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韩非从富国强兵的目标出发阐述其诚信思想,形成了系统的诚信观。他认为君主信任他人存在受制于人的道德风险,法律信用却有利于赢得民心,有利于保护君主权力免受权臣侵蚀,有利于富国强兵;基于信任他人的道德风险和法律信用的价值,韩非提出了"循名责实"的诚信管理论,意在防范诚信风险、彰显诚信价值。韩非的诚信观可以为治理当代的诚信危机提供一些启示。  相似文献   

金融伦理研究单玉华  本论文所研究的主要问题是 :1 .金融伦理的近代思考。论述马克思的金融信用理论及对当代金融伦理研究的指导意义 ,剖析经济发展中自由论和规则论的论争 ,说明金融的健康发展需要包括伦理规则在内的规则的适当制约。2 .金融道德风险与金融伦理关系的调节。道德风险是金融活动中长期存在的棘手问题 ,金融全球化使金融活动的伦理问题在更大范围、更深层次上显现出来。所有这些 ,都呼唤着金融伦理的产生。调节金融伦理关系和金融活动 ,必须依靠金融规范和法律规范的双重制约。3.金融的信用基础。金融是建立在伦理信用的基…  相似文献   

社会诚信的研究和建设是当前伦理学研究和道德建设的重点,且很多学者都把信用制度的建设作为主要途径和突破口,但这是否抓出了问题的要害,却是需要慎思的。我们通过对这两个概念的反思和比较,发现诚信比信用有更高的立意和更丰富的内涵,而信用有其内在的道德限度,表现为:信用主体是抽象的人,诚信主体是现实的人;信用要实现的是外在利益,诚信则立足于人的内在价值;信用体现的是工具理性,诚信体现一种实践智慧。通过两者的比较,我们就能合理地确定信用制度起作用的性质、范围和程度,认识到它的必要性和局限性,从而摆正它在社会诚信建设中的地位。  相似文献   

伦理学中有价值论、规范论或义务论,但没有专门研究德性问题的德性论.德性问题是一个重要的人生问题,也是一个重要的社会问题,尤其是当代社会的严重问题,而且只有伦理学才能从理论和实践的结合上给予系统的回答.因此,应该建立德性论专门研究德性问题.德性论研究什么是德性以及如何形成德性的问题,其主要任务是确立伦理学的德性原则.德性论与价值论、规范论一起分别从人的品质、目的、行为方面解释和回答人生问题,它们是相对独立、相互补充的,共同给人生提供伦理学原则并研究回答人生的伦理学问题.德性伦理学属于德性论的研究,但德性伦理学是西方伦理学的一个流派,而不是伦理学的一个相对独立的分支.  相似文献   

论伦理学的问题论转向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用伦理学运动的兴起标志着伦理学研究重心的一次重大转向。在这一转向经过了 30年后的今天 ,我们似有必要对此进行反思 ;特别是在人们至今对这一转向的理解颇为不一并出现了一些值得注意的偏颇时 ,这种反思显得尤为必要。一、伦理学演进的三个阶段和两次转向伦理学研究的整个历程从其侧重点看可以大致划分为三个阶段 ,即德性论阶段、规范论阶段和问题论阶段。这三个阶段的演进是通过从德性论向规范论、从规范论向问题论这样两次研究重心的转移实现的。最初 ,思想家们把注意目光主要放在人的德性上。这一阶段在西方自古希腊时代一直持续到…  相似文献   

韦伯对中国进行过系统研究,在近代西方思想家中殊为难得。其中国研究是在文明比较视野中的理念型探索,根本特点是坚持文化论和制度论的统一,这种视角成为了各大文明比较研究的典范。韦伯从制度论角度分析了中国社会的传统主义特征,但他认为,文化论角度的儒家和道家才是制约资本主义发展的因素。韦伯的论证构成了对社会生活的复杂性理解系统,但并非无懈可击。今天,从文化论与制度论统一的视角来回顾、反思韦伯的中国研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

论信用建设的社会保障机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
良好社会信用形成的非自发性和我国目前失信对市场经济健康发展的阻抑性 ,凸显了信用建设的必要性和迫切性。立足于信用环境的创设 ,我们认为 ,必须提出了信用建设的四大保障机制 :法治机制、监管机制、信息公开机制、教育机制 ,以促人们循善而为。  相似文献   

论法律信用与道德信用的特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
加强信用建设 ,需要对信用进行形态梳理和学理分析 ,以避免语义的混乱。本文立足于信用的一般特性、法律与道德的个性特征及其现实表现 ,在比较的视阈中对法律信用和道德信用的特性进行了条陈与辨析 ,并阐述了二者对经济信用的独特功效。  相似文献   

生存论研究何以可能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在近年来关于生存论研究的各种批评意见中,人们对于在今日中国开展生存论研究、特别是将生存论引入马克思哲学研究领域,感到不好理解。这里面存在一些基本的误会,需要恰当申说。更重要的是,问题还关涉到生存论研究的反思与深化。故专作此文,以就教于方家。一、当代哲学生存论兴起的学理缘由生存论并不是现代存在主义或生存主义的专利,它既源于古老的生成论思想,也源于最早的哲学存在观念。但是,生存论一开始并没有形成一个稳定的领域,而是杂陈、潜居于各种自然主义哲学及其文化系统中,并且连同生成论传统一起,逐渐被裹挟和淹没于实体主义的…  相似文献   

李道纯内丹心性论具有浓厚的三教合一特色,他特别推崇禅宗的明心见性思想,将其运用到内丹心性论的理论建构中。无论是对于心性内涵的理论阐释,还是对于心性修炼的功法解读,亦或是对于心性教化的旨趣论述,李道纯的内丹心性论都体现出了圆融三教的成熟性和系统性。以比较研究为视角,从即心即佛与即心即道、明心见性与性命双全、顿悟成佛与顿修成仙三个方面来研究惠能与李道纯心性论的异同,以期能够较为客观地揭示出禅宗心性论对于道教心性论发展的作用和意义。  相似文献   

基于不同研究取向的应对问卷述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会的发展,人们现实和精神压力的增大,压力应对方式的研究日益受到广泛重视。研究者们依据不同的理论模型建构了各种应对问卷,此文总结了5种主要的应对研究取向,包括应对过程研究取向、应对特质研究取向、应对认知思维研究取向、应对能力研究取向以及特定情境应对研究取向等,并对相应的问卷做了一个整体的回顾,最后提出了应对研究发展的新方向以及对应对测量工具提出的新要求  相似文献   


This article describes the application of a design-based research approach at the Deutsches Museum, a German science and technology museum, in a collaborative project examining how digital media can support museum learning. Design-based research is an integrative approach that combines the development of theoretical knowledge and the research-practice transfer. The application of a design-based research approach is discussed in the context of the history of visitor studies at the Deutsches Museum. Three projects examining the educational potential of media exhibits serve as examples of how this approach has been implemented, and illustrate how design-based research can address the problems and questions of practitioners as well as relevant psychological research issues. Finally, conclusions are drawn regarding the challenges and opportunities related to this new approach.  相似文献   

This essay discusses the developments and trends of research in legalargumentation of the last 25 years. The essay starts with a survey of thevarious approaches which can be distinguished: the logical approach, therhetorical approach, and the dialogical approach. Then it identifies varioustopics in the research, which constitute the various components of aresearch programme of legal argumentation: the philosophical component, thetheoretical component, the reconstruction component, the empiricalcomponent, and the practical component. It concludes with a discussion ofthe main trends in the research of the last 25 years.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the theoretical debates and frameworks that have shaped research on language development and intervention in persons with mental retardation over the past four decades. Our starting point is the nativist theory, which has been espoused most forcefully by Chomsky. We also consider more recent alternatives to the nativist approach, including the social-interactionist and emergentist approaches, which have been developed largely within the field of child language research. We also consider the implications for language development and intervention of the genetic syndrome-based approach to behavioral research advocated by Dykens and others. We briefly review the impact and status of the debates spurred by the nativist approach in research on the course of language development in individuals with mental retardation. In addition, we characterize some of the achievements in language intervention that have been made possible by the debates spurred by nativism and the various alternatives to it. The evidence we consider provides support for all three alternatives to the nativist approach. Moreover, successful interventions appear to embody elements of several of these approaches as well as other theoretical approaches (e.g., behaviorism). We conclude that language intervention must be theoretically eclectic in its approach, with different strategies appropriate for teaching different features of language, at different points in development, and for children displaying different characteristics or learning histories.  相似文献   

Yang's 1974 to 1991 research on individual modernity and traditionalism in Taiwan is examined and the methodology for developing measurement instruments in this program critiqued. It is proposed that the proper strategy for research on indigenous psychology is to analyze a culture at the conceptual level with the symbolic approach, and then conduct empirical research on 'lifeworlds' using activity theory. Yang's research on individual modernity and traditionalism uses an inductive empirical approach without the theoretical grounding of conceptual analyses. Based on the philosophy of constructive realism, two types of knowledge (the scientific 'microworld' and the 'experienced lifeworld') are differentiated in order to explicate the significance of the discontinuity hypothesis of modernity for non-Western countries and to critique Yang's methodology for measuring individual modernity and traditionalism. It is proposed that the research strategy of cultural psychology be used in future study. This replacement would usher in the indigenous psychology approach as is evident in Yang's (1999, Yang, 2000) later works.  相似文献   

心理韧性研究诸进路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理韧性研究自发轫至今出现了若干可供遵循的进路, 主要有:以人为中心模型、以变量为中心模型、时间路径模型和因素-过程模型等。以人为中心进路围绕“人”开展研究, 将甄别出的心理韧性者与非韧性者及未经历严重压力/逆境者进行比较, 尝试理解心理韧性的由来。以变量为中心进路则聚焦于压力/危险逆境指标、心理韧性相关因子及心理社会发展功能指标, 经由分析这些变量的关系以探寻和推测心理韧性发展的机制。时间路径进路专注于时间进程, 追踪研究对象在严重压力/逆境开始前后到相当长一段时期心理社会功能变化过程特点, 以解读人类压力/逆境适应系统的运作特征及其功能差异, 推断心理韧性发展的过程及机制。因素-过程整合进路则以生态系统理论为指导, 兼顾因素与过程, 尝试提供一个更具研究指导性的心理韧性整合模型和一套机制解释策略基准框架。诸心理韧性研究进路各有侧重, 互有长短, 研究者对之了然于胸将有助于选择适切的研究设计与分析策略, 取长避短, 从而提高研究揭示效力。  相似文献   

Person-situation interaction is considered in the light of a redefinition of the notions of consistency, stability, coherence, and specificity. A research program able to combine the study of individual differences with experimental research in a developmental perspective is recommended. Findings from research on aggression are presented to support this approach.  相似文献   

任亚辉  叶浩生 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1421-1423
基于不同的理论预设和方法学路线,组织咨询心理学领域形成了三种代表性的研究取向,即经验实证取向、临床治疗学取向以及实践-知识创生取向.文章在系统阐述三种取向基本观点的基础上,就组织观、研究方法、实践特征等同题对三者加以分析比较,并指出了各取向所面I临的挑战.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that individuals respond differently to difficult tasks, depending on whether the situational factors surrounding the task make the individual perceive it as a challenge or a threat. Distinct response patterns between these two stress responses have been identified and vary based on an individual’s personality traits. In keeping with this research, the current study examined how performance pressure-induced threat impacts the relationship between trait approach motivation and prefrontal cortex activation utilizing a simple line bisection task. Participants completed line bisection tasks before and after performing a difficult motor skill task under pressure intended to provoke a threat-based response. As expected, individuals with high levels of trait approach motivation showed a rightward line bisection bias at pretest absent in participants with low levels of trait approach motivation. However, in contrast to previous studies utilizing more challenge-based tasks that report consistent rightward line bisection bias in high approach motivation populations, the current study identified a shift towards a leftward line bisection bias after the study task. The results suggest that the inability to succeed under pressure caused high trait approach participants to temporarily lose their approach orientation due to threat response.  相似文献   

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