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The present study assessed generalization of training effects using a video computer system (VCS) as a training medium for modifying acuity. Eighteen myopic volunteers were matched according to pre-training acuity and assigned to either fading and feedback training group or a practice only control. Subjects were pre- and post-tested on three measures: the Snellen Letter Chart, a Behavioral Acuity Test and a performance test with the VCS. Compared to controls, trained subjects displayed significant improvements in acuity on the Behavioral Acuity Test. These results suggest that training effects generalize to untrained stimuli. Implications for the clinical implementation of behavioral training procedures for modifying myopia are discussed.  相似文献   

As yet, no evidence is available about the cost-effectiveness of positive psychological interventions. When offered via the Internet, these interventions may be particularly cost-effective, because they are highly scalable and do not rely on scant resources such as therapists’ time. Alongside a randomized controlled trial of an online positive psychological intervention, a health-economic evaluation was conducted. Mild to moderately depressed adults seeking self-help and recruited in the general population were randomly assigned to the intervention group (n?=?143) and a waitlisted usual care group (n?=?141). Improved clinical outcomes were achieved in the intervention group (at least for depression) at higher costs. When outliers (the top 2.5%, n?=?5 in intervention group, n?=?2 in control group) were removed, cost-effectiveness was increased considerably. For positive psychology, economic evaluations may be a means to nudge policy decision-makers towards placing positive psychological interventions on the health agenda.  相似文献   

At a time when an increasing number of professionals are calling themselves "family therapists," many teachers and theorists in this field are troubled that the term "family therapy" no longer adequately characterizes the concepts or activities of the field. Recently, clinical, political, and economic circumstances have emerged that suggest the need for alternatives to the role of "family therapist." By adding the roles of family consultant and systems consultant, we can open up new options for ourselves and our clients. During initial contacts with families, agencies, and other professionals, we can heighten our therapeutic potential by proceeding with consultative stocktaking, not starting with therapy. Family consultation also can assist in redirecting therapy when a new problem or an impasse develops, in focusing on competency rather than on pathology, and in engaging constructively with families that have a physically or mentally ill member.  相似文献   

Three approaches to facilitating verbal and physical sharing and of the generalizability and durability of the behaviors that were trained were investigated. During a free play period, groups of preschool children were taught to share verbally, to share physically, or to share verbally and physically; another group was not trained. Immediately following free play, the children were observed in a different setting. Follow-up was conducted 4 weeks after training ended. Physical sharing that was durable and generalizable resulted only when children were taught to share verbally. Increases in physical sharing produced by training children to share only physically were not durable and did not generalize. Training both verbal and physical sharing produced results with a magnitude slightly greater than teaching just verbal sharing. Despite a lack of special programming, some of the treatment effects generalized to another setting and were maintained during the Follow-up. There was response generalization of the effects of training verbal sharing to physical sharing but not vice versa. Problems with the concept of response class, a methodological suggestion for studying response generalization, and possibilities concerning why generalization and maintenance occurred without specific programming are discussed.  相似文献   

Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) is recommended as a psychotherapy procedure to serve as clinical feedback in order to improve client treatment outcomes. ROM can work as a warning signal to the therapist if the client shows signs of no change or deterioration. This study has investigated whether any difference in outcome could be detected between those clients in couple and family therapy who used the Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change (STIC) feedback system (ROM condition) versus those who were offered treatment without the use of STIC (“treatment as usual” or TAU condition). A sample of 328 adults seeking couple and family therapy in Norway was randomly assigned to ROM versus TAU conditions. Outcome measures were The Outcome Questionnaire–45 and The Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale. The results demonstrated no significant differences in outcomes between the ROM and TAU. Possible explanations of this result related to design and implementation issues are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to review and evaluate the theoretical models used in family therapy. Speer's ( 20 ) critique is given special attention. This critique provides a starting point for a theoretical reformulation, supported by the author's ( 20 , 21 ) and other workers' ( 5 ) experimental findings. A theoretically derived, three-dimensional typology of family systems is described. This is based on the notion of a balance between morphostatic and morphogenic properties of the family system, as defined. Using a high and low value for each of the three dimensions, eight family types are isolated and each type is tied to therapeutic predictions. The proposed typology is discussed in relation to an inductively derived typology recently reported by Reiss ( 16 ) The need for further validation of the typological scheme is stressed, and its possible clinical applications are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the role of the family in the treatment of youth who attend Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare (OBH) programs. It discusses the history of OBH, provides a critical overview of the research on the impact of OBH programs on family functioning, and discusses the importance of increased intentional integration of family therapy into OBH settings. To show this integration, this study presents a case study that highlights the role of the family, as well as the home family therapist throughout the phase of OBH treatment. Areas for future esearch are provided as well as suggestions for the increased utilization of adventure activities with families.  相似文献   

Integrative Shifts for the Theory and Practice of Family Systems Therapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes several disagreements among approaches to family therapy and proposes two conceptual shifts providing a more integrative perspective. The first shift focuses on the implications of different ways therapists orient themselves to the developing structures of the therapy system and to the disabled structures of the client system. The second shift reconsiders theoretical approaches in terms of the types of distance they require of the therapist and the types of information these distances provide and ignore. Finally, the paper also discusses a means for classifying the different types of goals therapists establish for their clients, emphasizing that these goals must be consistent with the clients' views of themselves and the world.  相似文献   

Social greeting responses of three withdrawn, chronic schizophrenics were experimentally modified. Initially, none of the subjects spoke to an experimenter. Prompts and cigarette reinforcement were employed to produce increases in the rates of greetings. Then, the prompts were faded so that the greetings came under the control of the presence of the experimenter. Reversal and subsequent reinforcement procedures were employed to demonstrate that the responses were controlled by their consequences. Next, the schedule of cigarette reinforcement was leaned out so that greetings continued to occur in the absence of cigarette reinforcement. However, low or zero rates of greetings occurred in the presence of a second experimenter. Five new experimenters employed the prompting, fading, reinforcement, and schedule-leaning procedures. Subsequently, all subjects emitted appropriately high rates of greetings in the presence of the second experimenter. Without further application of the experimental procedures, greetings were still occurring in the presence of both the first and second experimenters almost three months later.  相似文献   

Empirical evaluations suggest that problem orientation, the initial reaction to problems, differentiates suicidal youth from nonchnical controls and nonideating psychiatric controls. One promising area for intervention with suicidal youth relates to enhancing this specific coping skill. Nonclinical participants (N = 110) with active suicidal ideation were randomly assigned to receive a brief problem-orientation intervention or a control procedure. The current study evaluated the benefits of a brief prevention intervention based on the Problem-Solving Therapy model. Exposure to a brief video intervention regarding problem solving and coping skills was sufficient to elicit significant decreases in suicidal ideation and depression, but the intervention did not elicit improvements in problem orientation or other problem-solving abilities. These findings provide preliminary support for a brief, video-based problem-solving and coping skills module. However, considerable work in developing secondary prevention interventions remains.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(4):535-547
The goal of this study was to compare a brief behavioral treatment for insomnia (BBTI), which has fewer sessions (4), shorter duration (< 30–45 minutes), and delivers treatment in-person plus phone calls to cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI), which has 5 in-person sessions. The hypothesis was BBTI would be noninferior to CBTI. The Reliable Change Index was used to establish a noninferiority margin (NIM) of 3.43, representing the maximum allowable difference between groups on the pre-post Insomnia Severity Index change (ΔISI). Sixty-three veterans with chronic insomnia were randomized to either BBTI or CBTI and veterans in both groups had significant reductions of their insomnia severity per the ISI and improved their sleep onset latency, total wake time, sleep efficiency, and sleep quality per sleep diaries. While CBTI had a larger pre-post ΔISI, this was not significantly different than ΔISI BBTI and was less than the NIM. However, the 95% confidence interval of the between group pre-post ΔISI extended beyond the NIM, and thus BBTI was inconclusively noninferior to CBTI. Limitations, such as small sample size and high rate of dropout, indicate further study is needed to compare brief, alternative yet complementary behavioral insomnia interventions to CBTI. Still, evidence-based brief and flexible treatment options will help to further enhance access to care for veterans with chronic insomnia, especially in non-mental-health settings like primary care.  相似文献   

Little is known about how posttraumatic growth (PTG) can be fostered and controversy surrounds how it is best measured. We designed and tested an intervention, prospective writing, to facilitate PTG by encouraging people to explore new possibilities after adversity. Adults (N = 188) with recent adverse experiences were randomly assigned to do prospective writing, factual writing, or no writing weekly for one month. PTG was assessed with both retrospective and current-standing measures. Hierarchical linear modeling and response profile analysis were used to assess the intervention’s impact, and latent growth curve modeling was used to test mediation. Prospective writing participants showed the greatest gains in PTG as assessed by the current-standing measure, but did not reliably show greater retrospective PTG than controls. Although large effect sizes for the mediation paths suggested that engagement with new possibilities may be a plausible mechanism, this result fell short of statistical significance. Prospection-based interventions merit further investigation.  相似文献   

This randomized controlled trial (RCT) aimed to pilot the newly developed manualized and monitored systemic therapy (ST) for social anxiety disorder (SAD), as compared to manualized and monitored cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). We conducted a prospective multicenter, assessor-blind pilot RCT on 38 outpatients (ICD F40.1; Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID); Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, LSAS-SR >30). The primary outcome was level of social anxiety (LSAS-SR) at the end of treatment. A total of 252 persons were screened, and 38 patients were randomized and started therapy (CBT: 20 patients; ST: 18 patients; age: = 36 years, SD = 14). Within-group, simple-effect intent-to-treat analyses (ITT) showed significant reduction in LSAS-SR (CBT:d = 1.04; ST:d = 1.67), while ITT mixed-design ANOVA demonstrated the advantage of ST (d = 0.81). Per-protocol analyses supported these results. Remission based on reliable change indices also demonstrated significant difference (LSAS-SR: 15% in CBT; 39% in ST;h: 0.550), supported by blind diagnosticians’ ratings of those who completed therapy (SCID; 45% in CBT, 78% in ST,= .083). No adverse events were reported. CBT and ST both reduced social anxiety, supporting patient improvement with the newly developed ST for SAD; this has yet to be verified in a subsequent confirmatory RCT.  相似文献   

Effects of three experimental and one control strategy were investigated in facilitating generalization and maintenance of treatment effects after two months in a token-economy classroom. At the conclusion of treatment, subjects were randomly assigned to one of three maintenance strategies or a control group and returned to their regular classrooms. The maintenance strategies were peer reprogramming, equating stimulus conditions between the experimental and regular classrooms, and teacher training in behavior management techniques. The maintenance strategies were implemented in the regular classroom for a two-month period and then terminated. Results indicated a powerful treatment effect produced by the token economy. Behavior maintenance effects following treatment were also obtained. The mean per cent appropriate behavior for the peer reprogramming and equating stimulus conditions strategies was significantly greater than the mean for the control subjects. The teacher training and control group means were not significantly different.  相似文献   

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