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Brabant  Sarah  Mooney  Linda A. 《Sex roles》1997,37(3-4):269-281
In 1994, six months of Sunday comic strips (N = 78) were collected and coded for gender stereotypical images. Each of the family-oriented cartoons was analyzed for frequency of male and female appearance, location of appearance, major activities, and the presence or absence of reading material and the traditional symbol of domestication—the apron [S. Brabant (1976) Sex Role Stereotyping in the Sunday Comics, Sex Roles, Vol. 2, p. 336]. Results were compared to earlier findings from comparable samples in 1974 and 1984. The present research indicates two trends: 1) a movement away from some stereotypical images over the twenty years studied, while, at the same time, 2) a return to 1974 levels of gender stereotyping for other images. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article surveys the state of the literature on Hume’s epistemology, focusing on treatments of what has come to be known as the “Kemp Smith problem,” that is, the problem of reconciling Hume’s skepticism with his naturalism. It first surveys the literature on this issue with regard to the Treatise, moving on to briefly compare the Treatise and the Enquiry in virtue of their epistemological frameworks, before finally examining the literature with regard to the first Enquiry.  相似文献   

Plato (427BC-347BC) is the philosopher of ancient Greece, perhaps the greatest one. His thought has played an important role in the development of the ideas of Western philosophy as well as in that of the whole culture. Regarding to his foundational and profound influence, Plato may be compared to Confucius who played similar role in the Chinese traditional culture. Plato's works is the most representative crown in the treasury of the ancient Greek culture, which belongs not only to Westerners but also to all mankind.  相似文献   

This article aims to present “the state of the question” concerning prostitution. It is organized around an analysis of the various questions that current theorists take themselves to be answering when they defend decriminalization, some form of legalization, or the so‐called “Nordic model” of sex equality. By assessing these “framing questions,” as I shall call them, and the arguments stemming from them, we gain a powerful basis for understanding and critiquing the literature as a whole. In the end, I argue that the Nordic Model is superior in both its orienting method and its solution.  相似文献   

In this article, I discuss five major fault lines in the foundations of responsibility theory—a relatively new field—fault lines traceable to P. F. Strawson's groundbreaking “Freedom and Resentment.” They are about the proper methods and content of responsibility theory, and disputes over these foundational issues have led to a messy and wildly divergent set of theories and approaches in the field. My aim is simply to identify and sort out these fault lines so that we can at least agree on the source of our disagreements, and so that we may also perhaps realize the pressing need to address these fault lines first, in order to help resolve some of our downstream disputes and nurture responsibility theory into a more unified and theoretically sophisticated philosophical enterprise.  相似文献   

Children's talk about the mind has been scarcely studied in non‐English speakers. For this reason, this longitudinal study documents age‐related changes in German‐speaking children's internal state language. At 24, 30 and 36 months, children were administered general language tests and their internal state vocabulary levels were obtained via parental report. The developmental transition from a vocabulary rich in physiological, perceptual and desire terms to a vocabulary rich in a wider range of mental concepts confirmed previous research with French‐speaking and English‐speaking children and research in children's internal state comprehension. Further, children's category scores proved to be developmentally stable. Finally, with increasing age, children's category scores became more specifically related to each other, independent of general language skills. The results are discussed in regard to the universality of children's talk about the mind. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

柏拉图:西方"女性主义"的先驱者   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柏拉图是一位女性主义者吗?这个在西方哲学界争论不休的话题是围绕<理想国>的第5章展开的.  相似文献   

The essay starts by presenting two accounts of begging the question, John Biro's epistemic account and David Sanford's doxastic account. After briefly comparing these accounts, the essay will study an argument suspected of begging the question and subsequently apply the epistemic and doxastic accounts to this test case. It is found that the accounts of Biro and Sanford do not analyse the test case adequately, therefore a new account is developed using the idea of a knowledge-base.  相似文献   

"爱欲哲学"肇始于柏拉图对古希腊爱若斯神话所进行的哲学化加工。柏拉图依据辩证法把爱欲主体分成灵魂和身体,把爱欲客体分成型相与具象,褒灵魂而贬身体,重型相而轻具象,并视"缺乏"为爱欲的结构性本质,标志着爱欲哲学的诞生。后世的西方形而上学亦步亦趋地继承了他的爱欲哲学。黑格尔和海德格尔以"缺乏"为原则组织自己的爱欲哲学,分别陷入了精神分析学所说的"哀悼"和"抑郁症"的魔咒。德勒兹重拾为柏拉图所贬抑的身体爱欲观,把欲望看作生产性的,彻底颠覆了柏拉图的爱欲哲学,根本反转了柏拉图所开创的理性欲望路线。  相似文献   

本文要阐明的问题是:柏拉图和孔子二人是如何看待"虔诚"("孝")与正义之间的冲突和矛盾的?他们各自对这种冲突与矛盾又是如何作答的?以及"虔诚"("孝")的审美特征在两人的观点中各自起到了何种作用?从而进一步阐明伦理学与美学之间可能存在的联系,从而可以得出一个鲜明的观点,即:伦理价值是完全可以与审美价值分离的.从论述方法上,笔者分别审视柏拉图和孔子关于"虔诚"("孝")的观点,然后对二者审视的结果进行阐述.  相似文献   

The myth of the Jewish origins of philosophy and science is an ancient tradition dating from the Hellenistic period. It originated with pagan scholars, as part of the Greek-Hellenistic myth of the eastern origins of wisdom. Hellenistic-Jewish scholars acquired this theme from them, developed it further and transmitted it to the Church Fathers. In time, this myth achieved great popularity among Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Aristotle’s prominence in medieval culture gave rise to traditions claiming that he studied with Jewish sages and was deeply impressed and influenced by Jewish books. Some of these traditions even maintain that he converted to Judaism, or was born a Jew. Although stories about the Judaized Aristotle continued to circulate, many accounts of the Jewish sources of Plato also began to appear in various forms among Christian and Jewish scholars. Stories about Plato proliferated especially following the decline of the Aristotelian-Averroist tradition, when kabbalistic-hermetic influences were first discernible in the writings of Ficino and Pico della Mirandola in the late Quattrocento.  相似文献   

The paper considers Paul Natorp's Kantian reading of Plato's theory of ideas, as developed in his monumental work, Platos Ideenlehre, eine Einführung in den Idealismus (1903, 1921). Central to Natrop's reading are, I argue, the following two claims: (1) Plato's ideas are laws, not things; and (2) Plato's theory of ideas in the first instance a theory about the possibility and nature of thought - in particular cognitive and indeed scientific or explanatory thought - and only as a consequence is it a theory about the nature of reality. Natrop thus argues that Plato's theory of ideas is at its heart a transcendental theory, and that Plato's metaphysics is built on this basis. The paper considers these claims - and their textual basis in Plato - in some detail, and attempts an initial evaluation of their plausibility as a reading of Plato. I am on the whole sympathetic to Natorp's reading, though a proper assessment goes beyond the present paper. The wider interest of this idealist or anti-realist reading of Plato ought to be obvious, especially in view of the commonly accepted assumption these days that both Plato and Aristotle, and indeed the Greeks in general, took realism entirely for granted (see e.g. M. Burnyeat). Natorp argues that this is true of Aristotle, but quite untrue of Plato. But he is quite clear that the idealism he ascribes to Plato is not Berkeleyan or metaphysical idealism, but a certain kind of transcendental or epistemological idealism. Natorp, however, is no uncritical follower of Kant, and the version of trascendental idealism that he ascribes to Plato is, I argue, very different from Kant's.  相似文献   

Because of demographic changes and the prioritization of Medicare reimbursement, there is greater attention to the mental health needs of older adults. To better understand the current state of gerontological counseling research, the authors completed a content analysis of counseling scholarship spanning 26 years. Only 1.68% of the articles reviewed focused on topics related to gerontological counseling. The authors analyzed publishing patterns, topics explored, and the roles of theory and empirical research in gerontological counseling research.  相似文献   

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