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不当的企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)表现会让消费者感知企业伪善, 从而产生极负面的影响。但“伪善”概念刚经由社会心理学引入营销学领域, 亟需准确定义和科学的量表。为此, 将以中国文化为背景, 通过系列研究, (1)探究CSR活动中消费者感知企业伪善的内涵并与相关概念区分; (2)揭示企业伪善的构成结构, 开发多维度的企业伪善量表并进行严格的信度、效度检验; (3)探索其前因后果, 特别是实证检验其对消费者态度和行为三个层面的影响。  相似文献   

The issue of corporate responsibility has long been discussed in relationship to universities, but generally only in an ad hoc fashion. While the role of universities in teaching business ethics is one theme that has received significant and rather constant attention, other issues tend to be raised only sporadically. Moreover, when issues of corporate responsibility are raised, it is often done on the presumption of some understanding of a liberal arts mandate of the university, a position that has come under much attack in recent years. The purpose of this article is to investigate more systematically the nature of the obligations that the university has to promote more responsible corporate behaviour. It does so on the basis of a reinterpretation of the liberal arts tradition from a critical theory perspective. This entails: (1) an initial conceptualization of the roles and functions of the university; (2) an examination of these functions at two formative periods of the liberal arts tradition, the medieval university and the rise of the modern university in Germany in the early 19th century; (3) an investigation of ruptures in the understanding and practices of the liberal arts tradition, resulting in large part from the rise of the bureaucratic state and the industrial capitalist economy; (4) a reinterpretation of the liberal arts tradition from a critical theory perspective; and (5) a systematic elaboration of the obligations of the university vis-à-vis corporations based upon the university's key functions of teaching, research, formation and professional development.  相似文献   

Literature reviews have repeatedly emphasized the need to further investigate relationships between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and micro-organizational variables. The present research attempts to address this call by examining the direct and indirect relationship between individual perceptions of CSR and employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). Multiphasic data from 207 workplace supervisor–subordinate dyads recruited from an online panel were analyzed to show that organizational identification mediated the relationship between CSR and OCBs. Furthermore, supervisor transformational leadership style moderated the mediation, such that the indirect effect of the organizational identification on the relationship between CSR and OCBs became nonsignificant under low transformational leadership. Based on these results, we make suggestions for using embeddedness programs to improve perceptions of CSR.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study corporate social responsibility (CSR) in China through the prism of investments. We work with large stocks and assess their CSR performance from agency CSR data. We formulate Chinese CSR by a multiple objective extension of a traditional portfolio selection model and analytically solve the extension. We also solve the extension by a genetic algorithm and directly evaluate the algorithm's performance against the analytical solution. The multiple objective formulation is tested by randomly choosing nondominated portfolios with out‐of‐sample data to identify nondominated portfolios that outperform the 1/n portfolio (equally weighted portfolio). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   




This article presents a stakeholder-based example of corporate social responsibility (CSR) within a university context. The first section provides a literature review that builds the case for CSR efforts by educational institutions. The next section details aspects of the focal corporate social responsibility program at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg (USFSP) from its early conception to its implementation. The Talking the Talk section describes the overarching mission of the larger university and its influence on the mission of the newly formed College of Business which undertook an ambitious community outreach program in a downtown neighborhood. The execution of the program is discussed subsequently in the Walking the Walk section, with an emphasis on formation of advisory boards, development of appropriate coursework, relevant interactions with external constituencies, and plans for assessment and continuous improvement. The article closes with recommendations for universities considering similar endeavors.  相似文献   

‘Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is conceptualized in many ways. We argue that one cannot be indifferent about the issue of its conceptualization. In terms of methodology, our position is that any conceptual discussion must embed CSR in political theory. With regard to substance, we link up with the discussion on whether CSR must be defined on the basis of a tripartite or a quadripartite division of business responsibilities. We share A.B. Carroll’s intuition that a quadripartite division is called for as a basis to define CSR. However, defending the quadripartite division of business responsibilities requires that the distinctions between economic, legal, ethical and discretionary business responsibilities be made intelligible. Carroll’s account is defective in this respect. We argue that contemporary Neo-Kantian political ethics is able to make sense of these distinctions, because of its specific interpretation of liberalism. Interestingly, from a conventional liberal perspective this interpretation of liberalism is atypical, as it extends public morality beyond the domain of the law.
Wim DubbinkEmail:

王财玉  雷雳 《心理科学进展》2015,23(7):1245-1257
社会责任消费是指消费者通过个人努力来促进促进环境保护和社会良性发展的一种消费模式。社会责任消费结构与测量从单一维度逐渐过渡到了多维度, 并涵盖了从产品获得、使用到购后垃圾处理的整个过程。从影响社会责任消费的心理距离来看, 社会责任消费的形成机制主要包括三类:进化心理机制阐述了作为人类进化结果的亲社会偏好是如何影响社会责任消费的, 属于远端机制; 社会规范机制阐述了外部的社会规范(命令性规范与描述性规范)是如何发挥作用的, 属于中端机制; 态度-行为(意愿)模型则主要阐述了消费者内部心理因素的影响, 属于近端机制。随着消费者社会责任消费影响力的扩大, 企业纷纷重视其自身社会责任行为, 并由此衍生出以企业社会责任为导向的营销策略, 然而其效果受到诸多因素影响。文章最后指出了已有研究尚未解决的问题以及未来的一些研究方向。  相似文献   

指出了医药行业对企业公民和企业社会责任的忽视,分析了企业公民和企业社会责任在医药行业发展中的对应要求,强调了医药行业在注重经济利益的同时,要充分重视对社会责任的承担,并从医药行业作为社会事业的角度,提出了树立企业公民意识对提升医药事业发展境界的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

Human moral rights place justified limits on what people are free to do to one another. Animals also have moral rights, and arguments to support the use of animals in scientific research based on the benefits allegedly derived from animal model research are thus invalid. Animals do not belong in laboratories because placing them there, in the hope of benefits for others, violates their rights.  相似文献   

彭坚  杨红玲 《心理科学》2018,(6):1464-1469
随着社会与环境问题的日益严峻, 责任型领导这个研究主题逐渐引起了学界的关注与探讨。观其发展历史, 责任型领导的概念界定主要历经了关系视角、过程视角和行为视角的变迁, 实证研究主要涉及道德认同、情境强度、社会交换、社会学习、社会信息加工、情感事件和资本理论等视角。在中国情境下, 未来研究既可以遵循本位研究思路, 从差序格局特征、集体主义取向类型等视角进行探索, 也可采用客位研究思路, 对以往西方研究视角进行检验或升级, 如整合、对比或探讨适用条件。  相似文献   

科学家的社会责任问题存在“科学价值中立说”与“科学家的普遍社会责任说”之争。新冠肺炎疫情下的风险社会中,科学家不能持有“事不关己”的“价值中立”态度,而应担负“普遍责任”,他们是疫情防治中的重要行动者。但是,在一些国家出现了科学研究不严谨、科学研究政治化等科学家社会责任缺失现象。需加强科学理性与价值理性的统一、建立重大疫情科学决策咨询制度、改革科技评价方式、精英决策与民主决策相结合、保持科学研究与政治之间的合理张力。  相似文献   




Abstract : At mid‐century, Harold S. Bender's “The Anabaptist Vision” provided a definition of sixteenth‐century Anabaptist tradition that clarified the self‐understanding of its contemporary Mennonite heirs and by which their faithfulness to the tradition might be judged. Critics of the vision, such as J. Lawrence Burkholder, sought reformulations of the vision's central tension between separation from and integration into “the world,” calling for greater social responsibility and for a recognition that the ambiguities of human existence extend to the church, of necessity qualifying its lived expressions of radical discipleship.  相似文献   

Although managers and researchers have invested considerable effort into understanding corporate social responsibility (CSR), less is known about corporate social irresponsibility (CSiR). Drawing on strategic leadership and moral licensing research, we address this gap by considering the relationship between CSR and CSiR. We predict that prior CSR is positively associated with subsequent CSiR because the moral credits achieved through CSR enable leaders to engage in less ethical stakeholder treatment. Further, we hypothesize that leaders’ moral identity symbolization, or the degree to which being moral is expressed outwardly to the public through actions and behavior, will moderate the CSR–CSiR relationship, such that the relationship will be stronger when CEOs are high on moral identity symbolization rather than low on moral identity symbolization. Through an archival study of 49 Fortune 500 firms, we find support for our hypotheses.  相似文献   

社会责任感是大学生全面发展和幸福生活的核心品质,更是社会和谐与良好风尚的重要保证。本研究以北京、苏州、上海、厦门等地5所高校共852名大学生为研究对象,考察了父母教养方式(包括关爱与控制)与大学生社会责任感的关系,以及自我控制的中介作用与性别差异,结果表明:(1)父母关爱对大学生社会责任感具有显著的积极预测作用,而父母控制无预测效应;(2)自我控制在父母关爱与社会责任感之间发挥着部分中介作用;(3)自我控制的中介效应存在明显的性别差异,主要表现在女生群体中,而男生中不存在该效应。这表明,父母关爱可以明显提高大学生社会责任感,并且在女生群体中自我控制是二者关系的中间桥梁。  相似文献   

In this article I show how the concept of intertextuality as developed by Mikhail Bakhtin, Julia Kristeva and Jacques Derrida can be applied to the political theory of constitutionalism. Such an approach carries with it the valuable democratic idea that all texts in society, including the political constitution, are in a dynamic relationship and reflect social pluralism. By analyzing and comparing intertextual theories, I develop the idea of the constitution as an open and emancipatory interpretative and textual category. I show how intertextual theorizing contributes significantly to the democratization of a modern liberal constitutional order, offering distinct strategies for progressive political and social transformation.  相似文献   

从19世纪末到20世纪初,随着企业对社会影响力的不断增大,以及工业发展对社会负面影响的日益暴露,社会对企业的关注日益增强。人们开始探讨企业除了追求自身经济利益最大化以外,是否有义务承担多元社会责任?本文试图通过分析,来探讨企业的使命到底是什么?它与承担社会责任存在怎样的关系?该怎样处理好这一关系?  相似文献   

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