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一、道与一、无和有的抵牾在追问世界之本原方面,老子在中国哲学史上是非常深刻的。作为史官,老子虽然能接触到大量的史书和史实,但整本《老子》五千言丝毫不涉及具体的人物和事件,直接切入哲学问题,思想连贯、文风一致,这在中国先秦古籍中可谓独树一帜。他明确提出了道的范畴:道生一,一生  相似文献   

当代中国佛学界有位名振中外的善知识——郭元兴老师。我听到老师的名字是多年前的事了,只闻其名,却不能见其人。缘份在中国人眼里是被看得很重的,一个极难得又极偶然的契机,使我得以与郭老师相识,这可谓是殊胜缘了。初秋的一个黄昏,瑟瑟秋风又一次把我和朋友带进了西四街口的弘慈广济禅寺。  相似文献   

继《中国文化概论》一书之后,李宗桂的又一部力作《文化批判与文化重构——中国文化出路探讨》已由陕西人民出版社出版了。如果说前者是对中国传统文化的概观描述和总体解析的话,那么,后者则是对近现代以来文化批判与文化重构工作的深刻反思和对中国文化出路的理性探索。这两部专著可谓  相似文献   

说到音乐选秀类电视节目,绝大部分人肯定都知道《中国好声音》。这档节目在一夜之间可谓是成了每家每户都争先观看的音乐选秀类节目。每到星期五的时候,全国的男女老少都在为这场音乐与梦想的悬念盛宴而翘首期盼。在此之前,除了电视节目《超级女声》,没有哪一款节目可以达到这样空前的效果。随着电视节目《中国好声音》的播出,这一全球音乐风再次疯狂的刮了起来,一轮又一轮的刷新着各大卫视的收视记录。  相似文献   

这篇报告回忆了作者20世纪50年代在德国编辑《费希特全集》的艰难开端和20世纪80年代到中国促成编译《费希特选集》的东方之旅,讲得真实生动,可谓有价值的学术史料。  相似文献   

本文从宗教的社会性及其特性来强调宗教社会学是一门独立的社会科学,并再次论述了这门学科的研究方法。宗教社会学近两年来在中国的发展,可谓"异军突起",本文从四个方面评述了这种"异",并提出随着学科的发展,学科界线的走向问题。  相似文献   

儒家生态伦理思想刍论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国文化温良敦厚 ,敬畏生命 ,而在古代诸学派中 ,儒家这一意识可谓是最为强烈而持久的 ;儒家的仁学承续了一切颂扬和敬畏生命的历史思绪 ,并形成了鲜明的民胞物与、悲天悯人的文化关怀 ;这种关怀既体现了先哲的智慧 ,也构成了我们在应对现代生态挑战时可资借鉴的宝贵思想资源。  相似文献   

中国的宗教政策问题,由于其特殊的复杂性、敏感性,迄今仍是中国宗教研究领域中的极为薄弱的一环。学术界同仁虽然对一些时期的宗教政策作过不同程度的探讨,但从古代至于现代进行综合性的全面论述的专著一直未曾问世。任杰、梁凌所著,民族出版社2006年12月出版的《中国的宗教政策》率先打破这一局面,可谓中国宗教政策研究中,一项具有填补空白的标志性成果,这是值得积极加以评价和推荐的。本书学术贡献至少体现在三个方面:第一,对中国各个时期宗教政策的特点和内涵作了明晰地论断和充实地阐述。本书把中国宗教政策发展阶段划分为三个时期:一、…  相似文献   

中国与天竺在古代为千山万水所悬隔,地理上的差异不可谓不大。古代从印度来中国弘法的僧人,中国往西天去的求法僧人,经历多少艰难险阻,才能将佛陀的教法传递开来。他们中间有多少人在离开本土去往他乡时,就已经踏上了一条不归之路。这中间有多少痛苦和危险都没有记录下来,因此易为世间凡夫忽视。本刊在这里单挑一点说来最不足道的困难向读者介绍。  相似文献   

○王老师,据我所知,长期以来,您同时在《周易》文化美学、中国美学史、中国建筑文化美学等三个领域从事学术研究与教学工作,每一学术领域都有收获。论著30余种,论文约200篇,真可谓著作等身,这背后一定有很多故事,以及酸甜苦辣的体会。  相似文献   

This paper examines Floyd and Gordon Allport's early work on "personality" psychology. In the early 1920s, personality was an unorthodox topic, and for the Allports it initially served as an intellectual and personal bond. Floyd proposed the subject to his brother as a dissertation topic, and the two worked closely on developing personality tests. By 1924, however, "personality" had become the site of a dispute between the two brothers over the intellectual and methodological character of American psychology. The present study examines the origins of this dispute, while gauging the personal and professional ramifications of the dispute. On a larger level, this essay explores the role and meaning of "personality" in the academic culture of 1920s America.  相似文献   

杨莉萍 《心理科学》2005,28(3):748-750
“自我”概念是心理学研究的基石,但目前这一概念在心理学中的使用相当混乱。本文是对心理学中现存“自我”概念的清理,以期促进心理学有关自我问题的讨论秩序化、结构化。文中将“自我”概念区分为人性、人格和自我意识三个层面。  相似文献   

Much of psychology focuses on universal principles of thought and action. Although an extremely productive pursuit, this approach, by describing only the "average person," risks describing no one in particular. This article discusses an alternate approach that complements interests in universal principles with analyses of the unique psychological meaning that individuals find in their experiences and interactions. Rooted in research on social cognition, this approach examines how people's lay theories about the stability or malleability of human attributes alter the meaning they give to basic psychological processes such as self-regulation and social perception. Following a review of research on this lay theories perspective in the field of social psychology, the implications of analyzing psychological meaning for other fields such as developmental, cultural, and personality psychology are discussed.  相似文献   

在文化、社会和人际互动情境下研究行为已经成为人格研究的趋势之一。社会关系模型(SocialRelationModel)源自人际知觉研究领域,它能够分析成对数据,在人际互动关系中分离出行为者效应、目标效应和关系效应。这种研究理念和研究策略不仅契合在社会关系背景下研究人格的理论取向,而且能为实现这一取向提供更为精当的分析方法和研究工具。文章通过介绍社会关系模型的含义、方法和应用,以期为研究人格差异的稳定性与变化性问题提供新的视野和思路  相似文献   

Native-born Estonian men (N=912), 17-68 years old, participated in a study on relationships between personality characteristics, dominant structure of word meaning ("everyday concepts" thinking or "scientific concepts" thinking), and level of cognitive ability. Individuals who primarily used everyday concepts thinking or who possessed relatively low levels of cognitive ability did not reveal a coherent Big Five personality structure, whereas individuals who primarily used scientific concepts thinking or possessed high levels of cognitive ability did. Thus, personality may be shaped by a cultural factor--word meaning structure. Earlier studies, which seem to support the idea that Big Five personality structure is a biologically determined human universal, suffer from serious sampling problems and insufficient data analyses.  相似文献   

This research argues that the meaning embedded in consumption symbols, such as commercial brands, can serve to represent and institutionalize the values and beliefs of a culture. Relying on a combined emic-etic approach, the authors conducted 4 studies to examine how symbolic and expressive attributes associated with commercial brands are structured and how this structure varies across 3 cultures. Studies 1 and 2 revealed a set of "brand personality" dimensions common to both Japan and the United States (Sincerity, Excitement, Competence, and Sophistication), as well as culture-specific Japanese (Peacefulness) and American (Ruggedness) dimensions. Studied 3 and 4, which extended this set of findings to Spain, yielded brand personality dimensions common to both Spain and the United States (Sincerity, Excitement, and Sophistication), plus nonshared Spanish (Passion) and American (Competence and Ruggedness) dimensions. The meaning of these brand personality dimensions is discussed in the context of cross-cultural research on values and affect, globalization issues, and cultural frame shifting.  相似文献   

心理分析治疗中"界限"的概念体系及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范红霞  申荷永 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1178-1180
从心理分析的角度出发,通过文献研究和临床方法,首次系统提出并论证了界限的概念体系及与之相应的系统行为:“界内行为”、“越界行为”、“违界行为”和“侵界行为”;并就界限设置的双重意义以及治疗师系统行为的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Graphoanalysis is the most systematically developed and best researched of all methods of handwriting analysis (genetically called graphology). This is a projective expressive movement that is neither better nor more poorly validated than most projective techniques as a means of personality assessment, which is inadequate because their subjectivity makes statistical study difficult. With all projective techniques "sign" or trait validation has been minimal, and the best validation has come from "global" or "holistic" methods. The present study presents a paradigm for the latter type of approach to handwriting analysis, using a matching technique with probabilities of 1/5, wherein five subjects were matched by people who knew them to one of five blind Graphoanalyses of the subjects' writing. This design is herein replicated five times, with total data significantly different from chance expectation (p less than .001), supporting the hypothesis that it is possible to evaluate personality through analysis of handwriting.  相似文献   

本文在肯定孟子所谓“仁义礼智”是四因素人格结构的基础上,考察了这一人格结构的先天基础,分析了四因素各自的五个特征,最后还讨论了肯定四因素是人格结构的依据等几个问题。  相似文献   


Recently, researchers have shed light on the link between personality and meaning in life. The present study was designed to explore this association by investigating the relationships between the Dark Triad personality traits (i.e., Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism), meaning in life, and patience. Notably, patience is a construct derived from the Buddhist six perfections theory. It is composed of (1) the patience to endure suffering willingly (PES), (2) the patience to not retaliate against harm (PNH), and (3) the patience to thoroughly scrutinize phenomena (PSP). We also examined the potentail mediating role of patience in the links between the Dark Triad personality traits and meaning in life. Participants in the present study were 434 company employees in China. A battery of questionnaires measuring the Dark Triad personality traits, patience, and meaning in life was admininstered to the participants. The results showed that the Dark Triad personality traits were negatively correlated with patience and meaning in life. Results also indicated that patience fully mediated the relationships between the Dark Triad personality traits and meaning in life. Taken as a whole, the findings suggest that the lack of meaning in life among the working population in China might be associated with inadequate patience. The present study reveals the possible mechanism governing the associations between the Dark Triad personality traits and meaning in life and contributes to the process of bridging Buddhism and psychology.


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