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Book reviews in this article:
The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in Nature's Ability to Order the Universe. By P aul D avies.
But Is It Science' The Philosophical Question in the Creation/Evolution Controversy. Edited by M ichael R use .
The Darwinian Paradigm: Essays on Its History, Philosophy and Religious Implications . By M ichael R use .
Philosophy of Biology Today. By M ichael R use.
Science and Providence: God's Interaction with the World. By J ohn P olk -I nghorne .
Universe: An Evolutionary Approach to Astronomy. By E ric C haisson .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1979,20(3):299-348
Prophecy and Canon. A contribution to the study of Jewish origins. By J. Blenkin Yahweh as Prosecutor and Judge: An Investigation of the Prophetic Lawsuit (Rib-Pattern). By Kirsten Nielsen Heil für die Heiden. Zur Bedeutung und Geschichte der Tradition vom besessenen Gerasener. By Franz Annen Der Tod Jesu: Deutungen im Neuen Testament. Edited by K. Kertelge The Calvary Christ. By Gerald O'Collins The Evangelists' Calendar: A Lectionary Explanation of the Development of Scripture. By M.D. Goulder Attempt at a Critique of all Revelation. By J.F. Fichte, translated with an introduction by Garrett Green The Correspondence Theory of Truth. By D.J. O'Connor Paradoxes of Knowledge. By E.H. Wolgast New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas. By F.A. Hayek Analysis of Happiness. By Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz The Unconscious, a Conceptual Analysis. By A.C. Maclntyre The Psychological Basis of Morality. By F.C.T. Moore Moral Reasoning: A Psychological-Philosophical Integration. By William D. Boyce and Larry Cyril Jensen Reason and Religion. Edited by Stuart C. Brown Religion without Explanation. By D.Z. Phillips Hume's Philosophy of Religion. By J.C.A. Gaskin Lactance et son Temps: Recherches Actuelles. Edited by J. Fontaine and M. Perrin The Library of Lactantius. By R.M. Ogilvie The Fourth Crusade. By D.E. Queller Dante's ‘Paradiso’ and the Limitations of Modern Criticism. By Robin Kirkpatrick Calvinist Preaching and Iconoclasm in the Netherlands 1544–1569. By Phyllis Mack Crew Catholicism between Luther and Voltaire: A New View of the Counter-Reformation. By Jean Delumeau Bérulle aujourd'hui: pour une spiritualité del'humanité du Christ. By Fernando Guillén Preckler Catholic Revivalism: The American Experience 1830–1900. By Jay P. Dolan God, Church and Flag. By Donald F. Crosby Tradition and the Modem World: Reformed Theology in the Nineteenth Century. By B.A. Gerrish The Militant Gospel. By Alfredo Fierro Catholic Education: The Unobtrusive Partner. By Michael P. Hornsby-Smith  相似文献   

The Divine WABA (Within, Among, Between, Around): A Jungian Exploration of Spiritual Paths. 2003. By J. Marvin Spiegelman. Portland ME: Nicolas-Hays.

The Nature Writings of C. G. Jung: The Earth Has a Sour., 2002. Edited by Meredith Sabini. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.

The Parental Image: Its Injury and Reconstruction. 1965/2003. By M. Esther Harding (edited by Daryl Sharp). Toronto: Inner City Books.

Fingerpainting on the Moon: Writing and Creativity as a Path to Freedom. 2003. By Peter Levitt. New York: Harmony Books.

The Sacred Psyche. 2004. By Edward Edinger (edited by Joan Blackmer). Toronto: Inner City Books.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Way People Work: Job Satisfaction and the Challenge of Change. By Chrlstlne Howarth. Organizational Psychology: An Experiential Approach to Organizational Behavior. By David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin & James M. Mclntyre. Leadership in the British Civil Service. By Richard A. Chapman. Making Work—Self-Created Jobs in Participatory Organisations. By W. Ronco & L. Peattie. Online Communities: A Case Study of the Office of the Future. By Starr Roxanne Hiltz. Living Abroad. By I. Torbörn. The Committed Organisation. By G. Saunders. Women and the Public Sphere. Edited by Janet Siltanen & Michelle Stanworth. The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction. By S. K. Card, T. P. Moran & A. Newell. Directions in Human/Computer Interaction. Edited by A. Badre & B. Shneiderman. The Physical Environment at Work. By D. J. Oborne & M. M. Gruneberg. Role Transitions: Explorations and Explanations. Edited by V. L. Allen & E. Van De Vliert.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Measurement of Work Performance: Methods, Theory and Applications. By Frank J. Lanvy & James L. Farr. Performance Measurement and Theory. Edited by Frank Lanvy, Shelwn Zeveck & Jeanette Cleveland. Human Performance and Productivity. Edited by Bdwin A. Fleishman. Volume 1: Human Capability Assessment. Edited by M. D. Dunnette & E. A. Fleishman. Volume 2: Information Processing and Decision Making. Edited by W. C. Howell & E. A. Fleishman. Volume 3: Stress and Performance Effectiveness. Edited by E. A. Alluisi & E. A. Fleishman. Stress Research: Issues for the Eighties. Edited by Cary L. Cooper. Stress and Fatigue in Human Performance. Edited by Robert Hockey. Employee—Organization Linkages. The Psychology of Commitment, Absenteeism and Turnover. By R. T. Mowday, L. W. Porter & R. M. Steers. Mass Unemployment: Plant Closing and Community Mental Health. By T. F. Buss & F. Stevens Redburn With J. Waldron. White Collar Unemployment: Impact and Stress. By Stephen Fineman. How to Survive Unemployment, By Robert Nathan & Michael Syrett. Work and Retirement. By Stanley Parker. Interviewing for Selection Decisions. By G. M. Bolton. Testing in Selection Decisions. By G. M. Bolton.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1980,21(4):417-461
Books Reviewed in this Article: Paradoxes: A Study in Form and Predication. By James Cargile. A Dictionary of Philosophy. Feminism and Philosophy. Edited by M. Vetterling-Braggin, FA. Elliston and J. English. God and the Secular. By Robin Attfield. What does the Old Testament say about God? By Claus Westermann. The God of the Philosophers. By Anthony Kenny. Rediscovering the Bible. By Lucas Grollenberg. The Early History of Israel: I. From the Beginnings to the Exodus and Covenant of Sinai; II. From the Entry into Canaan to the Period of the Judges. By R. de Vaux, O.P., translated by David Smith. Studies in the Patriarchal Narratives. By William McKane. Thanksgiving for a Liberated Prophet. An Interpretation of Isaiah Chapter 53. By R.N. Whybray. Festal Drama in Deutero-Isaiah. By John Eaton. The Ethiopic Book of Enoch. A New Edition in the Light of the Aramaic Dead Sea Fragments. By Michael A. Knibb, in Consultation with Edward Ullendorff. Vol. 1, Text and Apparatus. The Aramaic Origin of the Four Gospels. By Frank Zimmermann. A Hidden Revolution. The Pharisees’Search for the Kingdom Within. By Ellis Rivkin. Theologia Crucis - Signum Crucis: Festschrift für Erich Dinkler. Edited by Carl Andresen and Günter Klein. Die Theologie des Makarios/Symeon. By Hermann Dörries. Ekklesiologie der Neuzeit. Grundlegung bei Melchior Cano and Entwicklung bis zum 2. Vatikanischen Konzil. By Elmar Klinger. Catholic Loyalism in Elizabethan England. By Arnold Pritchard. Anthony Munday: The English Roman Life. Edited by P.J. Ayres. The Venerable English College Rome. By Michael Williams. The Bible: Its Criticism, Interpretation and Use in 16th and 17th Century England. By Dean Fréiday. John Bunyan. By Lynn Veach Sadler. Prophets and Millennialists: The Uses of Biblical Prophecy in England from the 1790s to the 1840s. By W.H. Oliver. The Theological Papers of John Henry Newman on Biblical Inspiration and On Infallibility. Edited by J. Derek Holmes. The Ideas of Newman: Christianity and Human Religiosity. By Lee H. Yearley. Theology on Dover Beach. By Nicholas Lash. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change. By Elizabeth L. Eisenstein.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1976,17(3):326-361
Books Reviewed in this Article: The Cosmological Argument. By William L. Rowe. The Cosmological Argument. By William L. Rowe. Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Authorship. A Study of Time and the Self. By Mark C. Taylor. Marxism and the Theory of Praxis. By John Hoffman. Freud and Education. By Seymour Fox. Of Love and Lust. By Theodor Reik. The Bible in Order. Edited by Joseph Rhymer. Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early Hellenistic Period. By Martin Hengel. Vol.I (Text). Ministerial Consciousness: a Biblical-Spiritual Study. By Louis John Cameli. What about the New Testament? Essays in Honour of Christopher Evans. Edited by Morna Hooker and Colin Hickling. Interpretatio Syriaca. By Sten Hidal. Jerome, His Life, Writings, and Controversies. By J.N.D. Kelly. Woman as Image in Medieval Literature. By Joan M. Ferrante. The Genius Figure in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. By Jane Chance Nitzsche. Pilgrimage: an Image of Mediaeval Religion. By Jonathan Sumption. John Duns Scotus: God and Creatures, the Quodlibetal Questions. Translated with an Introduction, Notes, and Glossary by Felix Alluntis, O.F.M. and Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M. Leiden University in the Seventeenth Century: An Exchange of Learning. Edited by Th. H. Lunsingh Scheurleer and G.H.M. Posthumus Meyjes. The Lost Paradise. An Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay 1607–1768. By Philip Caraman. The Tübingen School. By Horton Harris.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1973,14(4):441-481
Book reviewed in this article: Knowledge and Human Interests. By Juurgen Habermas . Aquinas on Metaphysics: a Historico-doctrinal study of the Commentary on the Metaphysics. By James C. Doig . Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Language: Some Aspects of its Development. By James Bogen . The Private Language Argument. Edited by O. R. Jones . Logico-Linguistic Papers. By P. F. Strawson . Philosophical Problems in Logic, Some Recent Developments. Edited by Karel Lambert . Logic as Philosophy. Edited by Peter T. Manicas . Readings on Logic. Edited by Irving M. Copi and James A. Gould . Body and Mind. By Keith Campbell . Human Values and the Mind of Man. Edited by Ervin Laszlo and James B. Wilbur . Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions. By Jean -Paul Sartre . Memory. By Don Locke . Insights and Illusions of Philosophy. By Jean Piaget , translated by Wolfe Mays . Personality and Science. Edited by I. T. Ramsey and Ruth Porter . Drugs, Mysticism and Make-Believe. By R. C. Zaehner . The Psychology of Religious Mysticism. By James H. Leuba . Mysticism and Dissent: Religious Ideology and Social Protest in the Sixteenth Century. By Steven E. Ozment . Anabaptism: A Social History, 1525-1618. By Claus -Peter Clasen . Popular Belief and Practice: Studies in Church History Vol. 8. Edited by G. J. Cuming and Derek Baker . The Faith of the People of God. By John Macquarrie . The Apostles’Creed in the Light of Today's Questions. By Wolfhart Pannenberg Faith: Its Nature And Meaning: Maynooth Summer School Papers 1970. Edited by Paul Surlis . The Christ. By Piet Schoonenberg . Translated by Della Couling . Trinität und Vernunft. Untersuchungen zur Möglichkeit einer rationalen Trinitätslehre bei Anselm, Abaelard, den Viktorinern, A. Günther und J. Frohschammer. By Walter Simonis . Semantics in Biblical Research. New Methods of Defining Hebrew Words for Salvation. By John F. A. Sawyer . List of Septuagint Words Sharing Common Elements. By Xavier Jacques , S. J. Bibliographie Biblique 1930-1970. By Paul -Émile Langevin , S. J. The Study of Judaism. Bibliographical Essays. By Richard Bavier and others. Contemporary Community: Sociological Illusion or Reality ? By Jacqueline Scherer . Memoirs. By W. A. Visser ‘T Hooft .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1996,37(2):193-242
Books reviewed in this article: The Anchor Bible Dictionary. Edited by David Noel Freedman with Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins. The Gospel of Matthew (Sacra Pagina 1). By Daniel J. Harrington. Paul: An Introduction to his Thought (Outstanding Christian Thinkers). By C. K. Barrett. A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identiy. By Daniel Boyarin. New Testament Theology. By G. B. Caird, completed and edited by L. D. Hurst. The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius (Oxford Theological Monographs). By Peter Widdicombe. Dieu et le Christ selon Grégoire de Nysse. By Bernard Pottier. Eucharistic Presence: A Study in the Theology of Disclosure. By Robert Sokolowski. Theological Hermeneutics: Development and Significance. By Werner Jeanrond. Theologie aus Efahrung der Gnade. Annäherungen an Karl Rahner: Edited by Mariano Delgado and Mathias-Lutz Bachmann. Bernhard Welte's Fundamental Theological Approach to Christology. (American University Studies 7/160). By Anthony J. Godzieba. Sacred Identity: Exploring a Theology of the Person. By Jane Kopas. A Salvation Audit. By Colin Grant. Medical Ezhics: Sources Of Catholic Teachings, Second Edition. Edited by Kevin O'Rourke and Philip Boyle. Mission and Conversion: Proselytizing in the Religious History of the Roman Empire. By Martin Goodman. Literacy and Power in the Ancient World. Edited by Alan K. Bowman and Greg Woolf. St Cyril of Alexandria: The Christological Controversy. Its History, Theology and Texts (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 23). By John A. McGuckin. Ambrose of Milan: Church and Court in a Christian Capital. By Neil B. McLynn. Basil of Cuesareu (The Transformation of the Classical Heritage 20). By Philip Rousseau. Augustine (Outstanding Christian Thinkers Series). By Mary T. Clark. Irenaeus (Outstanding Christian Thinkers Series). By Dennis Minns. Divine Heiress: The Virgin Mary and the Creation of Christian Constantinople. By Vasiliki Limberis. The Irish Tradition in Old English Literature (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England 6). By Charles D. Wright. Relics, Apocalypse and the Deceils of History: Ademar of Chabannes, 989–1034. By Richard Landes. Huguccio: The Life, Works, and Thought of a Twelfth-Centuy Jurist. By Wolfgang P. Müller. The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism, Volume II: The Growth of Mysticism. By Bernard McGinn. Preaching the Crusades: Mendicant Friars and the Cross in the Thirteenth Century (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4th Series, 28). By Christoph T. Maier. Mary Ward: A World in Contemplation. By Henriette Peters. The Letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan. Edited by Thomas M. King and Mary Wood Gilbert. Pseudo-Marry: By John Donne. Edited, with an Introduction and Commentary, by Anthony Raspa. Donne and the Politics of Conscience in Early Modern England (Studies in the History of Christian Thought 61). By M. L. Brown. The Caroline Captivity of the Church: Charles 1 and the Remoulding of Anglicanism (Oxford Historical Monographs). By Julian Davies. Érudition et religion aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siécles. By Bruno Neveu. Cardinal Lavigerie: Churchman, Prophet and Missionary. By François Renault. Dom Columba Marmion: A Biography By Mark Tierney. Christian Mission in the Twentieth Century. By Timothy Yates. Religion in Africa: Experience and Expression. Edited by Thomas D. Blakely, Walter E. A. van Beek and Dennis Thomson.  相似文献   

Authority in Morals: An Essay in Christian Ethics. By Gerard J. Hughes On Human Nature. By Edward O. Wilson Democracy and Ethical Life. By Claes G. Ryn The Foundations of Modern Political Thought. By Quentin Skinner. 2 vols. Phenomenology and the Social World: the Philosophy of Merleau-Ponty and its Relation to the Social Conscience. By Laurie Spurting Philosophical Foundations of the Three Sociologies. By Ted Benton Christianity and the World Order. By Edward Norman. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1979, £3.50. The Stoics. Edited by John M. Rist Descartes. By Margaret D. Wilson Physicalism. By K.V. Wilkes Kierkegaard as Educator. By R.J. Manheimer Two Ages: The Age of Revolution and the Present Age. By Søren Kierkegaard, translated and edited by Howard and Edna Hong Parables of Kierkegaard. Edited by Thomas C. Oden Thomas Carlyle: ‘Cahinist without the Theology’. By Eloise M. Behnken The Praise of 'Sons of Bitches’. By James V. Schall The Inner Eye of Love. By William Johnston The River Within. By Christopher Bryant The Religious Imagination and the Sense of God. By John Bowker Old Testament Theology: A Fresh Approach. By Ronald E. Clements What is a Gospel? By Charles H. Talbert Urchristliche Prophetic. By Gerhard Dautzenberg Amphttochii Icontensis Opera. Edited by Cornells Datema Man and Nature in the Renaissance. By Allen G. Debus The Church in Late Victorian Scotland 1874–1900. By Andrew L. Drummond and James Bullock. Ppix, 342, Edinburgh, The St Andrew Press, 1978, £10.50. From Office to Profession: The New England Ministry 1750–1860. By Donald M. Scott Bemard-Lazare: Anti-Semitism and the Problem of Jewish Identity in Late Nineteenth Century France. By Nelly Wilson  相似文献   

Reviews in this article: The Origins of Order: Self Organization and Selection in Evolution. By Stuart A. Kauffman . Global 2000 Revisited: What Shall We Do? By Gerald O. Barney . Science as Salvation: A Modern Myth and Its Meaning. By Mary Midgley . Metaphor and Religious Language. By Janet Soskice . Toward a Theology of Nature: Essays on Science and Faith. By Wolfhart Pannenberg . Alexander Response TO Cole -Turner .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Creativity: Its Educational Implications edited by J. C. Gowan, G. D. Demos, and E. Paul Torrance. The Superior Student in American Higher Education by J. A. Cohen. Explorations in Creativity edited by Ross L. Mooney and Taher A. Razik. Modes of Thinking in Young Children: A Study of the Creativity-Intelligence Distinction by Michael A. Wallach (Duke University) and Nathan Kogan (Educational Testing Service). The Art and Science of Creativity by George F. Kneller. The School as a Center of Inquiry by Robert J. Schaefer.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1981,22(1):56-110
Books Reviewed in this Article: Metaphor and Thought. Edited by Andrew Ortony. La philosophie comme panphysique: la philosophic des sciences de A.N. Whitehead. By Georges Hélal. Teilhard de Chardin: In Quest of the Perfection of Man. Edited by G.O. Browning, J.L. Alioto and S.M. Farber. Presence and Absence. By Robert Sokolowski. The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza. By Richard H. Popkin. Heidegger on Death: a Critical Evaluation. By Paul Edwards. Existentialism, Religion and Death. By Walter Kaufmann. Sartre. By Peter Caws. God and Atheism: A Philosophical Approach to the Problem of God. By Bernardino M. Bonansea. Marx's Theory of History. By William H. Shaw. Die Konzilsidee in der Alten Kirche. By Hermann Josef Sieben. The Popes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages. By Jeffrey Richards. Consul of God: The Life and Times of Gregory the Great. By Jeffrey Richards. La Romanitas et le Pape Léon le Grand. By Philip A. McShane. An Ecclesiastical History of England; The Later Middle Ages – From the Norman Conquest to the Eve of the Reformation. By J.C. Dickinson. Byzantium and the Papacy 1198–1400. By Joseph Gill, S.J. Church and Society in the Last Centuries of Byzantium. By Donald M. Nicol. Praise and Blame in Renaissance Rome: Rhetoric, Doctrine, and Reform in the Sacred Orators of the Papal Court, c. 1450–1521. By John W. O'Malley. L'Humanisme dans les lettres espagnoles. Edited by Augustin Redondo.Pp.376, Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1979, no price given. Protestant Poetics and the Seventeenth-Century Religious Lyric. By Barbara Kiefer Lewalski. Pietismus und Reveil. Edited by J. van den Berg and J.P. van Dooren. Sons of the Prophets: Evangelical Leaders of the Victorian Church. By Michael Hennell. The Story of King David. By D.M. Gunn. Festschrift für Ernst Fuchs. Edited by Gerhard Ebeling, Eberhard Jüngel, and Gerd Schunack. Luke and the Pastoral Epistles. By Stephen G. Wilson. Face à la Mort: Jésus et Paul. By Xavier Léon-Dufour. Face à la Mort: Jésus et Paul. By Xavier Léon-Dufour. Christ Proclaimed. By Frans Jozef van Beeck. Hans Küng: His Work and His Way. Edited by Hermann Häring and Karl-Josef Kuschel. English Catholic Worship: Liturgical Renewal in England Since 1900. Edited by J.D. Crichton, H.E. Winstone, J.R. Ainslie. Literature and Violence in North Arabia. By Michael E. Meeker. China and Christianity: Historical and Future Encounters. Edited by James D. Whitehead, Yu-ming Shaw and N.J. Girardot.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1979,20(2):189-231
Near Eastern Religious Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Edited by Walter Beyerlin On the Independence of Matthew and Mark. By John M. Rist Redactional Style in the Marcan Gospel. By E.J. Pryke Risen from the Dead. By Henry Wansbrough Unity and Diversity in the New Testament. By James D.G. Dunn Foundations of Christian Faith, An Introduction to the Idea of Christianity. By Karl Rahner, translated by William V. Dych Becoming and Being. By Colin E. Gunton The Resilient Church: The Necessity and Limits of Adaptation. By Avery Dulles Churches and Communities. By George Lovell and Catherine Widdicombe In the World: God and I. By Finbarr B. Connolly Consider Your Call: A Theology of Monastic Life Today. By Daniel Rees and others Guillaume de Saint-Thierry: Aux Sources d'une Pensée. By Jean Déchanet The Open Church: An Invitation to a Messianic Life-Style. By Jürgen Moltmann The Following Plough. By J. Neville Ward The First Christian Historians. By Glenn F. Chesnut Lanfranc of Bec. By Margaret Gibson The Church and Politics in 14th Century England: The Career of Adam Orleton. By R.M. Haines Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts, Vol.11: The Marriage of Philology and Mercury. Translated by W.H. Stahl and R. Johnson with E.L. Burge Leven en Werk van Dirck Volckertsz Coornhert. By H. Bonger Religious Controversies of the Jacobean Age: A Survey of the Printed Sources. By Peter Milward Emotion, Thought and Therapy. By Jerome Neu The Grief Process. By Yorick Spiegel Ethics at the Edges of Life. By Paul Ramsey Purpose in a World of Chance: a Biologist's View. By W.H. Thorpe Speculum Spinozanum 1677–1977. Edited by Siegfried Hessing A Reading of Hegel's ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’. By Quentin Lauer Hegel's ‘Phenomenology Part I’: Analysis and Commentary. By Howard P. Kainz Essays in Hegelian Dialectic. By Quentin Lauer Nietzsche: Imagery and Thought. A Collection of Essays. Edited by Malcolm Pasley  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1972,13(2):181-233
Book reviewed in this article: Islamic Rationalism: The Ethics of‘Abd al-Jabbar. By George F. Hourani . De l'absence et de l'inconnaissance de Dieu d'après les écrits aréopagites et Martin Heidegger. By Christos Yannaras . Translated by Jaques Touraille . Jean-Paul Sartre: His Philosophy. By René Lafarge . Translated by Marina Smyth -Kok . Freedom of Choice Affirmed. By Corliss Lamont . Structuralism. By Jean Piaget . Translated and edited by Chaninah Meschler . Roles and Values. An Introduction to Social Ethics. By R. S. Downie . Morality and Religion. By W. W. Bartley , III. Resurrection de Jésus et Message Pascal. By Xavier Léon -Dufour . The Acts of the Apostles. By E. Haenchen . The Gospel of John. By Rudolf Bultmann . The Future of our Religious Past: Essays in Honour of Rudolf Bultmann. Edited by James M. Robinson . Translated by C. E. Carlston and R. P. Scharlemann . Augustus to Constantine. By Robert M. Grant . Sacramentum Unitatis: Ein Beitrag zum Verstndnäis der Kirche bei Cyprian. By Ulrich Wickert . Egeria's Travels. By John Wilkinson . Judaism and the Early Christian Mind. By Robert L. Wilken . The Trial of Luther. By James Atkinson . The Poetry of Grace, Reformation Themes and Structures in English Seventeenth-Century Poetry. By William H. Halewood . Conflicts in French Society. Anticlericalism, Education and Morals in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Theodore Zeldin . Infallible? An Enquiry. By Hans Küung . Translated by Eric Mosbacher . Theology and Meaning. A Critique of Metatheological Scepticism. By Raeburne S. Heimbeck . God and Rationality. By Thomas F. Torrance . Foundations of Theology. By Gerald O'Collins , S. J. Foundations of Theology: Papers from the International Lonergan Congress 1970. Edited by Philip Mc Shane , S. J. Grace and Freedom: Operative Grace in the Thought of St Thomas Aquinas. By Bernard J. F. Lonergan , S. J., edited by J. Patout Burns , S. J. with an introduction by Frederick E. Crowe , S. J. A Catholic Dictionary of Theology. Volume III: Hegel to Paradise. World and Church. By Edward Schillebeeckx . Christian Celebration: The Mass. By J. D. Crichtron . The Priest and God's People at Prayer—The Priest in a Flexible Liturgy. By Joseph M. Champlin . China and the West: Mankind Evolving. Edited by A. Dyson and B. Towers . Jamaa. A Charismatic Movement in Katanga. By Johannes Fabian .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1979,20(1):72-110
The Melchizedek Tradition. By Fred L. Horton Jr Paul: Apostle of the Free Spirit. By F.F. Bruce Community of the New Age. By Howard C. Kee New Testament Interpretation. Edited by I. Howard Marshall A Jewish Understanding of the New Testament. By Samuel Sandmel Perfection in the Virtuous Life, By Ronald E. Heine Consolation Philosophy: Greek and Christian Paideia in Basil and the Two Gregories. By Robert C. Gregg The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity. By J.B. Russell The Sexual Language: An Essay in Moral Theology. By Andre Guindon The Church and the Homosexual By John J. McNeill Explorations in Theology. Vol. 1. By D.E. Nineham Faith and Reality. By Wolfhart Pannenberg Meditation on Freedom and the Spirit. By Karl Rahner Voices in the Wilderness. By John Bowden The Centre of Christianity. By John Hick The Becoming Church. By John Adair The Once and Future Liturgy. By J.D. Crichton The Liturgy Today and Tomorrow. By Joseph Gelineau The Original Vision: A Study of the Religious Experience of Childhood. By Edward Robinson A Sense of Presence. By Timothy Beardsworth This Time-Bound Ladder; Ten Dialogues on Religious Experience. Edited by Edward Robinson Education, Nihilism and Society. By David Holbrook Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era? Reflections on the Holocaust. Edited by Eva Fleischner Hero, Artist, Sage or Saint. By Richard W. Coan Molyneux's Question: Vision, Touch and the Philosophy of Perception. By M.J. Morgan Ockham, Descartes, and Hume: Self-Knowledge, Substance, and Causality. By Julius R. Weinberg, edited by William J. Courtenay, William H. Hay, and Keith E. Yandell Ecclesiastical Administration in Medieval England. By Robert E. Rodes, Jr Medieval Heresy: Popular Movements from Bogomil to Hus. By M.D. Lambert Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village, 1294–1324. By Emmanuel Leroy Ladurie The Correspondence of Erasmus, Volume IV. Translated by R.A.B. Mynors and D.F.S. Thomson, annotated by James McConica The Triumph of the Saints: The Separate Churches of London 1616–1649. By Murray Tolmie The Dissenters: I. From the Reformation to the French Revolution. By Michael R. Watts Redeem the Time: The Puritan Sabbath in Early America. By Winton U. Solberg The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Volume XXXI. Edited by Charles Stephen Dessain and Thomas Gomall Orthodoxy and Nationality. Andreiu Saguna and the Rumanians of Transylvania, 1846–1873. By Keith Hitchens  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1998,39(1):70-116
The Cambridge Companion to the Bible. By Howard Clark Kee et al. The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version: Revised and expanded edition. Edited by Robert J. Miller Q and the History of Early Christianity: Studies on Q. By Christopher M. Tuckett The Book of Acts in its Palestinian Setting (The Book of Acts in its First Century Setting 4). Edited by Richard Bauckham. Studies in Early Christology By Martin Hengel. St. Jerome's ’Hebrew Questions on Genesis‘ Translated with introduction and commentary by C. T. R. Hayward. Responses to 101 Questions on the Psalms and Other Writings. By Roland E. Murphy. Art and the Roman Viewer: The Transformation of Art from the Pagan World to Christianity. By Jas’ Elsner. Symeon the Holy Fool: Leontius’s ‘Life’ and the Late Antique City (The Transformation of the Classical Heritage 25). By Derek Krueger. Eros and Allegory: Medieval Exegesis of the Song of Songs By Denys Turner. Papal Primacy: From its Origins to the Present. By Klaus Schatz. Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages. By André Vauchez. Scottish Theology from John Knox to John MacLeod Campbell. By Thomas F. Torrance. Religion, Literature and Politics in Post-Reformation England 1540–1688. Edited by Donna B. Hamilton and Richard Strier. The Making of an Enterprise: The Society of Jesus in Portugal, its Empire, and Beyond 1540–1750. By Dauril Alden. Japan and Christianity: Impacts and Responses. Edited by John Breen and Mark Williams. Coleridge’s Progress to Christianity: Experience and Authority in Religious Faith. By Ronald C. Wendling. Hopkins Against History. By Eugene Hollahan. The Random Grim Forge: A Study of Social Ideas in the Work of Gerard Manley Hopkins. By Sjaak Zonneveld. The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia. By Michael A. Sells. Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America. James Randall Noblitt and Pamela Sue Perskin. Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment. Colin A. Ross. New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought. By Wouter J. Hanegraaff. Telling God’s Story: Bible, Church and Narrative Theology. By Gerard Loughlin. Asceticism. Edited by Vincent L. Wimbush and Richard Valantasis. Beyond its Authority? The Magisterium and Matters of Natural Law. By Frank Mobbs. Sex, Priests and Power. By A. W. Richard Sipe. God’s Just Vengeance: Crime, Violence, and the Rhetoric of Salvation. By Timothy Gorringe. Christ and the Spirit: Spirit-Christology in Trinitarian Perspective. By Ralph Del Colle. Theological Perspectives on Christian Formation. Edited by Jeff Astley, Leslie Francis and Colin Crowder. Christian Theology and Religious Education: Connections and Contradictions. Edited by Jeff Astley and Leslie J. Francis. Aquinas and Empowerment: Classical Ethics for Ordinary Lives. Edited by G. Simon Love’s Virtues. By Mike W. Martin. Euthanasia: Death, Dying and the Medical Duty. Edited by G. R. Dunstan and P. J. Lachman. The Religion of Socrates. By Mark L. McPherran. Plato’s Ethics. By Terence Irwin. Stoic Studies. By A. A. Long. The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus. Edited by Lloyd P. Gerson.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1982,23(1):56-102
Books Reviewed in this Article: Towards a New Mysticism, Teilhard de Chardin and Eastern Religions. By Ursula King. Zen and the Bible: A Priest's Experience. By J.K. Kadowaki. Buddhism and Christianity, A Preface to Dialogue. By Georg Siegmund. Roman Catholicism: The Search for Relevance. By Bill McSweeney. The Church - Maintained in Truth. By Hans Küng. The Communion of Saints. By Michael Perham. Identity and the Sacred: A Sketch for a New Social-Scientific Theory of Religion. By Hans Mol. Sacrifice. Edited by M.F.C. Bourdillon and Meyer Fortes. Theists and Atheists: A Typology of Non-Belief By Thomas Molnar. Myth and Society in Ancient Greece. By Jean-Pierre Vernant. The Alternative Tradition: Religion and the Rejection of Religion in the Ancient World. By James Thrower. Paulus im ältesten Christentum: Das Bild des Apostels and die Rezeption der paulinischen Theologie in der frühchristlichen Literatur bis Marcion. By Andreas Lindemann. Christ: the Christian Experience in the Modern World. By Edward Schillebeeckx. Interim Report on the Books “Jesus” and “Christ”. By Edward Schillebeeckx. Christologie im Präsens: Kritische Sichtung neuer Entwürfe. By Arno Schilson & Walter Kasper. Disput um Jesus and um Kirche. By Walter Kern. It is Not Lawful For Me To Fight: Early Christian Attitudes Toward War, Violence and the State. By Jean-Michel Hornus. Byzantium and the Rise of Russia: A Study of Byzantino-Russian Relations in the Fourteenth Century. By John Meyendorff. Reformation Principle and Practice: Essays in Honour of Arthur Geoffrey Dickens. Edited by Peter Newman Brooks. Adrianus Saravia (c.1532–1613). By Willem Nijenhuis. Rome and the Counter-Reformation in Scandinavia, II. By Oskar Garstein. Winstanley the Digger: A Literary Analysis of Radical Ideas in the English Revolution. By T. Wilson Hayes. Perfect Fools. By John Saward. Lord Abbot of the Wilderness: The Life and Times of Bishop Salvado. By George Russo. St Edmund's House: The First Eighty Years. By Garrett Sweeney. Doubt and Religious Commitment: the Role of the Will in Newman's Thought. By M. Jaime Ferreira. The Philosophers: Their Lives and the Nature of Their Thought. By Ben-Ami Scharfstein. Philosophies and Cultures. By Frederick C. Copleston. The Sceptical Feminist. By Janet Radcliffe Richards. Homosexuality and Ethics. Edited by Edward Batchelor, Jr.  相似文献   

At the Leading Edge: New Visions of Science, Spirituality, and Society. Michael Toms, 4936 State Route 414, Burdett, New York: Larson Publications, 1991. Softcover, 386 pp. U.S. $14.95.

A Dream Deferred: America's Discontent and the Search for a New Democratic Ideal, Philip Slater, Beacon, Boston, $19.95, 1991, ISBN 0–8070–4304–4

The American Replacement of Nature, William Irwin Thompson, Doubleday, New York, $20, 1991, ISBN 0,385–42025–0

Reimagination of the World, A Critique of the New Age, Science, and Popular Culture, David Spangler and William Irwin Thompson, Bear and Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, $12.95, 1991, ISBN 0–939680–92–0

The New Evolutionary Paradigm, Ervin Laszlo, (Ed.), Gordon &; Breach, New York, $60 (libraries) $36 (individuals), 1991, ISBN 2–88124–375–4

The Evolutionary Approach for Social Scientists, Ignazio Masulli, Gordon &; Breach, New York, $50 (libraries) $30 (individuals), 1991, ISBN 2–88124–376–2

The Fifth Discipline. The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, Peter M. Senge, Doubleday, New York, $19.95, 1990, ISBN 0–385–26094–6

Symbiosis as a Source of Evolutionary Innovation: Speciation and Innovation, Lynn Margulis and Rene Fester (Eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, $37.50, 454, Includes Index

One Earth, One Future: Our Changing Global Environment, Cheryl Simon Silver (with Ruth S. Defries for the National Academy of Sciences), National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., $14.95, 196, Includes Index

Toward a Transpersonal Ecology: Developing New Foundations for Environmentalism, Warwick Fox, Shambhala, Boston, MA, $16.95, 380, Includes Index

Gaia, A Way of Knowing: Political Implications of the New Biology, William Irwin Thompson (Ed.), The Lindisfarne Press, Great Barrington, MA, $10.95, 216

Gaia 2: Emergence, The New Science of Becoming, William Erwin Thompson, The Lindisfarne Press, Hudson, NY, $14.95, 272

A Replicative Perspective On Evolutionary Dynamics: The Organizing Process of the US Economy Elaborated Through Biological Metaphor, Mika Pantzar, Labour Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki, Finland, 274

Societal Systems: Planning, Policy and Complexity &; A Science of Generic Design: Managing Complexity through Systems Design, Vol I and II, John N. Warfield, Intersystems Publications, Salinas, CA, 1989 and 1990  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1979,20(2):232-238
The First Followers of Jesus. By Gerd Theissen Social Aspects of Early Christianity. By Abraham J. Malherbe The Saints of Scotland. By Edwin Sprott Towill Reformers and Bablyon: English Apocalyptic Visions from the Reformation to Eve of the Civil War. By Paul Christianson Ritualism and Politics in Victorian Britain: The Attempt to Legislate for Belief. By James Bentley. Pp xii, 162 (Oxford Theological Monographs), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1978, £6.50. Faith and the Flag: The Opening of Africa. By Jeremy Murray-Brown L'Accés à Jésus par les Évangiles — histoire et herméneutique. By René Latourelle Max Weber:Selections in Translation. Edited by W.G. Runciman and translated by E. Matthews The Rhine Flows into the Tiber. By Ralph M. Wiltgen Charismatic Renewal: Is it Really Catholic? By Derek Lance  相似文献   

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