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For most people facing a serious illness, the family is regarded as the primary source of support. Research suggests that patterns of support may differ for people infected with HIV. Access to support normally requires disclosure of one's health problem to others. This study examined the impact of disclosure of HIV on the index patient's self-defined family. Most participants were gay men attending a London HIV clinic. Both they and the care-givers whom they identified to the researchers were interviewed. The results of this qualitative study highlight the fact that many gay men with HIV do not regard their biological family as their primary social support system. Friends and partners were commonly cited as primary care-givers. Most of those interviewed who provided support to the infected individual clearly remembered the disclosure event. They also had a number of emotional reactions, over time, to disclosure. We argue that adjustment to illness among care-givers is a complex two-way, reciprocal process whereby the infected individual and care-giver take subtle cues from one another in terms of how they appear to one another to cope. Some emotionally painful feelings may be experienced but not openly expressed. Therapists who work with families affected by illness should first learn from the patient who he or she defines as 'family'. They should also enquire about the impact of disclosure of illness on all care-givers as well as subsequent reactions and unexpressed feelings associated with this.  相似文献   

It is considered psychologically healthy for lesbians and gay men to come out and live outside of the closet. However, parents tend to react with shock, disappointment, and shame when they learn of a son's or daughter's gay sexual orientation. Disclosure often precipitates a painful family crisis, which can lead to cutoffs between members. This article describes family therapy theories and interventions that can aid therapists in sheparding families through the initial stages of the coming-out crisis. Family therapists are advised to acknowledge and address the distinct emotional needs of coming-out individuals and their parents. Parents must grieve and obtain accurate information about gay lifestyles. Lesbians and gay men need support as they struggle to cope with their parents' negative reactions. Family members should be coached to maintain non-combative communication following the disclosure, even if contacts are initially brief and superficial. Case examples, drawn from the author's clinical work, will demonstrate how to address the separate needs of lesbians, gay men, and their parents while maintaining (or rebuilding) family relationships and ultimately guiding families toward successful resolution of this crisis.  相似文献   

Silence and denial about previous traumatic experiences are common features in families exposed to organized violence. Mutual protection between family members, and especially between parents and children, is seen as the fundament for the silencing of traumatic experiences. This strategy is suggested to have adaptive advantages in dangerous situations in general, where it serves the function of saving the child's internal representations of his/her parents as secure bases. If, however, the dangerous situation escalates and a psychic trauma cannot be avoided, the strategy of mutual silence concerning the event(s) becomes an obstacle for giving traumatized children parental support and professional treatment. It is argued that clinicians need to take seriously the strong reasons families have for upholding their strategy of denial, if they want to help traumatized families to a better functioning. A case presentation is made to illustrate how it is possible to use refugee children's re-enacting play as a source of information about past traumatic events in order to change destructive post-traumatic family dynamics and improve parental support to the child.  相似文献   

A 2-year followup study was conducted to determine the efficacy and degree of satisfaction with Milan-style family therapy with families refractory to other treatment interventions. Fourteen families and 5 couples who received Milan-style family therapy participated in the study. Family outcome was found to be improved in 56% of parents and 89% of identified child-patients at followup. Improved self-outcome at followup was reported by 56% of fathers, 67% of mothers, and 78% of identified child-patients. A substantial percentage of fathers (68%) and mothers (59%) reported that at least one family member sought further therapy posttreatment. Factors associated with either parent's positive perception of the treatment in general included the time interval between sessions, experiencing the treatment as brief rather than long, and positive feelings for the group behind the mirror. Mothers who reported liking the treatment reported better family outcome. For mothers, disliking the treatment was related to family members seeking further treatment. The more negative the mothers' and fathers' spontaneous comments about therapy were, the more likely that a family member would seek further alternative psychotherapy. The outcome results are explained in terms of the treatment families' negative reactions to some aspects of the therapist's stance and to the group behind the one-way mirror, as in Milan-style therapy. The importance of modifying Milan-type therapy to foster a positive attitude toward the treatment procedures and the therapist's interventions is discussed.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that families have a strong influence on individuals' beliefs and behaviors related to health and illness, relatively little attention has been devoted to the family's role in the development, maintenance, and treatment of pain or to the impact of chronic pain in one family member upon other family members. A major source of information about pain and how to respond to pain symptoms is learned within the family setting. This article reviews ways in which pain conceptualizations are developed in the family and highlights the need to more carefully study health as well as dysfunctional family reactions to chronic pain. A case example is presented that details the far reaching consequences that chronic pain can have on family life. It is concluded that more careful research, particularly in terms of the operationalization of theoretical constructs and the reliable assessment of these constructs, is needed before any definitive statements can be made about the importance and characteristics of pain-family transactions.  相似文献   

DNA testing for Fragile X syndrome is now routinely available through a large number of diagnostic laboratories. We have surveyed individuals from British Columbia Fragile X families identified prior to the availability of DNA testing for FMR1 to determine if they are subsequently receiving information about DNA testing. Of the 78 individuals first seen before the cloning of the FMR1 gene, 39 (50%) had not been seen in the clinic to discuss DNA testing. We initiated a contact program with these 39 patients to determine their interest in DNA testing. Contact was made with 28 individuals, 20 of whom stated interest in testing either for themselves or for a relative. Patient opinions about DNA testing were assessed through questionnaires. In those individuals who stated an interest in DNA testing, the most common reason for wishing testing was to provide information to children or grandchildren. The most common disadvantages of testing indicated by this group were that they had finished their families and that they felt the test would not have a direct impact. The most common reasons individuals were not interested in DNA testing were that there were no family members appropriate to test and that the respondent had completed his or her family. DNA testing has been performed for 13 of the 28 (46%) contacted individuals and/or at least one relative. In view of the high level of interest for testing in families who had not been seen since the cloning of the FMR1 gene, we feel that FMR1 screening programs should include actively contacting previously seen individuals.  相似文献   

This study examined news selection intentions that followed judgments of story bias and the extent to which those intentions were influenced by source liking. The study also examined the extent to which two personality traits, argumentativeness and need for cognition, affected perceptions of story bias and intent to select an offending source in the future. Participants were more likely to say they would return to the source of a “biased” story if they liked and had selected the source previously than they were if the source was unknown. Individuals high in argumentativeness were less likely than those low in argumentativeness to view a story with negative information about their group as biased. Need for cognition was weakly related to intent to return to an offending source. Implications for consumption of counterattitudinal information and source selection in the current news environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Dualistic notions about gender and sexuality have permeated the field of couple and family therapy. These binary constructions have been limiting for everyone, especially those who fall outside the male/female dichotomy. This article examines the impact of these binary notions, especially on transgender and gender‐creative individuals, couples, and families. Current theory and research in the field as they relate to gender identity, sexuality, and gender minority stress in couples and families are presented. Case examples are used to illustrate affirmative approaches to treatment issues such as coming out, safety, grief and loss, redefining relationships, and social/medical transitions that may arise for transgender or gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals, couples, and families.  相似文献   

Chronically ill adults who feel overprotected by family members tend to be more depressed. However, little is known about the source of these feelings of overly protective care. In this study, three explanations why family members may be seen by stroke patients as overprotective were tested: (a) a discrepancy between patients and caregivers in judging patient functioning; (b) caregiver protective behaviors, such as restricting the patient because of fear for the patient's safety; and (c) caregivers' negative attitudes toward the patient. Consistent with prior work, patients who felt overprotected were more depressed even when the severity of the stroke was controlled for. Caregivers with negative attitudes toward the patient were most likely to be seen as overprotective by the stroke patient. Ways in which negative, resentful attitudes of caregivers are translated into behaviors that engender feelings of overprotection are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the growing evidence base for the effectiveness of family intervention in the treatment of individuals suffering from a psychotic disorder, in practice only relatively few mental health teams use family approaches when treating and managing those with schizophrenia or other psychoses. This paper describes a pragmatic model, which may be used in addition to other ongoing treatments, such as medication, CBT or single family therapy. It was developed jointly by clinicians and service users over the past few years. It consists of regular multiple family group work, with six to eight families attending simultaneously, and aims to involve families directly in the treatment, rehabilitation and recovery of their members suffering from psychotic disorder.  相似文献   

We examine coworkers' procedural justice inferences about the accommodation of another employee when they believe it is for disability-related reasons. Legal constraints that prevent the release of information about the accommodation process may lead to negative inferences about fairness. However, we argue that other factors can help to make inferences about procedural justice more positive. We present a model of the process through which coworkers engage in making inferences about the procedural justice of accommodating a coworker with a disability and the individual and organizational level factors likely to influence those inferences. Consequently, we present propositions to be studied in future empirical research and suggestions to managers who desire to reduce negative coworker reactions to accommodating individuals with disabilities.  相似文献   

Predictions of poor prognosis for critically ill patients may become self-fulfilling if life-sustaining treatment or resuscitation is subsequently withheld on the basis of that prediction. This paper outlines the epistemic and normative problems raised by self-fulfilling prophecies (SFPs) in intensive care. Where predictions affect outcome, it can be extremely difficult to ascertain the mortality rate for patients if all treatment were provided. SFPs may lead to an increase in mortality for cohorts of patients predicted to have poor prognosis, they may lead doctors to feel causally responsible for the deaths of their patients, and they may compromise honest communication with patients and families about prognosis. However, I argue that the self-fulfilling prophecy is inevitable when life-sustaining treatment is withheld or withdrawn in the face of uncertainty. SFPs do not necessarily make treatment limitation decisions problematic. To minimize the effects of SFPs, it is essential to carefully collect and appraise evidence about prognosis. Doctors need to be honest with themselves and with patients and their families about uncertainty and the limits of knowledge.  相似文献   

By using an information processing and social identity approach, this study examines the relationships between the complexity of the health care needs of a patient and (1) the interactions among physicians during team meetings and (2) how the meeting participants evaluate the discussion. Three dimensions of the complexity of the health care needs are related to the interactive behaviour of medical specialists during meetings of multidisciplinary medical teams. Three medical teams from a Dutch university hospital, each discussing a total of 40 patients, were observed. The results show that component complexity was positively related to the amount of information team members exchanged, to positive reactions, and to the positive evaluation of the discussion. Two other dimensions (interrelatedness of needs and ambiguity) have to be considered in concert: interrelatedness was positively related to negative reactions but only if ambiguity was low; and, further, ambiguity was positively related to evaluative behaviour and to positive reactions, and negatively to the evaluation of the discussion, but only if interrelatedness was low.  相似文献   

The most common result of BRCA1/2 mutation testing when performed in a family without a previously identified mutation is an uninformative negative test result. Women in these families may have an increased risk for breast cancer because of mutations in non-BRCA breast cancer predisposition genes, including moderate- or low-risk genes, or shared environmental factors. Genetic counselors often encourage counselees to share information with family members, however it is unclear how much information counselees share and the impact that shared information may have on accuracy of risk perception in family members. We evaluated 85 sisters and daughters of women who received uninformative negative BRCA1/2 results. We measured accuracy of risk perception using a latent variable model where accuracy was represented as the correlation between perceived risk (indicators = verbal and quantitative measures) and calculated risk (indicators = Claus and BRCAPRO). Participants who reported more information was shared with them by their sister or mother about her genetic counseling session had greater accuracy of risk perception (0.707, p?=?0.000) than those who reported little information was shared (0.326, p?=?0.003). However, counselees shared very little information; nearly 20 % of family members reported their sister or mother shared nothing with them about her genetic counseling. Family members were generally not aware of the existence of a genetic counseling summary letter. Our findings underscore the need for effective strategies that facilitate counselees to share information about their genetic counseling sessions. Such communication may help their relatives better understand their cancer risks and enhance risk appropriate cancer prevention.  相似文献   

The study examined parents' and paediatricians' views of the prevalence of needs for help in a number of different areas related to child and family functioning. Twenty-four paediatricians estimated the percentage of families who would need help in each area and their estimates were compared with data from 107 parents who responded about their own needs. Parents and paediatricians largely agreed on the areas of greatest need but in other areas paediatricians tended to overestimate the negative impact of the child on the family and parents' needs for help in teaching the child. Paediatricians with more years experience were likely to be more accurate in their estimates, as were those who placed greater emphasis on giving information about other services to parents and the importance of their own continued involvement with the family. Results are discussed in relation to their implications for parent-professional partnership, the need for more emphasis on communication skills in medical training and the importance of individualized assessment of family needs.  相似文献   

Item memory and source memory were assessed in a task that simulated a social conversation. Participants generated answers to questions or read statements presented by one of three sources (faces on a computer screen). Positive generation effects were observed for item memory. That is, participants remembered topics of conversation better if they were asked questions about the topics than if they simply read statements about topics. However, a negative generation effect occurred for source memory. That is, remembering the source of some information was disrupted if participants were required to answer questions pertaining to that information. These findings support the notion that item and source memory are mediated, as least in part, by different processes during encoding.  相似文献   

Systemic therapy would appear to be a viable form of treatment for people who exist in cultures that contain complex, extended family systems, such as those found in India. The practice of family therapy in India has evolved from Western concepts. These concepts appear to offer Indian therapists relevant and practical ways of working with families. However, some of these concepts need modifying before they can be used in an Indian context. Indian families may have very different worldviews and ideas of 'self' compared to families in the West, leading to different family organization. The situation can be further complicated by the cultural norms of therapists themselves. Therapists in India are often highly educated, come from upper-middle-class families and have been exposed to different cultures. They increasingly share many of the values of their counterparts in the West. At the same time, they retain aspects of their own cultural heritage, which is also the dominant culture for a large number of the families with whom they work. Thus, not only must Indian family therapists seek to work in culturally appropriate ways; they must also tolerate their own internalized conflicts regarding differing cultural norms. With the use of clinical data, this paper describes some of the personal and professional problems experienced by an Indian family therapist working with Western constructs of family organization.  相似文献   

Many individuals with substance use disorders are resistant to entering formal treatment, despite the negative consequences that plague their own lives and the lives of concerned significant others (CSOs). Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) has been developed as an effective strategy for helping family members who are concerned about the alcohol/drug use of a loved one who refuses to seek treatment. The present study explored reasons and feelings that played a part in these resistant individuals' (identified patients [IPs]) decision to begin treatment. Written statements and feelings of 36 initially treatment-refusing IPs, who were engaged into treatment via their CRAFT-trained CSOs, were examined upon entering treatment. Self-report forms assessed three complementary domains about entering treatment: (1) feelings about coming for treatment, (2) important reasons for entering treatment, and (3) reasons for entering treatment narratives. It was shown that the occurrences of self-reported positive emotions and statements that expressed a positive wish for change outweighed negative feelings and statements. Although conceivably these CRAFT-exposed IPs may have provided different responses than other treatment-seeking populations, the current study's strong IP reports of positive feelings, reasons, and narrative statements regarding treatment entry nonetheless address potential concerns that treatment-refusing IPs might only enter treatment if felt coerced by family members and while experiencing salient negative feelings overall.  相似文献   

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