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采用津巴多时间洞察力量表(ZTPI)、一般拖延量表(GPS)和跨期选择任务,考察了时间洞察力对拖延行为的影响,并从时间折扣视角检验了时间洞察力影响拖延行为的中介机制。结果表明(1)对553名大学生的测量数据进行逐步回归和优势分析,结果表明:"未来"时间洞察力对拖延行为具有良好的预测力,解释率最高;(2)对121名大学生的测量数据进行中介分析,结果表明:时间折扣在时间洞察力影响拖延行为过程中起着中介作用。这些结果说明,"未来"时间洞察力对拖延行为具有较好的预测作用,而且未来时间洞察力对拖延行为的影响可能是通过时间折扣为中介实现的。  相似文献   

为了探讨社会支持各维度和大学生希望的关系及其自尊和自我效能感在其中的作用机制,采用社会支持评定量表、希望特质问卷、自尊量表和一般自我效能问卷对756名大学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)社会支持的主观支持维度对大学生的希望有着显著的正向预测作用,客观支持和支持利用度两个维度对希望的预测作用不显著;(2)自尊和自我效能感在主观社会支持对希望的预测关系中有非常显著的中介作用,而自我效能感的中介效应更显著。  相似文献   

This study tests the assumption that job insecurity threatens people’s work-related identities and thereby affects their political attitudes. Work-related identity threat in times of job insecurity is proposed to happen in two ways: people will fear to lose an important part of their identity (their identity as employed people), and they can also be afraid to gain a negative identity (their feared future self of becoming unemployed). Both identity threats are proposed to lead to more antiegalitarian attitudes and more political leaning to the right. A four-wave study among 969 employed British employees delivers support for some of the assumptions. In line with the expectations, results of time-stable structural equation modeling show that job insecurity indeed threatens the identity as an employed person, which leads to an increase in antiegalitarian attitudes over time. Different than expected, identity threat in the form of a heightened identification with the unemployed was not found. Also, people who identified more as unemployed people actually reported fewer antiegalitarian attitudes and shifted their political standing more to the left.  相似文献   

We tested a model which examined the relationship between contact quantity and quality, relative ingroup status, and intergroup attitudes in Northern Ireland. Intergroup anxiety was considered an individual-level mediator and realistic and symbolic threat as group-level mediators in the model. We examined the idea that the strength of ingroup identification moderates the predictive power of individual- versus group-level variables. Both contact and relative ingroup status predicted anxiety and perceived threats to the ingroup, which were significant mediators in the model. Our results also suggest that while anxiety predicts attitudes for low but not high identifiers, symbolic threats to the ingroup are more important for high than for low identifiers. There was also some evidence indicating that status perceptions moderate contact effects. We discuss these results in terms of their implications for intergroup relations in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

This study explores how classroom training affects soldier's behaviors and attitudes towards networked digital command and control systems; in particular, whether soldiers exhibited the same attitudes and behaviors towards these automated systems that have been seen in other areas. A set of questionnaires was administered to soldiers attending training for a digital system; 1 before and 1 after training. The participants were 24 enlisted and 12 officers. The questionnaire assessed soldier opinions and attitudes towards a specific digital system. Soldier responses before and after training were compared to assess the effect of training. Results suggest soldiers generally feel digital systems are useful and worth the additional effort required to learn to use them.  相似文献   

Bridging social dominance theory and labour studies, this field study investigated the mechanisms underpinning the relationship between rejection of group‐based domination and participation in union activities. Respondents (N = 135) were members of a public sector union in California, that is, a hierarchy‐attenuating institution. Results revealed that union identification mediated the negative relationship between social dominance orientation and active union participation. Moreover, the mediational effect of union identification was moderated by perceived union instrumentality (i.e. outcome‐ and process‐based benefits afforded by the union), indicating that the relationship between union identification and participation was stronger among those union members who consider that the union affects workplace justice. The findings reveal the importance of both identity‐based and instrumental motivations underlying union participation. The novelty of applying social dominance theory to union behaviour is underscored. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用亲密关系经历量表(ECR)、UCLA孤独量表、罗森伯格自尊量表和纽芬兰纪念大学幸福感量表(MUNSH)对311名老年人进行调查,探讨老年人依恋对主观幸福感的影响,以及孤独感和自尊的中介作用。结果发现:(1)孤独感在依恋焦虑对主观幸福感的影响中起部分中介作用,孤独感在依恋回避对主观幸福感的影响中起完全中介作用;自尊在依恋焦虑、依恋回避对主观幸福感的影响中不起中介作用;(2)孤独感、自尊在依恋焦虑、依恋回避对主观幸福感的影响中起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

变革型领导与员工工作态度:心理授权的中介作用   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:45  
李超平  田宝  时勘 《心理学报》2006,38(2):297-307
研究的主要目的是考察变革型领导与员工满意度、组织承诺之间的关系,以及变革型领导的作用机制,即变革型领导是否会通过心理授权影响员工工作态度。利用14家企业744份调查问卷的结果,采用结构方程模型技术对变革型领导、心理授权、员工满意度、组织承诺之间的关系进行了交叉验证分析。结果表明,愿景激励与德行垂范对组织承诺与员工满意度有显著的影响,而领导魅力与个性化关怀只对员工满意度有显著的影响;心理授权对变革型领导与员工工作态度的关系具有一定的中介作用,愿景激励与德行垂范通过工作意义影响员工满意度与组织承诺;愿景激励通过自我效能影响组织承诺  相似文献   

Concreteness ratings are frequently used in a variety of disciplines to operationalize differences between concrete and abstract words and concepts. However, most ratings studies present items in isolation, thereby overlooking the potential polysemy of words. Consequently, ratings for polysemous words may be conflated, causing a threat to the validity of concreteness‐ratings studies. This is particularly relevant to metaphorical words, which typically describe something abstract in terms of something more concrete. To investigate whether perceived concreteness ratings differ for metaphorical versus non‐metaphorical word meanings, we obtained concreteness ratings for 96 English nouns from 230 participants. Results show that nouns are perceived as less concrete when a metaphorical (versus non‐metaphorical) meaning is triggered. We thus recommend taking metaphoricity into account in future concreteness‐ratings studies to further improve the quality and reliability of such studies, as well as the consistency of the empirical studies that rely on these ratings.  相似文献   

Cyber victimization has consistently been associated with internalizing difficulties in adolescents. However, the underlying psychological mechanisms linking this relationship have not been adequately examined. The present study aimed to investigate the mediational roles of coping self-efficacy and emotion dysregulation in the relationships between cyber victimization with depression and social anxiety. Participants were 459 students (199 girls) from independent middle-class schools in grades 8 (M age ?=?13 years 9 months) and 10 (M age ?=?15 years 7 months). They completed a self-report questionnaire about cyberbullying participation, internalizing symptoms, coping self-efficacy, and emotion dysregulation. Structural equation modeling revealed that most domains of coping self-efficacy and emotion dysregulation partially mediated the relationship between cyber victimization and depression, and fully mediated the relationship between cyber victimization and social anxiety. The results highlight the importance of targeting these mediating factors in intervention programs to reduce the negative impact of cyber victimization on adolescents.  相似文献   

李旭  陈世民  郑雪 《心理科学》2015,(3):721-727
为探讨成人依恋影响病理性网络使用(PIU)的内在机制,采用自陈式问卷调查了483名大学生,通过结构方程模型和bootstrap法考察了社交自我效能感和孤独感在成人依恋与PIU关系中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)孤独感在依恋焦虑和依恋回避对PIU的影响中起中介作用;(2)社交自我效能感和孤独感在依恋回避对PIU的影响中起链式中介作用。研究结论:成人依恋通过社交自我效能感和孤独感的中介作用影响PIU,且依恋焦虑和依恋回避两个维度的中介机制有差异。  相似文献   

采用整群抽样法对福建省三所大学的638名大一至大四学生进行问卷调查,探讨受害者公正敏感性与生活满意度的关系,以及上行社会比较和妒忌在二者关系中的作用机制。结果表明: (1)在控制了性别、年龄后,受害者公正敏感性、上行社会比较和妒忌两两之间呈显著正相关,且三者均与生活满意度呈显著负相关;(2)受害者公正敏感性主要通过妒忌的单独中介作用对生活满意度产生影响,同时还会通过上行社会比较和妒忌的链式中介作用对其生活满意度产生影响,但该链式中介作用微弱。本研究揭示了受害者公正敏感性与生活满意度的关系及其作用机制,为引导大学生降低因受害者公正敏感性而对生活满意度产生的负面影响,更好地促进自身心理健康发展提供了建议。  相似文献   

以929名8-12岁儿童为被试,运用多维同伴侵害量表、儿童社交焦虑量表、儿童孤独量表和同伴侵害归因量表进行测量,考察归因在童年中晚期同伴侵害与情绪适应关系间的中介作用。结果表明:(1)童年中晚期同伴侵害归因包括互不喜欢、自身不足和同伴嫉妒三个维度;(2)身体侵害、关系侵害对社交焦虑的直接预测作用不显著,但通过互不喜欢的中介影响社交焦虑;(3)身体侵害对孤独的直接预测作用不显著,但通过互不喜欢的中介影响孤独,关系侵害对孤独的直接正向预测作用显著,同时通过三种归因方式的中介影响孤独。结论:童年中晚期同伴侵害归因包括互不喜欢、自身不足和同伴嫉妒三个维度,归因的中介作用模式因同伴侵害、情绪适应类型的不同而存在差异,同伴嫉妒的归因方式能够减少关系侵害后儿童的孤独情绪。  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated strong but independent attention to the role of self-control and street code attitudes in predicting criminal and violent behavior. Yet, there are good theoretical notions to believe that street code attitudes may be a salient mechanism in the self-control–offending relationship. Specifically, the present study investigates: (1) the extent to which self-control predicts adopting street code attitudes and (2) whether street code attitudes mediate the effect of self-control on criminal behavior. Using data collected from a multisite sample of over 900 young adults, we assess this mediation hypothesis for three distinct types of criminal activity: violent, property, and drug use. Our results reveal that individuals with lower self-control are more likely to adopt street code attitudes, that self-control is related to all three forms of offending, and that street code attitudes fully mediate the effect of self-control on violence, partially on property crime, but not in the case of drug use. Findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

为考察儿童期虐待对成年后孤独感的影响机制,本研究基于反应风格理论和依恋理论,使用问卷随机调查了811名大学生。结果显示:(1)反刍思维在儿童期虐待与孤独感之间有显著中介作用;(2)核心自我评价在儿童期虐待对孤独感的影响中起显著中介作用;(3)核心自我评价与反刍思维在儿童期虐待与孤独感之间起显著连续中介作用。本研究的结果有助于揭示儿童期虐待对孤独感的影响机制,对抑制儿童期虐待的消极后果具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

采用社会支持系统量表、自尊量表、自我控制量表、攻击量表对重庆市某中学559名青少年进行调查,再次验证自尊与攻击的关系,并探讨自我控制在社会支持、自尊和攻击间的中介作用以及自尊和自我控制在青少年社会支持和攻击间的链式中介作用。结果显示:(1)社会支持、自尊和自我控制与攻击之间呈显著负相关;(2)自我控制在社会支持与攻击、自尊与攻击关系间均起着完全中介作用;(3)自尊与自我控制在社会支持与攻击关系间起着链式中介作用。因此,社会支持、自尊、自我控制是青少年攻击的重要影响因素,社会支持除了能直接影响青少年的攻击外,还可以通过自尊、自我控制的链式中介作用间接影响其攻击水平。  相似文献   

为考察父母忽视与青少年短视频过度使用的关系,并探索正念与自我控制的多重中介机制,选取1015名青少年为研究对象,进行父母忽视、自我控制、正念和短视频过度使用的测量。结果表明:(1)父母忽视与短视频过度使用呈显著正相关。(2)自我控制在父母忽视与短视频过度使用间起中介作用,且正念和自我控制还在两者间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

以160个家庭中的父亲和母亲为被试,采用问卷法,由父亲和母亲分别报告自己感知的婚姻质量、教养能力感、青少年的亲社会和问题行为,以探讨父母婚姻质量对青少年亲社会、问题行为的影响,并检验教养能力满意度和效能感的中介作用。结果发现:(1)父亲和母亲报告的婚姻质量越好,青少年表现出的亲社会行为越多,问题行为越少;(2)父亲的教养能力满意度在父亲报告的婚姻质量与青少年问题行为的关系中具有部分中介作用;(3)母亲的教养能力效能感在母亲婚姻质量对青少年亲社会、问题行为的影响中起部分中介作用;另外,母亲的教养能力满意度在母亲婚姻质量和青少年问题行为之间的中介效应为边缘显著。  相似文献   

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