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本文简要回顾了亲社会行为研究的简要历史。20世纪90年代以来,亲社会行为研究出现新的发展趋势:(1)首先随着多元统计技术的发展,研究者越来越多采用多变量的研究方法,以期更为准确地解释和预测亲社会行为的发生。(2)研究者对人们眼中亲社会行为进行研究,深化了亲社会行为的内涵。(3)社会信息加工模型在亲社会行为研究中得到了应用。  相似文献   

选取259名4~7岁儿童,考察了其在不同道德情境中的道德情绪判断及归因模式的发展状况.结果显示:情境类型对儿童对行为者的道德情绪判断及归因具有重要影响.在不履行亲社会行为和反社会行为失败情境中,存在与反社会及亲社会情境中不同的情绪判断模式.儿童道德情绪判断归因模式的发展是以"结果定向--道德定向"为主线并整合多种定向,不履行亲社会行为情境中出现了责任定向,反社会及反社会行为失败情境中出现了弥补和掩饰定向.  相似文献   

道德自我形象对亲社会行为的影响,存在道德一致性效应与道德平衡效应两种矛盾现象。本研究通过一个问卷研究与两个实验来验证调节定向的调节作用。结果发现:(1)促进定向的被试中,高道德自我形象的人有着更高的亲社会意愿;而预防定向的被试中,高道德自我形象的人亲社会意愿反而更低;(2)促进定向启动下,高道德自我形象组在无偿亲社会任务上耗时更多,而预防定向启动下,高道德自我形象组耗时更少。结论:调节定向调节了道德自我形象对亲社会行为的作用。  相似文献   

成就目标定向与社会认知的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,社会认知模式已成为教育、体育、工作管理等领域内成就动机和成就行为研究的基础,这种模式集中地体现在对成就活动中决定个体认知与行为的成就目标定向的分析。该文回顾社会认知过程在成就目标定向与结果变量之间的中介作用研究,并对此进行了简要评述。  相似文献   

虚拟团队中的信任研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信任是从组织行为学领域研究虚拟团队的一个重要课题。与传统组织中的信任相比,虚拟团队中的信任主要是认知或行为定向的;它在最初几次互动的基础上迅速建立起来,并通过随后的沟通行为维持下去,所以沟通行为和沟通内容的特征对虚拟团队中信任的建立和维持有着特殊重要的意义。由于目前研究方法所限,无法确定虚拟团队中信任与绩效的因果关系,但是它们之间存在着密切的相关关系。  相似文献   

成就目标定向与社会认知的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目前,社会认知模式已成为教育、体育、工作管理等领域内成就动机和成就行为研究的基础,这种模式集中地体现在对成就活动中决定个体认知与行为的成就目标定向的分析。该回顾社会认知过程在成就目标定向与结果变量之间的中介作用研究,并对此进行了简要评述。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方法,对708名大学生的未来时间洞察力(FTP)、目标定向、社会联结与学习适应的关系进行研究.结果表明:(1)FTP、学习定向及社会联结与大学生学习适应显著正相关,成绩定向与学习适应显著负相关.(2)中介效应检验表明,行为承诺(FTP的行为倾向成分)、目的意识(FTP的认知成分)、未来意象(FTP的认知成分)以及社会联结对学习适应均有直接影响,同时行为承诺、未来意象以及社会联结还通过学习定向间接影响学习适应,目的意识还通过成绩定向间接影响学习适应;而未来效能与远目标定向(FTP的体验成分)不能有效预测大学生学习适应.  相似文献   

特质性与情境性调节定向匹配效应的一致性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪玲  林晖芸  逄晓鸣 《心理学报》2011,43(5):553-560
研究试图探讨基于不同性质的调节定向(特质性调节定向和情境性调节定向)而达成的匹配所导致的效应是否一致。实验一、二均采用2(调节定向:促进、防御)×2(信息框架:积极、消极)被试间设计, 分别考察了两种匹配对信息说服效果(包括信息价值评价、情绪强度、行为意向3项指标)的影响。MANOVA检验表明, 实验一中信息价值评价、情绪强度2项指标上的交互作用显著, 实验二中信息价值评价、情绪强度和行为意向3项指标上的交互作用显著; 这表明, 基于两种不同性质的调节定向所达成的匹配在对信息价值评价和情绪强度的影响上具有一致的效应, 但在对行为意向的影响上具有不一致的效应。这一结果对于理解两种不同性质的调节定向之间的差异以及基于两者而达成的两种调节匹配之间的差异具有较为重要的意义。  相似文献   

目标定向作为一种重要的动机变量,从社会认知的角度解释个体的成就动机和成就行为。早期的研究者提出个体具有的目标定向分为学习目标定向和绩效目标定向两类,并将目标定向视为单因素结构。此后,Button等人通过实证研究,首次用数量化结果否定了目标定向的单因素论,证明学习定向和绩效定向是两个不同的维度。近期VandeWalle提出了目标定向三因素论,认为除学习目标定向外,绩效目标  相似文献   

儿童社会适应的社会信息加工模型及其特殊应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
亲社会儿童具有独特的社会信息加工特点:友善的归因倾向,关系性目标定向,对亲社会行为反应做积极评价等。应用SIP范式对儿童亲社会行为进行研究,不仅有助于研究者更清楚地揭示社会认知与亲社会行为之间的关系,理解儿童社会性发展的机制,而且还对儿童的行为矫正和训练具有积极意义。但是,SIP模型应用于亲社会行为研究时在理论模型及方法工具上还存在一定的局限。  相似文献   

Parallel lives: Community psychology in Latin America and the United States   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Comparing the history of community psychology as it developed in the U.S. during the 1960s with the community psychology that developed 10 years later in Latin America, one is reminded of the title of Plutarch’s masterpice,Parallel Lives. Although there was very little contact or communication between the first community psychologists in these regions, very similar principles and orientations evolved. These similarities are particularly striking given the many ways in which the U.S. and Latin American contexts and histories differ. Since most readers are expected to be familiar with the history of community psychology as it developed in the U.S., this paper focuses primarily on the development of community psychology in Latin America in order to highlight areas of convergence as well as divergence from the U.S. experience. This paper is based on an address presented at the Fourth Biennial Conference, Society for Community Research and Action, Division 27 of the American Psychological Association, William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1993. The author acknowledges the valuable help received from J. R. Newbrough and from the referees in the revision of this paper.  相似文献   

Systemic factors that influence the development of psychology in developing countries are explored. Such factors include socio-political considerations, influences from other countries, public perceptions of psychology, relationships with other disciplines, training of psychologists, economic constraints, and research orientations. Because of the scarcity of resources and the widespread desire to modernize, the perceived applied value of psychology in developing countries has a major impact on its development. Student preference for choosing psychology as a major, the allocation of funding to psychology departments, and the status of psychology in relation to other disciplines partly depend on the applied value of the discipline. Thus, to facilitate its development, psychology must be seen as useful, and applied research should be emphasized. However, applied research should be backed up by the necessary basic research. Indigenization is also necessary so that psychological research is effective in addressing local problems.  相似文献   

Controversies are rampant in contemporary psychology concerning the appropriate method for observing consciousness and the role inner experience should play in psychological theorizing. These conflicting orientations reflect, in part, methodological differences between natural science and human science interpretations of psychology. Humanistic psychology and philosophical phenomenology both employ a human science approach to psychology that seeks to explain behavior in terms of a person's subjective existence. Maslow's and Heidegger's formulations are both fulfillment theories in that they specify moral values that suggest how life ought to be lived. Natural science methodology rejects the possibility that moral imperatives can be validated, whereas human science methodology allows phenomenological convictions to justify recommendations about a fulfilled life and a good society. The social role of psychology is analyzed within the framework of phenomenological convictions and scientific truth.  相似文献   

This study examines overlaps and distinctions between concepts of individual differences in the five-factor model and self-determination theory. Participants were 223 Danish adults (age M = 43.74; 60.09% women) originating in a national probability sample. Participants completed questionnaires of personality traits (NEO-FFI) and general causality orientations (GCOS). Distinct and overlapping latent models were tested using structural equation modeling, statistical re-sampling, and confirmatory factor analysis. Results indicate that all three causality orientations are distinct from but related to traits. From a perspective of integrative personality psychology, general causality orientations can be conceived of as characteristic adaptations.  相似文献   

One hundred and three Melbourne psychologists were interviewed about factors associated with their choice O of a theoretical orientation to counselling practice. There were four theoretical orientations: cognitive-behavioural, psychodynamic, family-systemic, and experiential. Each of these was found to be associated with a different cluster of personal characteristics. University training in psychology appeared to be an important influence on choice of theoretical orientation for cognitive-behavioural psychologists, but not for the other orientations. Differences observed among psychologists making up the four different theoretical orientation groups suggest some challenges for psychologists working as counselling educators.  相似文献   

This paper provides an opportunity to consider the concept of community practice from the vantage point of community psychology. The author argues that community psychology has significant potential to change organizations, communities, and other settings to benefit setting occupants. However, it is the author's contention that the full realization of this potential is contingent upon an organized effort to engage in formal community practice. The author defines community practice in terms of four skill sets related to mobilization, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The author also describes settings that might support community practice and discusses implications for training and the field of community psychology in general. Finally, the author illustrates several community practice skills and roles in the context of a local community-based initiative in Ohio called Partnerships for Success.  相似文献   

A survey of the directors of APA accredited clinical psychology programs was conducted to explore current trends in the training of clinical psychologists. Specifically, information was obtained regarding the research areas represented at each school, the types of clinical training sites available to graduate students, and the prevalence of different clinical orientations (e.g., cognitive-behavioral, systems, or psychoanalytic). Results of the survey provide a summary of the activities of faculty and students at the more than 100 fully accredited clinical psychology programs.  相似文献   

The author examines the historical role of Euro-American psychology in constructing Orientalist representations of the natives who were colonized by the European colonial powers. In particular, the author demonstrates how the power to represent the non-Western "Other" has always resided, and still continues to reside, primarily with psychologists working in Europe and America. It is argued that the theoretical frameworks that are used to represent non-Westerners in contemporary times continue to emerge from Euro-American psychology. Finally, the author discusses how non-Western psychologists internalized these Orientalist images and how such a move has led to a virtual abandonment of pursuing "native" forms of indigenous psychologies in Third World psychology departments.  相似文献   

人格心理学作为心理学体系中的重要分支之一,自创立以来却一直缺乏一个完整统一的学科架构。这种状况极大地限制了该学科的发展。文章回顾了人格心理学的起源和发展,探讨了学科发展的趋势,呈现了当下几种主要的学科架构。在综合比较的基础上,对其中有代表性的Clonlinger人格“描述—动力—发展”的“3D”模型进行了修正:(1)增加了人格理论;(2)把第一个“D”由“人格描述”改为“人格表现”;(3)对原有“3D”的内容进行补充和完善。得出了对人格心理学学科架构的“3D”修正模型:即理论加“3D”  相似文献   

In the context of social and intellectual developments and the changing role of German universities in the first half of the nineteenth century, which led to the local institutionalization of the discipline of psychology at German universities, the structure and content of textbooks of psychology are discussed. Textbooks in the first half of the nineteenth century had a pedagogical function in training teachers, in socializing students into the field, and in providing students and readers with knowledge about the subject matter, methodology, and topics of psychology. The textbooks, representative of influence, philosophical-psychological orientations, and different decades in the first half of the nineteenth century, are reconstructed with regard to the definition of psychology, the ways of studying the soul, and how to conceptually organize the field. The textbooks by Herbart, Beneke, and Waitz, which were written within a natural-scientific programmatic vision for psychology, are contrasted with the traditional philosophically intended textbooks of Reinhold, Mussmann, George, and Schilling. Fischhaber's textbook for Gymnasien is summarized. Issues regarding the continuity of psychology are discussed, and discontinuous developments in the history of German psychology are identified.  相似文献   

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