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Elderly nursing home residents who were tested as part of an intervention designed to increase feelings of choice and personal responsibility over daily events were reevaluated 18 month later. Nurses' ratings and health and mortality indicators suggest that the experimental treatment and /or the processes that it set in motion had sustained beneficial effects.  相似文献   

Clinical assessment relies on both construct validity, which focuses on the accuracy of conclusions about a psychological phenomenon drawn from responses to a measure, and case validity, which focuses on the synthesis of the full range of psychological phenomena pertaining to the concern or question at hand. Whereas construct validity is grounded in understanding causal influences of a distinct phenomenon on responses to various measures and life contexts, case validity encompasses the joint influences of multiple phenomena on individuals' responses. Two sets of distinctions essential to understanding psychological phenomena, hence to understanding construct validity, are (a) implicit and explicit versions of personality constructs and (b) ability and personality as versions of constructs measured by performance tests presenting maximal and typical conditions, respectively. Since both implicit and explicit versions of constructs interface with maximal or typical performance conditions, case validity requires systematic inclusion of these distinctions in assessment protocols.  相似文献   

Projective and semiprojective techniques are both tools and tests. A schema for assessing the validity of projective devices is proposed: (1) Primary, consisting of (a) construct validity i.e., the soundness of the techniques vis-a-vis its underlying concepts; and (b) criterion-related validity, i.e., the concordance between tool results and specified external criteria. (2) Secondary, viz., pragmatic validity, i.e., the usefulness of the instrument in applied fields. Discussion then focuses on the construct validity of the conceptually-based, semiprojective Rosenzweig P-F Study. specifically the evidence on (a) the self-consistency of its conceptual dimensions; (b) the sequential. social development of the Types and Directions of Aggression; (c) levels of behavior elicited; (d) sensitivity to scorable changes after induced frustration: and (e) physiological correlates oft he aggression categories. In each of these areas evidence exists in support of the validity of the P-F Study.  相似文献   

The Life Orientation Test (LOT; Scheier & Carver, 1985) is a common measure of optimism. Previous studies of the convergent and discriminant (vis-à-vis neuroticism) validity of the LOT have relied solely on questionnaires. Our Study 1 was a multitrait, multimethod investigation of the LOT incorporating Gottschalk and Gleser's (1969) method of content analysis of speech samples as a nonquestionnaire assessment method. The LOT did not correlate significantly with the Gottschalk Hope Scale (Gottschalk, 1974) derived from speech samples. Study 2 was an initial attempt to determine the nature of the differences between these alternate measures of optimism. In particular, it was hypothesized and found that the LOT was more fakable than the Hope Scale. Participants who received special instructions to "fake good" scored significantly higher on the LOT than did control participants who received no special instructions. Faking instructions did not significantly affect scores on the Hope Scale.  相似文献   

We clarify points of agreement and disagreement with Schnurr, Rosenberg, and Oxman, as put forth in their article appearing this issue. Speech samples elicited under different conditions may or may not be interchangeable. This is a matter of empirical research, but it is also dependent upon the meaningfulness of the content categories. used in the analysis. We prefer a theory-driven, construct validational approach that employs well validated coding schemes to assess psychologically meaningful concepts.  相似文献   

Construct validity in psychological tests   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  

Much of the research on psychopathy has treated it as a unitary construct operationalized by total scores on one (or more) measures. More recent studies on the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) suggest the existence of two distinct facets of psychopathy with unique external correlates. Here, the authors report reanalyses of two offender data sets that included scores on the PPI along with various theoretically relevant criterion variables. Consistent with hypotheses, the two PPI factors showed convergent and discriminant relations with criterion measures, many of which would otherwise have been obscured when relying on PPI total scores. These results highlight the importance of examining facets of psychopathy as well as total scores.  相似文献   

The institutionalization of an aged parent presents unique challenges and strains to the family system. It also provides opportunities for limited intervention and support by empathic clergy. It is often difficult for middle-aged children to understand some of the strong and often sudden emotions they experience regarding their institutionalized parents, particularly as these feelings become confused with their own sense of having reached middle age. Again, opportunities present themselves for clergy to be sensitive to these confusing feelings.  相似文献   

大五人格问卷的结构效度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:检验大五人格问卷(BF)I的结构效度。方法:分别对258名和640名大学生进行施测,采用验证性因素分析和探索性因素分析对问卷的结构效度进行检验。结果:对问卷进行两次验证性因素分析的RMSEA分别为0.072和0.099,其余模型拟合指数都达到可接收水平。同时,项目的反向计分方式会在一定程度上影响问卷结构的效度。结论:中文版大五人格问卷具有较好的结构效度。  相似文献   

Construct validity of the Concern For Appropriateness scale (CFA; Lennox & Wolfe, 1984), a measure of the tendency to adopt protective self-presentation styles, is examined using a multitrait-multimethod approach. Self-ratings on the CFA and ratings by suitemates constitute the two methods, and concern for appropriateness, interpersonal trust, and boredom susceptibility are assessed with each. Multitrait-multimethod analysis shows that the CFA scale exhibits convergent validity against peer ratings and discriminant validity against boredom susceptibility, the only other variable demonstrating convergence. Results indicate that the CFA exhibits construct validity and might therefore prove useful as an operationalization for self-presentation tendencies.  相似文献   

The present study introduces the Verbal Associated Pairs Screen (VAPS) as a new measure for assessing performance validity in pediatric populations. This study presents initial data on psychometric properties and establishes construct validity for the VAPS in a sample of 30 adolescent healthy controls and 206 youths with traumatic brain injury (TBI: moderate/severe, N = 30; mild, N = 176). The control group’s age (M = 14.93, SD = 1.8) was significantly higher than the moderate/severe TBI (M = 13.9, SD = 2.8), t(68.508) = ?3.038, p = .003, and mild TBI (mTBI) groups (M = 14, SD = 2.8), t(54.147) = 2.038, p = .046. The TBI groups were administered the VAPS in accord with other established performance validity tests (PVTs) and well-established memory tests as part of routine clinical evaluations. The healthy control group was administered the VAPS only. VAPS score distributions for the control group were negatively skewed and highly kurtotic. VAPS scores from the moderate/severe TBI and control groups were indistinguishable for Trial 2 (U = 274, p < .01) and the Delay (U = 396, p = .218). In the mTBI group, convergent and divergent validity was established with other well-validated PVTs and memory tests, respectively. ROC curve analyses identified optimal cutoff scores for the VAPS Total Score, with acceptable sensitivity (55%) and excellent specificity (100%), as well as strong detectability (AUC = .829, 95% CI: 0.731 – 0.928, p < .001). Clinical applications, limitations, and directions for future research with the VAPS are discussed.  相似文献   

Construct validity of the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chara (1989) recently questioned the construct validity of the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire (VVIQ) on empirical grounds. Unfortunately, Chara in that paper has erroneously construed construct validity as independent of criterion-related validity. This error is compounded by Chara and Verplanck's 1986 assumption that the VVIQ assesses purely memory imagery. Further problems arise from Chara's 1989 selective reporting of the relevant literature. Comprehensive review of the VVIQ literature in its totality is necessary before conclusions are possible concerning the questionnaire's construct validity.  相似文献   

The construct validity of the Verbal Comprehension. Perceptual Organization, and Freedom from Distractibility factor scores was examined in a sample of school-aged referred children. Examination of correlations between factor scores and neuropsychological and achievement tests generally supported the construct validity of the factors. The Verbal Comprehension factor was associated with verbal, quantitative, and concept-formation abilities. The Perceptual Organization factor was related to nonverbal concept formation, tactual performance, and visual attention. The Freedom from Distractibility factor demonstrated a complex pattern of correlations and appeared to reflect a range of abilities including quantitative, language, attentional, and concept formation.  相似文献   

Construct validity of voluntary and involuntary employee absenteeism is examined in this study. Canonical correlation analysis of absenteeism measures and organizational, personal and attitudinal variables is used to assess empirically the discriminant validity of voluntary and involuntary absenteeism. The empirical results provide evidence consistent with the interpretation that voluntary and involuntary absenteeism are distinct constructs that are associated differentially with subsets of organizational, personal and attitudinal variables. Further study of causal absenteeism models that include voluntary and involuntary absenteeism constructs and organizational, personal and attitudinal variables is needed to more clearly explicate the antecedents of absenteeism.Research support for Collin J. Watson was provided by a Faculty Fellow Research Award from the University of Utah Research Committee, a Graduate School of Business Research Award, and a sabbatical leave.  相似文献   

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