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韩庆祥  楼俊超 《学海》2024,(1):19-26+213
习近平文化思想是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,深入领悟贯彻这一思想,需要明确“两个结合”的时代意义。“两个结合”有深刻的内在逻辑,是不可分割的有机整体。面对按照“线性道路、单数文明、民族优越、为我人性、社会进化、‘普世价值’、理性尺度、开化使命、美丽神话、唯一哲学”逻辑建构起来的“西方中心论”,“两个结合”力求从哲学维度、历史维度、关系维度、空间维度冲破这一理论体系,走出“东方从属于西方”的框架,继而创造中华民族现代文明。基于此,“两个结合”通过“意义彰显、‘两脉’生成、新的文化生命体、明体达用、新的文化使命”的递进环节,实际发挥着确立并巩固我国文化主体性和文化领导权的使命价值。  相似文献   

陈倩 《美与时代》2014,(1):33-33
傣族族服饰淡雅美观,既讲究实用,又有很强的装饰意味,颇能体现出热爱生活,祟尚中和之美的民族个性。整个傣族都回旋着一个生命的主题,一个和平博爱、温情爱恋的主题,这个主题使其艺术与美那么完整迷人,那么接近于美的本义,那么优柔温婉、光彩漂亮。  相似文献   

当今时代,文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉、越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,丰富精神文化生活越来越成为我国人民的热切愿望。推出一个文化,发展一方经济,“文化搭台,经济唱戏”,开发民族文化旅游等,成为各地文化与经济结合的一大景观和特色,也是一个经济增长点。有的地方取得了显著的成效。但有的不少地方地理优势明显,交通方便,  相似文献   

中国民族之精神,可以归结为四个字:无私利他或利他主义。因为儒家的“仁”与墨家的“兼”以及我国现行道德总原则,大体说来,乃是同一概念:无私利他或利他主义。  相似文献   

民族文化,是一个民族的历史、社会、政治、经济生活和地理环境的特点在意识形态的反映,是该民族智慧的结晶,凝聚着该民族的感情、意志和追求,体现民族精神,构成该民族的要素,成为一个民族的标志,对民族的进步和社会的发展具有重要的作用。一个民族,如果有了较高的科学文化素质,似可以说这个民族文化繁荣了。民族文化的繁荣与该民族在政治上的平等、经济上的发展一起,构成民族繁荣的丰富内涵。  相似文献   

赵国新 《学海》2011,(3):188-192
马修.阿诺德的《文化与无政府状态》既是一部文化批评名著,也是一部政治学名作。作者应时势之需要,赋予文化以政治教化的功能,以此来纠偏中产阶级的市侩习气,驯化底层民众的反抗精神,以力求社会摆脱陷入无政府状态的可能。阿诺德的对策固然有迂阔不实的一面,可他从文化角度去解决社会问题,对于20世纪新左派知识分子倡导的文化政治多有启发。  相似文献   

“虚静”和“静穆”是东西方古典艺术作品极力追求的审美意境.两者虽都包含“静”字,但其涵义却是大不相同的,前者着力于“虚”,后者着力于“穆”,两者都认为只有做到“静”才能隽永含蓄、达到永恒之美.东方“虚静说”要求创作主体在创作时进入“物我两忘”的境地,并要求作品达到“物我交融”、“以天合天”的意境之美;西方“静穆观”则要求创作主体模仿真实,严格遵从美的形式法则、以人工之巧智达到最自然的唯美形式,要求作品体现出崇高与庄严的气息、体现单纯与纯净之美.“虚静说”对中国艺术的审美标准有重要影响,而“静穆观”则成为判定西方古典主义艺术形式与内涵的重要准绳.对二者的比较可以探知东西方古典艺术的异同,从而创作出既具民族特色、又具国际特点的优秀艺术作品.  相似文献   

泰国的东方饭店堪称亚洲之最,不提前一个月预订是很难有入住机会的,而且客人大都来自西方发达国家。在眼下一些饭店入住率不到50%的情况下,东方饭店用什么魔力来吸引世界各地的客人呢?要想找到答案,不妨先来看看一位姓王的老板入住东方饭店的经历。  相似文献   

现代西方哲学存在着非常明显的生活化趋向,一些日常生活问题开始进入哲学家的视野,一些日常生活语言也陆续进入哲学话语体系之中,从而使哲学呈现出玄远与切近、高蹈与尘俗的统一。现代著名  相似文献   

This article reviews contemporary studies on the concept of creativity across two cultures—Eastern (Asian) cultures and Western (American and European) cultures — by examining two bodies of literature. One is on people's implicit theories of creativity across different cultures and the other is on cross‐cultural studies of creativity. Studies on implicit theories of creativity in the East suggest that many Asians have similar but not identical conceptions of creativity to many people in the West. Cross‐cultural studies of creativity reveal that Easterners and Westerners differ, on average, in their divergent‐thinking performance and creative expressions. A view of creativity as relatively culture‐specific is presented and the appropriateness of using divergent‐thinking tests to measure creativity is discussed.  相似文献   

《老子想尔注》及其思想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《老子想尔注》及其思想钟肇鹏TheConceptofOriginalSinintheCulturalEncounterbetweentheEastandtheWest¥ZhouXinpingTheChristianconceptof“original...  相似文献   

This paper recognizes that we become bored in our post-modern, consumerist Western world and that boredom is related to this existence and hidden within it. Through Heidegger, it seeks to provide a way to structure our understanding of boredom and suggest ways of acknowledging its cause, and then to allow it to liberate our authentic appreciation of the world of our workplace and what can be learnt through it. Using the approach of focusing on being in a societal workplace environment, and the link to Heidegger’s notion of mood, revealed in Being and Time, boredom’s fundamental role is shown as a complex temporal manifold. Our superficial attempts to deal with things in datable time means that we miss the essential importance of the temporal manifold through which our being is revealed and where the Augenblick, (moment of vision) is the authentic present and temporalises itself of the authentic future (Heidegger in Being and time (trans: J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson). Blackwell, Oxford, 1962, p. 338). For Heidegger this is to be understood as ecstasis (ibid, p. 338) when the resolute Dasein “is carried away to whatever possibilities and circumstances are encountered (ibid, p. 338). Such resoluteness enables the private capabilities to arise in public practice, not, however, in the conformity of what ‘one does’ (Das Man) but as an authentically choosing being. The challenge of an ontological pedagogy, regardless of its place of revelation that this prescribes a possibly be edifying mission for Dasein. Instead of chasing away boredom through busyness, a moment of vision could produce creative and authentic ways of being.  相似文献   

Jaysankar L. Shaw 《Sophia》2011,50(3):481-497
This paper explains some of the uses of the word ‘freedom’ in Western as well as in Indian philosophy. Regarding the psychological concept of freedom or free will, this paper focuses on the distinction between fatalism, determinism, types of compatibilism, and libertarianism. Indian philosophers, by and large, are compatibilists, although some minor systems, such as Śākta Āgama, favor a type of libertarianism. From the Indian perspective the form of life of human beings has also been mentioned in the discussion of free will. Regarding metaphysical freedom, I discuss the views of the Bhagavad Gītā and Swami Vivekananda in Sect. III. K.C. Bhattacharyya, a neo-Advaita Vedāntin, has discussed degrees of freedom of the subject at several levels. According to him, spiritual progress lies in the progressive realization of the freedom of the subject. I compare his view with the classical Advaita concept of freedom. I have also addressed the question of whether freedom from suffering can be realized at social and global levels. In this context I have mentioned some of the interpretations of the great saying ‘I am Brahman,’ and how freedom can be realized at the global level by using the Advaita concept of ‘oneness.’  相似文献   

Research is a very personal matter. On the basis of experiences in different countries with researchers from different cultures over many years, some observations will be described. The conceptual frame of this attempt is to look for anthropological universals and cultural specifics. Much can be learned from spatial representations in the arts. Whereas in the West since Renaissance time the central perspective has become dominant in visual art, in Eastern landscape paintings the “floating view” is typical. The claim that the central perspective corresponds to geometric laws and matches how we see the world is misleading for at least two reasons: It violates mechanisms of size constancy, and the visual world is spatially reduced in pictures to the perifoveal region only. Research on spatial attention has disclosed two different attentional systems being responsible either for near-fovea vision or for the far periphery. This fundamental principle as a global characteristic of visual processing is neglected in Western art. In Eastern art with a floating view geometric laws are violated, and different potential perspectives are integrated within a holistic pattern. The semantics of what shall be expressed becomes important irrespective of physical parameters. The latter may also create the unique phenomenon of becoming subjectively part of the picture confirming personal identity. Cultural specifics like in the arts (what one might expect) can surprisingly also be observed in theoretical considerations about visual processing. Whereas in the tradition of Western science visual percepts are built up with local elements like feature detectors, in an important Chinese theory global topological features are analyzed first. An important task of the brain is to create the identity of a percept on the basis of spatially and temporally distributed neural activities. It is, thus, an important theoretical question how to deal with the challenge to create and maintain the identity of a percept for some time. It is suggested that one should leave behind a monocausal reasoning for such explanations but adopt for analytical strategies the concept of complementarity as a generative principle.  相似文献   

论西方主流正义概念发展中的嬗变与综合(上)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在西方思想中,正义概念自产生以来历经了许多演变。从希腊神话、梭伦、柏拉图、亚里士多德一系的主流希腊思想,接通中世纪基督教的良心观念,经注入自然法的启蒙观念,汇合为自由主义的体系,并在此母体上吸收社会主义思想的部分影响,这构成了西方正义概念迄今发展的主脉。许多思想与观念都对正义的概念发生深刻影响。它的种种涵义是从它产生以来在整个西方历史中逐步增添、发展、补充进去的。在这些历史的嬗变中也不断产生新的综合形式。大致地说,在它产生于希腊思想之后,在基督教教义、自然法理论、近现代自由主义与社会主义的观念基础上都产生着新的综合。罗尔斯公平的正义的理论是西方正义概念在当代的一个最重要的综合。  相似文献   

Despite the rich philosophical heritage of the East, the connection between athletics and education for character or virtue is more commonly associated with the West. Classical Eastern philosophy does focus on virtue, but it seems to exclude sport as a means of cultivation since the Confucian is uninterested in victory and the Daoist seeks passivity and avoids contention. A closer look reveals, however, that Eastern conceptions of virtue have much in common with those of Ancient Greece so often linked to sport. Combining research in the history and philosophy of sport with analysis of such texts such as the Analects of Kongzi (Confucius), Laozi's Daodejing, Plato's Republic and Epictetus's Handbook, this paper argues that the enlightened practice of sport has the potential to cultivate qualities common both to de and aretē. The fact that sport was linked to virtue in Ancient Greece but not Ancient China derives from different ideas about social prestige more than different conceptions of ethical education. Indeed, the enlightened practice of modern sport may develop a more universal kind of virtue; thereby providing common ground upon which to heal the East-West split in a way characterised by mutual respect and emphasising our common humanity.  相似文献   

P.R McKenzie 《Religion》2013,43(1):135-136

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