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睡眠过程中信息加工的ERP研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了事件相关电位(ERP)外源性成分———N1、MMN、N550和内源性成分———P3、N300、N400在睡眠过程中的特点,以及论述了各成分在睡眠信息加工中的作用。  相似文献   

First, we outline the lack of research interest for motivational intervening variables within the information processing tradition. A series of experiments within a large-scale research project is then briefly described in order to demonstrate the impact of motivational processes in simple learning experiments. The focus is on the effects of expecting various types of tests in memory tasks. The first three experiments look more closely at test expectancy effects on free recall, recognition accuracy and recognition reaction time. Experiments 4 and 5 extend the test expectancy findings to text learning as a function of the available study time. In Experiments 6 and 7, an attempt is made to investigate the organizing activities of the subjects in text learning as a function of test expectancies. A considerable number of interactions between the expectations of the learner and the characteristics of the learning material are obtained in all experiments. It is concluded that, by taking into account motivation, more justice in human behaviour is done to the density of cognitive processes involved and their complexity.  相似文献   

视觉加工速度、瞬间信息整合特征与汉语学习困难   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵微  方俊明 《心理科学》2006,29(3):526-531
采用因素实验设计,通过与正常学生与听力损伤学生对比实验研究,探讨汉语学习困难学生视觉加工速度和视觉瞬间信息整合的特征。结果表明:(1)汉语学习困难学生存在基本视觉加工速度不足以及汉语语言文字视觉加工的特异性困难;(2)汉语学习困难学生需要更长时间整合瞬间视觉信息,从而影响了其加工的速度;(3)适当延长视觉刺激整合的时间,可以有效提高其视觉加工的效率。这些结果对改善学生的汉语学习困难具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

学习障碍者信息加工的ERP研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ERP技术可以用于学习障碍者信息加工的脑机制研究.但学习障碍的异质性很高,不能笼统地进行概括.本文分别对阅读障碍和数学障碍两个亚型研究进行阐述,并将他们与正常学习者比较,揭示学习障碍者与正常学习者信息加工的脑机制差异.其中,以MMN为指标说明阅读障碍者语音和语义的信息加工,以ERP其它波形分析数学障碍的原因,结果可以为学习障碍的诊断和干预提供理论依据.  相似文献   

上博馆藏楚竹书第二册中的《鲁邦大旱》,再次引出了孔子对宗教祭祀究竟采取何种态度的问题,这个问题可以扩展为孔子到底信不信或在多大程度上相信超验性天命和神意的存在。需要提醒的是,如果从“三代”的宗教传统出发,或者相反,立足与这个传统完全断裂的立场,来观察孔子是如何面对宗教的,那就容易作出不切实际的判断。①春秋以降兴起的子学及其不同学派之间的竞争和交涉,既造就了哲学理性昂扬的趋势,亦使宗教得以转化并呈现出多元的局面。上博简第五册的《鬼神之明》和《三德》,②是另外两篇有关宗教和超验力量言论的异常珍贵的文献。《鬼神…  相似文献   

刘霞 《应用心理学》2005,11(1):90-94
本文从心理学关于学习的概念,关于行为、认知与信息加工的行为学习理论、社会学习理论和信息加工理论,以及行为绩效的心理学原理角度,阐述了我们所提出的公共组织学习的概念框架的心理学理论基础。认为从心理学角度透视公共组织学习,其实质是经验习得与信息加工的过程。这充分体现了心理学基本理论原理在公共组织学习理论建构中所具有的重要应用价值。  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss the curious lack of contact between developmental psychologists studying the principles of early learning and those concentrating an later learning in children, where predispositions to learn certain types of concepts are less readily discussed. Instead, there is tacit agreement that learning and transfer mechanisms are content-independent and age-dependent. I argue here that one cannot study learning and transfer in a vacuum and that children's ability to learn is intimately dependent on what they are required to learn and the context in which they must learn it. Specifically, I argue that children learn and transfer readily, even in traditional laboratory settings, if they are required to extend their knowledge about causal mechanisms that they already understand. This point is illustrated in a series of studies with children from 1 to 3 years of age learning about simple mechanisms of physical causality (pushing-pulling, wetting, cutting, etc.). In addition, I document children's difficulty learning about causally impossible events, such as pulling with strings that do not appear to make contact with the object they are pulling. Even young children transfer on the basis of deep structural principles rather than perceptual features when they have access to the requisite domain-specific knowledge. I argue that a search for causal explanations is the basis of broad understanding, of wide patterns of generalization, and of flexible transfer and creative inferential projections—in sum, the essential elements of meaningful learning.  相似文献   

SIP是儿童社交能力的一个重要组成部分,它给儿童提供一个如何处理及解读社会情境中发生的社会线索的模型,并且根据这些线索作出行为和情绪上的决定。作为一个社会认知能力,SIP被认为是学习障碍儿童中最具有挑战性的领域之一。潜在的认知加工过程和情绪处理过程对SIP六阶段步骤起重要作用。过去的研究注重儿童认知能力对SIP能力的作用。在此研究中,我们新增了儿童的情感纽带如(安全依恋)以及强调儿童管理情绪的能力对儿童SIP能力的作用。本文通过对学习障碍儿童的情绪管理、依恋质量及社会信息加工特点的研究,希望提供关于安全依恋和情绪管理在学习障碍儿童中社会信息加工的作用一些理论参考。  相似文献   

自然语言处理中的哲学问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了哲学上的理性主义和经验主义及其在自然语言处理的研究中的影响,对比了自然语言处理中基于规则的理性主义方法和基于统计的经验主义方法的优点和缺点,主张把这两种方法结合起来以推动自然处理研究的发展。本文还分析了哲学中知识本体的概念发展到知识本体工程的过程,说明了哲学对于自然语言处理的深刻影响。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the process by which jurors reach verdicts in trials in which multiple charges are joined in one indictment. The experiment was designed to test the impact of joinder of affenses, similarity of offenses, and evidentiary strength of jurors' ability to process trial evidence. The results gathered from 220 male and female subjects indicated, as previous research has shown, that joined trials lead to more guilty verdicts than severed trials; that the first charge in a joined trial accounts for this "joinder effect," receiving significantly more guilty verdicts than its severed counterpart. When joined trials are composed of similar categories of crimes, guilt verdicts increase and jurors tend to confuse evidence-as shown by a high rate of antidefendant intrusions from case two to case one. More antidefendant cognitions were also found when the cases were similar. Furthermore, case similarity interacted with the evidentiary strength of the charges in joined trials.  相似文献   

This study examined whether features of mediated group discussion were related to participator judgments. Prior to discussion, participants (N = 138) were asked to memorize a list of qualifications for each of 3 hypothetical candidates for a faculty position. Each list contained shared (given to all members) and unique (given to just 1 member) information. Participants, working in 3‐person groups, then interacted via 1 of 2 computer text environments to choose the best candidate. Following discussion, participants rated each other on a set of participator assessment items. Discussions were coded for units that contained shared or unique information. The analysis revealed that shared contributions were related only to self‐assessment of participation. Unique contributions had a complex relation with self‐assessments—they were positively associated with such judgments only when partners infrequently provided unique information. Technology affected in a variety of ways the relation between the discussion variables and participator assessments. Discussion focuses on the relation between information pooling and interaction, as well as on the role of technology in group process.  相似文献   

This study explores, within the context of escalating commitment, how ambiguous information affects decision making. By analyzing subjects' looking times and allocation decisions, we examined the process by which individuals abstract and use information to arrive at their decisions. We found that subjects spent more time processing ambiguous information than they did either purely optimistic or purely pessimistic information. This tendency to process ambiguous information longer increased when the decision maker was not exonerated from blame for the failure of an original decision; presented with ambiguous information, nonex-onerated subjects also made smaller allocations than did exonerated subjects. In this study, the predominant effect of felt responsibility on allocations was withdrawal rather than escalation. Our results suggest that the ambiguity of information about the future plays an important role in escalation and that the combination of responsibility and failure may affect allocations only when the prospective information is ambiguous.  相似文献   


Recent studies involving recall of verbal and spatial information produced conflicting results. In some cases investigators found males recalled verbal and spatial information equally well whereas females did less well on spatial than verbal information, but in other cases no sex differences were found. They also differed in that one study found processing of verbal and spatial information to be independent whereas others suggested trade-offs might occur. Using college-age subjects (17-25 yrs) with equal numbers of males and females (total n = 186) two experiments were performed to examine these differences. Although overall differences were found favoring verbal recall, females’ recall of spatial information was relatively poorer than males. Using a procedure designed to avoid possible artifactual depression of combined performance, we concluded that processing of spatial and verbal information is simultaneous in nature.


The learning of natural configural strategies, strategies that match people intuitive theories about configural relationship between variables, is studied in a two-cue probability learning paradigm. The main focus is the learning of disjunctive strategy, a strategy in which response depends primarily on the high cue, and conjunctive strategy, a strategy in which response depends primarily on the low cue. We find that people learn disjunctive strategy better when the target of the prediction is human than when it is non-human, and that they learn conjunctive strategy better when the target is non-human. In addition, in a meaningful context, conjunctive strategy is learned better in the short run, but after a prolonged feedback, disjunctive strategy is learned better. In an abstract context, disjunctive strategy is learned better both in the short run and in the long run. The processes that lead to these differences in the learning of conjunctive and disjunctive strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of experiments examined motor learning as an information processing activity occurring within a working short-term memory system and where response-produced feedback and knowledge of results (KR) are used to modify the action plan developed from previous attempts at the movement task. Use of interpolated activities in the KR delay interval allowed inferences to be made regarding the capacity and structural characteristics of these information processes. Results indicated no capacity limitations on the learning process but important structural effects were found. The results supported the idea that response-produced feedback is relatively unimportant as a feedback variable early in learning. Rather, the use of KR at a relatively high level of movement planning appears to be the important information processing activity underlying learning. Finally, the results supported the view that these information processes are related to cognitive problem solving activities.  相似文献   

学习和记忆的无意识研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内隐学习和内隐记忆的研究代表了人类学习和记忆的无意识过程。在过去的40年里,内隐学习和内隐记忆的研究经历了:研究对象从人工材料走向真实生活,理论观点从分离走向协同,研究方法从单一走向多样化,以及人工神经网络模型中学习和记忆过程的模拟等。它不仅对学习和记忆本身的心理机制得到了更多的理解,而且还为整个心理学特别是认知心理学的研究开辟了广阔的前景。具体表现为多重记忆的划分、无意识研究的异军突起、研究方法的突破扩展和交叉学科的融会贯通  相似文献   

Abstract: For the information theorist, the lawful generalizations that subsume instantiations of properties in the environment and instantiations of properties of perceptual representations determine the latter's content. Perceptual representations are also commonly thought to be isomorphic to what they represent, which presents the information theorist with a puzzle. What role could isomorphism play in perceptual representation when lawful generalizations determine content? I show that in order for the information that they carry to be available to cognition, perceptual representations must be isomorphic with respect to the constituent structure of the properties that they represent. Isomorphism therefore plays an important role in the information theorist's account of perceptual representation, even though it plays no role in determining content.  相似文献   

介绍了国外学者为验证类别学习的多重系统理论所做的行为实验研究及主要结果,包括反馈训练、延迟反馈、反应位置、间断的类别刺激分布等因素对信息整合的类别学习的影响,和数字Stroop任务、序列记忆扫描任务、类别数量等因素对基于规则的类别学习的影响;同时,作者指出了实验中没有很好地解决两种类别结构之间的难度差异等问题,并提出了今后需要进一步研究的课题  相似文献   

The article examines advantages of positive information in social information processing. First, it presents a ubiquitous positivity advantage in processing speed. Then it introduces the density hypothesis as an explanation: Positive information is processed faster because it is more similar to other positive information compared to the overall similarity of negative information. Accordingly, positivity advantages are not only caused by the information’s valence itself, but by a structural property of the information that strongly correlates with valence. Further, the article provides an overview of recent density effects in other social psychology paradigms (i.e., evaluative priming, person perception, and person memory). The final discussion considers possible reasons for the correlation of density and valence, which leads to the observed positivity advantages.  相似文献   

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