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Since 1956, there have appeared 125 studies which focus on the issue of integrating behavioral science into undergraduate and graduate medical education.  相似文献   

It is generally agreed that the health care system is in crisis despite reform efforts over the past two decades. Evidence is presented which suggests that medical education has failed successfully to integrate medically relevant behavioral science research findings into medical school curricula or train physicians in the application of behaviorally based treatment technologies. Psychologists in medical education settings have the opportunity to impact medical education and foster psychology's role in health care. If psychology fails to respond to this opportunity, we cannot then complain of the inevitable consequences.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Medical Colleges, Washington, DC, November 1993.  相似文献   

Concerns for the integrity of psychology as an independent discipline have caused some psychologists to object to introducing any knowledge from the biological sciences into the training of psychologists. However, calls for the greater incorporation of the behavioral sciences in medical education, increased attention to research on the mechanisms of bio-behavioral interaction, and initiatives in translational medical research and clinical care, have prompted increased interest in interdisciplinary research, health care, and teaching. These changes, in turn, are resulting in a re-conceptualization of the structure of academic medicine with increasing emphasis upon multidisciplinary knowledge and interdisciplinary collaboration, and less emphasis upon disciplinary insularity and competitiveness. If clinical health psychology is to play a role in this evolving concept of academic health care, it must adequately prepare its trainees to function in interdisciplinary academic health care settings. This will require not only expertise in the role of behavioral factors relevant to medical disorders, but also some basic familiarity with the biological processes to which those behavioral factors relate. With the evolution of its fund of knowledge, clinical health psychology has the potential to utilize its science to discover, describe, interpret, teach and clinically apply knowledge of the mechanisms of interaction between biological functions and behavioral, learning, cognitive, socio-cultural and environmental processes. By failing to seize this initiative, clinical health psychology risks becoming irrelevant to the evolving model of medical research, education and health care. Presented, in part, to the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers, Minneapolis, MN, May 2007.  相似文献   

现代医学教育中应注重自然科学与人文学的统一   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
现代高等医学教育中缺乏人文精神的养成,对人文学与自然科学之间的关系缺乏正确理解。自然科学在崇尚客观与理性的同时可能忽视物质世界以外的精神世界,而单纯的人文学也可能走向狭隘和极端化,自然科学与人文学应在互制互利下统一。医学生教育阶段加强人文精神的培养十分有利于帮助他们在未来工作中明确科学研究的正确价值取向,正确处理好人与科技的关系。  相似文献   

The Institute of Medicine has reviewed and made recommendations concerning current teaching approaches, content, and barriers to the incorporation of behavioral/social sciences in medical school curricula (Cuff & Vanselow, 2004). This paper discusses those recommendations, the history of medical education reform, the barriers to and evolution of behavioral/social sciences’ inclusion, and the implications for psychology’s future role in academic medicine. Psychological concepts and technology permeate medical practice, but little progress has been made in integrating psychological and biological sciences. Looking to its basic science domains (e.g. cognition, learning, development, neuroscience), psychology can take scientific leadership in illuminating the mechanisms by which behavioral/social processes interact with biological functions in health, thereby providing the empirical basis for a truly integrated bio-behavioral curriculum. This article is based upon a symposium, “IOM Report on Enhancing Behavioral & Social Science in Medical Education: Impact and Opportunities for Psychology,” presented at the Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 21, 2005. Suzanne Bennett Johnson, Chair; Elena Reyes, John E. Carr, and Anthony Errichetti, participants; Eugene K. Emory, Discussant.  相似文献   

Conventional history of the predominant, research‐based model of business education (RBM) traces its origins to programs initiated by the Ford Foundation after World War II. This paper maps the elite network responsible for developing behavioral science and the Ford Foundation agenda. Archival records of the actions taken by central nodes in the network permit identification of the original vision statement for the model. Analysis also permits tracking progress toward realizing that vision over several decades. Behavioral science was married to business education from the earliest stages of development. The RBM was a fundamental promise made by advocates for social science funding. Appraisals of the model and recommendations for reform must address its full history, not the partial, distorted view that is the conventional account. Implications of this more complete history for business education and for behavioral theory are considered. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

医学教育人文精神缺失的弊端及对策   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
人文精神本是医学学科的根本要旨之一,然而,目前医学教育中普遍存在着人文精神缺失的状况.从医学教育的宗旨、医学模式的转变、医学生的综合素质、医患关系方面剖析了人文精神缺失的弊端并提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

论医学生从业素质的要求与培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
21世纪的高等医学教育应该适应卫生事业发展、医学模式转变,特别是社会进步与医学科学发展的宏观背景,以综合素质、创新能力和创新精神、适应社会需求、多维学科结构等要素为培养目标,以脑科学研究和信息技术为重要手段,改革和构建21世纪医学教育新模式,以培养出更多优秀的21世纪所需要的创造性医学人才。  相似文献   

“医+X”复合型医学人才培养模式创新实验区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人才培养模式是一个变化发展的范畴。交叉学科的发展与复合型人才培养已成为当代科学与教育的主流。医学人才培养模式改革势在必行。创建复合型医学人才培养模式是一项系统工程,只有在人才培养目标、培养内容和培养方式等方面大胆改革与创新,才能培养出适合当代社会文明发展的医学人才。  相似文献   

NBIC会聚技术对医学教育改革的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了科技发展前沿领域“NBIC会聚技术”的含义和起源,并提出:关注科学统一与技术会聚的整体发展观,树立大医学教育的理念;顺应学科交叉融合的大趋势,积极推进医学院校办学模式改革;重视当代科技发展的大科学特征,正确定位医学教育培养目标;紧扣生命科学发展前沿,加强开放式课程体系建设。  相似文献   

医学哲学是现代医学教育中的重要组成部分,医学科学必须与医学哲学相结合才是未来医学教育的发展方向。在以岗位胜任能力为导向的医学教育转型中,培养医学生的哲学思维无疑是其重要环节之一。为适应全球卫生事业的迅猛发展,医学教育务必在临床思维上进行整合。本文从培养合格医学毕业生的角度出发,阐述了医学与哲学的关系、医学教育中的哲学地位及哲学在临床医学教育中的具体应用。旨在提高医学生的哲学理念,促进现代医学教育的转型发展。  相似文献   

当今医学缺少的是什么--论医学中的人文   总被引:28,自引:13,他引:15  
医学首先是一项社会事业,而后才是一门学科。医学的内在道德原则要求医学具备人文精神和人文内容。人文和科学技术是医学的两个必要的基本的组成部分。医学人文的缺少和流失使当今医学成了“半吊子”医学。为了纠正这种偏差,医学教育应该是人文精神和人文内容的教育优于技术的教育,而医学决策者和研究者在其中的责任最大。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the status of applied behavioral science as it exists in the various behavioral fields and considers the role of the Association for Behavior Analysis in serving those fields. The confounding effects of the traditions of psychology are discussed. Relevant issues are exemplified in the fields of law, communications, psychology, and education, but broader generalization is implied.  相似文献   

临床专科医生培养模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
毕业后医学教育是医学教育过程中一个非常重要且必不可少的组成部分.我国的医学教育体制中没有完备的毕业后医学教育层次.随着医学模式的转变以及人民大众医疗卫生保健服务需求的急剧变化,这一缺陷的弊端日益凸显.目前在我国医学教育中增加毕业后医学教育的条件已经基本具备.可采取多种途径实施该层次教育.  相似文献   

关于妇产科教学中人文素质教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从素质教育的观点出发,首先简要论述了在妇产科教学中加强人文素质教育的重要性和必要性,然后就妇产科临床教师如何通过自己的实践把人文精神渗透到妇产科教学之中提出了以下五个方面的途径:以新的医学模式为指导提高认识;深入临床,了解孕产妇及妇科患者的人文需求;加强自身学习形成良好的人文素养;因材施教,循序渐进,科学把握人文与专业的结合点;以点带面,优化环境,全面推进。  相似文献   

A selection of recent (post-1980) works on feminist theory and method, this bibliography includes literature from psychology and other social sciences, feminist studies, and philosophy of science. The first of its four sections concerns epistemology and metatheory. The second lists works that offer reformulations or critical analyses of key concepts in gender studies; many of these are grounded in social constructionist and feminist standpoint epistemologies. The third section cites writings that illustrate the potential of new epistemological stances or exemplify new ways of working. The last section lists related bibliographies. (232 entries.)  相似文献   

医学院校的艺术教育与医学生人文素质的提升   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
艺术教育是医学生人文素质教育的重要内容,它有助于医学生艺术技能、创新思维和心灵世界的开发,有助于全面提升医学生人文素质。医学院校应当认清艺术教育的地位、规律和特征,全面而有效地开展艺术教育。  相似文献   

For over a century, researchers and educators have called for the integration of psychological science into medical school curricula, but such efforts have been impeded by barriers within medicine and psychology. In addressing these barriers, Psychology has re-examined its relationship to Medicine, incorporated psychological practices into health care, and redefined its parameters as a science. In response to interdisciplinary research into the mechanisms of bio-behavioral interaction, Psychology evolved from an ancillary social science to a bio-behavioral science that is fundamental to medicine and health care. However, in recent medical school curriculum innovations, psychological science is being reduced to a set of “clinical skills,” and once again viewed as an ancillary social science. These developments warrant concern and consideration of new approaches to integrating psychological science in medical education.  相似文献   

The contribution of Samuel W. Blizzard to ministry studies and to theological education is delineated and assessed. Blizzard's insightful analyses of the role of the minister were balanced by a genuine pastoral concern for those preparing for and engaging in ministry. His impact on ministry studies continues through the work of his students. The paper includes a complete bibliography of Blizzard's publications.The late Samuel W. Blizzard was Professor of Christianity and Society at Princeton Theological Seminary.  相似文献   

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