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Helping behavior can affect the power dynamics between social groups ( Nadler, 2002 ). The present research investigated whether helping also affects one's views of those power dynamics, as indexed by social dominance orientation (SDO) scores ( Pratto, Sidanius, Stallworth, & Malle, 1994 ). College students in an introductory psychology course were randomly assigned to a helping (service learning) group or a control group. Students in the helping group participated in 18 hr of community service over 9 weeks, and showed a significant decrease in SDO, compared to the control group. Empathy mediated the relationship between helping and SDO. The pedagogical implications of service learning are also discussed, as are the potential moderating roles of helping type and contact.  相似文献   

有关婴幼儿词语习得的研究主要有三种理论假设:联想学习理论、制约限制理论和社会语用理论.本文将从以下四个方面着重介绍社会语用理论的相关研究:婴幼儿词语习得过程涉及哪些社会性认知加工过程,社会语用理论如何应对来自前两种理论的质疑和挑战,社会性认知加工过程的相对权重如何以及自闲症儿童词语习得存在怎样的社会性认知加工障碍.相关研究结果表明社会性认知加工过程在婴幼儿词语习得中具有基础性作用.最后对今后在该领域的研究中需要进一步深入探讨的问题提出了一些思考.  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR) offers new possibilities for learning, specifically for training individuals to perform physical movements such as physical therapy and exercise. The current article examines two aspects of VR that uniquely contribute to media interactivity: the ability to capture and review physical behavior and the ability to see one's avatar rendered in real time from third person points of view. In two studies, we utilized a state-of-the-art, image-based tele-immersive system, capable of tracking and rendering many degrees of freedom of human motion in real time. In Experiment 1, participants learned better in VR than in a video learning condition according to self-report measures, and the cause of the advantage was seeing one's avatar stereoscopically in the third person. In Experiment 2, we added a virtual mirror in the learning environment to further leverage the ability to see oneself from novel angles in real time. Participants learned better in VR than in video according to objective performance measures. Implications for learning via interactive digital media are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes a program designed to improve academic performance of academically at-risk students at a small liberal arts college. Developed from research on successful adults with learning disabilities, the program emphasizes strategic goal planning and incorporates approaches often found in support services for college students with learning disabilities. Preliminary results indicate that a relation exists between the program and increased grade point average of at-risk students.  相似文献   

本研究采用眼动技术考察18名自闭症儿童利用社会性注意线索习得词语的能力。结果表明:1)自闭症儿童具有利用他人视线习得词语的能力;2)不同视线对自闭症儿童的词语习得产生不同的影响;3)自闭症儿童视线追随行为的潜在机制与普通儿童存在差异,自闭症儿童的视线追随行为可能是意识性的诱发行为而普通儿童则是反射性的自发行为。  相似文献   

采用2(注意负荷:高、低)单因素被试内实验设计,以18名在校大学生为被试,运用行为实验及事件相关电位技术,对内隐序列学习是否需要注意负荷的参与进行实验研究。结果发现:(1)在高、低注意负荷条件下都出现了内隐序列学习效应;(2)高注意负荷序列探测刺激诱发的P1、N1波幅显著大于低注意负荷序列探测刺激诱发的,表明高注意负荷条件下需要更多的注意;(3)高、低注意负荷序列内隐序列学习量差异不显著,表明内隐序列学习不受注意负荷影响。  相似文献   

采用行为测量与ERP分析相结合的范式,以视差分离方式和线索提示有效性为自变量,考察三维空间中外源性注意定向的启动效应及其脑电机制.结果发现:短SOA下,无论是3D还是2D,非预测性边缘位置线索对后续辨认任务均发生了启动效应;3D空间中,边缘位置线索提示诱发了注意的自动定向,注意从一个深度面转移到另一深度面需要耗费一定时间;3D空间中,经典注意提示效应在ERP上表现为有效提示下P1、N1、N2等早成分的增强,跨深度空间启动效应主要应由N1的增强效应加以解释.  相似文献   

On April 10, 2008, Rachael Peltz conducted an interview with psycho-historian, psychiatrist, and political activist Robert Jay Lifton. Dr. Lifton is best known for his creative and profound studies of both the extreme and ordinary psychological effects of the rapid, destabilizing, the sometimes catastrophic social changes of our times—including Chinese thought reform, the Nazi concentration camps, the atomic bombing of Japan, Japanese cult groups, the Vietnam War, and recently, the war in Iraq. All of these offer invaluable conceptual tools for clinicians to approach the inner effects of traumatic historical events in everyday life as well as in those who have suffered extraordinary duress. Here, Lifton discusses the positions of the American Psychological Association regarding the role of psychologists in military interrogations and detention sites. The interview also offers a strong introduction to many of his specific concepts, including “atrocity-producing situations,” “the Protean self,” “symbolic immortality,” and many others. Taken together, these offer an exemplary model to understand the interweaving of history and the psyche.  相似文献   

An implicit word learning paradigm was designed to test the hypothesis that children who came to the task of L2 vocabulary acquisition with poorer L1 phonological awareness (PA) are less capable of extracting phonological patterns from L2 and thus have difficulties capitalizing on this knowledge to support L2 vocabulary learning. A group of Chinese-speaking six-grade students took a multi-trial L2 (English) word learning task after being exposed to a set of familiar words that rhymed with the target words. Children’s PA was measured at grade 3. Children with relatively poorer L1 PA and those with better L1 PA did not differ in identifying the forms of the new words. However, children with poorer L1 PA demonstrated reduced performance in naming pictures with labels that rhymed with the pre-exposure words than with labels that did not rhyme with the pre-exposure words. Children with better L1 PA were not affected by the recurring rime shared by the pre-exposure words and the target words. These findings suggest that poor L1 PA may impede L2 word learning via difficulty in abstracting phonological patterns away from L2 input to scaffold word learning.  相似文献   

A series of 3 experiments was conducted to examine factors that influence learning to solve 2-step arithmetic word problems by studying worked examples. Experiment 1 compared studying worked examples with conventional problem solving. Third graders presented with worked examples showed superior test performance to those required to solve conventional problems. Experiments 2 and 3 contrasted split-attention and integrated worked examples and investigated the influence of generating self-explanations. Significant split-attention effects were observed. Children presented with integrated worked examples outperformed those presented with split-source examples. Self-explanations further elucidated the distinction between integrated and split-source worked examples, but there was no significant effect of asking learners to generate self-explanations. Implications for word-problem-solving instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

时间知觉的注意调节:一项ERP研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用双任务实验范式探讨时间知觉注意调节的动态过程。通过指导语使被试按照比例将注意分配到声音刺激的时间属性与音调属性上,形成对时间因素不同注意程度的五种注意条件,同时记录反应时、错误率和事件相关电位数据。对峰值分析发现,P2注意条件主效应不显著,但多重比较时T(只注意时间)与P(只注意音调)条件差异显著;对CNV平均波幅分析,发现注意条件主效应显著,随着分配在时间属性上的注意的减少,其波幅逐渐降低;对T与P条件的差异波地形图分析发现,波幅最大的区域位于额叶、中央区和顶叶;该差异波的偶极子定位于辅助运动区(额上回、额中回)和顶下小叶。以上结果表明,P2阶段存在时间信息加工;CNV反映时间知觉的注意调节,时间知觉中存在控制加工应该以CNV的出现为指标;辅助运动区可能为时间知觉的核心成分,具有跨通道效应;顶下小叶也与对时间的注意有关,但并不是特异性的。本研究不支持Lewis提出的 “自动”与“认知控制”计时系统理论中 “秒”为两系统分界点以及辅助运动区只属于“自动计时系统”的观点  相似文献   

Abstract. This essay discusses the process and findings of an experiment on the scholarship of teaching and learning conducted in a religious ethics classroom that utilized an experiential approach to teaching and learning about social justice. The first part lays out the focus of the investigation and the pedagogical principles drawn from experiential learning theory that provided the foundation for the experiment. The second part describes all of the components of the pedagogical strategy used in the experiment, the social justice action project. The third part discusses the qualitative methodology used to gather evidence and the findings drawn from that evidence. What the evidence shows is that an experiential approach to teaching and learning about social justice can be quite effective. The essay concludes with discussions of areas for further study and the implications for the practice of others. (The survey described in this article can be found on the Wabash Center Web site http://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/journal/glennon.html ).  相似文献   

The research literature on intimate partner violence (IPV) has documented a number of poignant facts that serve as the foundation for this study. First, IPV is prevalent, frequent, and often repetitive. Moreover, repetitive violence within an intimate relationship tends to escalate over time, both in its frequency of occurrence and in its severity. We also know that decisions to leave the relationship do not guarantee that the violence will end. In addition, the phenomenon of “mutual combatancy,” prevalent in many intimate partner relationships, suggests that both parties in this dyadic process co-share the roles of offender and victim. Finally, we know that targets of IPV, like their abusers, tend to disproportionately come from families-of-origin in which violence and aggression were directly and/or vicariously experienced. These facts suggest that one possible starting point for the exploration of repetitive intimate partner victimization (R-IPV) may derive from an inter-generational transmission, or cycle of violence theory, suggested more formally in social learning approaches to criminal and deviant behaviors. The present study examines the extent to which measures of Akers' social learning constructs are able to predict repetitive intimate partner victimization. Self-report data on intimate partner violence among a sample of college students reveal the social learning theory variables, differential association and differential reinforcement in particular, are able to predict both the prevalence and frequency of predict repetitive intimate partner victimization.  相似文献   

Language acquisition is a process embedded in social routines. Despite considerable attention in research to its social nature, little is known about developmental differences in the relative priority of certain social cues over others during early word learning. Employing an eye-tracking paradigm, we presented 14-month-old infants, 24-month-old infants, and adults with movies in which an actor repeatedly gazed at one and pointed to the other of two objects while presenting them with a novel word. The results show that the 14-month-old infants pay more attention to a model's eye gaze when learning to map a novel word to a referent, whereas 24-month-old infants and adults rely more on pointing cues. Our results provide evidence for a developmental change in the relative priority of pointing versus eye-gazing cues in language acquisition.  相似文献   

采用连续再认范式, 考察了不同延迟条件下, 汉语口语词的重复效应。结果发现, 立即重复产生了最大的反应时的易化, 随着延迟的增加, 易化作用逐渐减小甚至消失。在ERP上, 与首次呈现相比, 重复呈现的词会诱发广泛分布的更正的波形; 并且随着延迟的增加, 重复效应出现的时间越来越晚:立即重复条件从200ms左右开始, 间隔一个词重复条件从300ms左右开始, 间隔8~10个词时, 重复效应从400ms左右开始。三种条件下的重复效应分别反映了对再次呈现的词的声学语音特征加工的易化、语义加工的易化和情景信息的提取。  相似文献   

Sound-symbolism is the idea that the relationship between word sounds and word meaning is not arbitrary for all words, but rather that there are subsets of words in the world’s languages for which sounds and their symbols have some degree of correspondence. The present research investigates sound-symbolism as a possible route to the learning of an unknown word’s meaning. Three studies compared the guesses that adult participants made regarding the potential meanings of sound-symbolic and non-sound symbolic obsolete words. In each study, participants were able to generate better definitions for sound-symbolic words when compared to non-sound symbolic words. Participants were also more likely to recognize the meanings of sound symbolic words. The superior performance on sound-symbolic words held even when definitions generated on the basis of sound association were eliminated. It is concluded that sound symbolism is a word property that influences word learning.  相似文献   

通过词汇判断任务,探讨语素频率对中级印尼汉语学习者复合词识别的影响。研究结果发现,语素频率影响中级印尼汉语学习者复合词的识别。同时,语素频率对词汇识别的影响受到语素位置的调节。当语素为复合词的首语素时,语素频率高,词汇判断的正确率高;语素频率低,词汇判断的正确率低。当语素为复合词的尾语素时,语素频率对词汇判断正确率的影响受到首语素频率的限制。只有当首语素的频率高时,尾语素的频率才会影响词汇判断的正确率。当首语素的频率低时,尾语素的频率不影响词汇判断的正确率。研究结果支持中级印尼汉语学习者在复合词的表征中产生了语素表征,而且首语素的频率在复合词识别中发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

本研究采用眼动仪直接记录40名在校大学生及研究生(平均年龄21.9岁,SD=1.8)自由观看实景图片的眼动情况,考察自然状态下视觉注意在真实场景中的空间偏向。为了控制图片不同区域刺激特征显著性对结果的影响,将被试随机分为两组,一组观看正向图片,一组观看倒置图片。对图片四个象限上的首次注视概率、首次眼跳方向和注视时间百分比分别进行2(水平方向)×2(垂直方向)×2(呈现方式)的重复测量方差分析,结果表明,存在独立于刺激特征的空间注意偏向,表现在水平方向具有左侧注意偏向,垂直方向具有上侧注意偏向。  相似文献   

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