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小学教师集体效能及其对自我效能功能的调节   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对28所小学1299名教师的问卷调查,作者主要探讨了教师集体效能在解释学校间教师心理特征各方面差异时的重要性,及其对自我效能预测功能的调节作用。多层分析结果表明,(1)教师自我效能对教师心理特征各方面的表现有显著的预测作用,这一预测作用存在学校间的差异;(2)教师集体效能高的学校,教师的工作满意度、内在动机、工作投入、同事关系满意度平均较高,离职倾向较低;(3)教师集体效能对自我效能与工作满意度等心理特征各方面的关系有显著调节作用,集体效能高的学校,自我效能对教师心理特征诸方面表现的预测力较强  相似文献   

邱宜均 《心理学报》1965,10(4):83-90
問題 有人认为,用语言提示动作任务可以提高动作效果,语言提示的任务不同,其效果也不同。在我们的运动实践中,看到不完全相同的结果,运动员对待运动活动的态度也是影响运动效果的原因。在运动活动中,他人的语言指示对运动效果究竟有何影响?在提高运动动作效果中它是否起主导作用?这是本文要探讨的问题。  相似文献   

The effects of instruction and feedback in proper form on foul‐shooting performance was evaluated in 3 players of a women's NCAA Division II college basketball team. Players showed an increase in percentage of shots made and in correct form compared to baseline shooting without instruction or feedback. All players reached criterion within seven training sessions. The results suggest that training proper form is an effective strategy for improving foul‐shooting performance.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to study whether it is possible by specific training on one test to produce changes in the level of performance on similar tests and in the factor structure of a set of intelligence tests. Considerable improvement occurred in the level of performance on the test on which training was given, but no significant transfer effects to the performance on other tests were found. Slight differentiation was observed in the factor structure.  相似文献   

The feedback of performance appraisal information is a critical communication activity in organizations. Research on the topic, however, has generally been limited to (1) treating feedback as an undifferentiated construct, and (2) not examining the important moderating impact of trust of the receiver in the sender. Using a sample of 100 managers, this study explores the dimensionality of the feedback construct, the relationships of feedback to individual performance and satisfaction, and the moderating effects of trust on these associations. Results indicate that various aspects of feedback are differentially related to performance and satisfaction under conditions of high and low trut. Importantly, the communication of performance appraisal information is found to be a more important correlate of satisfaction and performance for subordinates who express low trust in their superiors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine if there are differences between phonetically trained and non-phonetically trained subjects in terms of their reported verbal transformations. A total of seven auditory stimuli, representing variations in meaningfulness and phonetic complexity, were presented to 28 phonetically trained and 28 non-phonetically trained listeners. Results indicate that there are both similarities and differences between the two groups. The differences that exist are quantitative, and not qualitative, in nature. The phonetically trained group reported more forms and transitions, and required fewer repetitions of the stimulus prior to their first verbal transformations, than the non-phonetically trained subjects. However, both groups reported the same types of transformations and, in many instances, identical forms as well.  相似文献   

Self-objectification is the act of viewing the self, particularly the body, from a third-person perspective. Objectification theory proposes numerous negative consequences for those who self-objectify, including decreased performance through the disruption of focused attention. In the current study, we examined whether women in a state of self-objectification were slower to respond to a basic Stroop color-naming task. Results showed that regardless of the type of word (color words, body words, or neutral words), participants in a state of self-objectification exhibited decreased performance. This study lends further evidence to objectification theory and highlights the negative performance ramifications of state self-objectification.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of verbal organizational structure and verbal organizing skills on recall of facts, ability to pattern, and ability to problem-solve. One hundred and fifty-nine college students, classified as high or low in ability to organize verbal material, heard recorded communications that consisted of either high-structure-sequence or low-structure-sequence messages. The results indicated that level of message structure and organizing skills were conjunctively related to the learning variables, with structure apparently accounting for more of the variance than organizing skills.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the existence of a moderating effect for situational control of performance variance on the relationship between individual differences and performance. An experimental simulation was conducted and validity coefficients were calculated. Results supported the presence of the predicted moderating effect. The implications of these data for validation research and testing programs are discussed.  相似文献   

年龄、作业难度和训练对成人记忆的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用“联想学习”、“图象自由回忆”和“附加联想”三项目,对90例成人(分为青年、老年和老老年组各30例)进行记忆测查和训练,目的为探讨年龄,作业难度和训练对记忆的影响。结果表明:青年组记忆成绩明显高于老年和老老年组,后两组无显著差异;无关联想的年龄差异大于有关联想,作业难度扩大了年龄差异;各年龄组训练后记忆得到明显改善,并且训练扩大了年龄和作业易难的差异。由此可见,记忆受年龄、作业难度和训练三因素的相互作用,也再次证实了老年认知功能具有一定的可塑性。  相似文献   

A 30-year-old recent college graduate, exhibiting extreme anxiety and deficient verbal skills in job interviews, was treated with a social-skills training procedure that included instructions, modelling, behavior rehearsal, and videotape feedback. Three target behaviors—focused responses, overt coping statements, and subject-generated questions—were presented using a multiple-baseline design. Galvanic skin-response activity was monitored during pre- and posttraining in vivo job interviews. In addition, independent judges unobstrusively rated the subject's social-communicative behaviors in his temporary work-setting before and after training. Training resulted in expected changes for all three target behaviors and a decrease in the rate of speech disturbances. Physiological data supported the subject's report that training enabled him to deal with his anxiety more effectively during job interviews. Training was found to generalize to novel interview questions and different interviewers. Furthermore, unobtrusive measures of eye contact, fluency of speech, appropriateness of verbal content, and composure supported the subject's report that training generalized to his daily social interactions on the job.  相似文献   

葛列众  黄琳 《心理学报》2001,34(3):18-22
研究探讨了不同颜色编码方式对双重任务操作绩效的影响。实验结果证明:若采用同类颜色编码方式,同时操作的两种作业就会产生结构限制,降低双重任务操作绩效;相反,若采用异常颜色编码方式,将有效地减少双重任务操作的结构限制,使双重任务的操作绩效得到提高。  相似文献   

双作业的信息编码方式对作业绩效的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
采用单作业和双作业操作,探讨了不同信息编码方式对双作业操作绩效的影响。实验结果证明:若采用相同的信息编码方式,同时操作的两种作业就会产生相互干扰,降低双作业操作绩效;相反,若同时操作的两种作业采用不同信息编码方式将有效地减小双作业操作的相互干扰,使双作业操作的绩效得到提高。  相似文献   

This study describes a 4 year effort to investigate the effect and utility of managerial and sales/technical training. The effort relied upon quasi-experimental designs to investigate the effect of training programs, meta-analysis to summarize the effect of different types of training, and utility analysis to estimate the economic impact of training. The utilized multi-attribute utility analysis model, based on Raju, Burke, and Normand's 1990 (RBN) model, was modified and approved by the senior management of a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company; it included a measure of criterion deficiency and corrected for differences due to alternative methods of calculating effect sizes (e.g., repeated measures ANOVA vs. ANCOVA). Results of 18 training program evaluations (range of N = 10 to 216), which were conducted in one company on the basis of supervisor, subordinate, or peer ratings, are reported. Great variation existed between the effectiveness of the programs (range of d = -.09 to 1.11), and managerial training was found to have less effect (d = .31) and utility (mean ROI = 45%) than sales/technical training (d = .64, mean ROI = 418%). In addition, the use of a 2-point performance scale in application of the RBN utility model as well as the role of management pre-approval of utility analysis are investigated.  相似文献   

鄭祖心 《心理学报》1964,9(4):69-76
研究目的 本研究是关于十年制学校二年級小学生掌握等分除法和包含除法应用題的心理学問題。等分除法和包含除法应用題涉及求一个数的几分之一和一个数是另一个数的几倍。对于这一类的应用題如何才能理解得正确,如何才能給予正确的解答,这是关系提高教学效率的問題,同时,又是以后学生学习分数与倍数的基础。关于小学生理解等分除法和包含除法应用題的心理特点及外部化活动对人智力活动形成的作用,前人均有一定的研  相似文献   

A field experiment of 68 full-time employees studied the effects of performance feedback and cognitive playfulness (that is, cognitive spontaneity in human-computer interactions) on microcomputer training performance. In addition, this research examined the impacts of performance feedback and cognitive playfulness on software efficacy perceptions and on a variety of affective outcomes, including satisfaction with feedback, satisfaction with training, and positive mood. The findings suggest that positive feedback generally results in higher test performance and more positive affective outcomes, than does negative feedback. Similarly, employees higher in cognitive playfulness demonstrated higher test performance and more positive affective outcomes than those lower in cognitive playfulness. Finally, a significant feedback × playfulness interaction on test performance was found. Specifically, employees lower in cognitive playfulness benefited more from the positive feedback than did those higher in cognitive playfulness. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Topographically similar verbal responses may be functionally independent forms of operant behavior. For example, saying yes or no may have different functions based on the environmental conditions in effect. The present study extends previous research on both the assessment and acquisition of yes and no responses across contexts in children with language deficits and further examined the functional independence of topographically similar responses. All participants in the present study acquired yes and no responses within verbal operants (e.g., mands). However, generalization of the responses across novel verbal operants (e.g., tacts to intraverbals) did not occur without additional training, thus supporting Skinner's (1957) assertion of functional independence of verbal operants.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of training in 2 components of charisma (charismatic communication style and visionary content). Forty-one business students received charismatic influence training, presentation skills training, or no training. All participants prepared and gave a speech. Groups of 2-3 students ( N = 102) watched 1 of the videotaped speeches and then performed a task based on the speech instructions. Charismatic influence trainees performed better on a declarative knowledge test and exhibited more charismatic behaviors than those in the other conditions. In addition, participants who viewed a charismatic influence trainee performed best.  相似文献   

This study employed a pretest-posttest control group design in a field setting with 38 supervisors and managers to test the effect of a theory-based mastery practice design for interpersonal skills training. The mastery practice protocol was drawn from recent research in cognitive and educational psychology on complex skill acquisition. Dependent measures included knowledge retention, behavioral skill demonstration, and far transfer to the workplace based on a multirater 360-degree survey instrument. In addition, qualitative data were collected using a semistructured interview process. Comparison of the mastery practice design to conventional behavior modeling workshop practice indicated improvements in retention and behavioral demonstration measures but failed to document any effect on transfer. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

During a functional analysis, a boy with autism and oppositional defiant disorder displayed destructive behavior that was maintained by attention in the form of verbal reprimands (e.g., “Don't hit me”). In a second analysis, contingent verbal reprimands produced higher rates of the behavior than contingent statements that were unrelated to the target response (e.g., “It is sunny today”), suggesting that some forms of attention were more reinforcing than others. A treatment based on these analyses reduced the behavior to near-zero levels.  相似文献   

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