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This paper explores the effects of type of sexual partner (customer vs. primary partner) and several social psychological enabling resources (self-esteem, perceived personal risk of HIV infection, and knowledge about AIDS/HIV) on condom use among 141 female commercial sex workers. The data examine condom use during the respondents' most recent sexual activity with a male partner. Logistic regression analysis supports earlier findings that commercial sex workers are significantly more likely to use condom during commercial sex with a customer, rather than relational sex with a spouse or significant other. Subsequent multiple logistic regression analysis indicates that, controlling for type of sexual partner (client vs. primary partner), the odds of condom use are significantly increased by the respondents' knowledge about AIDS, level of self-esteem, and personal sense of risk of AIDS infection.  相似文献   

The target of this study is to assess the relationship between sexual sensation-seeking, worry about STD/HIV infection, and risky sexual behaviours among 182 adolescents aged 13-18 years. Results showed that participants who engaged in a wider range of potentially risky behaviours (e.g., sexual experience, higher number of sexual partners in last six months, and the last sexual contact with a casual partner) obtained higher sensation-seeking scores. It was also found that adolescents who engaged in sex with a casual partner in their last sexual contact reported being worried about STD/HIV infection, but adolescents having sex with a steady partner underestimated their risk of STD/HIV infection. These results support the idea that preventive programmes may benefit from including components aimed at teaching adolescents to satisfy their preferences for sexual sensation-seeking through novel and stimulating sexual behaviours involving minimum risk. Similarly, the need to include components aimed at making adolescents become realistically aware of the STD/HIV risk involved in unprotected intercourse with steady love partners is highlighted.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine mental health correlates of HIV risk behaviour and self-reported STIs/HIV infection among university students in 22 low, middle and high income countries. Data on mental health and HIV risk were collected from 16 567 undergraduate university students (mean age 20.9, SD = 2.9) from 23 universities in 22 countries across Asia, Africa and the Americas. Results indicate that overall 16.8% of the students had two or more sexual partners in the past 12 months, and among the sexually active, 73.7% had inconsistently used a condom in the past three months with their primary sexual partner, 3.2% had ever been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and 0.6% had been diagnosed with HIV. In multivariate logistic regression poorer mental health and child abuse (physical and sexual) were associated with HIV risk behaviour, and child abuse (physical and sexual) was associated with STI and HIV positive diagnoses.  相似文献   

The availability of improved HIV treatments may prompt reduced concern about HIV and sexual risk. Gay and bisexual men (N = 554, 17% HIV-positive) completed measures of treatment attitudes, sexual risk, and assumptions regarding the infectiousness of sexual partners. A substantial minority reported reduced HIV concern related to treatment advances. Reduced HIV concern was an independent predictor of sexual risk, particularly among HIV-positive men. In response to hypothetical scenarios describing sex with an HIV-positive partner, participants rated the risk of unprotected sex to be lower if the partner was taking combination treatments and had an undetectable viral load, relative to scenarios with a seropositive partner not taking combination treatments. Prevention efforts must address attitudinal shifts prompted by recent treatment successes, stressing the continued importance of safer sex, and that an undetectable viral load does not eliminate infection risks.  相似文献   

A follow-up study was conducted to investigate change in sexual behaviour, knowledge about HIV/AIDS transmission, and attitudes to condoms over a 6-month period in a sample of late-adolescent students. The study also obtained subjective reports of HIV/AIDS-relevant change. Overall there was a decrease in sexual risk-taking behaviour with casual partners but no change occurred in sexual behaviour with regular partners, knowledge about HIV/AIDS, attitude towards condoms, or intention to use a condom on next sexual encounter. Examination of individual data revealed that, for some adolescents where behavioural change had occurred, this was in the direction of less safe sex. There were few self-reports of change in sexual behaviour, intention to take precautions against HIV/AIDS, or concern about HIV/AIDS over the preceding 6 months. Subjective reports of behaviour change did not correspond with reports of actual behaviour. Low rates of behaviour change are attributed to the failure of adolescents to personalize the threat of AIDS and to their trust in the safety of sex with a regular partner as well as to the lack of relevance of HIV/AIDS education campaigns to this group.  相似文献   

Risky sexual behaviour continues to be the main means through which sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV are spread in South Africa. However few studies have assessed risky sexual behaviour among married and cohabiting women in this high HIV prevalence country. The aim of this study was therefore to assess the prevalence and identify the predictors of risky sexual behaviour among married and cohabiting women in Mahikeng Local Municipality where HIV is generalized. The study used cross-sectional mixed methods data obtained from 568 women responding to a survey and 33 women participating in in-depth interviews in 2012. All the women were aged 18–49 years, married or cohabiting and were residing in rural and urban areas of Mahikeng Local Municipality at the time of the study. The data was analyzed by the use of the Chi square statistic and a parsimonious binary logistic regression model, and the thematic content analysis method. The study found that 4 in 10 of the women experienced risky sexual behaviour, which was significantly predicted by being in marriage or cohabitation for <5 years, having a partner working in agriculture, government and mining sectors, having sex to achieve motherhood, having the perception by the women that they were unlikely to contract STIs, having the belief that partners have the right to use force to obtain sex and having partners who were unwilling to use condoms. All the above predictors were exacerbated by culturally sanctioned gender inequality and structural factors. The findings suggest that risky sexual behaviour is prevalent among married and cohabiting women in the study area which has serious implication for the marital transmission of STIs and HIV. We suggest interventions that enhance gender equality in sexual decisions and initiatives that encourage men to change their sexual beliefs and values.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to retrospectively estimate the prevalence of childhood physical abuse (CPA) and childhood sexual abuse (CSA) in relation to experience of adult violence, poor mental health, addictive behaviour and sexual risk behaviour among university students from 24 countries in Africa, the Americas and Asia. In a cross-sectional survey, data were collected from 18 404 undergraduate university students (mean age 20.7, SD = 2.9, age range of 16–30 years) from 24 countries. Overall, 5.0%, 2.6% and 1.2% of the students reported childhood physical abuse, childhood sexual abuse and childhood physical and sexual abuse, respectively. In the logistic regression models, adjusting for age, sex, study year, family wealth, and country, having experienced CPA and CSA was associated with increased odds of having any adult violence (physical and sexual partner violence victimisation. Having been in a physical fight, and weapon carrying), any poor mental health (post-traumatic stress disorder, depression symptoms and sleeping problems), addictive behaviour (tobacco use, binge drinking, frequent gambling and obesity) and sexual risk-taking was higher with a self-reported history of CPA and CSA.  相似文献   

This study was conducted among 251 heterosexual adults in The Netherlands that included a substantial number of individuals who had had unprotected sex with a new partner. Relationship status and commitment had independent effects upon the willingness to engage in extradyadic sex above and beyond the effects of past extradyadic sex and satisfaction, and commitment was the only psychological predictor of the intention to use condoms in extradyadic sexual contacts. Commitment predicted the willingness to inform the steady partner about one's unsafe extradyadic sex and to protect the steady partner against the possible risk of HIV infection after unsafe extradyadic sex. The implications for AIDS prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention models may not address psychological complexities among adolescents with mental illnesses. This study examined contextual factors related to HIV/STI risk among heterosexually active Black adolescents with mental illnesses to inform the development of targeted HIV/STI prevention strategies. Black adolescent males and females (aged 14–17) were recruited from outpatient mental health programs in Philadelphia, PA to complete a computer-assisted personalized interview on sociodemographics, sexual behaviors, and emotion regulation (N?=?53). Two sample t-tests, Wilcoxon Rank Sum tests and regression modeling were used to examine differences in the study measures by gender and relationship status. Reports of sexual partner concurrency were high—both while already in a sexual relationship (67.3%) and multiple sexual partners in the same day (42.3%). Boys reported significantly more risk behaviors than girls. Sadness dysregulation predicted currently being in a relationship, older age at first oral sex, fewer vaginal sexual partners and fewer unprotected oral sexual encounters. Coping difficulties predicted a greater number of vaginal and oral sexual partners, and a lower age at first vaginal sex. Increasing depression severity was related to older age at first vaginal sex, fewer vaginal sexual partners and fewer unprotected oral sexual encounters in the past 3 months. This formative work suggests that coping mechanisms should be addressed in HIV/STI prevention research through the inclusion of activities targeted toward emotion regulation and decreasing sexual risk behaviors. Psycho-education and skills building may mitigate the psychopathology that contributes to HIV/STI risk in the target demographic.  相似文献   

Sexual coercion refers to strategies that result in an individual engaging in sexual activity against his or her will. Ecological factors influence the way sexual interactions occur; however, the relationship between these factors and sexual coercion has not been explored among university students in Ghana. The purpose of this study was to examine sexual coercion among university students in Ghana by specifically examining individual-level factors (age, gender, sexual debut, age differential with first partner, being in an intimate relationship, history of abortion, and past experiences with transactional sex) and the experience of forced and coerced sex. Residential students at the University of Cape Coast were invited to participate and completed a survey on a tablet computer. Questions included demographics; sexual and reproductive health experiences and knowledge; and attitudes and experiences with abortion. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to examine individual-level factors associated with experiences of sexual coercion and forced sex. There were 480 females and 556 males that completed the survey; 26.3 and 16.4% reported having had intercourse either because they were forced or coerced, or when they were “very unwilling”. These students were more likely to be female (OR 3.5), to have had an abortion (OR 2.9), and to have engaged in transactional sex (OR 1.9). Many University of Cape Coast students are experiencing forced or coerced sex. Programs targeting both female and male students as both victims and perpetrators of sexual violence in this population are sorely needed. Primary prevention of sexual violence is one promising field.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to test a new conceptualization of risk perception, focusing on the risk posed by a specific sexual partner at a specific time rather than a generalized perception of vulnerability to HIV or sexually transmitted diseases. Study 1 used a cross-sectional design and found support for a model with the following domains as antecedents of partner-specific risk perception (PSRP): generalized perception of HIV risk, partner's sexual history, and characteristics of relationship with the partner. However, PSRP was not associated with condom use in Study 1. Study 2, which used a longitudinal design, replicated the domains predictive of PSRP and also demonstrated the influence of PSRP on condom use 4 weeks later while controlling for past condom use. The findings support the utility of this conceptualization of risk perception.  相似文献   

This study explored South African adolescents’ perceived risk and protection for HIV infection. Adolescents (N=28) with a mean age of 14.6 years receiving mental health care participated in Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) to engage in an in-depth exploration of their perceived risk and protective mechanisms for HIV prevention. The data were analysed using thematic content analysis. Themes that emerged from the FGDs associated with risk for HIV infection were: Alcohol and illicit drug use; Non-condom use; Prostitution and risky sexual activity with multiple partners; and Non-disclosure of HIV status. Themes that emerged as protective mechanisms included: HIV knowledge and appropriate HIV risk reducing behaviour; and Proactive parental attitudes and behaviour. These findings highlight the importance of ascertaining the perceptions of adolescents about risk and protection from HIV infection in order to inform future programs for HIV prevention among adolescents.  相似文献   

A survey of the self-reported sexual behaviors of 1239 intravenous drug users recruited off the streets in Sydney, Australia, highlighted the impact of both sexual orientation and gender on the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in this population. The sample included 908 men (mean age, 27.9 years) and 331 women (mean age, 26.3 years), the majority of whom were unemployed or receiving social security benefits. Among male respondents, 50 were homosexual, 117 were bisexual, and 719 were heterosexual; for females these numbers were 10, 95, and 220, respectively. Oral and vaginal sex were the most commonly reported practices among heterosexuals, while homosexuals primarily reported manual stimulation and oro-genital contact. The regular sexual partners of male intravenous drug users tended not to be addicts, while female drug users were primarily involved with male partners who also abused drugs. Among male respondents, condom use was highest among homosexuals, followed by bisexuals, and lowest among heterosexuals; there were no significant differences by sexual orientation in female respondents' condom use. Overall, condoms were most likely to be utilized in anal sex and least likely in the case of oral sex. Condom use was about 5% lower when a regular as opposed to casual sexual partner was involved. Most of the 64 HIV-positive respondents were homosexuals, suggesting that sexual orientation rather than drug abuse was the primary risk factor. Given the finding that there is substantial variation in condom use among subgroups of intravenous drug abusers, it is recommended that HIV prevention programs adopt a diversified rather than uniform approach.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize the influence of state and trait affect on HIV risk behaviors. DESIGN: Men who have sex with men (N = 155) completed reports of trait affect and daily reports of affect and sexual behaviors each night for up to 30 days. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Analyses focused on the role of state and trait positive activation (PA), negative activation (NA), anxious arousal (AA), and sexual activation (SA) on sexual risk taking, operationalized as having a sex partner, a partner-related risk composite, and an HIV risk behavior composite. RESULTS: State SA was positively associated with having a sex partner and HIV risk behaviors; trait SA was positively associated with partner-related risk. State AA was negatively associated with having a sex partner and positively associated with HIV risk behaviors. Trait AA had a negative association with partner-related risk and moderated the effects of state AA. State PA was negatively associated with HIV risk behaviors, and trait PA had a main effect on having a sex partner. NA had no significant trait or state effects. CONCLUSION: These data suggest a role for multiple affective states in sexual risk taking. Models of HIV risk-taking behaviors should be extended to include affective processes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the effects of sexual arousal and sexual partner characteristics as determinants of HIV+ men who have sex with men's (MSM) intentions to engage in unprotected sex. DESIGN: In a computer-based controlled experiment, 67 HIV+ MSM underwent a sexual arousal manipulation and indicated their intentions to engage in unprotected sex with hypothetical partners who differed in terms of HIV serostatus, physical attractiveness, relationship type, and preference for condom use. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Computer-delivered questions assessed HIV+ MSM's intentions to engage in various sexual acts with each hypothetical partner. RESULTS: As predicted, sexually aroused HIV+ MSM indicated stronger intentions to engage in unprotected sex than nonaroused HIV+ MSM; and having a partner who was attractive, HIV+, long term, or who preferred not to use condoms, also led to riskier intentions. Several significant interactions among these factors were found, which were generally consistent with predictions and with theory and research on cognitive processing and decision making. CONCLUSIONS: These findings have implications for understanding risky sexual behavior among HIV+ individuals and for the development of interventions to reduce this risk.  相似文献   

Heterosexual transmission of HIV accounts for 80% of AIDS cases worldwide and is the main mode of transmission in sub-Saharan Africa and some Asian countries. The extent of heterosexual HIV transmission will likely increase in Western countries. The safe sex practices and attitudes of 58 male and 54 female heterosexuals in Melbourne, Australia, aged 20-40 years, of mean age 27.4 years, were assessed through interview and questionnaire. Study participants were recruited at discotheques and bars catering to single adults. Respondents' attitudes toward safe sex were generally positive, although those attitudes were not always reflected in actual sexual practice. High levels of sexual activity were reported, including high risk behaviors such as unprotected anal sex with casual and regular partners by both men and women. Situational and partner characteristics frustrated the practice of safe sex despite intentions to use condoms. Few men and half of the women explicitly discussed condom use with their sex partners. These findings are similar to those which one would expect from a sample of adolescents.  相似文献   

Existent research reveals that inequitable gender-based power in relationships and intimate partner violence contribute to HIV rates among women in the developing world. This study uses a multi-country analysis to examine women’s autonomy in negotiating safe sex practices such as having sex with a partner with no other concurrent partner to reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, and Nepal. The Demographic Health Survey data for Nigeria (2013), Kenya (2008–2009), Malawi (2010), and Nepal (2011) provide geographical variability as well as HIV risk variables. The sample included 16,540 women aged 15–49 years who self-identified as ever married. Factor analysis for women’s autonomy was conducted based on socio-cultural theory. Logistic regression was conducted and results identified decision-making, labor force participation, and individual autonomy as women autonomy factors significantly reduced the risk for HIV infection by having one sex partner who has only one sex partner. Other women autonomy factors related to lower risk for HIV include education, place of residence, and religion. Our study indicates that effective management of HIV transmission requires addressing women autonomy factors within the context of culture.  相似文献   

Inconsistent findings regarding the predictive validity of perceptions of risk for a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and HIV may be related to the use of nonspecific measures. The objective of this study was to determine whether more specific measures of perceptions of risk for SI Ds and HIV are associated with intentions to use a condom. We interviewed 490 male and female adolescents, 14 to 19 years old, from a free municipal STD clinic. Controlling for whether a condom was used at last sex, the association between perceptions of risk for an STD and HIV with a casual sex partner and intentions to use a condom with a casual sex partner was significant (βHIV= 14, p < .01, and βSTD=.20, p < .01), as was the association between perceptions of risk for an STD and HIV with a main sex partner and intentions to use a condom with a main sex partner (βHIV= .31, p <.001, and βSTD= .32, p < .001). This supports the continued inclusion of this construct in models of sexual and other health-related behaviors.  相似文献   

The growing numbers of women faced with HIV infection and AIDS has specific counselling implications. This paper analyses the psychological needs of all women patients seen by the psychology department (n = 33) over the past 12 months. The mean age was 32.3 years. Psychological crisis was high. Four women reported rapes (three accounting for their HIV infection). Two women had suicide attempts (one on two occasions), Death experiences were notable, including multiple bereavement. Conjidentiality was problematic for many of the women. Problems were reported around pre- and post-test counselling which was absent for three women, and often surrounded the diagnosis of a loved one (child, husband or partner). Most women were first seen as in-patients (when disease progression was extensive) or when their partners or children were in-patients. Despite offers of out-patients follow-up, only four HIV + ve women attended, three of which were irregular. A group of ten women were only seen indirectly when provision of care wasgiven to their children. A consistent group were seen with worries about HIV (either due to sexual contact with a known HZV+ ve or at risk individual) or to unfounded concerns often reflecting underlying psychological problems. This paper explores the counselling challenges of AIDS and HIV for women.  相似文献   

Most theoretical models of HIV risk behavior have not considered the role of personality factors, and few studies have examined mechanisms accounting for dispositional influences on sexual risk taking. This study elaborated on a conceptual model emphasizing sexual sensation seeking, alcohol expectancies, and drinking before sex as key predictors of HIV risk (S. C. Kalichman, L. Tannenbaum, & D. Nachimson, 1998). Multiple groups structural equation modeling was used to determine whether gender moderated relationships among these variables in a sample of 611 heterosexual, young adult drinkers (49% women, 76% Caucasian, mean age = 25 years). The model provided an excellent fit to the data, and gender differences were not substantiated. Sexual sensation seeking predicted HIV risk directly as well as indirectly via sex-related alcohol expectancies and drinking in sexual contexts. Findings suggest that expectancies and drinking before sex represent proximal mechanisms through which dispositional factors influence sexual risk outcomes. Moreover, these relationships appear to be similar in men and women. Interventions could benefit from targeting alcohol expectancies and drinking before sex in individuals with a dispositional tendency toward sexual risk taking.  相似文献   

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