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The level structure of West's (1990) four‐factor model of team climate for innovation was assessed by means of multi‐level confirmatory factor analysis (MCFA). The sample consisted of 1,487 individuals (195 teams) from a wide range of professions. Results showed that a considerable portion of the variance in the data was explained on the team level with intra‐class correlations ranging from .30 to .39. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that the overall measurement model fitted the data well at both the team and individual levels, while the factor loadings were slightly different across the levels with item loadings showing partial invariance. Results from confirmatory factor analyses conducted on separate levels, however, showed that the four‐factor model displayed the best fit to the data for both individual and team levels. A second‐order one‐factor model also fitted the data well on both levels. The results indicate that the team climate for innovation model can be used as a team‐level consensus model of team climate for innovation.  相似文献   

Consistent with a growing number of models about affect and behaviour and with a recognition that perception alone provides no impetus for action, it was predicted that associations between company climate and productivity would be mediated by average level of job satisfaction. In a study of 42 manufacturing companies, subsequent productivity was significantly correlated in controlled analyses with eight aspects of organizational climate (e.g. skill development and concern for employee welfare) and also with average job satisfaction. The mediation hypothesis was supported in hierarchical multiple regressions for separate aspects of climate. In addition, an overall analysis showed that company productivity was more strongly correlated with those aspects of climate that had stronger satisfaction loadings. A second prediction, that managers' perceptions of climate would be more closely linked to company productivity than would those of non‐managers, was not supported. However, managers' assessments of most aspects of their company's climate were significantly more positive than those of non‐managers.  相似文献   

In this paper we lay the conceptual foundation for work‐family facilitation. Work‐family facilitation is a process representing the synergies between the domains of work and family. We formally define facilitation as the extent to which an individual's engagement in one social system, such as work or family, contributes to growth in another social system. We develop the process through which facilitation occurs, provide a model and case studies of this process, and delineate additional theoretical and empirical research necessary to understand work‐family facilitation so that it can be managed and cultivated within organizations.  相似文献   

An interval estimation procedure is outlined that can be used for evaluating the proportion of observed variance in a response variable, which is due to the third level of nesting in a hierarchical design. The approach is also useful when it is of concern to address the necessity of including a third level in analyses of data from a multi‐level study, relative to an alternative of proceeding with two‐level modelling. The proposed method is illustrated with an empirical example.  相似文献   

Research has consistently demonstrated that both individual‐level climate perceptions and organizational climate are related to job satisfaction; however, little work has investigated their relative importance in a single study. Using a sample of 1,076 employees from 120 branches of a US‐based bank, the relative importance of individual‐ and unit‐level climate on individual satisfaction was examined. Cross‐level results of hierarchical linear models indicated that individuals' perceptions of the climate accounted for a large percentage of variance in individuals' satisfaction. Further, unit‐level climate systems accounted for a small but significant portion of individual satisfaction above and beyond individuals' perceptions of the climate. These results suggest that the overall climate in a work unit has some influence on individual attitudes, after accounting for individuals' idiosyncratic perceptions of the climate.  相似文献   

We examine main and interaction effects of organizational justice at the individual and the organizational levels on general health in a Kenyan sample. We theoretically differentiate between two different interaction patterns of justice effects: buffering mechanisms based on trust versus intensifying explanations of justice interactions that involve psychological contract violations. Using a two‐level hierarchical linear model with responses from 427 employees in 29 organizations, only interpersonal justice at level 1 demonstrated a significant main effect. Interactions between distributive and interpersonal justice at both the individual and the collective levels were found. The intensifying hypothesis was supported: the relationship between distributive justice and mental health problems was strongest when interpersonal justice was high. This contrasts with buffering patterns described in Western samples. We argue that justice interaction patterns shift depending on the economic conditions and sociocultural characteristics of employees studied.  相似文献   

We developed and tested a cross-level model of the antecedents and outcomes of proactive customer service performance. Results from a field study of 900 frontline service employees and their supervisors in 74 establishments of a multinational hotel chain located in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia demonstrated measurement equivalence and suggested that, after controlling for service climate, initiative climate at the establishment level and general self-efficacy at the individual level predicted employee proactive customer service performance and interacted in a synergistic way. Results also showed that at the establishment level, controlling for service climate and collective general service performance, initiative climate was positively and indirectly associated with customer service satisfaction through the mediation of aggregated proactive customer service performance. We discuss important theoretical and practical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

The field of multi‐criteria analysis has known very important developments during the last 20 years, if one considers the very large amount of activities that it has generated and continues to generate (papers in journals, a dedicated journal, books, meetings, applications, …). Even if multi‐criteria analysis has reached some maturity, its future is subject to questions and debate among its researchers: what is the evolution of the field? What is its structure? Is it integrating new topics? In order to answer such questions at least partially, we have studied multi‐criteria analysis literature by means of the method of associated words (scientometric analysis) and the software ‘Leximappe’. All the abstracts of the papers which are relative to multi‐criteria analysis and are included in the bibliographic ABI‐INFORM database from 1985 to 1996 have been analysed. In this paper, we will present some results of this study. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research has shown that men tend to emerge as leaders more frequently than women. However, societal role expectations for both women and leaders have changed in the decades since the last empirical review of the gender gap in leader emergence (Eagly & Karau, 1991). We leverage meta‐analytic evidence to demonstrate that the gender gap has decreased over time, but a contemporary gap remains. To understand why this gap in leader emergence occurs, we draw on social role theory to develop a Gender‐Agency/Communion‐Participation (GAP) Model—an integrative theoretical model that includes both trait and behavioral mechanisms. Specifically, we examine a sequence of effects: from gender to agentic and communal personality traits, from these traits to behavioral participation in group activities, and ultimately from participation to leader emergence. The model is tested using original meta‐analyses of the personality and behavioral mechanisms (coding 1,632 effect sizes total). Gender differences in leadership emergence are predominately explained by agentic traits (positive) and communal traits (negative), both directly and through the mechanism of participation in group discussions. In addition, several paths in the theoretical model are moderated by situational contingencies. Our study enhances knowledge of the mechanisms and boundary conditions underlying the gender gap in leader emergence.  相似文献   

Most compensation managers implicitly assume (or perhaps hope) that high pay levels will maintain and enhance future performance. To date, this assumption has been largely untested. Given the importance of pay level and the large expense that pay represents to most organizations, understanding how and why pay level influences the behaviour of employees in organizations is an important question. The purpose of this study is to examine the motivational effects of pay level on employee performance. To examine these issues, we collected field study data from a variety of sources, at three different times, and assessed the effects of employee pay level on subsequent self‐esteem and performance. Specifically, we hypothesized that the effects of pay level on performance would be mediated by pay level effects on organization‐based self‐esteem. We base this hypothesis on the premise that level of pay within an organization communicates a sense of how much the organization values an employee and thus affects employee organization‐based self‐esteem which, in turn, enhances job performance. After controlling for organization tenure, and previous pay change, results supported a mediated model that suggests that pay level affects employee self‐esteem, which in turn, affects employee performance.  相似文献   

With a collectivist cultural perspective, we examined the positive effects of employees' perceptions of a familial climate on loyalty to supervisors, the mediation of loyalty between perception of a familial climate and job performance, and the moderation of employees' filial behaviour on the relationship between perception of a familial climate and loyalty. The participants consisted of 247 supervisor-and-subordinate dyads in Taiwan. The results supported our hypotheses. Through the mechanisms of family behaviour transference, social identification and supervisor-subordinate exchange, perception of an organizational familial climate enhanced loyalty to supervisors. Furthermore, loyalty to supervisors mediated the relationship between perception of a familial climate and job performance. Filial behaviour moderated the relationship between perception of a familial climate and loyalty; thus, the relationship of perception of a familial climate and loyalty was stronger for employees with low levels of filial behaviour and weaker for employees with high levels of filial behaviour. These findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical implications for future research and management practices.  相似文献   

刘豆豆  胥彦  李超平 《心理科学进展》2021,29(10):1829-1846
本研究采用元分析技术和效标剖面元分析技术探讨中国情境下家长式领导与员工绩效之间的关系。通过文献收集与筛选, 共纳入139项研究400个效应值(N = 44605)。元分析结果发现:(1)仁慈领导、德行领导与任务绩效和组织公民绩效有较强的正相关关系, 与反生产绩效有较强的负相关关系。与之相反, 威权领导与任务绩效和组织公民绩效之间有显著的负相关关系, 与反生产绩效显著正相关。(2)低威权领导剖面(仁慈领导和德行领导水平高)对任务绩效和组织公民绩效的预测力最强, 高威权领导剖面(仁慈领导和德行领导水平低)对反生产绩效的预测力最强。(3)年龄能够调节家长式领导部分维度和绩效之间的关系强度, 性别对家长式领导分维度和绩效关系的调节效应不显著。研究结果进一步揭示了中国情境下家长式领导与个体绩效之间关系的“真相”。  相似文献   

Employee's self‐efficacy has been related with important outcomes for organizations, such as service quality and job performance. Thus, understanding the antecedents of self‐efficacy can have important payoffs. Accordingly, this paper investigates how personal values interact with autonomy to affect employee's self‐efficacy. The hypotheses are tested with a sample of bank employees. The results reveal that conservation is negatively related to self‐efficacy and that both openness to change and self‐enhancement values have a positive impact on self‐efficacy. Autonomy is also positively associated with self‐efficacy. Finally, autonomy mitigates the negative effects of conservation on self‐efficacy, and strengthens the positive effects of self‐enhancement on self‐efficacy.  相似文献   

How can we study the ‘quality of psychoanalytic treatments’? The authors attempt to answer this question by discussing a naturalistic, multi‐perspective and representative follow‐up study of psychoanalyses and long‐term psychoanalytic psychotherapies. We studied a representative sample (n = 401) of all the patients who had terminated their psychoanalytic treatments with members of the German Psychoanalytical Association (DPV) between 1990 and 1993. Between 70 and 80 per cent of the patients achieved (average 6.5 years after the end of treatment) good and stable psychic changes according to the evaluations of the patients themselves, their analysts, independent psychoanalytic and non‐psychoanalytic experts, and questionnaires commonly applied in psychotherapy research. The evaluation of mental health costs showed a cost reduction through fewer days of sick leave during the seven years following the end of long‐term psychoanalytic treatments. The results achieved using non‐psychoanalytical instruments are complemented by the richness of the idiosyncratic findings, gained by the psychoanalytic research instruments.  相似文献   

Two groups of children, one able‐bodied and the other with physical disabilities, explored a symmetrical three‐tiered virtual building that contained six distinctive target objects, two on each storey. In a subsequent test, the target objects were removed and participants were asked to make judgments of the directions to the former target locations from each floor in turn. At each test site, judgments were required for targets that were formerly on the same floor and for those on higher and lower floors. Relative tilt error scores suggested a bias for both groups, in that targets that were higher than the test location were judged as consistently lower than their actual position, whereas targets that were lower than the test location were judged as higher than their actual position. Absolute tilt errors revealed an asymmetry in both groups, with more accurate tilt errors for judgments directed to lower than higher floors. The relevance of these results for the source of the asymmetry is discussed.  相似文献   

A covariance structure analysis method for testing time‐invariance in reliability in multiwave, multiple‐indicator models in outlined. The approach accounts for observed variable specificity and permits, in addition, estimation of reliability in terms of ‘pure’ measurement error variance. The proposed procedure is developed within a confirmatory factor analysis framework and illustrated with data from a cognitive intervention study.  相似文献   

Ninety-four engineers were asked to describe their supervisors' leadership style, to indicate their expectancies whether performing effectively in their jobs would lead to job rewards and the valence of these rewards. It was hypothesized that employees' expectancies and a considerative leadership style interact to influence the performance levels of these engineers. Results indicated that leader consideration and employee expectancies operate in joint fashions to effect job performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the effects of a paternalistic and empowering leadership style on organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in an experimental design using 100 Turkish and 100 Dutch students who held part‐time jobs. Confirming our expectations, a paternalistic leadership style had a more positive effect on job dedication and organizational support in Turkey than in the Netherlands. Contradicting our expectations, an empowering leadership style did not have a more positive effect on any of the OCB dimensions in the Netherlands than it did in Turkey. However, in the Netherlands an empowering leadership style had a stronger effect on interpersonal facilitation, job dedication, and organizational support than a paternalistic leadership style. Paternalistic and empowering leadership styles both had positive effects on OCB dimensions in Turkey. As expected, collectivism moderated the relationship between paternalistic leadership style and other oriented OCB (i.e., interpersonal facilitation). Specifically, people who had more collectivistic tendencies were more positively influenced by a paternalistic leader than people who had low collectivistic tendencies in both countries. However, individualism did not have any moderating effects on the relationship between empowering leadership style and self‐oriented OCB (i.e., job dedication). Our findings are relevant for understanding the effects of leadership styles and cultural orientations on self‐ versus other‐oriented OCB in Turkey and the Netherlands.  相似文献   

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