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The role of errors in learning with feedback   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A slow-down in reaction time (RT) after committing an error is a well-known effect. Recently, Notebaert and colleagues (Notebaert et al., 2009; Núñez Castellar, Kuhn, Fias, & Notebaert, 2010) suggested that posterror slowing is a reaction to the infrequent nature of errors. After infrequent errors, posterror slowing was observed but after infrequent correct trials, postcorrect slowing was observed. These data were obtained in a paradigm with trial-by-trial feedback. In this study we tested whether posterror slowing was similar with and without immediate feedback. We manipulated the overall accuracy parametrically per condition (50%, 70%, and 90% accuracy) and predicted an increase in posterror slowing as the accuracy increased. This linear effect was observed with and without immediate feedback. The data are interpreted in terms of an orienting response towards unexpected events.  相似文献   

In two experiments, an anchoring account of the misestimation of future task duration was tested. This account states that such misestimation occurs because previous task duration serves as an anchor for predictions, leading to underestimation when a longer task follows a shorter one and overestimation when a shorter task follows a longer one. Before estimating the duration of a focal task, participants selected a figure (anchor) of a longer or shorter duration produced by other participants in previous research on the same task (Experiment 1) or a different task (Experiment 2). In both experiments, misestimation differed according to the relative duration of the anchor to the focal task. Underestimation occurred with the shorter anchor and overestimation occurred with the longer one, suggesting that estimates were distorted in the direction of the anchors. This finding is discussed in relation to the role of prior task experience in moderating this anchoring effect.  相似文献   

It is argued that events which occur during an interval of time which is being judged may be classified in terms of their effects on the alertness of the subject, and in terms of the degree to which they distract him from the task of detecting and processing time-relevant cues. A distracting task, defined by the number of arithmetical operations a subject was required to perform, was presented while reproductions of an interval were being made. The data support the prediction that the higher the level of distraction, the less time a subject will judge to have elapsed during an objective period.  相似文献   

The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is believed to be involved in the executive control of actions, such as in monitoring conflicting response demands, detecting errors, and evaluating the emotional significance of events. In this study, participants performed a task in which evaluative feedback was delayed, so that it was irrelevant to immediate response control but retained its emotional value as a performance indicator. We found that a medial frontal feedback-related negativity similar to the error-related negativity (ERN) tracked affective response to the feedback and predicted subsequent performance. Source analysis of the feedback-related negativity and ERN revealed a common dorsomedial ACC source and a rostromedial ACC source specific to the ERN. The oscillatory nature of these sources provides further evidence that the ERN reflects ongoing theta activity generated in the mediofrontal regions. These results suggest that action regulation by the cingulate gyrus may require the entrainment of multiple structures of the Papez corticolimbic circuit.  相似文献   

The influence of monetary feedback on Wisconsin Card Sort Test (WCST) performance of 14 male schizophrenics was investigated. Patients were administered the test under standard instructions and with monetary feedback in counterbalanced order. Monetary reinforcement reduced perseverative errors and increased correct responses (p less than .05). These findings suggest that the WCST perseverative errors of schizophrenics reflect motivational as well as cognitive factors.  相似文献   

The perception of time cannot be reduced to a simple percept produced by an internal clock. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the role of the individual consciousness of time on temporal judgments. In the present study, the participants' awareness of attention-related time distortions was assessed using a metacognitive questionnaire. The participants were also required to verbally judge a series of stimulus durations in a single or a dual task condition. The results revealed that time was underestimated in the dual task compared to the single task. However, the accuracy of time judgments improved in line with the participants' individual awareness of attentional time distortion: The more aware they were of the role of attention in time perception, the lower the time distortions they exhibited. Conscious awareness of time therefore plays a role in the accuracy of the time judgments made by human beings.  相似文献   

What is the relation between the ability to control visceral responding on a biofeedback task and the ability to report behaviors actually contributing to this performance? Subjects received biofeedback training for unidentified visceral responses and then gave written reports about what they had done to control the feedback displays. Independent judges were given these reports and, on the basis of knowledge about activities known to contribute to visceral activity, were asked to determine the visceral responses for which the subjects had been trained. The reports of subjects who succeeded at bidirectional control of heart rate (Experiment 1) or sudomotor laterality (Experiment 2) showed awareness of behaviors related to feedback as assessed by this procedure, whereas the reports of subjects who failed at bidirectional control did not. Subsequent experiments indicated that these results did not depend on a learning strategy that might have been specific to the initial studies. These findings call into question the view that people are unaware of what they have done to produce the response after training on biofeedback tasks. Earlier studies reporting lack of awareness in biofeedback are discussed in light of factors that affect the measurement of biofeedback learning and response awareness.  相似文献   

Pace alteration and estimation of time intervals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This experiment examined the effects on participants' estimates of interval duration of altering the pace of auditory stimuli contained within "filled" intervals. Because most previous studies on the filled interval effect have utilized visual displays, auditory stimuli were used to assess whether the effect would be present. In addition, previous studies compared two intervals, one of which was filled and the other unfilled. In the present study, both intervals were filled with tones at one of three rates (or "paces"): slow, medium, or fast. 25 participants (20 women) ages 18 to 29 years (M = 20.4, SD = 2.3) were recruited from psychology courses and programs. Participants first heard a "training" interval filled with tones at one of the three paces and then attempted to reproduce the duration of that training interval in the "test" interval. The pace of stimuli in each pair of training and test intervals was varied so participants received all possible combinations of paces of auditory stimuli during the training and test trial sets. Analysis showed that, when training pace was fast and test pace was medium or slow, participants' estimates were longer than the actual test interval durations. Conversely, when training pace was slow and test pace was medium or fast, participants' estimates were shorter than actual test interval durations. In addition, when judging shorter intervals, participants estimated more time had passed than actually had, while they estimated that less time had passed than actually had for longer intervals, thus providing support for Vierordt's law.  相似文献   

In previous experiments, the amount of interference between time production and visual or memory search tasks was shown not to be related to the level of difficulty of the search task per se, but instead to the amount of processing in short-term memory required in the search task. The first experiment of the present study verified whether the amount of interference between time production and a short-term memory task may be related to the level of difficulty of the short-term memory task. Two versions of a memory task, with and without processing of order information, were combined with a temporal interval production task in a concurrent processing condition. As is shown in a control reaction time task, processing order information increased the level of difficulty of the memory search task. In the concurrent processing condition, the interference between short-term memory processing and time production was stronger when the level of difficulty of the short-term memory search task was increased by requiring that order information be processed. The results of Experiment 2 showed that the amount of interference between a similar short-term memory task and time production seems not to be related to the amount of order information that must be maintained during the time production task. This dissociation between the effects of processing and the maintenance of order information is compatible with a similar dissociation, observed in previous experiments, between the effects of processing and those of maintaining item information in short-term memory on concurrent time production.  相似文献   

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