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Emotion,Space and Society: Editorial introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Young maltreated children, birth to three years, represent the age group with the highest rates of maltreatment in the United States (ACYF 2007). There are few studies to date that have investigated early childhood maltreatment and its effects on emotion regulatory processes and psychopathology. In response, the current investigation uses a dyadic assessment procedure to examine the relationship between parenting, emotion regulation, and symptoms of psychopathology among maltreating and non-maltreating parent–child interactions. The participants in this study were 123 children (66 maltreated and 57 nonmaltreated) from ages 1–3. Child and parent affect and child effortful control were observed during a parent–child interaction task. Symptoms of psychopathology were measured using the Child Behavior Checklist. The maltreated children exhibited more anger, more internalizing symptomatology, and less positive affect compared to non-maltreated children. Among maltreated children, emotion dysregulation was associated with internalizing symptomatology. Moreover, these data reveal parental positive affect was associated with lower child internalizing symptomatology and parental anger was associated with higher child internalizing symptomatology in the entire sample. This investigation offers evidence that emotion dysregulation subsequent to poor dyadic interactions is associated with early child maltreatment. These data suggest that maltreated children experience difficulties in emotion regulation which may be related to their higher levels of behavioral symptomatology.  相似文献   

自我复杂性与情绪关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王垒  栾胜华  张慧 《心理科学》2001,24(1):92-93
不同人的自我概念内容不同,可表现为自我复杂性(Self-complexity)的差异。James、Gergen、Markus和Nurius等都将自我看作一种多层面结构。类似的。Linville认为自我复杂性是“代表各种各样认知结构的自我方面的集合”。复杂性越高。自我描述的内容越多。  相似文献   

运用经验抽样法对154名大学生的日常情绪体验、生活事件进行为期14天的追踪调查,通过多层线性模型(HLM)探讨日常生活事件与情绪体验的关系及情绪调节策略对二者关系的影响。结果表明:大学生积极情绪体验多于消极情绪体验。在个体内和个体间水平,消极事件都对积极情绪有显著的负向预测作用,对消极情绪有显著的正向预测作用;积极事件对积极情绪有显著的正向预测作用。积极事件对消极情绪的负向预测作用只在个体间水平显著。表达抑制这种情绪调节策略能够增强消极生活事件与消极情绪体验的关系。  相似文献   

沈汉君 《心理科学》2002,25(1):120-121
当今心理学有关知和情的概念众说纷纭,莫衷一是。鉴于行文的方便,这里先给知和情作如下界定:“知”的外延包括人类的认识过程、智力水平、知识积累和才能技艺等;“情”的内容包括情感、兴趣、意志、性格,甚至包含道德品质等。两者都是广义的概念。实质上,现在国内外心理学界特别是认知学派均持此种看法。在许多学校的道德教育和课堂教学过程中,对于知情这一对范畴的关系远未处理好:有的是重知轻情,有的是重情轻知,更有甚者把两者对立起来。我国古代许多思想家在其著作和言论中常涉及对知情关系特别是知情统一关系的看法。现拟对此种思想做一个简单的介绍,以期对当前的道德教育与课堂教学工作有所启发。  相似文献   

We examined the direct relationships between parent and child emotion regulation (ER) strategy use during the transitionary and understudied developmental periods of middle childhood through to adolescence. Three hundred and seventy-nine participants aged between 9 and 19 years, completed the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents. In addition, 358 of their mothers and 207 of their fathers completed the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Providing partial support for the hypothesis, maternal use of the ER Expressive Suppression strategy was significantly predictive of their child’s use of Suppression. However, paternal ER strategy use was unrelated to their child’s ER strategy use. Child age did not moderate the relationships investigated. These findings suggest that children’s ER during middle childhood and adolescence is more closely related to the ER of their mother than their father. It is proposed that this may be accounted for by emotion socialization processes.  相似文献   

The current study examined the moderating influence of observed parental emotion socialization (PES) on self-medication in adolescents. Strengths of the study include the use of a newly developed observational coding system further extending the study of PES to adolescence, the use of an experience sampling method to assess the daily covariation between negative affect and substance use, and a focus on PES styles defined by the interaction of emotion-dismissing and emotion-coaching behaviors. Using multi-leveling modeling, we tested PES as a moderator of daily negative mood-substance use relation in a sample of 65 elevated-risk adolescents (48% male, 58% Caucasian, with a median age of 14). Results showed a three-way interaction between emotion-coaching PES, emotion-dismissing PES and daily negative mood in predicting daily substance use. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of PES styles and their effects on self-medication through compromised emotion regulation and interpersonal processes.
Matthew A. HershEmail:

乔建中 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1127-1127
在普通心理学书籍中 ,谈到情绪与心境的区别 ,往往仅限于概念的范畴 ,很少从它们与认知的相互作用和影响上进一步探讨二者的差异。其实 ,在所传递的信息内容上、在对归因的限制程度上、在对注意的影响方式上、以及对态度的改变作用上 ,情绪与心境都有着明显的区别。1 信息的确定效应  情绪与心境对人的心理影响 ,通常取决于其所伴随的主观体验 ,而其中的有效变量又取决于主观体验中所传递的信息。从信息的角度来看 ,情绪与心境有着明显的区别。情绪的产生通常由具体刺激物所导致 ,因而其体验中有明确的反映客体 ,并且在意识上是清晰的、…  相似文献   

Component theory (C. Smith & H. Scott, 1997) predicts that presence of component movements (action units) alters the decoded meaning of a basic emotional expression. We tested whether the meaning of the basic expression of anger varied when different components were present in the expression. Participants were asked to label variants of anger from Ekman and Friesen's Pictures of Facial Affect using 15 anger terms, and invariance of labeling was tested by manipulating the judgment task. Data were analyzed using consensus analysis, multidimensional scaling, and numerical scaling. Components did not result in consensus about fine distinctions in the meanings of the anger expressions. Varying the type of task strongly affected results. We believe this occurred because language elicits different categorization processes than evaluation of facial expressions nonverbally.  相似文献   

This paper deals with children's understanding of the social-regulatory aspects of emotion. A total of 108 children between 6 and 12 years old responded to three vignettes describing social dilemmas. In each story one child (the expresser) displayed anger, sadness, or fear to their partner (the recipient), and children were asked about the expresser's goals as well as the effects of the emotion on recipients' actions and emotions. Anger expression was associated with children thinking that expressers feel dominant in interaction. When anger was expressed during interaction children thought that it elicited more anger and aggression from recipients. Sadness and fear elicited prosocial responses from recipients, including comfort, proximity, and goal reinstatement. The differentiation between anger, sadness, and fear was greater in older than in younger children. Results are discussed in terms of the differentiation between emotions, the development of individual differences in emotion expression, and emotion regulation.  相似文献   

Empathic tendencies have been associated with interpersonal and psychological benefits, but empathy at extreme levels or in combination with certain personal characteristics may contribute to risk for depression. This study tested the moderating role of cognitive emotion regulation in depression's association with empathy using nonlinear models. Young adults (N = 304; 77% female; M = 19 years) completed measures of cognitive emotion regulation strategies, depression, and affective and cognitive empathy. Individuals with good regulation had low levels of depression overall and their depression symptoms were lowest when levels of affective empathy were average. Individuals with poor regulation had high levels of depression overall, particularly when levels of empathy were moderate to high. Extremely high and low levels of cognitive empathy were associated with elevated depression, and this association was not moderated by regulation. These findings suggest tendencies to respond empathically to others’ needs is neither an adaptive nor maladaptive characteristic but rather moderate empathy, particularly in the context of good regulation, may offer the greatest protection against depression.  相似文献   

采用父亲忽视量表、情绪调节量表和自我同一性量表,对521名青少年进行调查,以情绪调节为中介,研究父亲忽视对青少年自我同一性的影响机制。结果表明:情感距离和认知重评对高中生同一性有较强的预测力,认知重评在情感距离与同一性之间存在部分中介作用,认知重评在父亲参与与同一性之间存在部分中介作用。  相似文献   

One risk factor for non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents is exposure to traumatic experiences, particularly child maltreatment. However, the mechanisms through which childhood maltreatment predicts NSSI are largely unknown. Emotion dysregulation (ED) is likely an important mechanism in this relationship. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between childhood maltreatment, ED, and NSSI in a sample of adolescent inpatients (n = 53). Results demonstrated that child physical and emotional maltreatment, but not child sexual abuse, was significantly associated with NSSI frequency. More specifically, ED mediated the relationship between child physical and emotional maltreatment and NSSI frequency. Findings support the importance of ED as a mediating factor in the relationship between childhood maltreatment and NSSI behaviors and highlight the need for teaching emotion regulation skills to youth affected by trauma.  相似文献   

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