoccupations, self-efficacy, perceived organisational support, social support, and career satisfaction. Following canonical correlation analysis, results revealed managing own emotions, career control, self-efficacy, preoccupations with career adaptation, and preoccupations with establishment to positively predict higher levels of organisational support and career satisfaction. Findings underpin the fact that psychosocial resources are assets for the career well-being of professional women from a developing country setting.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined the efficacy of a brief career counselling intervention with South African university students (n?=?54; female?=?59%, male?=?40%; black?=?77%, Indian?=?27%, coloured?=?1%, white?=?3%; age range 17 to 19 years). The students completed a brief career development workshop and focus group discussion to address their career self-efficacy, career uncertainty, and anxiety post intervention. Findings suggest the students to have experienced a higher awareness of individual career assets and career self-management competencies from the counselling intervention.  相似文献   

The study investigated motives for teaching career entry by students (n= 232, males= 103, females= 129, mean age 23) at a large South African university. Data were collected using a career motives survey differentiating extrinsic, intrinsic and altruistic motivators. Extrinsic motivators scored higher than intrinsic or altruistic motivators. The motives advanced for teaching were in alignment with those reported in similar research carried out in metropolitan and developing countries.  相似文献   

在文献分析基础上,以Holland(1997)职业理论和社会认知生涯理论为理论依据,结合国内高中生生涯活动的实际情况,编制了高中生生涯学习经验问卷。验证性因素分析结果表明,该问卷属于多维度因素结构,包含Holland六种生涯领域学习经验分问卷,每种分问卷包括成就表现、口头劝服、替代学习和积极情绪唤起等四个学习经验。信效度检验结果表明,该问卷多维构念合理,拟合良好,具备良好的内部一致性信度和构念效度。以中国个人球形职业兴趣量表简版中的生涯自我效能分量表为关联效标,发现在每种生涯领域下的生涯学习经验与生涯自我效能感都显著正相关,支持了量表的实证效度。该问卷可以作为我国高中生生涯学习经验的测量工具。  相似文献   

This study investigated the utility of train transportation health care service in a North Eastern South African region. Participants were seven psychology graduate students at a South African university. They completed reflective journals on their subjective experience and objective reporting of their activities. While on the train, they provided psychological services to the local community members. Data were thematically analysed. Aspects such as problem-solving driven by community needs, personal motivation for community service, and awareness of differences in socioeconomic status and cultural orientation were highlighted by students. This process highlights the value of service learning and social accountability, particularly in South Africa and Psychology where a chasm exists between contextual challenges and the conventional training and interventions.  相似文献   

基于比较视野下当代大学生性心理与教育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡维芳  朱爱胜 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1449-1452
在从比较的视野对国内学者针对不同性别、不同专业、不同学校类型等的大学生性心理特点以及中外高校大学生性教育的历史与现状、性教育的对象、性教育的内容与形式、性教育的队伍、性教育的成效等差异进行分析、对比研究的基础上,从中获得启示和借鉴,以推动我国高校对当代大学生性教育的有效开展。  相似文献   

再论心理学的分裂与整合   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
对心理学分裂危机的忧虑并非杞人忧天,心理学家由于缺乏一个共同的基础而陷入破碎和分裂之中,其它学科的蚕食也对心理学的存在构成威胁。整合并不仅仅是一种良好的愿望,心理学破碎的现实需要实现心理学的整合,大力发展理论心理学,以系统论的科学观为指导是心理学整合的必经之路。  相似文献   

The present investigation analysed the Community Psychology doctoral thesis trends with respect to student demographics, thesis topics, research methodology, research participant demographics, rural/urban focus, community empowerment focus, and programme development and evaluation at one institution. Of the 51 students who completed the course, 45.1% were Educational Psychologists, 33.3% Clinical Psychologists and 21.6% Counselling Psychologists. Self-help programmes, school-based programmes and non-professional-help programmes predominated. Of the 51 theses, seven addressed HIV and AIDS and one studied sexual violence. The majority used qualitative methodologies, and focused on adults. Only 11.8% focused specifically on rural communities, while 74.5% included community empowerment, 62.7% were programme evaluations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the serial mediating effects of self-compassion and social support on the relationship between positive identity and career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSE) among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) college students. A total of 222 LGB (109 bisexual, 113 lesbian/gay) students participated in the study. Results supported the mediating roles of self-compassion and social support. Specifically, self-compassion and social support sequentially mediated the relationship between positive identity and CDMSE, and the patterns of the sequence of the mediators were different between the bisexual and lesbian/gay groups. Implications for career counselors and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

采用内隐联想测验对150名大学生进行分组,选出高、低职业性别刻板印象组被试共74名(各37名),运用信息板技术深入考察内隐职业性别刻板印象、信息完整性对个体职业决策过程的具体影响。结果表明:(1)内隐职业性别刻板印象显著影响个体职业决策的决策时间、探索深度以及探索模式;(2)信息完整性对个体职业决策的信息探索深度、探索模式以及决策满意度有显著影响,且高内隐职业性别刻板印象个体的决策满意度随信息完整性的减少而降低;(3)高内隐职业性别刻板印象的个体在信息不完整的情况下会倾向于进行更深入的信息探索。  相似文献   

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