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佛学情论思想系统而深刻,涵盖了情的生成论、情的类型论以及情的解脱论。在情的生成方面,佛学认为人类的情绪和情感是缘起而在的,是环境、生理、认知和行为等主观、客观条件因缘和合的产物;在情的类型方面,佛学以贪、嗔、痴为基点,对消极情绪和情感进行了系统探讨,并关注了忿、恨、恼、疑、嫉等消极情绪和情感,为了对治消极情绪和情感,佛学还深入探讨了无贪、无嗔、无痴以及惭愧和四无量心等积极情绪与情感;在情的解脱方面,佛学以三法印为理论基础,以四谛为理论框架,以中道行为基本原则,以"戒、定、慧"三学为修行法门,以期用佛法的智慧化解消极情绪和情感,涵育积极情绪和情感。  相似文献   

In recent years, achievement-related cognition and emotion have received a lot of attention from all sections of researchers. A number of researchers have tried to empirically study the determinants and consequences of achievement-related cognition. The explanations given range between individualistic explanations and sociocultural explanations. It is believed that both personal and social factors interact together in bringing about variations in achievement-related cognition and emotion. It is widely accepted that there are variations in human behavior, which are generally believed to be the result of generation-old cultural changes. Cultural factors are believed to exert influence on human behavior and psyche. When one talks about culture, it is mostly treated as a homogeneous entity. Variations within cultures and intra-cultural differences due to various social factors are largely ignored. Researchers world over have started believing in the fact that exposure not only to varying cultural conditions but also to different social factors affects individuals’ psychological functioning. Present research is directed towards exploring variations in achievement-related cognition and emotion due to personal and social factors. Eighty students from a university in Delhi participated in the research. The personal factor of self-construal and social factors like gender, social setting, perceived social class, and family were taken into account. Findings of the study corroborated the hypothesis that both personal and social factors have an impact on achievement-related cognition and emotion.  相似文献   

Annette Richard’s reflections on her complex developmental and therapeutic return from historical exile create resonances beyond the Acadian story to reach into the ethical significance of clinical work more generally. This discussion links Ghent’s distinction of masochism from surrender with Brandchaft’s liberation from pathological accommodation in reading Richard’s personal and clinical stories.  相似文献   

Over the past four decades, the paradox of fiction has sparked considerable debate among philosophers. Unfortunately, the most promising solution to this puzzle, thought theory, currently earns its plausibility by way of intuition rather than evidence. I aim to address this by updating thought theory in light of recent empirical findings on affect. I will draw upon a wide range of scientific research—on the cognitive mechanisms driving emotion, the role of affect in counterfactual mind wandering and prospection, and the evolutionary function of affect—to substantiate the claim that fictions can give rise to both real and rational emotional states.  相似文献   

Social proximity and interaction attenuate cardiovascular arousal, facilitate the development of nonanxious temperament, inhibit the release of stress hormones, reduce threat‐related neural activation, and generally promote health and longevity. Conversely, social subordination, rejection and isolation are powerful sources of stress and compromised health. Drawing on the biological principle of economy of action, perception/action links, and the brain’s propensity to act as a Bayesian predictor, Social Baseline Theory (SBT) proposes that the primary ecology to which human beings are adapted is one that is rich with other humans. Moreover, SBT suggests that the presence of other people helps individuals to conserve important and often metabolically costly somatic and neural resources through the social regulation of emotion.  相似文献   

The goal of resynthesizing that which has been disconnected in our field is what I have designated as psychosynergy. In addition to commenting on the previous articles, this article seeks to advance our shared interest in the subject matter of personology. Particularly noted in this article are efforts that have been made to reconnect the separate realms that comprise our field today, namely its undergirding scientific principles, its theoretically deduced personality styles and disorders, its classification model of psychic pathology, its empirically grounded assessment instruments, and its integration of diverse therapeutic modalities. This overall goal stems from my belief that a synthesis of these components is not only possible, but is one that will strengthen progress through mutual reinforcement and reciprocal enhancements.  相似文献   

An experiment involving 90 students in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades investigated how visual examples and grade (our surrogate for age) affected variability in a drawing task. The task involved using circles as the main element in a set of drawings. There were two examples: One was simple and single (a smiley face inside a circle); the other, complex and dual (a fishbowl extending outside a circle and a bicycle using two circles). There were significant effects of both example and grade on variability. Between-grades, 3rd and 5th graders were more variable than 1st graders with the complex (but not the simple) set of examples. Within-grades, 3rd and 5th graders were more variable with the complex (compared to the simple) set of examples. First graders' variability levels did not change with examples. The discussion focuses on how examples have and should be used to increase variability in drawings of both younger and older children.  相似文献   

中医对中风病的认识经历了一段很长时间的摸索过程,唐宋以前外因论占主导地位,唐宋以后则多从内风立论,但内风外风之争从未停息过.内风论和外风论各有其临床和理论基础.对于外风论,不可简单的全盘否定,应重视其中合理的内核,同时也应充分估计到此法的局限性,在临床中谨慎应用.  相似文献   

史华慈从阿伦特的诸多著作中得出结论,认为阿伦特哲学思考的终极关怀旨在探究现代危机的社会根源,这个危机根源可以概括为源自于古代城邦的追求政治行动、公共福祉和政治自由的高贵生活的缺失。史华慈基于思想史发展脉络及其犹太人身份,批判性地指出阿伦特的愿景所具有乌托邦式的民粹主义面向,受到古典崇拜的德国浪漫主义的影响,并背离了犹太教传统。史华慈通过对阿伦特整体思想的反思,一方面捍卫着犹太人的身份,另一方面也表达出了对解决现代社会危机之路径的不同看法。  相似文献   

模块论是儿童心理理论研究领域中主要理论取向之一。这一观点认为,儿童的心理理论能力是一种天赋的、领域特殊的心理结构,个体出生时便以模块的形式存在于神经系统,其发展是一个内部生物机能逐渐展开的过程。该文试图对儿童心理理论模块论的基本假设(天赋性和领域特殊性)、主要实验方法、重要模型(ToMM-SP模型)等进行评述,并就心理理论的天赋性与发展性、领域特殊性与领域普遍性、实验研究的方法与结果等引发争鸣的问题进行简评。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,我国分配伦理研究取得了较为显著的成就。本文概述了分配伦理研究的学术路径与主要论题,并对存在问题进行了反思。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The present study tests two hypotheses which are based on a motivational threat model of interpersonal evaluation: ( a ) Dominance- and dependency-oriented perceivers evaluate motivationally similar others less favorably only when evaluation pertains to an ambiguous attribute and perceivers score high on self-derogation; and ( b ) the relatively unfavorable evaluation of the similar target person is mediated by an arousal process. Males observed a working dyad in which one man was dominant and the other dependent, but both were ambiguous on sociability. Throughout the observation, subjects' emotion-related skin conductance responses were monitored. Subjects then evaluated the target person they expected to meet and recalled information. Results supported the first hypothesis, but were only partially consistent with the second hypothesis. In addition, dominance-oriented perceivers produced more assertiveness constructs than dependency-oriented perceivers in free recall. The findings suggest that the threat model should be revised to include the moderating factors of attribute ambiguity and attitude toward the self, and perhaps also an additional mediating process: generalization of attitude toward the self to motivationally similar others.  相似文献   

We report the results of three experimental tests of the "hot cognition" hypothesis, which posits that all sociopolitical concepts that have been evaluated in the past are affectively charged and that this affective charge is automatically activated within milliseconds on mere exposure to the concept, appreciably faster than conscious appraisal of the object.
We find support for the automaticity of affect toward political leaders, groups, and issues; specifically:
  • • 

    Most Ss show significantly faster reaction times to affectively congruent political concepts and significantly slower response times to affectively incongruent concepts;


Qualitative differences between three types of media used for the laboratory induction of emotion (film clips, still images, and music) were explored using a clinical sample. The relative effectiveness at inducing negative emotion and the degree to which the induction elicited personally relevant experiences of emotion was examined. Nomothetic and idiographic media were included as stimuli, and comparisons were made across media types and selection type. Nomothetic and idiographic media did not significantly differ in levels of negative affect endorsed. Significant differences did emerge between media and selection types in degree of personal relevance, with nomothetic images rated lowest and idiographic music rated highest. Significant differences also emerged in ratings of positive affect, with greater personal relevance significantly related to greater positive affect. The qualitative differences in emotion induction procedures found in this study are discussed in relation to the potential importance of matching emotion induction procedures to specific emotion-related processes of interest when used for the laboratory study of emotion and psychopathology.  相似文献   

Cognitive-behavioral couple therapy (CBCT), while empirically validated and highly efficacious, does not always have positive results for couples. One factor that may limit the efficacy of this intervention is the way in which therapists are trained to provide this type of therapy. More specifically, there is a need for therapists to gain a solid foundation in CBCT theory in order to maximize treatment results. This paper presents an argument for why an understanding of theory is necessary for therapists in treating couples. Then, this paper presents our training model and how we integrate theory into our training of both graduate student therapists and more experienced clinicians. We take the stance that “if you build it, they will come.”  相似文献   

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