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Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a drug with significant abuse potential. The present study aimed to assess the relative value of escalating doses of GHB to current GHB users via the Multiple Choice Procedure (MCP), and to validate that the dose rated highest with the MCP would be self-administered at a greater rate than placebo. Participants were 5 current GHB users who were not currently trying to stop using GHB. To examine the value of escalating doses of GHB, the following doses of GHB were used: 0 (placebo), 12.5, 25, 37.5, and 50 mg/kg. Participants typically assigned higher doses of GHB had higher crossover points on the MCP. During choice sessions, participants made repeated choices between administering GHB, placebo or nothing. All participants selected GHB exclusively (5 out of 5 instances) except for one participant who selected GHB on 4 out of 5 instances, thus 96% (i.e., 24/25) of choices were for active GHB. Based on these data, GHB appears likely to function as a dose-dependent reinforcer for humans based on our sample.  相似文献   

GHB, a popularly known drug as "liquid ecstasy", is a substance with abuse potential. Among the possible described side-effects after the continued consumption of GHB are amnesia and deterioration of memory. Likewise, recent studies indicate the existence of neurotoxicity in certain brain regions after its prolonged treatment. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the subchronic administration of GHB (10 and 100 mg/kg) on spatial memory and sensoriomotor reflexes in male rats, using the Morris water maze and a battery of sensoriomotor tests, respectively. The results indicated that animals treated with GHB (10 mg/kg) showed a greater latency of escape during the phase of acquisition in the days first and third of tests, as compared with the control group (p<0.05), as well as a deterioration of grasping reflex with the two doses of GHB (p<0.01). Numerous studies indicated that the medial prefrontal cortex is a crucial neuronal substrate in the working memory and grasping reflex modulation. These results suggest that prolonged administration of GHB could alter structure and/or function of the medial prefrontal cortex, as well as its interconnections with other brain regions involved in the evaluated cognitive and neurological processes.  相似文献   

The partial reinforcement extinction effect was examined within subjects in a simultaneous discrimination in a two bar Skinner box. Discrete trials were used, rats being required to press the bar under the illuminated cue light; one bar was correlated with 100% the other with 50% reinforcement. The three groups differed in the probability of a change in the cue light between trials during acquisition. When this probability was low, the 50% bar was preferred in extinction, while when it was higher (0.433 or 0.875) the 100% bar was preferred. These results confirm Capaldi's (1966) hypothesis of the partial reinforcement extinction effect, and support a suggested explanation of some conflicting results on partial reinforcement effects in a Skinner box.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the contribution of noradrenergic neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) in mediating the memory-facilitating effects of epinephrine. In Experiment 1, saline or 0.05 or 0.1 mg/kg of epinephrine was given intraperitoneally (ip) to rats after the second day of training in a light-dark Y-maze discrimination task. On a 20-trial retention test given 2 and 7 days later, the 0.1 mg/kg epinephrine group made significantly more correct responses than controls and required fewer trials to reach criterion. In Experiment 2, phosphate-buffered saline or the noradrenergic antagonist dl-propranolol (0.3 or 1.0 microg/0.5 microl) was infused into the NTS prior to an ip injection of saline or 0.1 mg/kg of epinephrine. The memory-enhancing effects of epinephrine were attenuated by the infusion of 0.3 microg/0.5 microl of dl-propranolol into the NTS. These findings indicate an involvement of NTS noradrenergic neurons in mediating the effects of peripheral epinephrine on memory storage processes.  相似文献   

Treatment with the phenylpiperazine DU 27716 (fluprazine hydrochloride) inhibited the predatory killing of albino mice by northern grasshopper mice (Onychomys leucogaster) and of frogs by rats. This treatment had no effect on cricket predation by grasshopper mice or worm predation by rats. The prey-specific effect of fluprazine did not seem to result from a decreased tendency to attack nor was its effect restricted to prey showing characteristic rodent defensive responses. Rather, the drug seemed to increase fearfulness when the prey exhibited vigorous defensive behavior. It is possible that increased fearfulness induced by treatment with this drug may also contribute to its antioffensive effect during conspecific encounters.  相似文献   

Death anxiety was assessed in two groups, one during the civil war in Lebanon (1986) and one after the cessation (1991). For two samples (n1=673, n2=616) of Lebanese male and female secondary school and university students no significant mean between-group (time) differences were found. However, the females had higher mean scores on death anxiety in all comparisons  相似文献   

The effects of the albino gene on mouse behavior were examined, in particular its possible interactions with nonallelic genes (epistasis). More generally, the possible effects of genetic background (inbreeding depression or hybrid vigor) on the effects of the mutation were also considered. Tasks requiring either predominantly motor or predominantly cognitive capacity were studied for coisogenic albino and pigmented mice from either an inbred strain (C57BL/6 c/c vs. C57BL/6 +/c) or an F1 heterozygous generation (F1 c/c vs. F1 +/c) from a BALB/c X C57BL/6 +/c cross. The results showed a clear albino gene effect in the two lines and provide further evidence that the gene is the effective factor. On the other hand, there was no significant interaction between the mutation and the genotypic group (C57BL/6 or F1), which indicates that the effects of the mutation act approximately in an additive fashion between loci in these groups.  相似文献   

Obese (ob/ob) and diabetes (db/db) mice are genetic mutants that have been shown to have altered levels of central catecholamines as well as syndromes of obesity, hyperphagia, and hyperglycemia. Because of catecholamines, and particularly norepinephrine (NE), are implicated in the control of feeding, levels of central catecholamines were experimentally reduced in ob/ob and db/db mice to investigate the role of the catecholamines in these cases of spontaneously occurring obesity. Lesions produced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) were used to produce large depletions of NE and dopamine (DA) in both ob/ob and db/db mice and in lean control mice of the same background strains. In the db/db but not the ob/ob, central catecholamine depletion was accompanied by a significant and persistent weight loss and by a reduction in plasma glucose levels when compared with vehicle-infused controls. Treatment with the NE uptake blocker desmethylimipramine (DMI) prior to 6-OHDA infusions attenuated NE but not DA depletion. Diabetes mice that received DMI pretreatment showed a weight loss and decrease in plasma glucose proportional to the amount of NE depletion. Lean mice that received the 6-OHDA treatments showed only a transient weight loss and no significant change in blood glucose. It is concluded that abnormalities in central noradrenergic systems may account for part of the obesity syndrome observed in the diabetes mouse.  相似文献   

Rats with septal or hippocampal lesions, relative to normal rats, showed facilitated acquisition of a shuttle box avoidance response. The rats with septal lesions were also highly resistant to extinction compared with normal rats. When the same lesion effects were examined in hypophysectiomized rats, the animals with septal lesions continued to show facilitated performance, and those rats with hippocampal lesions performed no differently than nonoperated control animals. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the facilitated avoidance performance found in rats with hippocampal lesions is attributable to lesion-induced changes in hypophyseal activity, but similar changes induced by septal lesions are not.  相似文献   

The open field is a common test of fear, but the apparatus varies widely. Lines painted on the floor facilitate measurement of locomotion (areas entered), but, though some animals balk at lines, this variable has received little attention. In Experiment 1, 10-day-old female chicks were tested individually in an open field with an unmarked floor or one delineated into areas by 1- or 3-mm-wide black lines. In Experiment 2, chicks were tested in pairs in the presence or absence of 3-mm-wide lines. Strong intraindividual correlations demonstrated that both paces and areas entered are effective measures of locomotion. Chicks tested individually were unaffected by the presence or width of lines. Conversely, pair-tested chicks paced and pecked more when the floor was delineated. Given the latter findings, some standardization is recommended.  相似文献   

A gas-chromatic method for detection of phytanic acid (3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadecanoic acid) in serum is described. The sensitivity of the method is very high. It is easy to distinguish between patients with Refsum's disease and those with other polyneuropathies.  相似文献   

Rora(sg) mutants with mild cerebellar granule cell degeneration were compared to Grid2(ho) mutants with more severe granule cell degeneration as well as Purkinle cell atrophy for left-right and dark-light discrimination learning tasks in a water-filled T-maze. The acquisition rate of both cerebellar mutants was slowed down during light-dark but not left-right discrimination learning. However, the mutants were impaired in reversal training in both tasks. In contrast, neither mutant differed from controls in passive avoidance learning. These results indicate that mice with cerebellar damage are affected in some instrumental learning tasks and have perseverative tendencies.  相似文献   

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