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The orientation model is a multidimensional dual‐process assessment framework composed of 4 empirically validated instruments of cognitive processing, attachment, empathy, and introspection. It lends counselors a flexible means to assess client processing patterns relevant to clinical practice. The author used 375 participant responses to determine whether selected subscales align with analytic and experiential dual processes. Results suggest that the orientation model can serve as a dispositional framework for counseling practice. Implications and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between identity development and differentiation levels in young adults. A total of 259 participants completed the Extended Version of the Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status (H. D. Grotevant & G. R. Adams, 1984), the Differentiation of Self Inventory (E. A. Skowron & M. L. Friedlander, 1998), and demographic questions. Results showed that each identity status had a unique effect on the various components of differentiation. Implications of the results for counselors and for future researchers are provided.  相似文献   

Attention was called to a highly objective, reliable and parsimonious. method for scoring the TAT and further empirical evidence of its validity was presented. The scores obtained through this method were found to be significantly related to two other TAT scoring methods and to ratings by independent interviewers of the level of maturity of 64 male and 61 female young adults. The results were related to research bearing on the relation between projective material and overt behavior.  相似文献   

The current study represents the further development and validation of an expanded version of the Inferential Confusion Questionnaire (ICQ-EV) in non-clinical and clinical samples. Inferential confusion seems to be particularly relevant to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and is defined as a failure to recognize the unrealistic nature of obsessions due to a subjective form of reasoning. Factor analysis of the item-set of the ICQ-EV indicated a one-dimensional solution in non-clinical and clinical samples. It was hypothesized that inferential confusion as measured by the ICQ-EV would be particularly relevant to participants with OCD. Results confirmed convergent validity with strong relationships between the ICQ-EV and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in all samples independent of other cognitive domains and general distress. In addition, those with OCD scored higher on the ICQ-EV than non-clinical controls and a mixed anxiety disorder group so confirming group-criterion validity. Finally, the ICQ-EV also showed clinical validity with change in ICQ-EV scores during treatment significantly related to successful treatment outcome.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to test a two-stage model of the psychological mechanisms underlying the overconsumption of scarce resources in small groups. The model proposes that members of groups sharing resources first anchor their consumption choices on an “equal-division” heuristic and then, given sufficient cognitive capacity, adjust their choices in a self-serving direction. The results from both studies support the model. The first study found that when faced with a common resource pool almost all group members expressed thoughts regarding equality; however, individuals with sufficient cognitive capacity requested more from the pool and expressed more task-relevant thoughts than individuals lacking the necessary cognitive resources. The second study provided additional support for the two-stage model by demonstrating that group members' cognitions occur in the order predicted by the model and by demonstrating that an individual difference, social value orientation, affects thought processes only when individuals are not experiencing high cognitive loads. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

When people try to understand complex physical devices (e.g., a sewing machine), they proceed in an iterative fashion. They seem to reach several points at which they claim to “understand” the device. Each point of understanding is incomplete and requires a new level of understanding. As a result, they cycle between understanding and non-understanding as they traverse different levels. The present study provides a framework to capture the iterative nature of understanding. These points are discussed and illustrated through observations of three pairs of people constructively interacting to understand how a sewing machine works. In addition to the iterative search for understanding, the conceptual point in space from which the speaker appeared to be viewing the machine was important. This conceptual point of view (C-POV) was reflected in their use of language. The C-POV appeared to be stable during points of understanding and to shift frequently at points of non-understanding.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the study of experience as a semiotic process of constructing the personal meaning of the situation lived. Its main purpose is to devise a semiotic methodology capable of describing and explaining the dynamics of positioning when facing personal lived experiences in real life contexts. Twenty four young adults were exposed to a simulated conflict and then asked to write a narrative of their understanding of the incident and a self-report of their personal experiences. Results show how narratives and trajectories of experience present different forms in each participant, which could be related to: a) the understanding of the situation lived and the position taken regarding the conflict; and b) the position each participant takes regarding the reports they had to produce for the researchers. The incorporation of reflexivity into the applied method allows identification of how the dynamics of double positioning leave traces in the records produced.  相似文献   

Current models of word recognition are mainly constructed within the frameworks of either dual-route or connectionist theories. The most important test of a word recognition model is how it succeeds in accounting for various reading behaviors. In the present paper dual-route and connectionist word recognition models are briefly described and evaluated. As a further development of these models, a combined framework is proposed. An amalgamation of the two main types of models might give a more satisfactory account of various phenomena within word recognition.  相似文献   

Patients with persistent pain who lack adetectable underlying disease challenge thetheories supporting much of biomedicalbody-mind discourse. In this context,diagnostic labeling is as inherently vulnerableto the same pitfalls of uncertainty that besetany other interpretative endeavour. The endpoint is often no more than a name ratherthan the discovered essence of a pre-existentmedical condition. In 1990 a Committee of theAmerican College of Rheumatology (ACR)formulated the construct of Fibromyalgia in anattempt to rectify a situation of diagnosticconfusion faced by patients presenting withwidespread pain. It was proposed thatFibromyalgia existed as a ``specific entity',separable from but curiously able to co-existwith any other painful condition. Epistemological and semiotic analyses ofFibromyalgia have failed to find any sign,clinical or linguistic, which coulddifferentiate it from other diffusemusculoskeletal pain states. The construct ofFibromyalgia sought to define a discernablereality outside the play of language and topass it off as a natural phenomenon. However,because it has failed both clinically andsemiotically, the construct also fails the testof medical utility for the subject inpersistent pain.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2019,50(6):1164-1172
Recent middle childhood research suggests that children’s trust in maternal support can be manipulated using Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) aimed at changing children’s interpretation of ambiguous maternal support-related behavior. The current study with 60 children (40 girls, Mage = 10.62, SDage = 1.20) aimed to replicate previous research and to test whether the CBM effect is specific to trust or generalizes to other child evaluations of maternal behavior. More specifically, CBM effects on children’s evaluation of parenting behavior were tested. Trust and maternal parenting behaviors were assessed using children’s self-report. Results largely replicated previous findings, including the positive effect of CBM on children’s trust in maternal support. Suggesting that this effect was specific for trust, the CBM manipulation did not affect children’s appraisal of maternal parenting behavior. This finding supports the validity of CBM effects.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyze how the maternal bond in first-time pregnant women emerges from bodily experiences in the pre-semiotic level and leads to the emergence of the semiotic field. The bond as a sign field is internally structured and enables the regulation of connections with other signs outside the field. As a result of the dialogue between biological and sociocultural imperatives, sociocultural meanings are turned into personal meanings and presented by women through behavior. This study is based on longitudinally-collected interview data consisting of six interviews with women from the time they were pregnant until their child turned one year old. During this period, three ruptures as turning points in the formation of the bond were identified. Based on idiographic analyses, it was concluded that body signals caused by the development of the fetus are coded by women into signs of various kinds, which define the status of mother and create the foundation for the mother-child relationship which continues throughout the lifespan.  相似文献   

Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) has received considerable support as a methodology for assessing construct validity. As with other methodologies, however, numerous problems can be encountered when using CFA to assess construct validity. Given the limitations of the CFA, Multitrait-Multimethod (MTMM), and analysis of variance (ANOVA) methodologies, a set of guidelines was developed. The guidelines recommend that the characteristics of the data set be used to determine how the three alternative construct validation methodologies can be used in combination. Examples from the research literature are discussed in order to demonstrate the application of these guidelines.  相似文献   

Vocational rehabilitation (VR) counselors often head interdisciplinary teams composed of various medical, educational, and allied health care professionals. Issues stemming from team dynamics can impede the delivery of services to eligible clients with disabilities. A psychoeducational program for training VR counselors in group dynamics is described, and the reactions of participants are discussed  相似文献   

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