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吴宗宪 《心理科学》1998,21(1):85-86
从现有资料来看,欧洲大陆国家的法律心理学研究主要集中在下列领域:1法律心理学的基本问题欧洲大陆国家的法律心理学家对法律心理学的基本问题进行了探讨,内容包括法律心理学的概念与发展历史,法律心理学的学科体系.法律心理学与法学、法律与实践活动的关系,法律心理学的作用,法律心理学方法论问题,法律心理学家的训练和职业资格等.就学科名称而言,除了法律心理学(legal psychology,psy-chologyoflaw)之外,还使用“心理学与法律”(psychol-ogyandlaw)、“法律与心理学”…  相似文献   

本文介绍了欧洲大陆法律心理学的主要研究领域(法律心理学的基本问题,犯罪心理学、监狱心理学、证人证言心理学、审判心理学、警察心理学)和在这些领域中的重要研究。  相似文献   

法律语言心理学是运用心理学的研究方法,对法律活动中的语言现象进行心理学分析的新兴的边缘学科,具有跨学科的多学科性质。在中国古代文化中就有法律语言心理学思想的文字表述和研究实践。在西方则肇始于19世纪末的欧洲社会,敏斯特伯格和卡特尔等人开拓了这个领域的先驱性研究。二战后,法律语言心理学的中心转向美国,通过法律心理学研究和心理学研究方法的使用推动了法律语言心理学的研究和实践。法律语言心理学的研究对象是立法、司法、守法和违法等法律活动中的语言行为,其任务是研究意识层面和无意识层面的法律语言行为。建立法律语言心理学体系必须从立法语言心理学、司法语言心理学和执法、守法、普法等语言心理学的视角开展研究,才能创立一门跨学科的、有实践应用价值的新兴学科。  相似文献   

<正>西班牙坐落在欧洲大陆的最南端,隔着直布罗陀海峡与北非阿拉伯国家摩洛哥相望。阿拉伯帝国时期,西班牙是最早受到伊斯兰文化影响和熏陶的欧洲国家。随着阿拉伯帝国入主西班牙,欧洲文化与伊斯兰文化在西班牙汇聚,形成了早期伊斯兰教在欧洲本土化的重要历史案例。随着后伍麦叶王朝的覆灭,西班牙的穆斯林在与基督教势力的角逐中不断失利,  相似文献   

一般情况 德国是近代资产阶級心理学的策源地,所以心理学在德国有着悠久的历史。在第二次世界大战期間,許多心理学研究机构都遭到破坏,但在战后很快又恢复了。西德的心理学仍保留着战前欧洲大陆心理学的传统,哲学理論色彩比較浓厚。許多馮德时代晚期的心理学家依旧工作着,并继續发展着他們的学說。格式塔理論对于西德心理学影响很大,許多工作是在这个理論指导下进行的。西德心理学的研究工作不象美国那样零散围  相似文献   

欧洲大陆为何对极富理性的语言津津乐道?对语言的论述与英美的语言哲学又有何区别?人们至今都未得到比较满意的回答,然而这却是认识当代欧洲大陆哲学的一个重要方面。今年9月在湖北省十堰市召开的全国第二届“欧洲大陆语言哲学”研讨会即为解答上述问题的一次尝试。与会者普遍认为,语言问题是当代欧洲大陆哲学家们面临的一个斯芬克斯之谜。何谓“欧洲大陆语言哲学”  相似文献   

根据需要,心理学的国际合作能够且需要在不同的层面上进行,包括全球层面、地区层面甚至局部地区层面。在回顾国际化心理学的主要功能之后,以欧洲为例阐述了心理学在地区层面上跨国合作的近期进展情况。在介绍“欧洲的各个侧面”部分,通过数据比较说明了欧洲传统文化的多样性,教育领域亦如此。为了欧洲一体化,欧盟大力支持各种形式的学术培训及科学研究的合作交流,在心理学领域也有明显的效果。本文通过欧洲地区性的课程创新、原创性的研究、新出现的心理学跨国组织对心理学领域的合作进行了说明。如果要与欧洲各心理学研究机构进行合作交流,本文可能会有所帮助。本文也会激发世界其他地方思考地区性合作的可能性和实际需要  相似文献   

管连荣   《心理科学进展》1983,1(2):63-68
第二十三届国际心理学会议将于1984年8月在墨西哥的墨西哥城举行,这是自1889年举行国际心理学会议以来第一次在拉丁美洲国家召开。前二十二届会议除第二十届是在日本东京召开外,其余均是在欧洲和北美洲举行的。在会议召开前,介绍点拉丁美洲国家心理学情况也许是有益的。  相似文献   

管连荣   《心理科学进展》1983,1(1):63-68
1980年出版的《国际心理学家名录》收录有100个国家近10000名心理学家的简历、专业以及学位等情况,这说明当今世界上至少有100个国家有心理学工作者。由于各国文化背景以及社会、历史发展的不同,心理学在各国发展有快有慢,各国对心理学的研究及应用有其特殊性及差异性。本文试就心理学发展中的某些方面按国家加以比较。限于手中材料,这儿所比较的主要有下面几个方面:(1)心理学工作者人数;(2)心理学专业情况;(3)就业和职业分布情况;(4)妇女心理学工作者所占比例;(5)心理学工作者的法律承认问题;(6)心理学会会员最近十年的增长情况。  相似文献   

梁圣心 《佛教文化》2010,(2):104-107
<正> 茶叶最早被人们所认识和利用是在中国,并逐渐升华为一种文化的载体,随着中外文化交流和商业贸易的开展,种茶、制茶的技术和煮茶和饮茶之方法,先后传入日本,朝鲜,再经过南方海路传至印尼、印度、斯里兰卡等国家,由北方传入俄国、波斯等,16世纪流传到欧洲大陆并进而至美洲大陆,成为世界  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of everyday understandings of the law, within the context of a dispute between colonial and indigenous land interests in New Zealand. The analysis is informed by developments in the areas of critical legal studies, methodological critique of legal psychology, the social constructionist movement within social psychology, and the application of discursive psychology to understandings of racism. Data for this work was drawn from a corpus of letters to the editor of a newspaper, published in the city where the land dispute took place. Writers constructed the dispute as a legal issue and deployed two divergent constructions of the law. When the ‘primacy’ of the law was invoked, indigenous interests and the protesters were positioned as lawbreakers. When ‘the law in context’ was the resource used, protesters became positioned as seekers of justice. These variable constructions are discussed in terms of the social practices they engender and their wider contribution to debates regarding indigenous and colonial interests. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Impaired sport psychology consultants, that is, professionals and graduate students whose behavior, inadequate training, personal situations, or psychopathology are having a negative influence on the delivery of services, have the potential to do harm to athlete-clients, damage their own professional standing, and bring disrepute to the field. The applied sport psychology literature is replete with guidelines and suggestions for referring athletes for counseling or psychotherapy when appropriate (e.g., Heyman & Andersen, 1998), but the ethical, legal, and procedural problems associated with sport psychology consultants whose training or mental conditions suggest the need for remediation, rehabilitation, or psychotherapy, and possible removal from seeing clients, has not been addressed. We describe a variety of situations where student and professional functioning might be impaired, discuss the possible ramifications (legal, ethical) of impairment, and provide suggestions for ways to proceed when sport psychology consultants are in psychological difficulty.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the legal, ethical and professional issues encountered in forensic psychology. Psychological theory and research potentially have much to contribute to legal questions. The paper presents examples of psychology's contributions in the areas of risk assessment, the reliability of children's evidence and the assessment of sexual interest. Furthermore, it is suggested that psychological understanding of personality disorder should inform legal processes to a greater degree than at present. The paper therefore both describes and challenges the current relationship between psychology and the law.  相似文献   

The authors provide a historical overview of the development of contemporary theories of counseling and psychology in relation to determinism, probabilistic causality, indeterminate free will, and moral and legal responsibility. They propose a unique model of behavioral causality that incorporates a theory of indeterminate free will, a concept traditionally assumed to exist by the U.S. legal system, but rejected in counseling theory.  相似文献   

This paper describes the history and present status of psychology in Sri Lanka, including facilities for teaching psychology and legal issues in registration provisions for psychologists. The future directions in improving the status of psychology in the country are delineated.  相似文献   

Sageman M 《Assessment》2003,10(4):321-328
This article examines three types of skills required for effective assessments in the forensic arena. Forensic psychology is the application of scientific psychology to the resolution of legal conflicts. The first skill is knowledge of the legal issues to be addressed. Examples of such issues are criminal responsibility, legal competencies, and linking mental states to legal issues in question. The second set of skills comprises those skills often required by the demands of the legal system--specifically, gathering complete information about the case at hand, striving for neutrality, reconstructing the past, and predicting the future. The last set of skills includes practical ones required during the process of litigation--that is, supporting the retaining attorney's overall strategy, addressing the testimony to the appropriate audience, and deferring to the prerogative of the fact finder.  相似文献   

IntroductionResearch has shown that lay people, and even psychologists, may have distorted knowledge about memory functioning. May different study programs in psychology influence their ideas?Objective(s)The study was aimed at evaluating psychology students’ and psychology professors’ knowledge about memory and factors potentially affecting the accuracy of episodic memory reports in clinical and legal contexts.MethodA questionnaire was administered to introductory and advanced students of psychology enrolled at different curricula – experimental psychology and clinical psychology with a psychoanalytical orientation – and to professors teaching the courses in the same curricula.ResultsResults showed that advanced students and professors in experimental psychology have higher general knowledge of factors influencing memory performance than their peers, including memory issues of particular relevance to clinical psychology; no difference between the curricula was found for the introductory students.ConclusionThe results are discussed in terms of the risks that the lack of knowledge on memory functioning of the psychologists with a psychodynamic orientation may have in producing wrong reports in forensic contexts.  相似文献   

In this article I argue that a desirable future direction for political psychology would be to pay more attention to social‐psychological processes involved in the response to innovative laws, in particular those devised with sustainability and environmental protection aims. This involves taking into account the following premises: (1) innovation and change are not unitary phenomena; instead there are different types of innovation; (2) legal and policy innovation is a specific type and is highly central in an era when global challenges are increasingly dealt with by global treaties which are then translated into national laws with a call to transform local practices; (3) offering attention to the reception of such innovation involves developing specific conceptual tools; (4) devising a typology of legal innovation is one step in this direction; (5) furthering our comprehension of how people, groups, and institutions receive—i.e., accept, contest—legal innovation for sustainability is important for helping to push forward sustainability goals, which are legislated but far from attained. The present article outlines theoretical tools for addressing psychosocial processes involved in the reception of legal innovation, drawing mostly on the approach of social representations and the literature of environmental psychology, and offers three criteria for a typology of laws. Finally I present some examples of responses to subtypes of legal innovation from the sustainability domain, taken as an illustrative case, and discuss differences and commonalities in the processes of acceptance and resistance that each mobilizes.  相似文献   

The scientific study of child witnesses has influenced both developmental science and jurisprudence concerning children. Focusing on the author's own studies, 4 categories of research are briefly reviewed: (a) children's eyewitness memory and suggestibility; (b) memory for traumatic events in childhood; (c) disclosure of child sexual abuse; and (d) experiences of child victim/witnesses within the legal system. Implications for psychology and for legal practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In the past three decades competency to stand trial has emerged as a central issue in mental health law and forensic psychology. This article combines legal and clinical frameworks for a more integrated understanding of competency to stand trial. The legal framework focuses on Supreme Court decisions beginning with Dusky and reviews several legal theories of competence. The empirical framework is investigated within Grisso's (1986) conceptualization of legal competencies. In addition, the efficacy of specialized forensic assessments is evaluated, including the newly developed MacArthur Structured Assessment of the Competencies of Criminal Defendants (MacSAC-CD). The article concludes with observations of competency as a construct and their implications for forensic practice. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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