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This article features a multi-study research effort (Study 1 = 331; Study 2 = 317) examining how predispositions toward a humor source and the perceived humor (i.e., mirth) of a related comedic message can, together, influence media trust-based expectations. Noting the revered status and cultural prominence of various news parody show hosts, this article proposes that feelings of favorability for a news parody humor source (for example, Jon Stewart or John Oliver) can translate into positive perceptions of the press upon exposure to news parody messages. Drawing from principles of the heuristic-systemic information processing model (HSM) and affective disposition theory, the study findings indicate that one’s affective disposition toward a news parody source can have an indirect effect on media trust, as mediated by a feeling of mirth. Upon conducting a test of moderated mediation, the effect is demonstrated to be conditioned by one’s news parody orientation. That is, affective disposition’s mediated effect is most pronounced among those who are least inclined to see news parody as a legitimate/appropriate source of news. Ultimately, this exploratory research contributes to a more nuanced understanding of how news parody programming may influence perceptions of the news media as an institutional entity.  相似文献   

The suicide of rock star Kurt Cobain in 1994 raised immediate concerns among suicidologists and the public at large about the potential for his death to spark copycat suicides, especially among vulnerable youth. The Seattle community, where Cobain lived and died, was especially affected by his sudden death. An overview of Cobain's life and death is presented and various crisis center and community-based interventions that occurred are discussed. Preliminary data collected from the Seattle Medical Examiner's Office and from the Seattle Crisis Center to assess the potential impact of Cobain's death on completed suicides and the incidence of suicide crisis calls are presented. The data obtained from the Seattle King County area suggest that the expected “Werther effect” apparently did not occur, but there was a significant increase in suicide crisis calls following his death. It is hypothesized that the lack of an apparent copycat effect in Seattle may be due to various aspects of the media coverage, the method used in Cobain's suicide, and the crisis center and community outreach interventions that occurred. The Cobain suicide and the role of media influence on copycat suicides are further discussed in commentaries from public health and news media perspectives.  相似文献   

Media recommendations on suicide reporting are available in many countries and in different languages. Hong Kong newspapers have been found to be noncompliant with WHO recommendations. A booklet containing WHO media guidelines Preventing Suicide: A Resource for Media Professionals, and an awareness campaign were launched in November 2004 in Hong Kong. Content analysis was then conducted to compare the reporting of suicide news before and after the launch. Results indicate that certain reporting styles were changed in accordance with the recommendations; namely, lessened use of pictorial presentations and headlines mentioning suicides. Most of the changes were attributed to the tabloid‐style newspapers. This study suggests that programs to promote media recommendations tailored for journalists appear to be efficacious in altering their way of reporting.  相似文献   

A nationally representative sample of 968 local and national newspapers was examined to determine whether the 2001 U.S. media guidelines were followed in articles published in 2002-2003, and featuring individual cases of suicidal behavior (N = 157). We found that, during this period of time, U.S. newspaper suicide coverage did not consistently reflect the influence of the media guidelines. On the positive side, only 19% of stories included inappropriate imagery. On the negative side, suicide stories often detailed suicide method (56% of stories) and location (58%), and rarely provided information about warning signs and risk factors (1%), the roles of depression (4%) and alcohol (2%), and prevention resources (6%). Our findings, together with previous evidence, suggest the need for sustained dialogue with the media about suicide reporting.  相似文献   

Research on media impacts on suicide has been largely restricted to the United States, a Christian nation marked by moral aversion to suicide. The present study extends the analysis to an Eastern nation, Japan, where people are less critical of those who suicide. Such a cultural definition of suicide might multiply imitative effects. Yule-Walker times series estimates indicate that the imitative effect is restricted to stories concerning Japanese victims. Further, the increase is similar in magnitude to that reported in the American cultural context. The Japanese audience may not be as predisposed to media effects, given a lower divorce rate, low couple centeredness, and a high level of extended family social support. These factors may offset a potentially very high “Werther effect.” The model explains 88% of the variance in monthly Japanese suicide rates.  相似文献   

This article reviews 14 studies examining whether suicide prevention centers have a preventive effect on suicide rates. Seven studies were identified that provide some support for a preventive effect, one found an increase in the suicide rates, and six failed to find any significant effects (either preventive or facilitative). The studies' different methodologies are reviewed, and limitations on the authors' conclusions pointed out. The conclusion of this article is that the evidence provides support for a preventive effect from suicide prevention centers, albeit small and inconsistently found.  相似文献   

Media guidelines for reporting of suicide are considered important in suicide prevention because of the risk of “imitative” suicide. There are currently no established tools for the quantification of quality of reporting. We sought to develop and validate a quality assessment instrument—the Risk of Imitative Suicide Scale (RISc). The RISc appears capable of discriminating reliably between adherent and nonadherent articles. Our data suggest that adherence to guidelines is inconsistent, and there are major differences between web‐based and print media. The RISc could be used to evaluate effectiveness and consistency of media engagement with suicide prevention strategies.  相似文献   

This study investigated the nature of media coverage of a national entertainer's suicide and its impact on subsequent suicides. After the celebrity suicide, the number of suicide‐related articles reported surged around 80 times in the week after the suicide compared with the week prior. Many articles (37.1%) violated several critical items on the World Health Organization suicide reporting guidelines, like containing a detailed suicide method. Most gender and age subgroups were at significantly higher risk of suicide during the 4 weeks after the celebrity suicide. Results imply that massive and noncompliant media coverage of a celebrity suicide can cause a large‐scale copycat effect.  相似文献   

Research on the effect of suicide stories in the media on suicide in the real world has been marked by much debate and inconsistent findings. Recent narrative reviews have suggested that research based on nonfictional models is more apt to uncover imitative effects than research based on fictional models. There is, however, substantial variation in media effects within the research restricted to nonfictional accounts of suicide. The present analysis provides some explanations of the variation in findings in the work on nonfictional media. Logistic regression techniques applied to 419 findings from 55 studies determined that: (1) studies measuring the presence of either an entertainment or political celebrity were 5.27 times more likely to find a copycat effect, (2) studies focusing on stories that stressed negative definitions of suicide were 99% less likely to report a copycat effect, (3) research based on television stories (which receive less coverage than print stories) were 79% less likely to find a copycat effect, and (4) studies focusing on female suicide were 4.89 times more likely to report a copycat effect than other studies. The full logistic regression model correctly classified 77.3% of the findings from the 55 studies. Methodological differences among studies are associated with discrepancies in their results.  相似文献   

In light of continuing concerns about iatrogenic effects associated with suicide prevention efforts utilizing video‐based media, the impact of emotionally‐charged videos on two vulnerable subgroups—suicidal viewers and suicide survivors—was explored. Following participation in routine suicide education as a part of the U.S. Air Force Suicide Prevention Program's video‐based community briefing, a sample of young active duty airmen demonstrated small decreases in positive emotional states and larger decreases in negative emotional states, especially among suicidal females. No evidence of iatrogenic effects were observed among suicidal or survivor subgroups when compared to controls. Results support the use of video‐based media as a safe educational strategy that might actually serve to decrease emotional distress among vulnerable subgroups.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine whether age, gender, and depression level may moderate the effect of exposure to suicide news on the suicidality of college students in Taiwan. A representative sample of 3,222 college students were recruited from Southern Taiwan with a total of 2,602 useable surveys returned. Results showed that only depression level reached a significant moderating effect and further examination showed that the exposure to suicide news significantly predicted suicidality solely in the severely depressed group.  相似文献   

A film about two teenagers who commit suicide was shown to three groups of psychiatric inpatients: 17 who had attempted suicide, 20 who had expressed suicidal thoughts, and 10 who were not suicidal. Anxiety before and after the film was evaluated with psychometric (anxiety rating scale) and physiological tools (heart and respiration rate, blood pressure, electromyogram). Values noted before and after screening, and the degree of change in these values, were compared. In addition, psychomotor agitation was rated at several points during the film. Most results were negative. The suicide attempters had significantly lower postscreening heart rates and a significantly lesser change in heart and respiration rates than the other two groups. The suicide attempters revealed an increase in psychomotor agitation until the discovery of the suicide and a decrease thereafter, whereas the agitation of the nonsuicidal patients continued to increase from the start to the end of the film. The study suggests that on some parameters, suicide attempters reveal less anxiety than nonsuicidal psychiatric patients following exposure to a simulated suicide. The reaction of suicide ideators falls somewhere between the two groups.  相似文献   

The problem of suicide among young people is increasing at phenomenal rates. More young people die by suicide than from cancer and heart ailments combined. More than 4,000 young suicides are recorded each year, but no one knows how many suicide attempts fail. This article examines the problem of adolescent suicide and suicide attempts in relation to cultural factors, sex differences, and probable causes. Case studies help to identify symptomatic behavior. The importance of parents, teachers, and counselors in becoming alert to conflict and stress situations in youths is delineated. Community and school responsibility for leading youth to self-understanding and self-direction is crucial, and the article suggests several means of prevention through mental health and moral responsibility.  相似文献   

Religion impacts suicidality. One’s degree of religiosity can potentially serve as a protective factor against suicidal behavior. To accurately assess risk of suicide, it is imperative to understand the role of religion in suicidality. PsycINFO and MEDLINE databases were searched for published articles on religion and suicide between 1980 and 2008. Epidemiological data on suicidality across four religions, and the influence of religion on suicidality are presented. Practice guidelines are presented for incorporating religiosity into suicide risk assessment. Suicide rates and risk and protective factors for suicide vary across religions. It is essential to assess for degree of religious commitment and involvement to accurately identify suicide risk.  相似文献   

梁挺  张小远  王喆 《心理科学进展》2012,20(8):1287-1295
在西方国家,自杀“守门人”培训被认为是最有效的自杀预防策略之一.自杀“守门人”培训的具体内容包括传授基础知识、识别自杀征兆、初步评估自杀风险和转介自杀高危个体等4个方面;研究发现自杀“守门人”培训对受训者的知识、态度和干预技能有显著的积极影响,但其对自杀率的影响仍需今后的研究详细探讨;目前的研究存在以下不足:1)随机对照研究少;2)难以评估培训对自杀率的真实影响;3)评价指标单一,缺乏统一的评估工具.未来的研究应弥补现有研究的不足,并重视自杀“守门人”培训的跨文化研究.  相似文献   

Mass media campaigns are increasingly seen as an important part of suicide prevention; however, despite their popularity, their efficacy is not well understood. The current review aimed to address key knowledge gaps regarding how mass media campaigns can be optimized to prevent suicide, by looking at their global efficacy, and mechanisms related to successful outcomes. A systematic review of the international literature examined studies which evaluated mass media campaigns targeted at suicide prevention, where suicide behaviors (mortality, attempts) or suicide literacy (knowledge, attitudes, help‐seeking) was identified as a primary outcome. Thirteen articles describing 12 unique campaigns met eligibility criteria. For behavioral outcomes, mass media campaigns appear to be most effective when delivered as part of a multicomponent suicide prevention strategy, while “standalone campaigns” were modestly useful for increasing suicide literacy. Level of exposure, repeat exposure, and community engagement appeared to be fundamental to the success of these campaigns; however, these constructs were poorly adhered to in the development and implementation of campaigns. Overall, the mixed quality of the included studies highlights a need for increased quantity, consistency, and quality of evaluations to advance the evidence base.  相似文献   

There has been little work at the national level on the subject of musical subcultures and suicide acceptability. The present work explores the link between “heavy metal” rock fanship and suicide acceptability. Metal fanship is thought to elevate suicide acceptability through such means as exposure to a culture of personal and societal chaos marked by hopelessness, and through its associations with demographic risk factors such as gender, socioeconomic status, and education. Data are taken from the General Social Survey. A link between heavy metal fanship and suicide acceptability is found. However, this relationship becomes nonsignificant once level of religiosity is controlled. Metal fans are low in religiosity, which contributes, in turn, to greater suicide acceptability.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of mass media coverage of cancer on screening rates. In this online experiment, we assessed the influence of different types of mass media news articles (factual vs. emotive narratives) on cervical cancer screening intentions. We also tested the process through which mass media news articles influence screening intention. Participants (N = 141) were randomly allocated to receive either a news article containing factual information about screening, a news article containing an emotive narrative about a nonfamous woman who died after not being screened, or no information about screening. Participants, then, completed measures of stigma, fear, shame, and screening intention. Stigma toward people who had not been screened (i.e., public stigma) was greater when participants received an emotive narrative rather than factual information or no information. Moreover, we found a significant indirect effect of the manipulation on screening intention via public stigma. These results indicated that the emotive news article increased public stigma, which in turn predicted screening intention. Based on this, we argue that it is important to carefully consider the type of narrative that is included in mass media articles to ensure that it does not stigmatize people who have not been screened.  相似文献   

The worldwide English language literature on suicide in nurses is reviewed in this article. There is evidence from several countries that female nurses are at increased risk of suicide. Very little information is available about the specific causes. Increased risk in nurses has been statistically associated with smoking and negatively related to extent of caffeine consumption. Unlike some other high-risk occupational groups, it is unclear to what extent access to means for suicide contributes to nurses' risk. The methodological issues and specific needs of research concerning suicide in nurses are discussed.  相似文献   

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