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It has been shown in previous work [Action figures and men. Sex Roles 53, 877–885] that male participants who handled extremely muscular action figures had lower body esteem than those who did not handle action figures or a Ken doll. However, the internal mechanisms that dictated this effect are unclear. Therefore, the current study extended this previous work by having male participants handle action figures of varying muscularity and completing a lexical decision task with target words that consisted of both positive and negative body words and feeling words in order to determine if males would be primed to think negatively about their bodies and self or if positive thoughts about their bodies and self would be interfered with. The results show that those participants who handled the extremely muscular action figures responded significantly more slowly to feeling positive words (e.g., content, confident) and marginally more slowly to body positive words (e.g., muscle, bicep) than those who did not handle any action figures. Overall, this suggests that the interference of positive words, not the priming of negative words, is the internal mechanism that produces the decreased body image satisfaction after exposure to muscular stimuli. Implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article is about how to describe an agent’s awareness of her bodily movements when she is aware of executing an action for a reason. Against current orthodoxy, I want to defend the claim that the agent’s experience of moving has an epistemic place in the agent’s awareness of her own intentional action. In “The problem,” I describe why this should be thought to be problematic. In “Motives for denying epistemic role,” I state some of the main motives for denying that bodily awareness has any epistemic role to play in the content of the agent’s awareness of her own action. In “Kinaesthetic awareness and control,” I sketch how I think the experience of moving and the bodily sense of agency or control are best described. On this background, I move on to present, in “Arguments for epistemic role,” three arguments in favour of the claim that normally the experience of moving is epistemically important to one’s awareness of acting intentionally. In the final “Concluding remarks,” I round off by raising some of the worries that motivated the denial of my claim in the first place.
Thor GrunbaumEmail:

The role of muscular relaxation in desensitization therapy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This department provides the school psychologist with an opportunity to present case studies on children referred for diagnostic appraisal or to describe other individual efforts at programming or remediation. In case reports, the focus should be on the process of assessment and case management. Reports may, in narrative style, summarize the case history, findings, recommendations, method of consultation with teachers and parents or other follow-up services.  相似文献   

Muscle action potentials were recorded from lifting muscles during the foreperiod before lifts of large and small objects when the size-weight illusion occurred. There were increases in tension throughout the foreperiod of both lifts, culminating in a large increase following the instruction to lift. The increases were greater before lifts of the large can, supporting the peripheral theory of comparative weight judgment. The “set to lift” effect was shown to exist in the action potentials before the foreperiod of the second lift when compared to those just prior to the lift of the first can.  相似文献   

Pastoral Psychology -  相似文献   

Three experiments with a total of 72 participants investigated the assumption that motor actions are planned in terms of their sensorial effects. Participants had to prepare a certain action A that consistently led to a sensorial effect (a tone of certain pitch). Instead of (in Experiment 1) or before (in Experiments 2 and 3) the execution of the prepared action, another response B had to be carried out, which either resulted in the same or in a different auditory effect (a tone of same or different pitch). It was found that a to-be-executed response B was in general initiated more quickly when it resulted in the same effect as a concurrently prepared response A. The results are considered as evidence for the basic notion that the preparation and initiation even of very simple actions is mediated by an anticipation of their reafferences.  相似文献   

How do people understand the everyday, yet intricate, behaviors that unfold around them? In the present research, we explored this by presenting viewers with self-paced slideshows of everyday activities and recording looking times, subjective segmentation (breakpoints) into action units, and slide-to-slide physical change. A detailed comparison of the joint time courses of these variables showed that looking time and physical change were locally maximal at breakpoints and greater for higher level action units than for lower level units. Even when slideshows were scrambled, breakpoints were regarded longer and were more physically different from ordinary moments, showing that breakpoints are distinct even out of context. Breakpoints are bridges: from one action to another, from one level to another, and from perception to conception.  相似文献   

How does the concept of action fit within a scientifically serious world-view? This paper argues that the category of action, with its goal-seeking and orientation to the future, is not a human peculiarity, a perplexing incongruity in an otherwise mechanistic world. Rather, actions pervade the whole biological domain. The concept of action is needed to explicate the continued existence of every biological organism.Systems as primitive as bacteria are autonomous far-from-equilibrium systems, which maintain themselves in existence by their interactions with their environments. That requires recognizing them as performing simple actions. Three criteria are proposed which justify identifying certain behaviour as minimal actions: goal-seeking; possibly being in error; and behaving as a functional whole. Adding further criteria yields richer concepts of action, namely, self-directed and reflective action. Only the last is distinctively human.  相似文献   

Neurons compute in part by integrating, on a time scale of milliseconds, many synaptic inputs and generating a digital output-the "action potential" of classic electrophysiology. Recent discoveries indicate that neurons also perform a second, much slower, integration operating on a time scale of minutes or even hours. The output of this slower integration involves a pulse of gene expression which may be likened to the electrophysiological action potential. Its function, however, is not directed toward immediate transmission of a synaptic signal but rather toward the experience-dependent modification of the underlying synaptic circuitry. Commonly termed the "immediate early gene" (IEG) response, this phenomenon is often assumed to be a necessary component of a linear, deterministic cascade of memory consolidation. Critical review of the large literature describing the phenomenon, however, leads to an alternative model of IEG function in the brain. In this alternative, IEG activation is not directed at the consolidation of memories of a specific inducing event; instead, it sets the overall gain or efficiency of memory formation and directs it to circuits engaged by behaviorally significant contexts. The net result is a sharpening of the selectivity of memory formation, a recruitment of temporally correlated associations, and an ultimate enhancement of long-term memory retrieval.  相似文献   

论道教中"打坐"的机理与作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“打坐”又称盘坐、静坐 ,它是道教中的一种基本修炼方式 ,与佛教中的禅坐、禅定及“结跏趺坐”有着相同的功能。盘坐又分自然盘、单盘和双盘 ,最早由古人的散坐和跪坐演化发展而来。打坐既可养身延寿 ,又可开慧增智 ,故古人极为推崇。早在两宋金元时期 ,晁公武收进的《辟斋读书志》丛书中就有唐代道士司马承祯所写的《坐忘论》一卷 ,司马承祯曰 :“学道之初 ,要须安坐收心 ,离境住无所有 ,不著一物。自入虚无 ,心乃合道。”《黄庭经》中云 :“物有自然事不烦 ,垂拱无为体自安 ,体虚无物身自闭 ,寂寞旷然口无言。”《元始天尊说得道了身经》…  相似文献   

The nature of therapeutic action varies not only with each patient's psychological predilection for utilizing opportunities for change, but also with the manner in which the analyst or therapist presents opportunity for change. Ideally, the therapist bases the latter on personally identifiable theoretical concepts and aims. This inquiry focuses on a relatively narrow field of clinical material in order to provide as close as possible an examination of therapeutic action. The technical approach provides opportunities for change, minimizing alterations resulting from internalizing processes or suggestion. The therapeutic actions arise from analyst and patient sharing observations of the patient's intrapsychic activities of resistance to drive derivatives the patient briefly allowed into consciousness, and represent processes of ego maturation set in motion by intellectually gained and experientially exercised insights.  相似文献   

This study looks at whether or not a crucial role is played by the learner's own actions in tasks known to give rise to implicit learning. Experiment 1 shows that experience of watching another person controlling Berry and Broadbent's (1984) sugar production and person interaction tasks has no effect on subsequent control performance. Experiment 2 demonstrates that this lack of effect of observing is limited to tasks where the underlying relationship is not obvious or salient. In Experiment 3 the length of the observation period is doubled, but this still has no beneficial effect on subsequent control performance. Experiments 4 and 5 address the question of what it is about controlling itself that leads to learning. They examine whether it is the decision-making component or the physical interaction component that is important. The results emphasize the importance of the role of action in learning to control these tasks. They show that decision must be tied to action in order to be maximally effective, at least in the early stages of learning.  相似文献   

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