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This study explores 8 international doctoral students' perceptions of coping strategies used in supervision training in counselor education programs. Using human agency as a conceptual framework, the authors found 3 categories: (a) personal and professional self‐directed strategies as personal agency, (b) support and care from mentors as proxy agency, and (c) networking among international doctoral students and/or graduates as collective agency. Implications for counselor educators are discussed. Este estudio explora las percepciones de 8 estudiantes internacionales de doctorado sobre las estrategias de afrontamiento usadas en la capacitación de supervisión en programas de educación para consejeros. Usando la agencia humana como marco conceptual, se hallaron 3 categorías: (a) estrategias autodirigidas personales y profesionales como agencia personal, (b) apoyo y cuidados recibidos de mentores como agencia delegada y (c) creación de redes de contactos entre estudiantes internacionales de doctorado y/o doctores como agencia colectiva. Se discuten las implicaciones para educadores de consejeros.  相似文献   

Using phenomenological approaches, the author explored the meanings and essences of a cross‐cultural immersion experience in South Africa among counseling master's‐level students. Five core themes—the meaning of being American, sociopolitical awareness, engagement with South Africans and their communities, appreciation of life, and commitment to change—characterized the development of critical consciousness (Freire, 1973 , 2000 ). Findings support positive influences of cross‐cultural immersion as an experiential pedagogical method for multicultural development. Usando enfoques fenomenológicos, se exploraron los significados y esencias de una experiencia de inmersión transcultural en Sudáfrica entre estudiantes de nivel máster en consejería. Cinco temas centrales (el significado de ser estadounidense, la conciencia sociopolítica, la interacción con individuos sudafricanos y sus comunidades, la valoración de la vida y el compromiso con el cambio) caracterizaron el desarrollo de la conciencia crítica (Freire, 1973 , 2000 ). Los hallazgos confirman influencias positivas de la inmersión transcultural como un método pedagógico basado en la experiencia para el desarrollo multicultural.  相似文献   

An interpretative phenomenological analysis explored the experiences of former Chinese international students trained as counselors in a United States-based program (= 9), both with respect to training and work experiences upon returning to China. Themes included strong counselor identity, struggles with adapting to mental health policies in China, and complications acclimating to training in the United States. Suggestions for educators include emphasis on international education and adjustments to hiring practices.  相似文献   

Informed broadly by the theory of planned behaviour, this study used qualitative methodology to understand Australian adults' sun‐protective decisions. Forty‐two adults participated in focus groups where they discussed behavioural (advantages and disadvantages), normative (important referents), and control (barriers and facilitators) beliefs, as well as potential social influences and images of tanned and non‐tanned people. Responses were analysed using the consensual qualitative research approach to determine the dominant themes. Themes of fashion and comfort were prominent, the important role of friends and family in sun safe decision‐making was highlighted, as was the availability of sun‐protective measures (e.g., in an accessible place or in the environment). Additional themes included the need to model sound sun‐protective behaviours to (current and future) children, the emphasis on personal choice and personal responsibility to be sun safe, and the influence of Australian identity and culture on tanning and socially acceptable forms of sun protection. These beliefs can be used to inform interventions and public health campaigns targeting sun safety among Australians, a population with the highest skin cancer incidence in the world.  相似文献   

何吴明  郑剑虹 《心理科学》2019,(4):1017-1023
心理学质性研究具有漫长的过去,却只有短暂的历史。心理学自诞生起就具有质性研究传统,但被主流所忽视。从组织机构、出版渠道和研究成果方面看,当前国内外心理学质性研究的发展态势暗示质性研究传统正在回归到主流当中。尽管仍存在误解和急功近利等众多问题和困难需要克服,但是心理学质性研究方法在研究复杂心理现象和产生新的概念、新的理论方面展现了潜力。心理学质性研究的复兴正使心理学处于一个多元化转向的阶段。  相似文献   

The authors demonstrate how collecting quantitative data via psychometrically sound quantitative instruments during the qualitative interview process enhances interpretations by helping researchers better contextualize qualitative findings, specifically through qualitative dominant crossover mixed analyses. They provide an example of this strategy, whereby a baseline was established using a quantitative scale and normative data to help interpret qualitative interviews, resulting in what they call a mixed methods interview. Philosophical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究以中国本土现阶段人文社会和艺术领域已经被公认取得了创造性成就的高创造群体作为研究对象,探讨教育和人才成长的关系.方法:采用质性研究的方法,通过深度访谈获得访谈资料,再对其主题分析,进行规范的开放编码、主轴编码、选择编码、历程编码.结果:发现人文社会科学与艺术创造者成长关键影响事件按重要程度从大到小依次为:系统的教育,时代特征,自身,环境和机遇,家庭.人文社会科学与艺术创造关键影响源按重要程度从大到小依次为:老师,家庭成员,密切交往对象,虚体人物,政治人物,思想引领者.结论:系统教育在个体成长过程中占据了主导地位,尤其是教师对个体创造性成就取得产生了及其重要的影响.  相似文献   

Given the prevalence of children and families who experience disabilities, this study examined how 141 instructors from programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs cover disability‐related content in their curriculum. The study also examined the influence self‐perceived disability‐related competencies have on whether and how instructors infuse disability‐related content into counselor pedagogy. Limitations and implications for counselor educators are presented. Dada la prevalencia de niños y familias que experimentan discapacidades, este estudio examinó cómo 141 docentes de programas acreditados por el Consejo de Acreditación en Consejería y Programas Educativos Relacionados (CACREP, por sus siglas en inglés) presentan los contenidos relacionados con la discapacidad en sus currículums. El estudio también examinó la influencia que tienen las competencias autopercibidas relacionadas con la discapacidad sobre si los docentes incluyen contenidos relacionados con la discapacidad en la pedagogía de consejeros y de qué forma lo hacen. Se presentan las limitaciones e implicaciones para educadores de consejeros.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to contribute to the phenomenological understanding of revictimization through metaphors used by women when describing their revictimization experiences. Data were collected through in-depth semistructured interviews with 9 women regarding their repeated sexual victimization. Content analysis focused on metaphors used by the women when describing revictimization. Analysis of the metaphors revealed vulnerability in relation to the self and to interpersonal relationships. The metaphors relating to the self are portrayed through images of imprisonment, homelessness, contamination, and disability. Interpersonal relationships are described through the image of boundaries. These metaphors reflect duality: the profound need for security and the perception of boundaries as limiting and confining. Metaphors can be useful as a heuristic instrument for understanding women’s experience of the duality and the contradictions in coping with revictimization, and for intervention.  相似文献   

This collective case study investigated the experiences of bilingual counselors‐in‐training who assessed school‐wide cultural competence in public schools. Analysis and interpretation of data resulted in the identification of 5 themes: eye‐opening experiences, recognition of strengths, the role of school leaders, road maps for change, and empowering marginalized groups. Implications and recommendations are discussed. Este estudio de caso colectivo investigó las experiencias de consejeros bilingües en formación que evaluaron la competencia cultural institucional en escuelas públicas. El análisis e interpretación de los datos dieron como resultado la identificación de 5 temas: experiencias reveladoras, reconocimiento de puntos fuertes, el papel de los líderes académicos, hojas de ruta para el cambio y empoderamiento de grupos marginalizados. Se discuten las implicaciones y recomendaciones.  相似文献   

Multiculturalism and social justice are considered major forces in the counseling profession, revolutionizing the complexity of social identity, cultural identity, and diversity. Although these major forces have influenced the profession, many challenges exist with their implementation within counselor education curriculum and pedagogy. A major challenge is the complex dynamics of privilege and oppression that both counselor educators and counseling students face. This article discusses the use of intersectionality to approach counselor education pedagogy and practice. El multiculturalismo y la justicia social están considerados como fuerzas importantes con las que la profesión de la consejería está revolucionando la complejidad de la identidad social, la identidad cultural y la diversidad. Aunque estas fuerzas importantes han influido en la profesión, existen desafíos relacionados con su implementación en los planes curriculares y pedagogía de la educación de consejeros. Un desafío significativo es la compleja dinámica entre privilegio y opresión que enfrentan tanto los formadores de consejeros como los estudiantes de consejería. Este artículo discute el uso de la interseccionalidad para enfocar la pedagogía de la educación de consejeros y la práctica.  相似文献   

心理学研究方法中“质”与“量”的整合   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
心理学研究方法中“质”与“量”的分歧由来已久。虽然“质”与“量”的研究方法各有其优势,但是也不可避免地存在一些弱点。如果将质与量的方法进行整合,使之进行优势互补,从而更大可能地揭示心理现象发生和发展的规律是我们所面临的课题。要对质的研究方法与量的研究方法进行整合,首先必须“去范式”,将研究的重点聚焦于研究问题,而非范式;其次必须将质性的资料与定量的资料放在同一个层面上进行比较。该文通过一个案例,向读者介绍如何进行“质”与“量”的研究方法的整合  相似文献   

The authors conducted a content analysis on the type, frequency, and intensity of use of various indicators of rigor for 68 qualitative research articles published between 1999 and 2014 in the Journal of Counseling & Development. The authors identified the most frequently listed and implemented strategies for the research articles. The authors found a significant engagement in rigor strategies across time, variations in intensity in strategy use, and a significant positive relationship between intensity of strategy use across time.  相似文献   

This article describes how social constructionist theory can be applied to the processes of data collection and analysis in qualitative research. In doing so, we borrow from previous discussions of social constructionism within the psychotherapeutic literature. Social constructionist theory, particularly the idea of a not-knowing stance, addresses the methodological concern of validity. Furthermore, because a not-knowing stance entails a leveling of the hierarchy and minimizing of the power differential between researcher and participant, there is also the potential for turning the research process into an freeing experience for both the researcher and participant.  相似文献   

Because of its potential for capturing complexity and process and its focus on communicating the meaning in human action, qualitative research is rapidly gaining acceptance in a wide variety of disciplines. Various qualitative approaches to research support its potential usefulness in genetic counseling research. Formulation of research questions and selection of appropriate qualitative methods are the first step. Interviewing, narrative analysis, focus groups, ethnography/participant observation, and participatory action research are only some of the most popular techniques that may be suitable in various situations. Processes of evaluation, analysis, and even ethical issues often differ somewhat from quantitative research. This article discusses these issues and the potential value of qualitative methods for research related to genetic counseling.  相似文献   

This article reports on the added value of embodied responses identified through sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity in couple therapy research. It focuses on moments of change and the timing of therapeutic interventions or therapeutic moves in a couple therapy session. The data for this single‐case study comprise couple therapy process videotapes recorded in a multi‐camera setting, and measurements of participants’ SNS activity. The voluntary participants were a marital couple in their late thirties and two middle‐aged male psychotherapists. The division into topic segments showed how the key issue of seeking help, which was found to comprise three separate components, was repeatedly dealt with in the session. SNS activity showed different degrees of synchronization between the couple, between the therapists, and between the couple and therapists during the dialogue pertaining to these three components. The issue of timing emerged as a complex, even ambivalent, phenomenon. Arousal in the therapists was in line with their therapeutic activity, whereas in the clients it was more anticipatory. The approach used here rendered visible some of the intensity that therapeutic dialogue can generate when dealing with issues of relationship change in the couple context and showed how this intensity can be dialogically regulated in the therapeutic system.  相似文献   

This paper describes findings from a grounded theory study on the process of constructing problem definitions by marital and family therapists. Coding of the observations and interviews resulted in two meta-problem definition processes. In the first meta-process clinicians kept their definitions internal to themselves during the therapy session. In contrast, the second meta-definition process involved clinicians bringing forth their internal problem definitions and incorporating them into the therapeutic conversation. Implications for existing conceptualizations and marital and family therapy practice and supervision are discussed, as well as suggestions for further consideration.  相似文献   

子女罹患精神分裂症对父母是巨大的冲击,本研究采用解释现象学研究方法,对武汉市某精神卫生中心病房住院治疗的6例未婚精神分裂症患者的父母进行深入访谈、现场录音和笔录,并分析资料。结果显示未婚精神分裂症患者住院期间控制感是父母的核心情绪体验,当失去控制感时,家属会体验到恐惧、焦虑、愤怒、自责,乃至抑郁,而当具有控制感时,家属则会体验到放松。提示专业人员在临床工作中需要考虑增强患者家属的控制感,这样可以促进家属的参与性,乃至增加患者的依从性。  相似文献   

We present a framework to describe the process of conducting community-based qualitative research. Qualitative research activities are presented as a series of interrelated acts called asking, witnessing, interpreting, and knowing. Each act in the research process is described in terms of current qualitative research practices, and illustrated with examples from our own research projects on families with schizophrenia and men's mutual support and batterer intervention groups. We critically examine the assumption that qualitative research serves to reveal or amplify the voices of participants. We examine connections between qualitative research and social change and describe the use of qualitative research to not only empower marginalized groups, but also to critique and transform privileged groups. The framework is intended to help community researchers to more fully conceptualize, understand, and engage in the practice of qualitative research.  相似文献   

Five themes emerged based on interviews of faculty with addiction counseling expertise. The findings are relevant to practitioners, educators, and students. Recommendations for the counseling field are addressed, and suggestions for addiction content, course design, and pedagogy are included.  相似文献   

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