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工作场所中员工创新的内驱力:员工创造力自我效能感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自我效能感在创新领域具体运用后,发展为创造力自我效能感, 是指个体对创造成功的信念。以往的研究多集中于教育领域。随着员工创新在组织创新中地位提升, 研究者发现, 对创新成功所抱有的信念是支撑员工将创新行为实施到底的重要内在力量, 创造力自我效能感的研究开始向组织领域拓展。文章对创造力自我效能感在组织领域的最新研究进行归纳,总结了影响员工创造力自我效能感的主要因素:领导支持、工作的复杂度等;提炼了员工创造力自我效能感与员工创新的关系, 说明员工创造力自我效能感无论是作为员工创新心理的一个维度, 还是作为一个独立变量在个体创新机制中起中介或者调节作用, 均与员工创新紧密相关; 最后, 提出下一步的研究需要对员工创造力自我效能感的测量以及影响因素进行深入研究, 为管理实践提供更多的理论依据。  相似文献   

魏秋江 《心理科学》2012,35(4):937-942
管理理论的研究已迈进创新/创造管理阶段,其典型代表为创造型领导力的理论研究。文章在探讨了创造与领导力关系的基础上,分析了创造型领导的影响效能,阐述了领导者创造思维的前因、领导者与员工创造思维过程研究。最后从创造型领导的技能与策略的发展、认知神经科学范式的采纳、多维整合等角度,评述未来研究趋势。  相似文献   

The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) was developed in 1966 and renormed five times: in 1974, 1984, 1990, 1998, and 2008. The total sample for all six normative samples included 272,599 kindergarten through 12th grade students and adults. Analysis of the normative data showed that creative thinking scores remained static or decreased, starting at sixth grade. Results also indicated that since 1990, even as IQ scores have risen, creative thinking scores have significantly decreased. The decrease for kindergartners through third graders was the most significant.  相似文献   

Students of creativity have long been interested in the relationship between creativity and deviant behaviors such as criminality, mental disease, and unethical behavior. In this study we wished to examine the relationship between creative thinking skills and ethical decision-making among scientists. Accordingly, 258 doctoral students in the health, biological, and social sciences were asked to complete a measure of creative processing skills (e.g., problem definition, conceptual combination, idea generation) and a measure of ethical decision-making examining four domains: data management, study conduct, professional practices, and business practices. It was found that ethical decision-making in all four of these areas was related to creative problem-solving processes with late-cycle processes (e.g., idea generation and solution monitoring) proving particularly important. The implications of these findings for understanding the relationship between creative and deviant thought are discussed.  相似文献   

Students of creativity have long been interested in the relationship between creativity and deviant behaviors such as criminality, mental disease, and unethical behavior. In the present study we wished to examine the relationship between creative thinking skills and ethical decision-making among scientists. Accordingly, 258 doctoral students in the health, biological, and social sciences were asked to complete a measure of creative processing skills (e.g., problem definition, conceptual combination, idea generation) and a measure of ethical decision-making examining four domains, data management, study conduct, professional practices, and business practices. It was found that ethical decision-making in all four of these areas was related to creative problem-solving processes with late cycle processes (e.g., idea generation and solution monitoring) proving particularly important. The implications of these findings for understanding the relationship between creative and deviant thought are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on interviews with 20 creative writers, this study explores the relationship between creativity and the family. Although most research in this area addresses the effect of parental influences on young creators, this study examines the effect of being a parent and a spouse once adult creators establish families of their own. The family affects writers in terms of (a) gender expectations, (b) material and symbolic constraints of parenthood, and (c) social support provided by spouses. These social forces affect men and women differently, and may help explain why there have been so few female creators. Locating creativity within the context of family relationships will further expand the study of creativity from a psychological phenomenon to a social process.  相似文献   

Drawing on Dewey's pragmatic perspective on talent cultivation and previous research on promoting employee creativity in industry, this study investigates student creativity performance in relation to teacher's encouragement, intrinsic motivation, and creative process engagement. Based on survey data collected from 140 vocational high school students who participated in a nation‐wide contest in Taiwan, path analyses were performed using structure equation modeling techniques. The results indicate that both teacher's encouragement and intrinsic motivation have a significant, although indirect, effect on student creativity, and that creative process engagement, as opposed to teacher encouragement or intrinsic motivation, has a direct and significant mediating effect on student creativity. This finding is in partial agreement with prior research which reports student creativity is positively associated with teacher encouragement and intrinsic motivation, highlighting the mediating role of creative process engagement in facilitating student creative performance.  相似文献   

天人问题是中国哲学的基本问题,天人的基本含义之一相当于我们现在通常说的自然与人;基本含义之二是视天人为有德性(道德)的、有能动性的动态的、协调的存在。中国哲学中的这种天人观在《易传》中表现为"生生"——"感通"——"偕行"的天人共生态。《易传》既将天人视为一个"生生不息"的自然的生命有机体,又充分发掘天人的德性,并使二者相资相长,"日新之谓盛德,生生之谓易",天地人各有其位,各尽其能,各循其道,"各正性命",一体偕行,共生共存共荣。  相似文献   

Creativity plays a critical role in today’s society by aiding an individual’s response to the mounting complications of modern life and assisting in the maintenance of mental health. Though counselors seek to promote similar developments in their clients, they often do so without the benefit of any particular training in theories of creativity or creativity-enhancing techniques. This article examines literature in the fields of creativity, counseling, and education to highlight the essential nature of creative processes in counseling and psychotherapy, ultimately presenting a rationale for the incorporation of creativity in counselor education.  相似文献   

诠释的创造性与"创造的诠释学"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自施莱尔马赫奠定现代诠释学以来,经过了一个多世纪的发展,已发展成为一股令人瞩目的世界性哲学思潮。如今,这股思潮突破语言的界线,延伸到了具有悠久历史传统的中国哲学领域。一批海外华裔学者率先对此作出了回应,而美国天普大学傅伟勋教授建立的“创造的诠释学”尤为引人注目。它虽发端于释老之学,然又融会了西方哲学的诠释方法论,在诠释学方法规则的制定上具有独特的建树。在这个意义上,它是融合中、西思想的诠释学形态。其宗旨是构建一个诠释的方法论规则体系,以现代化地重建传统哲学。  相似文献   

Creative idea selection—the selection of the most creative idea(s) from available ideas—is an important yet understudied topic. Creative idea selection can be performed by the idea generator (i.e., intrapersonal selection) or by another person (i.e., interpersonal selection). In the current research, we examined whether these two types of selection lead to different levels of performance. Participants generated six creative ideas to solve a societal problem. Thereafter, two selection tasks—intrapersonal selection and interpersonal selection—were performed. During intrapersonal selection, the idea generator selected the most creative idea from his/her own ideas; during interpersonal selection, another person made the selection from the same ideas. We found no effect of intrapersonal and interpersonal selection on creative idea selection performance: People selected ideas of identical creativity, irrespective of whether that idea was from themselves or from others. Moreover, we replicated the earlier finding that people perform suboptimally at creative idea selection, failing to select ideas that were more creative than an average idea, for both intrapersonal and interpersonal selection.  相似文献   

The identification of creative potential in mathematics poses many challenges. Much of the research into the identification of mathematical creativity has focused on the development of measurement instruments. Scoring of these instruments is time consuming and subject to scorer interpretation, limiting their use. This study sought a simpler means to obtain indicators of creative potential in mathematics. Existing instruments were used to explore the relationship between mathematical creativity and mathematical achievement, attitude towards mathematics, self-perception of creative ability, gender, and teacher perception of mathematical talent and creative ability. Data were gathered from 89 7th graders in a suburban Connecticut school. The regression model predicted 35% of the variance in mathematical creativity scores. Mathematical achievement was the strongest predictor accounting for 23% of the variance. Student attitudes towards mathematics, self-perception of their own creative abilities, and gender contributed the remaining 12% of variance. Interpretation of the relative importance of the independent variables was complicated by correlations among them.  相似文献   

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