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A temporal distinctiveness theory of contextually cued retrieval from memory is presented and applied to recency and modality effects. According to this theory, one part of the mnemonic trace of an item is a representation of the item's time of presentation. Time of presentation may be encoded with a coarse grain (so that it is consistent with a wide range of times) or with a fine grain (so that it is consistent with a narrow range of times). Retrieval proceeds by constructing temporally defined search sets that include representations of items consistent with the temporal bounds of the search set. The temporal width of the search set increases as the retention interval increases. Recency effects arise from retrieval of recently presented items from narrow search sets that include representations of few items; within the context of the search set, these items are distinctive and recalled well. Superiority in recall of recently presented auditory information in comparison with recently presented visual information is attributed to differences in the grain of time of presentation representations for aurally (fine grain) and visually (coarse grain) presented information. Four experiments confirm qualitative and quantitative predictions of the theory, including the prediction of auditory superiority at the beginning of the list when the initial items are temporally distinct.  相似文献   

The temporal context model posits that search through episodic memory is driven by associations between the multiattribute representations of items and context. Context, in turn, is a recency weighted sum of previous experiences or memories. Because recently processed items are most similar to the current representation of context, M. Usher, E. J. Davelaar, H. J. Haarmann, and Y. Goshen-Gottstein (2008) have suggested that the temporal context model (TCM-A) embodies a distinction between short-term and long-term memory and that this distinction is central to TCM-A's success in accounting for the pattern of recency and contiguity observed across short and long timescales. The authors dispute Usher et al's claim that context in TCM-A has much in common with classic interpretations of short-term memory. The idea that multiple representations interact in the process of memory encoding and retrieval (across timescales), as proposed in TCM-A, is very different from the classic dual-process view that distinct rules govern retrieval of recent and remote memories.  相似文献   

Two processes of information retrieval were considered in the context of the logogen model. The aim was to establish whether information about the final items of an auditory short-term memory list is held exclusively in precategorical acoustic storage at presentation or whether these items are automatically registered in a cognitive store as well. Error data for a final heterogeneous item in alphanumeric lists showed significantly better recall, despite the addition of a stimulus suffix. Although these results demonstrated that coding had proceeded further than a precategorical stage, which maintains only physical features, the possibility remained that the effect was due to a bias in focal attention and selective coding at list presentation. A second experiment increased the difficulty of the retrieval task, and effectively precluded the possibility of a bias in attention. The results confirmed the findings in the first experiment. It was concluded that information about the final item(s) is registered automatically in the cognitive system, and that responses are made available from this source when information about physical features of the item is degraded by a stimulus suffix.  相似文献   

Updating refers to (1) discarding items from, (2) repositioning items in, and (3) adding items to a running working memory span. Our behavioral and fMRI experiments varied three factors: trial length, proactive interference (PI), and group integrity. Group integrity reflected whether the grouping of items at the encoding stage was violated at discarding. Behavioral results were consistent with the idea that updating processes have a relatively short refractory period and may not fatigue, and they revealed that episodic information about group context is encoded automatically in working memory stimulus representations. The fMRI results did not show evidence that updating requirements in a task recruit executive control processes other than those supporting performance on nonupdating trials. They did reveal an item-accumulation effect, in which signal increased monotonically with the number of items presented during the trial, despite the insensitivity of behavioral measures to this factor. Behavioral and fMRI correlates of PI extended previous results and rejected an alternative explanation of PI effects in working memory.  相似文献   

张豹  邵嘉莹  胡岑楼  黄赛 《心理学报》2015,47(9):1089-1100
本研究采用双任务范式, 通过定向遗忘任务操纵工作记忆表征状态, 分别在目标无关和目标相关条件下考察工作记忆激活与抑制状态对视觉搜索早期注意引导效应的影响。实验1与实验2发现当工作记忆表征只可能与视觉搜索分心物匹配时(目标无关条件), 处于激活状态的工作记忆表征会引导视觉注意偏向到与之匹配的分心物, 表现出注意引导效应, 而处于抑制状态的工作记忆表征则没有观察到注意引导效应。实验3与实验4发现, 当工作记忆表征有可能与视觉搜索目标匹配时(目标相关条件), 处于激活状态的工作记忆表征能捕获注意, 而处于抑制状态的工作记忆表征只有与视觉搜索目标匹配时, 才表现出对该搜索目标反应的延迟。这些研究的结果表明(1)处于激活状态的工作记忆表征能有效地引导注意偏向到与之匹配的搜索目标或分心物, 并且这种注意引导效应并未受到抑制动机的影响而被消除或反转; (2)处于抑制状态的工作记忆表征能将抑制状态传递到视觉搜索阶段, 并延迟对与之匹配的搜索目标的反应。  相似文献   

A challenge for theories of episodic memory is to determine how we focus memory search on a set of recently learned items. Cognitive theories suggest that the recall of an item representation is driven by an internally maintained context representation that integrates incoming information with a long time-scale. Neural investigations have shown that recalling an item revives the pattern of brain activity present during its study. To link these neural and cognitive approaches, we propose a framework in which context is maintained and updated in prefrontal cortex, and is associated with item information through hippocampal projections. The proposed framework is broadly consistent with neurobiological studies of temporal integration and with studies of memory deficits in individuals with prefrontal damage.  相似文献   

In the first experiment, the letters of words were overprinted; that is, successive letters were presented on the same location of the screen. Word identification was difficult unless the rate of presentation was slow, about 3 letters/sec. The second experiment showed that the low level of word identification did not reflect difficulty with basic letter identification. Instead, it reflected the rate at which short-term memory can accept separate items. While such results refute models of reading that stress a letter-by-letter integration, they do not test those that stress construction of higher order units. Instead, the task forces letter-byletter integration by removing spatial information, a dimension required for construction of higher order units. As a result, it does not permit integration of the correct units. The third experiment illustrated the construction and integration of supraletter units. Letter groups (either syllables or corresponding nonsyllable groups! were overprinted, a technique that introduces the spatial dimension. Word identification increased dramatically, and subjects were able to exploit the familiarity inherent in syllabic presentations. Thus, integration is much faster when more appropriate units can be used, and construction of the units depends on spatial information. The fourth experiment showed that the construction of supraletter units is achieved prior to short-term memory: Even though memory was able to group the material, the subjects could not use syllabic structure when syllables were isolated temporally but not spatially. The results were discussed in terms of a model describing the construction of higher order units.  相似文献   

We present a model of similarity-based retrieval that attempts to capture three seemingly contradictory psychological phenomena: (a) structural commonalities are weighed more heavily than surface commonalities in similarity judgments for items in working memory; (b) in retrieval, superficial similarity is more important than structural similarity; and yet (c) purely structural (analogical) remindings e sometimes experienced. Our model, MAC/FAC, explains these phenomena in terms of a two-stage process. The first stage uses a computationally cheap, non-structural matcher to filter candidate long-term memory items. It uses content vectors, a redundant encoding of structured representations whose dot product estimates how well the corresponding structural representations will match. The second stage uses SME (structure-mapping engine) to compute structural matches on the handful of items found by the first stage. We show the utility of the MAC/FAC model through a series of computational experiments: (a) We demonstrate that MAC/FAC can model patterns of access found in psychological data; (b) we argue via sensitivity analyses that these simulation results rely on the theory; and (c) we compare the performance of MAC/FAC with ARCS, an alternate model of similarity-based retrieval, and demonstrate that MAC/FAC explains the data better than ARCS. Finally, we discuss limitations and possible extensions of the model, relationships with other recent retrieval models, and place MAC/FAC in the context of other recent work on the nature of similarity.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the probed recall of visually presented letter sequences in which the items appeared at different spatial locations. Three types of probe were compared: (1) spatial position; (2) temporal association; and (3) combined position and association. In the first experiment, in which the spatial locations of the items were correlated with their temporal order, spatial probes were more effective than temporal association probes. In the second experiment spatial location was uncorrelated with temporal order, and spatial probes were less effective than temporal association probes. Regardless of the probe, errors tended to be items presented close in time to correct responses: spatial proximity was far less important. The results are discussed in terms of a storage system in which items and their spatial locations are organized within a temporal format. Both experiments showed superior combined probe performance, demonstrating that short-term retrieval is not limited to the use of one type of cue at a time. Secondary aspects of the results showed additionally that subjects can “edit” their responses to avoid making obvious mistakes, and that spatial location can be partially forgotten rather than being completely lost.  相似文献   

In numerous recent studies in short-term memory, it has been established that forward serial recall is unaffected by the temporal isolation of to-be-remembered items. These findings contradict the temporal distinctiveness view of memory, which expects items that are temporally isolated from their neighbors to be more distinct and hence remembered better. To date, isolation effects have only been found with tests that do not constrain output order, such as free recall. This article reports two experiments that, for the first time, report a temporal isolation effect with forward serial recall, using a running memory task in which the end of the list is unpredictable. The results suggest that people are able to encode and use temporal information in situations in which positional information is of little value. We conclude that the overall pattern of findings concerning temporal isolation supports models of short-term memory that postulate multidimensional representations of items.  相似文献   

The effect of varying load in memory tasks performed during a time interval production was examined. In a first experiment, increasing load in memory search for temporal order affected concurrent time production more strongly than varying load in a spatial memory task of equivalent difficulty. This result suggests that timing uses some specific resources also required in processing temporal order in memory, resources that would not be used in the spatial memory task. A second experiment showed that the interference between time production and memory search involving temporal order was stronger when, during the timing task, a decision was made on the temporal position of a memory item, than when information on temporal order was retained throughout the interval to be produced. These results underscore the importance of considering the specific resources and processes involved when the interference between timing and concurrent non-temporal tasks is analyzed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the effect of concurrent nontempcraLprocessmg on time astimation may vary depending on the level of difficulty of the nontemporal task. This is commonly interpreted within the context of so-called distraction/interruption models of temporal processing, which propose that as concurrent task difficulty or complexity is increased, temporal processing receives less attention. We hypothesize that the effect of nontemporal processing does not depend on the level of difficulty as such, but rather on the extent to which the concurrent nontemporal task specifically involves processing in short-term meraery. Four experiments were run in which the short-term memory requirements of concurrent tasks were systematically varied, although all of the tasks were of comparable levels of difficulty. In the first experiment, the effect of memory search on simultaneous temporal productions was proportional to the number of items to search. As with reaction time, produced intervals were shown to increase linearly with the number of items in the memorized set. In Experiment 2, a visual search involving some load on short-term memory interfered in the same way with time production, although to a lesser extent. The last two experiments showed that performing attention-demanding visual search tasks that did not involve short-term memory did not lengthen simultaneously produced time inter-vals. This suggests that interference of nontemporal processing on time processing may not be a matter of nonspecific general purpose attentional resources, but rather of concurrent short-term-memory processing demands.  相似文献   

A model of short-term memory and episodic memory is presented, with the core assumptions that (a) people parse their continuous experience into episodic clusters and (b) items are clustered together in memory as episodes by binding information within an episode to a common temporal context. Along with the additional assumption that information within a cluster is serially ordered, the model accounts for a number of phenomena from short-term memory (with a focus on serial recall) and episodic memory (with a focus on free recall). The model also accounts for the effects of aging on serial and free recall, apparent temporal isolation effects in short- and long-term memory, and the relation between individual differences in working memory and episodic memory performance.  相似文献   

The present article reports two experiments testing the use of working memory components during reasoning with temporal and spatial relations in four-term series problems. In the first experiment four groups of subjects performed reasoning tasks with temporal and with spatial contents either without (control) or with a secondary task (articulatory suppression, visuospatial suppression or central executive suppression). The second experiment tested the secondary task effects in a within-subjects design either on problems with a spatial content or on problems with a temporal content, and within each content domain either under conditions of self-paced or of fixed presentation of the premises. Both experiments found effects of all three secondary tasks on reasoning accuracy. This supports the hypothesis that the subjects construct spatial representations of the premise information with the support of visuo-spatial resources of working memory. The second experiment also showed that during premise intake, only visuo-spatial and central executive secondary tasks had an effect. The implications of the data for the working memory requirements of reasoning and for theories of linear reasoning are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the role of memory in visual search is debatable, most researchers agree with a limited-capacity model of memory in visual search. The authors demonstrate the role of memory by replicating previous findings showing that visual search is biased away from old items (previously examined items) and toward new items (nonexamined items). Furthermore, the authors examined the type of memory representations used to bias search by changing an item's individuating feature or location during search. Changing the individuating feature of an item did not disrupt normal search biases. However, when the location of an item changed, normal search biases were disrupted. These results suggest that memory used in visual search is based on items' locations rather than their identity.  相似文献   

Research has shown that performing visual search while maintaining representations in visual working memory displaces up to one object's worth of information from memory. This memory displacement has previously been attributed to a nonspecific disruption of the memory representation by the mere presentation of the visual search array, and the goal of the present study was to determine whether it instead reflects the use of visual working memory in the actual search process. The first hypothesis tested was that working memory displacement occurs because observers preemptively discard about an object's worth of information from visual working memory in anticipation of performing visual search. Second, we tested the hypothesis that on target absent trials no information is displaced from visual working memory because no target is entered into memory when search is completed. Finally, we tested whether visual working memory displacement is due to the need to select a response to the search array. The findings rule out these alternative explanations. The present study supports the hypothesis that change-detection performance is impaired when a search array appears during the retention interval due to nonspecific disruption or masking.  相似文献   

时序信息加工机制及其通道效应的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
王振勇  黄希庭 《心理学报》1996,29(4):345-351
研究由两个实验组成,实验一采用纯粹的视听方式,以线段长度和声音频率为材料,对时序信息的加工方式(自动加工与控制加工)、编码特点(时序信息是何时编码的)以及通道效应进行了研究。实验二以汉字为材料重复实验一的过程;结果表明,时序信息的加工存在视听通道效应,其机制源于记忆,且与实验材料的加工深度以及加工方式有关;时序信息既包含有自动加工,又包含有控制加工。视觉刺激倾向于自动加工,而听觉则倾向于控制加工;时序信息是在项目学习时编码获得的,而不是在提取时建构的。  相似文献   

Differentiation is a theory that originally emerged from the perception literature and proposes that with experience, the representation of stimuli becomes more distinct from or less similar to the representation of other stimuli. In recent years, the role of differentiation has played a critical role in models of memory. Differentiation mechanisms have been implemented in episodic memory models by assuming that information about new experiences with a stimulus in a particular context accumulates in a single memory trace and these updated memory traces become more distinct from the representations of other stimuli. A key implication of such models is that well encoded events are less confusable with other events. This prediction is particularly relevant for two important phenomena. One is the role of encoding strength on memory. The strength based mirror effect is the finding of higher hit rates and lower false alarm rates for a list composed of all strongly encoded items compared to a list composed of all weakly encoded items. The other is output interference, the finding that accuracy decreases across a series of test trials. Results from four experiments show a tight coupling between these two empirical phenomena such that strongly encoded target items are less prone to interference. By proposing a process model and evaluating the predictions of the model, we show how a single theoretical principle, differentiation, provides a unified explanation for these effects.  相似文献   

An experiment by McCann and Besner (1987) suggested that non-words that are homophonic with a high-frequency word (e.g. “keap”) are named in the same amount of time as non-words that are homophonic with a low-frequency word (e.g. “fome”), despite such pseudohomophones being faster to name than non-pseudohomophones (e.g. “feap”, “yome”). Such a result is a challenge to any model of lexical processing that places the word-frequency effect at the stage when the word is being selected from amongst all lexical entries. McCann and Besner propose a complex alternative account where frequency effects arise at a later stage of processing, a stage that is not involved in the naming of pseudohomophones. The purpose of the present study is to look for a frequency effect in the naming of pseudohomophones, controlling for orthographic factors that McCann and Besner ignored. The first experiment, using a homophone decision task, establishes a set of items that produce a clear frequency effect. These items are then used in a naming experiment which also reveals a clear frequency effect for those subjects who make use of a lexical route when pronouncing pseudohomophones. It is concluded from this that the complex model developed by McCann and Besner is unnecessary.  相似文献   

We examined the aftermath of accessing and retrieving a subset of information stored in visual working memory (VWM)—namely, whether detection of a mismatch between memory and perception can impair the original memory of an item while triggering recognition-induced forgetting for the remaining, untested items. For this purpose, we devised a consecutive-change detection task wherein two successive testing probes were displayed after a single set of memory items. Across two experiments utilizing different memory-testing methods (whole vs. single probe), we observed a reliable pattern of poor performance in change detection for the second test when the first test had exhibited a color change. The impairment after a color change was evident even when the same memory item was repeatedly probed; this suggests that an attention-driven, salient visual change made it difficult to reinstate the previously remembered item. The second change detection, for memory items untested during the first change detection, was also found to be inaccurate, indicating that recognition-induced forgetting had occurred for the unprobed items in VWM. In a third experiment, we conducted a task that involved change detection plus continuous recall, wherein a memory recall task was presented after the change detection task. The analyses of the distributions of recall errors with a probabilistic mixture model revealed that the memory impairments from both visual changes and recognition-induced forgetting are explained better by the stochastic loss of memory items than by their degraded resolution. These results indicate that attention-driven visual change and recognition-induced forgetting jointly influence the “recycling” of VWM representations.  相似文献   

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