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基于比较视野下当代大学生性心理与教育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡维芳  朱爱胜 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1449-1452
在从比较的视野对国内学者针对不同性别、不同专业、不同学校类型等的大学生性心理特点以及中外高校大学生性教育的历史与现状、性教育的对象、性教育的内容与形式、性教育的队伍、性教育的成效等差异进行分析、对比研究的基础上,从中获得启示和借鉴,以推动我国高校对当代大学生性教育的有效开展。  相似文献   

大学生性生理、性心理、性道德状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解青年大学生性生理、性心理和性道德状况,搞好性教育,我们在本校范围内进行了调查。  相似文献   

青少年青春期性生理及性心理的调查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
青春期的性教育已越来越受到社会各界的重视.要很好地开展这一工作,必须首先了解目前青春期性生理及性心理的客观状况.本研究通过问卷方式对青业年进行调查,力求为科学地开展性教育工作提供一些依据.  相似文献   

本通过对性心理的描述,从三个方面分析了青年性心理和性行为产生、发展的原因,并提出了对性教育中应该注意到的三个问题。以此希望社会各界能正确看待青年性心理和性行为。  相似文献   

人类的性是生理、心理及伦理系统的存在整体."三理"教育的实质是生理、心理及伦理的整合创新模式.从"三理"的视角理解,青少年性教育是依据青少年身心发展规律,帮助青少年打破性无知、和谐性心理、内化性道德、培养性责任.其中以性生理教育为基础,性心理教育为重点,性道德教育为核心,做到"三理结合、三理同步".在家庭、学校及社会的共同努力下,使青少年性教育纳入义务教育之中,帮助青少年健康"性"成长.  相似文献   

青少年性心理及性知识的现况调查分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
青少年学生正值青春期 ,生理和心理正发生着巨大的变化 ,随之产生的问题很多 ,从我院青春期门诊就诊情况就证明了这一点。而使性教育更有针对性、更全面地开展的前提是对受教育者的性生理、性心理等方面的发展现状进行详细的了解 ,为此我们对大连市部分青少年学生进行这次问卷调查 ,为顺利开展性教育提供一个充分的依据和参考。1 对象与方法对象 :大连市一所高中、三所初中的 92 0名学生。男生平均年龄为 1 5 .69岁 ,女生平均年龄为 1 5 .2 7岁。方法 :参考《初中学生性心理教育状况调查表》、《高中学生性心理教育状况调查表》自行编制调…  相似文献   

女护士生性教育现状及需求的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以大连某卫校女护士生为研究对象,采用自编式问卷对女护士生的性教育现状及需求进行了调查分析.结果表明:卫校女生在性知识、性态度、性行为方面发展的主流是好的、健康的,但也有少数女护士生对自身正常的性生理、性心理现象不了解而产生心理困惑和压力,女护士生渴望从学校得到正规的性教育.为了使女护士生身心得到健康发展,学校必须开展以性道德教育为核心的正规的性教育.  相似文献   

一、中学性教育的现实背景1.性早熟与性教育严重滞后的矛盾随着我国经济的迅速发展,人民物质生活水平的显著提高,医疗卫生条件的改善,社会文化刺激的日益增多,我国青少年的性发育相对前移。根据我国社会学家刘达临等于1989~1990年进行的2万例性调查来看,男中学生首次遗精的平均年龄是14.4岁,女中学生月经初潮的平均年龄是13.04岁,都比50年代以前的青少年要提前一年半左右。伴随青少年性生理发育的前移和他们在社会化过程中接受性信息的广泛与频繁,他们的性心理发展也大大提前。青少年性生理和性心理的提前,迫切要求中学的性教育能够适应学…  相似文献   

针对青少年在青春期身心发育的特点,进行性生理、性心理、性道德方面的教育是十分必要的。青春期性教育是青春期主体教育结构中不可缺少的一个环节。在开发青春期性教育时,要注意纠正以下几种错误认识:  相似文献   

性心理作为人类心理活动的一个重要而特殊的组成部分,对于个体人格健康、健全的发展具有重要意义。也是当代大学生健康教育和现代化卫生保健事业的一个重要方面,确保大学生身心健康是关系到现代化建设宏伟目标实现的一个必要因素。为此,为了解我校男性大学生性心理状况、依据调查的结果,有针对性的采取有效措施,促进其性心理的健康发展。  相似文献   

The present pilot study examined psychosexual fixations and defense mechanisms in a sample of young Japanese women. The Lexical Rorschach count and the Defense Mechanisms Inventory were administered to 24 female college students. Sadism on the Lexical Rorschach count was positively correlated with Reversal of Affect. Phallic fixation on the Lexical Rorschach count was positively correlated with Projection. Psychoanalytic hypotheses about the associations between psychosexual fixations and defense mechanisms were partially confirmed.  相似文献   

目的:分析比较大学生人际困扰、社交焦虑和心理症状的现状与影响,为大学生心理健康教育提供见解。方法:采用自制大学生压力源情况调查表,症状自评量表,社交回避及苦恼量表对大一、大二、大三共1291名大学生进行了测查。结果:人际关系困扰各年级总检出率为27.2%;大二和大三人际敏感因子均分高于大一,女生得分高于男生,并有显著差异;社交苦恼因子和总均分高于常模,存在差异显著性(P<0.05),总体社交回避及苦恼与抑郁、强迫、焦虑等心理症状有显著正相关,并有统计学意义。结论:人际困扰、人际敏感症状存在年级、性别差异,和典型表现形式;社交回避及苦恼可导致不同类型心理症状。  相似文献   

The Defining Issues Test (DIT) of moral reasoning development was administered to 20 advanced and 20 first-year graduate students, plus 40 college graduates matched to the graduate groups on sex, age, and verbal ability. A two-way ANOVA design was used to infer whether graduate education, selection, maturation, or a combination of these effects is (are) associated with group differences on the DIT. Results suggest that differences found between the graduate students and college graduates can be accounted for by a combination of maturational and selection effects, contrary to the hypothesized effects of formal education.  相似文献   

聋人高等教育在我国正处于快速发展时期,聋人大学生因其身体缺陷需要社会各界提供全方位的社会支持,以促进其身心健康成长。本研究对250名聋人大学生的社会支持现状进行问卷调查,结果表明:不同性别的聋人大学生获得的社会支持存在显著差异,父亲提供给聋人女生的情感支持显著高于聋人男生;母亲提供给聋人女生的亲密感支持显著高于男生;教师提供给聋人男生的惩罚和冲突得分显著高于聋人女生;同性朋友提供给聋人女生的情感支持、工具性支持、和亲密感、价值增进四个维度及社会支持总水平得分显著高于聋人男生;异性朋友提供给聋人女生的社会支持各维度以及总水平均显著高于男生。  相似文献   

To facilitate more effective AIDS education with heterosexual college students, an etiological study of AIDS risk behavior was conducted on a sample of 1,035 students at a large western university. In this study, “AIDS risk behavior” refers to participation in casual sex, failure to use condoms, and resistance to changing casual sex activity. Knowledge regarding AIDS had no significant correlation with AIDS-risk behavior. However, “perceived peer norms” (termed Peer Norm in this study) was a major predictor variable in AIDS risk behavior. Peer Norm was defined as perceived AIDS-risk attitudes and the behavior of one's peers. These findings contrast some what with those of Emmons et al.'s (1986) study of homosexual men. This difference may be due to the focus in the present study upon heterosexual university students as subjects. For this group, our results suggest that programs targeting the peer group in AIDS prevention education are especially needed. These might include peer-based AIDS education, emotion-oriented discussion sessions, encounters with “Peers-with-AIDS” models, and role-playing of assertive responses.  相似文献   

75 college students responded to Moore and Barling's AIDS questionnaire. Coopersmith's Self-esteem Inventory, and a background survey regarding sex education and sexual and religious activity. The most commonly reported sources of sex education were peers, parents, and high school courses, respectively. Ratings of the most important of 10 potential sources of sex education included peers, high school courses, and religious institutions, respectively. None of these were significantly correlated with future condom use. Virgins reported more open communication with parents about sex. Sexual experience was positively related to more confusion about sexual precautions but negatively related to foreclosed attitudes toward such precautions. Some types of religious involvement (church attendance and campus religious organization membership) were related to foreclosed attitudes. Data in attitudinal and sex education were compared with data collected in 1991. Although students more frequently reported having received sex education in 2000, their attitudes toward utilizing sexual precautions have become somewhat more diffused.  相似文献   

健康教育对大学生心身健康影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨健康教育对大学生心身健康影响的效果,将非医学专业的大学生分为健康教育干预组(97名)和对照组(93名);干预组进行了近12周健康教育选修课,采用了课堂教学、团体和个别辅导、同伴教育等,分别采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)进行前后对照测试.结果发现,教育后的多项指标明显低于教育前,说明健康教育对大学生心身健康水平是很有效果的.  相似文献   

Feminists have debated whether enjoyment of sexualization (ES)—when women find sexualized attention from men rewarding—represents empowerment or patriarchal oppression. The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychosexual correlates of ES—sexual self-schema (SSS) and psychosexual health—among heterosexual college women (n?=?754) and men (n?=?389). Among women, ES was associated with a SSS in which women saw themselves as more heterosexual, more attractive, more open to unconventional sex acts, and having greater sentimentality about romantic relationships. Regarding psychosexual health, ES was not linked with general self-esteem but was associated with higher sexual esteem and lower sexual depression. Among men, ES was not related to SSS or psychosexual health. Overall, among women, ES was linked with positive outcomes, and it may represent women conforming to societal norms and using sexualized attention in order to obtain romantic intimacy. Rather than internalized misogyny, ES may represent an open approach to sexuality in which women take advantage of their sexualized position in society for their own empowerment.  相似文献   

乐国安  张艺  陈浩 《心理学探新》2012,32(2):146-152
为了深入了解当代大学生的创业意向及其影响因素,研究者以全国30所高校5000多名大学生为被试,对影响大学生创业意向的诸多因素进行了分析。研究发现:当代大学生的创业意向在性别、奖学金获得次数、学生干部经历、出生地上均存在一定差异。大学生主客观条件中的性别、学校性质、创业兴趣、创意能力改善对创业意向有显著影响。创业教育和创业环境认知的引入对于预测大学生的创业意向均有增量效度,能够在个体的主客观条件以外解释个体创业意向的变异。在大学生认知中,影响创业成功的因素主要由客观背景资源、主观能力经验和外部宏观环境3个因子组成,其中主观能力经验的作用排在首位。  相似文献   

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