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How do group members respond when their group wrongfully punishes a group member? In two experiments, participants were presented with an ingroup member who argued for group change on moral (Experiment 1, N = 73) or scientific grounds (Experiment 2, N = 94). Despite being right, the member was treated as deviant by the group. We manipulated whether the group retained its former opinion or adopted the deviant's position, and whether the deviant's punishment was ongoing or whether the deviant was reinstated. We tested opposing predictions about how these group actions would affect group members' negativity towards the deviant. Both studies showed that negativity towards the deviant was highest when the group opinion was unchanged and the deviant was not reinstated. Further, opinion change or reintegration defused negativity towards the deviant. Implications of groups rejecting or embracing change, and their effects on the evaluation of wrongfully accused deviants are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two studies assessed whether a stereotypic explanatory bias emerges primarily when members of low (compared to high) social status groups engage in behaviors inconsistent with group stereotypes. A preliminary study showed that male and female participants spontaneously showed more stereotypically biased explanatory processing of female stereotype-inconsistency (i.e., explanation of male-stereotypic behaviors performed by female compared to male actors) than male stereotype-inconsistency (i.e., explanation of female-stereotypic behaviors performed by male compared to female actors). The main experiment provided a manipulation of social status of target groups, and both external (i.e., situational) and internal (i.e., dispositional) explanations for stereotype-inconsistent behaviors were assessed. Results showed that external explanations for female stereotype-inconsistency were greater for targets described as low, not high in socioeconomic status. This research suggests that information processing is biased when members of a low status group engage in stereotype-inconsistent behaviors, whereas members of high status groups can engage in either stereotypic or counter-stereotypic behaviors without instigating biases in information processing.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested that whereas members of a low status group show a physiological threat response when evaluating a performance situation on the basis of the status quo, members of high status groups show a physiological threat response when evaluating a possible change of the status quo. Participants were categorized in minimal groups, after which they performed a task on which group-level feedback was given (group status manipulation). Later on during the experiment, a second round of this task was unexpectedly announced (implying a possible change in the group’s status). In line with expectations, participants in the low status condition showed higher blood pressure directly after the status feedback, whereas participants in the high status condition showed a similar response in anticipation of the second round of the task. Results are discussed in terms of social identity theory, and the physiological assessment of threats to social identity.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the conditions under which group members try to obtain membership in another group, or are motivated to protect their group membership when they risk losing it. One hundred and twenty-nine high school students participated as subjects in a laboratory experiment. Subjects were divided into two groups, allegedly on the basis of their problem solving style. The relative size (minority/majority) and status position (high/low) of the subject's group, as well as the permeability of group boundaries (permeable/impermeable) were manipulated as independent variables in a 2×2×2 factorial design. The main dependent variables were the extent to which individuals valued their group membership, and identified with their group. The main results are that membership in a group with high status is considered more attractive than membership in a low status group, This differential evaluation of high and low status groups is more extreme in minority groups than in groups of majority size. Furthermore, when group boundaries are permeable, members of high status minorities show relatively strong ingroup identification, indicating a strengthening of ties with their own group when an alternative (majority) group affiliation is possible. However, our expectation that permeable group boundaries would result in diminished ingroup identification in low status minorities was not confirmed. Some additional data suggest that unsatisfactory membership in a low status group is resolved in a different way.  相似文献   

Three studies explored the effects of the relative status of the multiple groups of which individuals are simultaneously members. In all studies participants reported their identification and their perception of the status of two groups (either real or experimental) of which they were simultaneously members. Results of all three studies lend support to the hypothesis that reactions to an ingroup are affected not only by the status of that group, but also by the status of another group of which an individual is simultaneously member: Individuals tend to perceive an ingroup as having higher status, and to identify with it more, if they are simultaneously members of a different group which has low rather than high status. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A visual search experiment employed strings of Landolt Cs to examine how the gap size of and frequency of exposure to distractor strings affected eye movements. Increases in gap size were associated with shorter first-fixation durations, gaze durations, and total times, as well as fewer fixations. Importantly, both the number and duration of fixations decreased with repeated exposures. The findings provide evidence for the role of cognition in guiding eye-movements, and a potential explanation for word-frequency effects observed in reading.  相似文献   

Using a social identity perspective, two experiments examined the effects of power and the legitimacy of power differentials on intergroup bias. In Experiment 1, 125 math-science students were led to believe that they had high or low representation in a university decision-making body relative to social-science students and that this power position was either legitimate or illegitimate. Power did not have an independent effect on bias; rather, members of both high and low power groups showed more bias when the power hierarchy was illegitimate than when it was legitimate. This effect was replicated in Experiment 2 (N = 105). In addition, Experiment 2 showed that groups located within an unfair power hierarchy expected the superordinate power body to be more discriminatory than did those who had legitimately high or low power. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for group relations.  相似文献   

The authors examined differences in career thoughts of 3 groups of women from low socioeconomic status backgrounds. The 3 groups were composed of women who were not seeking employment, women attempting to obtain General Educational Development (GED) certification prior to seeking employment, and women with disabilities who were participating in readiness‐to‐work programs. Results indicated that there were significant differences in participants' career thoughts. Specifically, career thoughts of women who were not seeking employment were significantly less dysfunctional than were the career thoughts of the women who were pursuing their GED certification and those of the women with disabilities who were participating in a job‐readiness training program. The impact of negative career thoughts is discussed.  相似文献   

Objectives: To monitor the effects of exercise intensity on regular exercisers' emotions, stress and effort.Design: A two-period crossover design was used in each of two within-subjects field experiments.Methods: Participants were two different groups of regularly exercising male students. Each group exercised using their usual exercise mode in their usual exercise environment. Group 1 (n=38) ran 5.0 km at low and high intensities, Group 2 (n=36) ran 1.7 km at low and high intensities. The analysis of results also examined differences between fast and slow runners.Results: Doubly multivariate (DM) analysis was used in the statistical analysis which indicated that significant changes occurred in pleasant and unpleasant emotions pre- to post-running 5.0 km and 1.7 km. No significant results between high and low running intensities were obtained for the 5.0 km distance. For exercisers running 1.7 km, significant differences between high and low intensity running were found for bodily stress and effort. Several significant findings for pleasant emotions were also obtained between fast and slow runners pre- to post-exercise.Conclusions: The atheoretical nature of some previous studies was avoided by utilising reversal theory's broad range of pleasant and unpleasant emotions as the basis for measurement and analysis. The results show that, for regular exercisers, exercise can lead to improved positive affect and support findings obtained in other studies.  相似文献   

This article reconceives of secularization as a gradual process of increasing interaction between the (social) scientific and spiritual realms by examining the influence of Christian ideas of group confession on lay psychotherapeutic groups in Britain, Canada, and the U.S. in the early twentieth century. This article focuses on three religious group leaders of the interwar period: Frank Buchman (1878-1961), Gerald Heard (1889-1971), and Henry Burton Sharman (1865-1953). Influenced by Natural Theology and the holiness movement, they placed sin and its redemption within the world, reconceiving it as psychological individualism and its redemption as self-sacrifice to the group. This reconception endorsed the moral power of groups and influenced Alcoholics Anonymous and various groups within the Human Potential Movement.  相似文献   

In this research, we examine the emergence of social identity threat among members of high status groups, by assessing physiological responses to threat in addition to more traditional (self‐report) measures. We argue that physiological measures are better suited than explicit responses to indicate the emergence of social identity threat when high status groups face the possibility of future group status loss. In Experiment 1, members of an experimentally created high status group displayed higher systolic blood pressure (SBP) and pulse pressure (PP) when inter‐group status differences were unstable than when they were stable, even though participants in both conditions reported identical levels of collective self‐esteem. In Experiment 2, only male participants (i.e., high status group members) displayed increased SBP and PP when discussing changing gender–status relations in society, particularly when this happened in an inter‐group context (i.e., when discussing with females). The increased threat that emerged under these conditions could not be inferred from self‐reported inter‐group perceptions (endorsement of sexism). We conclude that whereas self‐report measures can help assess how high status group members perceive the current inter‐group situation, physiological measures are needed to reveal the social identity threat they experience when they anticipate the possibility for future change in inter‐group relations. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Organizational researchers have long been interested in studying bottom‐up multilevel processes where lower level units (e.g., employees) in organizations interact to jointly create characteristics of higher level units (e.g., work groups). This article contributes to the literature on bottom‐up processes by detailing a statistical approach—the consensus emergence model (CEM)—that allows researchers to study emergence of shared perceptions and feelings or climates in groups over time. The described methodological approach extends standard multilevel methodology by examining residual variances within a growth model to account for dynamic change in group consensus. The CEM provides a formal test for consensus emergence. The approach also allows researchers to test explanatory models of consensus emergence by including person‐level, group‐level, and observation‐level predictors. We illustrate the CEM by applying the method to data from two longitudinal studies of work units. The first study investigated job satisfaction in military companies. Our second study examined professional archeologists working in groups on a field excavation mission and focused on fatigue at the end of the work day. Our analyses demonstrate the CEM's ability to detect and study emergence, and suggest that the CEM may be a valuable tool to help extend the study of emergence in organizational research.  相似文献   

Although they differ in their explanations of the antecedents of gender-role expectations, gender role and expectation states theories agree that mixed-sex and initially leaderless task groups will confirm these expectations by selectively reinforcing male task participation and leadership emergence. Based upon this assumption held in common by the two theories, we hypothesized that groups whose members expressed significantly egalitarian gender-role expectations would reinforce male and female task participation and leadership emergence impartially. Analysis of data from 31 mixed-sex groups whose members expressed significantly egalitarian gender-role expectations, and who were racially and ethnically homogeneous, found that males participated more in group discussions and were more likely to be selected as task leaders. Male advantages were explained only partly by token effects and their advantages in task resources. Implications are suggested for theories of male and female role performance in initially leaderless groups.  相似文献   

采用单字法定向遗忘范式,考察远距离联想任务得分高低者在中性和负性词语定向遗忘效应上的差异,来探讨创造性思维水平高低与主动抑制的关系。实验采用2(高/低创造性思维水平)×2(中性/负性词汇)×2(记住/忘记指令)×2(2s/5s时间间隔)混合设计,发现高低创造力组,在材料不同呈现时间下,对不同情绪材料的定向遗忘效应分别不同。低创者在2s和5s以及高创者在5s时间间隔时,均对中性词语表现出定向遗忘效应,而对负性词汇没有表现出明显的定性遗忘效应。高创者在2s时间间隔下,对中性和负性词语均表现出定向遗忘效应。结果表明较短时间内高创者对负性情绪的主动抑制能力优于低创者。  相似文献   

Being in the numeric minority (e.g., being a solo woman in a group of men) influences how well a person performs within a work group. But being the solo member is only one way in which people can be atypical in a group; a person can also represent a social or demographic category that has not typically been associated with the task that the group is working on. Using a design with four categories of group composition (minority, balanced, majority, homogeneous) and two categories of tasks (sex-typical, sex-atypical) we found that the sex composition of the group interacted with the sex typicality of the task to influence both positive deferrals by group members and individual performance in groups. But, rather than consistently reducing performance as prior research has suggested, being numerically atypical enhanced individual performance when the task was typical for that person’s sex. Further, positive deferrals mediated between the interaction of numeric composition and task typicality in influencing individual performance suggesting that both majority group members and the solo member affect one another’s performance in groups. We conclude by discussing why understanding the interplay between these two sources of stereotyping, numeric composition and task typicality, is important for understanding the social nature of individual performance in groups.  相似文献   

Previous studies have focused on the seriousness of the offenses but have neglected the offenders. This analysis used a Bogardus-type social distance scale of 23 deviant roles using a sample of 524 respondents who indicated decided preferences for some types of deviant offenders over others. It was concluded that individuals occupying various roles such as judges, defenders, juries, and so on may feel great social distance toward certain types of offenders and may act differentially toward them.  相似文献   

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