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采用2×2实验设计的情境实验法,以98名被试探讨了申述类型和申述内容对应聘失败大学生反应的影响,并对4种实验条件与控制组进行了比较.结果发现:(1)与内容为客观和非人为标准的申述条件相比,在内容为主观和人为标准的申述条件下,应聘者有更高的程序公正感,对组织的评价也更积极;(2)申述比无申述使应聘失败大学生产生了更积极的反应,尤其是归罪部门经理的申述效果最好,而解释说职位取消的申述效果较差.  相似文献   

民间宗教的公共性及其变迁——基于甘肃中部的田野考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究民间宗教既需要关注个体在宗教活动中的精神心理满足,也需要关注宗教活动的组织过程。传统嵌入到当地社会结构中的民间宗教活动,除了具有满足私人信仰功能之外,还在维系地方社会秩序方面发挥重要作用。本文在后一层面上提出民间宗教活动的公共性质,认为宗教活动组织方式以及信仰活动中的象征资源是建构社区共同体和地方"权力文化网络"的重要部分。民间宗教活动的公共性本质上是产生于社会秩序的公共性,其最显著的表现形式是自然村落的共同体属性。近代以来的政权建设和市场经济发展,消解社区的功能性,瓦解社区内部结构,打破社区边界,随着农民私人生活方式的扩张,社区不再成为共同体。与之相伴,脱嵌于社会结构的民间宗教活动偏向私人性一端。  相似文献   

哲学和文化是第十七届世界哲学会议的主题。苏联哲学家提出的这个议题,已引起各国研究者浓厚兴趣,并且成了激烈争论的对象。除了文化的本质、自然界和文化的相互关系、文化和文明的联系这一类西方文化学的传统论题之外,还增加了其他一些比较迫切的问题,其中包括:传统在传播共同的精神经验中的作用、各种文化的对话和冲突、文化对社会历史过程的影响、现代文化整体化的途径、对文化现象进行哲学理解的特点。资产阶级哲学家对于文化也提出了某些有价值  相似文献   

近年来,辱虐管理引起了组织行为研究者的重点关注。已有的研究主要在个体层次上分析辱虐管理对于下属的作用机制及消极影响,但组织层次上的研究还鲜有学者涉及。从领导、受害者和旁观者等多个视角,基于道德排除理论,分析梳理了辱虐管理对于组织公平的作用,整合构建了多层次辱虐管理对下属影响的组织公平作用机制模型,并分别从组织层次、个体层次以及组织层次对个体层次交互作用的角度,深入探讨了辱虐管理对下属产生的负面作用。建议未来的研究考虑辱虐管理中的文化因素,进一步在其他组织公平的维度上研究辱虐管理的作用机制,改进并完善现有的研究方法,探索辱虐管理的积极应对策略,并从工具性的视角关注领导实施辱虐管理的动因。  相似文献   

本研究采用2×2×3的混合实验设计,探讨冒犯意图、冒犯者名声和申述方式对冒犯者所受责备及印象评价的影响。结果表明:(1)无意冒犯和好名声要比有意冒犯和坏名声冒犯者受到更少的责备和更积极的印象评价。(2)意图与申述方式、名声与申述方式之间都没有交互作用。(3)与否认相比,道歉和辩解都使冒犯者受到更积极的印象评价,但道歉和辩解不管是在对冒犯者的责备还是印象评价上所起的作用都没有差别。  相似文献   

自古以来,对数的研究除了数学研究者重视之外,社会学家人类学家也给了它特殊的关注。这是因为数字在长期的使用过程中,积淀了丰富的文化内质。有些数字在宗教、神话、巫术、诗歌、习俗等方面的广泛运用,反复出现,被赋予了神圣的意义,披上了光怪陆离的神秘面纱。于是,哲学家、艺  相似文献   

尽管近期的研究结果认为前额叶在工作记忆和情景记忆任务中均被激活,但是仍然不清楚是否有特定的区域对两种记忆起着不同作用。对于工作记忆和情景记忆在脑区上的重合,研究者们做出了不同的解释。某些研究者认为脑区的重合反映了包含于情景记忆中的工作记忆的作用,另一些研究者则认为这种重合反映的是与工作记忆和情景记忆都有关的反省过程的性质。对此,作者提出了相应的讨论意见。  相似文献   

高校毕业生的就业形势不容乐观,除了外部环境的制约之外还与大学生自身的素质能力有关。思想政治教育作为高校中必不可少的课程,在学生的素质能力提高方面具有巨大的作用。本文通过对高校思想政治教育中对于毕业生就业问题解决的必要性进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了四条可行的措施来晚上高校思想政治教育中的就业导向的教育工作。  相似文献   

在过去传统的管理学研究当中,学者们主要关注高层管理者和基层员工。近十多年来,中层管理者吸引了越来越多研究者的关注。本文在系统梳理国外有关中层管理者研究文献的基础上,首先对中层管理者的界定进行回顾并归纳了他们在组织中的主要特征;进而从向上和向下两个方面分析了中层管理者在组织中的影响作用,并从个体、群体、组织和环境四个层面总结了影响中层管理者角色作用发挥的主要因素;最后探讨了该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

最近,矛盾的同一性与斗争性在事物发展中的作用问题,引起了一些哲学研究者的注意。许多人特别针对矛盾的同一性在事物发展中的积极作用问题进行了探讨,打破了多年来讲发展只讲斗争性的作用,不讲同一性的作用的状况。但在具体的提法和看法上  相似文献   

Recent research has examined the influence of organizational work-family context on employee outcomes. However, this construct has not been investigated in concert with broader indicants of organizational context. Thus, it remains unexplored whether work-family context accounts for unique variance in employee outcomes or whether its potential effects are confounded by, or better explained by, general organizational context. This study used dominance analysis to investigate the relative effects of general organizational context and work-family context on several important employee outcomes. Results indicate that work-family context is important in explaining variance in work-family specific outcomes such as work-to-family conflict. However, work-family context fails to explain unique variance in job satisfaction and affective commitment when studied alongside three broader indicants of general organization context (perceived organizational support, perceived fair interpersonal treatment, and trust). These findings have implications for both research and practice.  相似文献   


The effects of abusive supervision may be more intricate than what reason would suggest. To examine why individuals may respond differently to perceptions of supervisor abusive, this study relies on goal-setting theory to present a model that accounts for the influence of abusive supervision on job performance and organizational deviance. To be precise, motivation control and self-defeating cognition are proposed to mediate the interaction of perceived abusive supervision with goal commitment in predicting organizational deviance and job performance. In particular, the extent to which goal commitment alleviates the deleterious effects of abusive supervision is examined such that when goal commitment is high, the indirect effects of perceived abusive supervision on job performance and organizational deviance via motivation control and self-defeating cognition were predicted to be weaker. The proposed model was supported by multisource and multiwave data. The understanding of when the deleterious effects of supervisor abuse as perceived by followers are likely might help the human resource personnel to adopt measures that buffer against such outcomes.  相似文献   

A growing body of research indicates that in causal conditional reasoning, the conclusion that P is necessary for Q is suppressed where alternative conditions for Q are available. Similarly, the conclusion that P is sufficient for Q is suppressed where disabling conditions for P or additional requirements for Q are available. This paper describes experiments in which these factors were used to produce 'perspective effects' in causal contexts that appear identical to the perspective effects found in previous research with deontic tasks. It is therefore proposed that deontic perspective effects are themselves also attributable to the influence of pragmatic factors upon perceived necessity and sufficiency. A generalized theory based on a modification of the mental model theory of deontic reasoning is presented, which accounts for perspective effects across the two domains.  相似文献   

Recent evidence concerning successive incentive contrast suggests the occurrence of both positive and negative contrast effects under both non-transfer and transfer conditions. There are three types of explanation for these contrast effects, based on frustration theory, sequential theory and adaptation level theory (perceptual accounts). One of the critical experiments favouring perceptual accounts, Collier and Marx (1959), is subject to a number of methodological criticisms. This experiment was repeated, with modifications to take account of these criticisms, and extended to include transfer, as well as non-transfer, conditions. There was no evidence of contrast. In a further experiment using Collier and Marx's procedure with lever pressing and panel pushing, positive and negative, transfer and non-transfer effects were found using Noyes pellets rather than sucrose as reward. It is suggested that these results contribute some support to perceptual accounts of incentive contrast, although no present theory is entirely satisfactory.  相似文献   

组织公正是员工对工作场所公正环境的心理感知, 研究层面有个体与群体之分。以往研究多集中在个体层面, 以致研究结果缺乏对群体现象的有效解释。进入新世纪学者们开始关注群体层面的公正氛围研究, 并在理论和实证方面取得了较大突破。通过回顾相关研究可以发现:(1)在理论机制上, 公正氛围的形成可以通过社会信息加工理论、吸引-选择-磨合模型、公正传染概念和公正启发理论来解释; (2)在研究视角上, 主要存在维度视角、整体视角、感知来源视角、氛围属性视角和第三方视角; (3)在研究主题上, 主要涉及领导、团队和组织三方面对公正氛围的影响, 以及公正氛围对个体、团队和组织三个层面的影响效果。未来研究可着重从多种领导行为对不同公正氛围影响的比较、其他领导因素对公正氛围的影响、不同公正氛围对结果变量影响的比较、新视角公正氛围测量方法的尝试, 以及文化因素对公正氛围的影响研究等方面入手。  相似文献   

We used organizational justice theory to explore reactions to employer-sponsored alcohol testing and alcohol treatment policies among a sample (N = 1,777) of the employed public in a western state. Level of alcohol use and safety-sensitivity of the job were related to the perceived fairness of alcohol testing. In addition, voluntary treatment policies were rated more positively than coerced or monitored policies in terms of fairness and organizational attractiveness. Alcohol use moderated the effects of treatment policy on perceived fairness and organizational attractiveness, although the effect sizes were small. These results support the use of organizational justice theory to explain reactions to organizational alcohol testing and treatment and provide a basis for future research in this area.  相似文献   

The authors examined effects of structural and organizational spatial context on younger and older adults' memory for an arrangement of dollhouse furniture pieces. For half of the participants, landmark objects (Experiment 1) and a floor plan beneath the array (Experiment 2) served as structural context during study and replacement. Organizational context was varied by grouping items randomly or as 6 rooms in a prototypical house. Two study and replacement trials were given. In Experiment 1, landmark structural cues improved younger adults' performance, whereas both age groups benefited from the floor plan in Experiment 2. In both experiments, positive effects of organizational context and trial occurred. Higher order interactions further revealed that structural and organizational context effects varied in size across trials, suggesting that both age groups used spatial contextual cues more effectively with practice. Implications of these results for current views on cognitive compensation in adulthood are discussed.  相似文献   

Causal asymmetry is one of the most fundamental features of the physical world: Causes produce effects, but not vice versa. This article is part of a debate between the view that, in principle, people are sensitive to causal directionality during learning (causal-model theory) and the view that learning primarily involves acquiring associations between cues and outcomes irrespective of their causal role (associative theories). Four experiments are presented that use asymmetries of cue competition to discriminate between these views. These experiments show that, contrary to associative accounts, cue competition interacts with causal status and that people are capable of differentiating between predictive and diagnostic inferences. Additional implications of causal-model theory are elaborated and empirically tested against alternative accounts. The results uniformly favor causal-model theory.  相似文献   

Summary This paper outlines a classificatory theory of cognitive similarity and compares it to feature approaches. The theory assumes that similarity is a function of the number of classes contained in the universe referred to in the judgments and the number of elements contained in the class defined by the two comparison stimuli. The theory is tested in a number of studies in which verbal stimuli are used. Most of the experiments concern context effects predicted by the theory. An empirical comparison is made between the classificatory theory and a feature theory. It is argued that the classificatory theory accounts for some of the data more easily than a feature approach does. Some implications for the use of similarity data in multidimensional scaling are also discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments that investigated alternative accounts of repetition priming are reported. All 3 experiments used semantic comparison tasks and included trials in which each of the 2 words being compared had previously occurred on separate trials. In the re-pair match condition, the response required matched that on the 2 previous trials in which the words had occured. In there-pair mismatch condition, the response required was opposite to that on the previous trials containing the words forming the critical pair. In all 3 experiments, responses were faster and more accurate in the re-pair match condition than in the re-pair mismatch condition. Possible accounts of this effect within the frameworks of instance theory and of transfer appropriate processing are considered.  相似文献   

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