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Race is powerful social signal, imbued with a great deal of meaning and capable of affecting a wide range of behaviours and judgements. This review focuses on the use of event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to better understand the process and implications of race perception. Research to date repeatedly demonstrates the speed and automaticity with which racial category membership is encoded. The quick and relatively obligatory encoding of racial ingroup and outgroup distinctions in turn affects a variety of subsequent racially biased behaviours. Such findings not only speak to the close link between social categorization and behaviour, but also have been used to understand how the effects of race perception can be moderated.  相似文献   

More than 30 years ago, Johansson was the first to show that humans are capable of recovering information about the identity and activity of animate creatures rapidly and reliably from very sparse visual inputs – the phenomenon of biological motion. He filmed human actors in a dark setting with just a few strategic points on the body marked by lights – so-called moving light displays (MLDs). Subjects viewing the MLDs reported a vivid impression of moving human forms, and were even able to tell the activity in which the perceived humans were engaged. Subsequently, the phenomenon has been widely studied and many attempts have been made to model and to understand it. Typical questions that arise are: How precisely is the sparse low-level information integrated over space and time to produce the global percept, and how important is world knowledge (e.g., about animal form, locomotion, gravity, etc.)? In an attempt to answer such questions, we have implemented a machine-perception model of biological motion. If the computational model can replicate human data then it might offer clues as to how humans achieve the task. In particular, if it can do so with no or minimal world knowledge then this knowledge cannot be essential to the perception of biological motion. To provide human data for training and against which to assess the model, an extensive psychophysical experiment was undertaken in which 93 subjects were shown 12 categories of MLDs (e.g., normal, walking backwards, inverted, random dots, etc.) and were asked to indicate the presence or absence of natural human motion. Machine perception models were then trained on normal sequences as positive data and random sequences as negative data. Two models were used: a k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) classifier as an exemplar of ‘lazy’ learning and a back-propagation neural network as an exemplar of ‘eager’ learning. We find that the k-NN classifier is better able to model the human data but it still fails to represent aspects of knowledge about body shape (especially how relative joint positions change under rotation) that appear to be important to human judgements.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether written syllable units are perceived in first steps of letter string processing. An illusory conjunction experiment was conducted while event-related potentials were recorded. Colored pseudowords were presented such that there was a match or mismatch between the syllable boundaries and the color boundaries. The results showed that congruent stimuli for which the syllable and color boundaries coincided produced a greater positive-going waveform than incongruent stimuli for which the syllable and color boundaries did not coincide. This syllable–color congruency effect was observed to occur both prior to 100 ms, and in a time window commencing at 150 ms. This finding suggests that syllable units are perceived in the initial steps of French visual word processing. Moreover, this study underlines the specificity of the illusory conjunction paradigm as a relevant and powerful tool of investigation of sublexical units that are automatically evoked from word perception.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to examine how the event-related potentials to fragmentation predict recognition success. Stimuli were abstract meaningless figures that were either complete or fragmented to various extents but still recoverable. Stimuli were first encoded as part of a symmetry discrimination task. In a subsequent recognition phase, encoded stimuli were presented complete along with never presented stimuli and participants performed an old/new discrimination task. Fragmentation stimuli elicited more negative ERPs than complete figures over the frontal, central and parietal areas between 180 and 260 ms, and over the occipito-temporal areas between 220 and 340 ms. Only this latter effect was modulated as a function of whether stimuli were recognized or not during the recognition phase of the memory test. More specifically, the effect occurred for stimuli that were later forgotten and was absent for stimuli that were later recognized. This ERP to fragmentation, the occipito-temporal N(frag), possibly reflects the brain response to encoding difficulty, and is thus predictive of recognition performance.  相似文献   

Motion information available to different sensory modalities can interact at both perceptual and post-perceptual (i.e., decisional) stages of processing. However, to date, researchers have only been able to demonstrate the influence of one of these components at any given time, hence the relationship between them remains uncertain. We addressed the interplay between the perceptual and post-perceptual components of information processing by assessing their influence on performance within the same experimental paradigm. We used signal detection theory to discriminate changes in perceptual sensitivity (d') from shifts in response criterion (c) in performance on a detection (Experiment 1) and a classification (Experiment 2) task regarding the direction of auditory apparent motion streams presented in noise. In the critical conditions, a visual motion distractor moving either leftward or rightward was presented together with the auditory motion. The results demonstrated a significant decrease in sensitivity to the direction of the auditory targets in the crossmodal conditions as compared to the unimodal baseline conditions that was independent of the relative direction of the visual distractor. In addition, we also observed significant shifts in response criterion, which were dependent on the relative direction of the distractor apparent motion. These results support the view that the perceptual and decisional components involved in audiovisual interactions in motion processing can coexist but are largely independent of one another.  相似文献   

Day-old chicks were exposed to point-light animation sequences depicting either a walking hen or a rotating cylinder. On a subsequent free-choice test (experiment 1) the chicks approached the novel stimulus, irrespective of this being the hen or the cylinder. In order to obtain equivalent local motion vectors, in experiments 2 and 3 newly hatched chicks were exposed either to a point-light animation sequence depicting a walking hen, or to a positionally scrambled walking hen (i.e. an animation in which exactly the same set of dots in motion as that employed for the walking hen was presented, but with spatially randomized starting positions). Chicks tested on day 1 (experiment 2) or on day 2 (i.e. after a period in the dark following exposure on day 1 (experiment 3)) proved able to discriminate the two animation sequences: males preferentially approached the novel stimulus, females the familiar one. These results indicate that discrimination was not based on local motion vectors, but rather on the temporally integrated motion sequence. Received: 18 August 1999 / Accepted after revision: 14 March 2000  相似文献   

In this review of neuropsychological case studies, a number of dissociations are shown between different visual abilities including low-level motion perception, static form perception, form-from-motion perception and biological motion perception. These dissociations reveal counter-intuitive results. Specifically, higher level form-from-motion perception can persist despite deficits in low-level motion perception and static form perception. To account for these dissociations, we present a model of functional organization and identify future directions for investigations of higher order form-from-motion perception.  相似文献   

In an earlier study (Börjesson & Lind, 1996), the perception of Euclidean structure from polar projected two‐frame apparent motion sequences was studied. The results showed that Euclidean structure is not perceived. However, at larger visual angles a certain consistency in the mapping between distal and perceived structure exists. The aim of the present study was to more precisely examine how this degree of consistency varies as a function of visual angle. In Experiments 1 and 2, slant judgments of simulated and real planes indicated that the degree of consistency is a positive function of visual angle. No definite sign of a Euclidean mapping could, however, be found even in the full view condition. Experiment 3 examined texture gradients and the response method used. The results showed that texture gradients did not influence the degree of consistency of the mapping between distal and judged depth and that the response method was both reliable and valid. However, texture gradients did influence the absolute values of the slant judgments. The role of Euclidean and affine mappings of distal structure is discussed and it is proposed that the perceptually important distinction is not between affine and Euclidean mapping, but rather between two types of affine mappings—consistent and variable.  相似文献   

The inferential system anticipates the external environment by building up internal representations of its regularities. To that purpose, two sources of information are especially important and attract attentional resources: expected and unexpected events, which are useful for checking the accuracy of internal representations. In the present study, we investigated the behavioural properties and the neural mechanisms underlying the strategic allocation of attention triggered by those events. To that end, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during the performance of two tasks requiring detection of predictable and unpredictable response events embedded in a visuospatial or numeric sequence. The behavioural results in the two tasks mirror each other, suggesting the recruitment of similar attentional allocation processes between the two domains. The ERPs showed partially similar effects. In both tasks, a P3a-like component signalled the capture of attention by events clashing with previous expectations, whilst a P3b-like component marked the focusing of attention on predicted events and its redistribution among all possible response events occurring after the detection of an unexpected event.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to investigate whether educational level could modulate the effect of aging on episodic memory and on the electrophysiological correlates of retrieval success. Participants were divided into four groups based on age (young vs. older) and educational level (high vs. low), with 14 participants in each group. Event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded while participants performed a word-stem cued-recall task. Age-related memory deficits were greater for the less educated individuals. Age differences in the ERP old/new effects were also modulated by the level of education. This study demonstrated that the effects of age on episodic memory and ERP correlates of retrieval success are smaller in participants with high educational levels than those with lower levels. These findings provide support for the reserve hypothesis and highlight the need to consider individual differences when studying cognitive and cerebral changes in aging.  相似文献   

结合专家-新手范式与ERP技术,研究网球运动专长对个体深度运动知觉产生的影响。通过记录网球专家和新手各19名进行深度运动模式判断时的行为和ERP数据,比较两组个体深度运动知觉的行为反应差异和脑电特征。结果显示,网球专家组深度运动知觉的判断准确率高于新手组;新手组在球体靠近时P1(PO7点)的潜伏期比球体远离时的潜伏期长,专家组无显著性差异;专家组在球体靠近时的P2(Oz点)成分潜伏期长于球体远离时的潜伏期。结果表明,网球运动专家的深度运动知觉能力在准确性上较新手高;运动专长效应与选择性注意资源的调用以及模式识别有关;枕区P2成分可作为深度运动知觉的评价指标。  相似文献   

Biological motion perception can be assessed using a variety of tasks. In the present study, 8- to 11-year-old children born prematurely at very low birth weight (<1500 g) and matched, full-term controls completed tasks that required the extraction of local motion cues, the ability to perceptually group these cues to extract information about body structure, and the ability to carry out higher order processes required for action recognition and person identification. Preterm children exhibited difficulties in all 4 aspects of biological motion perception. However, intercorrelations between test scores were weak in both full-term and preterm children—a finding that supports the view that these processes are relatively independent. Preterm children also displayed more autistic-like traits than full-term peers. In preterm (but not full-term) children, these traits were negatively correlated with performance in the task requiring structure-from-motion processing, r(30) = ?.36, p < .05), but positively correlated with the ability to extract identity, r(30) = .45, p < .05). These findings extend previous reports of vulnerability in systems involved in processing dynamic cues in preterm children and suggest that a core deficit in social perception/cognition may contribute to the development of the social and behavioral difficulties even in members of this population who are functioning within the normal range intellectually. The results could inform the development of screening, diagnostic, and intervention tools.  相似文献   

Previous studies reported impaired visual information processing in patients with fragile X syndrome and in premutation carriers. In this study, we assessed the perception of biological motion (a walking point-light character) and mechanical motion (a rotating shape) in 25 female fragile X premutation carriers and in 20 healthy non-carrier controls. Stimuli were moving stimulus dots embedded among a cloud of noise dots. Sensitivity (d′) for motion detection was determined. Emotional symptoms were assessed by Hamilton’s depression and anxiety rating scales. Results revealed that the premutation carriers displayed lower sensitivities for biological and mechanical motion relative to the non-carriers. This deficit was more pronounced in the case of biological stimuli. The premutation carriers displayed higher depression and anxiety scores relative to the non-carriers. Higher depression, but not anxiety, scores were associated with decreased sensitivity for biological, but not mechanical, motion in the carrier group. These results suggest that motion perception deficits are detectable in fragile X premutation carriers, and that the impairment of biological motion perception is associated with depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

Implicit motives are one form of motivation that regulates cognitive and emotional processing. In this study, we investigated the impact of implicit power motive (nPower) on the processing of anger faces. Event-related potentials were recorded while high- and low-nPower individuals performed a face version of an emotion Stroop task comprised of anger and neutral faces. It was found that nPower does not modify early perceptual and attentional components (P2 and N2), but a later component is affected. Indeed, power-motivated participants showed enhanced P3/LPPs (Late positive potentials) amplitude compared to low-nPower subjects, in response to anger stimuli. These findings demonstrate that anger faces have greater salience for high-nPower individuals and are subject to a more salient, conscious processing.  相似文献   

The relation between intelligence and speed of auditory discrimination was investigated during an auditory oddball task with backward masking. In target discrimination conditions that varied in the interval between the target and the masking stimuli and in the tonal frequency of the target and masking stimuli, higher ability participants (HA) displayed more accurate discriminations, faster response time, larger P300 amplitude, and shorter P300 and mismatch negativity (MMN) latency than lower ability participants (LA). Task difficulty effects demonstrated with variation in mask type indicate that the mask does not interfere with the detection of the deviant target stimulus, but rather that the target and mask are integrated as a single compound stimulus. The temporal effects suggest that the speed of accessing short-term memory is faster for HA than LA and, on the basis of the MMN latency, the effect is accomplished automatically, without focused attention. Moreover, the pattern of results obtained with these data support the view that the accuracy effects are determined by processing speed rather than discrimination ability. Comparator models that accommodate these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

We used Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to assess whether reading literal, non-literal (i.e., metaphorical, idiomatic) and fictive motion sentences modulates the activity of the motor system. Sentences were divided into three segments visually presented one at a time: the noun phrase, the verb and the final part of the sentence. Single pulse-TMS was delivered at the end of the sentence over the leg motor area in the left hemisphere and motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the right gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles. MEPs were larger when participants were presented with literal, fictive and metaphorical motion sentences than with idiomatic motion or mental sentences. These results suggest that the excitability of the motor system is modulated by the motor component of the verb, which is preserved in fictive and metaphorical motion sentences.  相似文献   

生物运动系在运动的生物体身的关键节点安置12~15个光点的运动痕迹形成的动画。研究表明光点生物运动包含了丰富的社会性信息,其社会性信息的识别涉及多个心理活动过程,其中大脑自上而下的知觉调控过程发挥重要作用。本研究通过两个实验探讨了表象预期在大脑自上而下调控光点生物运动性别信息识别的作用。结果发现:(1)表象预期能够加快男性生物运动的性别识别速度;想象中性形象被试倾向于将性别中立的生物运动识别为中性,而较少为男性或者女性。(2)表象预期条件和无表象预期条件下性别中立的光点生物运动性别类型识别都表现出“男性偏差”现象。(3)反应类型能够影响生物运动的性别识别。本研究有利于揭示大脑自上而下调控光点生物运动性别信息识别的心理机制。  相似文献   

Qiu J  Li H  Yang D  Luo Y  Li Y  Wu Z  Zhang Q 《Brain and cognition》2008,68(1):100-106
The electrophysiological correlates of successful insight problem solving (Chinese logogriphs) were studied in 18 healthy subjects using high-density event-related potentials (ERPs). A new experimental paradigm (learning-testing model) was adopted in order to make subjects find a solution on their own initiative rather than receive an answer passively. Results showed that Successful guessed logogriphs elicited a more positive ERP deflection (P200-600) than did Unsuccessful guessed logogriphs in the time window from 200 to 600 ms after onset of the stimuli. Subsequently Successful logogriphs elicited a more negative ERP deflection than did Unsuccessful logogriphs in the time windows of 1500-2000 ms (N1500-2000) and 2000-2500 ms (N2000-2500). Maps of the P200-600 showed strong activity in the midline parieto-occipital scalp regions. Dipole analysis localized the generator of P200-600 in the left superior temporal gyrus and parietotemporo-occipital cortex areas. The N1500-2000 and N2000-2500 had a distinct activation over left frontal scalp regions. Dipole analysis localized the generator of the N1500-2000 in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the N2000-2500 in the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). This result indicates that the parietotemporo-occipital cortex areas might be involved in forming rich associations in the early stage of successful logogriph solving. Then, the ACC might play an important role in the breaking mental set and the forming of novel associations. At last, "Aha" feeling might activate the PCC.  相似文献   

Social deficits are one of the most striking manifestations of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Among these social deficits, the recognition and understanding of emotional facial expressions has been widely reported to be affected in ASDs. We investigated emotional face processing in children with and without autism using event-related potentials (ERPs). High-functioning children with autism (n = 15, mean age = 10.5 ± 3.3 years) completed an implicit emotional task while visual ERPs were recorded. Two groups of typically developing children (chronological age-matched and verbal equivalent age-matched [both ns = 15, mean age = 7.7 ± 3.8 years]) also participated in this study. The early ERP responses to faces (P1 and N170) were delayed, and the P1 was smaller in children with autism than in typically developing children of the same chronological age, revealing that the first stages of emotional face processing are affected in autism. However, when matched by verbal equivalent age, only P1 amplitude remained affected in autism. Our results suggest that the emotional and facial processing difficulties in autism could start from atypicalities in visual perceptual processes involving rapid feedback to primary visual areas and subsequent holistic processing.  相似文献   

Gender stereotypes have been implicated in sex-typed perceptions of facial emotion. Such interpretations were recently called into question because facial cues of emotion are confounded with sexually dimorphic facial cues. Here we examine the role of visual cues and gender stereotypes in perceptions of biological motion displays, thus overcoming the morphological confounding inherent in facial displays. In four studies, participants’ judgments revealed gender stereotyping. Observers accurately perceived emotion from biological motion displays (Study 1), and this affected sex categorizations. Angry displays were overwhelmingly judged to be men; sad displays were judged to be women (Studies 2–4). Moreover, this pattern remained strong when stimuli were equated for velocity (Study 3). We argue that these results were obtained because perceivers applied gender stereotypes of emotion to infer sex category (Study 4). Implications for both vision sciences and social psychology are discussed.  相似文献   

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