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凉山彝族崇拜女性自身的生育魂"格非",并盛行与生育魂有关的各种求育的法事.崇拜女性生育魂,实际上是崇拜女性的生殖能力,凉山彝族崇拜女性生殖能力的目的是祈求能生育出延续家谱、为祖先超度灵魂的儿子来,而这又与男性在社会组织制度中所担任的角色有关.  相似文献   

2001年,人类生殖科学研究领域取得多项重大突破:美国科学家研制的一种电脑控制芯片,可以使受精和胚胎发育的早期过程在一个芯片内完成;中国科学院通过探索与精子成熟相关的功能基因,寻找到一种调控生育的“基因钥匙”,澳大利亚科学家发明的“单亲无精生殖技术”,使女人生孩子可以不要男人的“贡献”等等。  相似文献   

从"独身女性可生育"引发的伦理道德和法律思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<吉林省人口与计划生育条例>(2002)规定"独身女性可生育".辅助生育技术使生育与婚姻、性行为的联系,家庭亲缘与社会人伦关系,继承权、赡养权、抚养权、人格尊严权等均形成冲击,易引起家庭、医疗及社会纠纷.应使生命科学在法制的规范下与伦理道德协调发展,更好地为人类服务.  相似文献   

通过分析新疆医科大学第一附属医院生殖助孕中心400余对接受辅助生殖技术治疗不育夫妇知情同意过程,观察不育夫妇知情同意满意度,发现采取的8种方式可以提高不育夫妇的知情同意满意度,分阶段、反复的信息告知同时结合个体化的咨询、答疑是知情同意的基础,也是辅助生殖技术实施过程中知情同意实施的较好的方式.  相似文献   

已婚育龄妇女的生殖健康水平影响家庭经济和后代素质,存在着民族差异.笔者调查少数民族已婚育龄妇女生殖健康现状,从社会、经济、文化等方面分析发现,民族、文化水平、经济状况、社会生殖保健服务体系是其影响因素.在生活方式、禁忌习俗与社会风尚方面,如何兴利除弊、因势利导和促进男女平等是改善各民族生殖健康状况的关键.  相似文献   

生育伦理与人口控制社会化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在影响人口发展的诸因素中,生育伦理是影响相对持久、相对直接的一个重要因素。在现代人口发展理论的框架下,人口控制社会化,是人口控制的必然选择,这种控制方式的实施,就必须把正确的社会生育伦理转变为人们的生育观和生育意愿。使人口控制的手段由他律为主转变为自律为主。  相似文献   

在影响人口发展的诸因素中,生育伦理是影响相对持久、相对直接的一个重要因素.在现代人口发展理论的框架下,人口控制社会化,是人口控制的必然选择,这种控制方式的实施,就必须把正确的社会生育伦理转变为人们的生育观和生育意愿.使人口控制的手段由他律为主转变为自律为主.  相似文献   

实施人类辅助生殖技术如何维护医患权益   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据卫生部有关法规,结合我院实施人类辅助生殖技术中维护患者知情同意权的做法、认识和体会,探讨了医患双方的基本权利和义务、特殊项目的知情同意以及在实施辅助生育过程中应处理好的几个关系.  相似文献   

目前关于生殖系基因治疗技术的伦理争论仍然十分激烈.这些争论的核心环节在于"父母生育一个健康血缘后代的需要"如何获得道德合理性论证,而目前很多研究在某种程度上忽视了这一问题,因而既不能解释这些伦理争论产生的原因,也不能为解决这一问题提供有效的指导.  相似文献   

目前关于生殖系基因治疗技术的伦理争论仍然十分激烈。这些争论的核心环节在于"父母生育一个健康血缘后代的需要"如何获得道德合理性论证,而目前很多研究在某种程度上忽视了这一问题,因而既不能解释这些伦理争论产生的原因,也不能为解决这一问题提供有效的指导。  相似文献   

胰岛细胞再生是治愈1型糖尿病和胰岛β细胞功能丧失的2型糖尿病的根本途径。体外再生和体内再生两种策略都是通过将干细胞或其他类型体细胞分化或转化为胰岛细胞后发挥胰岛素分泌功能,从而治疗糖尿病。基础研究显示,两者存在着各自的优势和面临的问题。胰岛细胞再生治疗的临床应用前景尚需要进一步加以考证。  相似文献   

This article examines how affective atmospheres are constituted and used to sustain regeneration megaprojects. I argue that certain affective atmospheres engendered in particular urban contexts are essential to facilitating transformation in contemporary urban areas. Through the convergence of affective encounters, spatial imaginations and common goals in performative ways, affective atmospheres are forged and circulated to legitimise political decisions and urban policies. Moving beyond the conventional approach to examining waterfront regeneration, this paper attempts to capture the inherent relationship between affective dynamics and spatial practices that characterises megaprojects and dominates public opinion.The key claim of this article is that regeneration projects are emotionally mediated and sustained on the foundations of affective atmospheres in which myriad affects underlying everyday life are assembled to enhance municipal power and direct pubic concerns. The presented case study shows that the Asia New Bay Area (ANBA) project activated an affective atmosphere in a context-specific way, in which affective sensations situated in place experiences are assembled to challenge the physical and political landscape. It demonstrates that unfolding the city's affective, emotional and atmospheric resonances is critical to grasping how the megaproject can be justified and, furthermore, the orientation and rationale of spatial practices. Finally it outlines pragmatic suggestions for policy reform that address regeneration megaprojects in socially meaningful ways.  相似文献   

Human pain, especially when severe, chronic, and life-threatening, is a distinct challenge to hope. A review of recent research regarding human pain and its effects supports this idea. A pastoral theology that attends to the way of the cross and the hope of the resurrection can guide ministry with persons facing this challenge. The meditations and reflections of John Tully Carmody during his season of suffering with multiple myeloma are illustrative and instructive.  相似文献   

The ethics of funding embryonic stem cell research: a Catholic viewpoint   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Stem cell research that requires the destruction of human embryos is incompatible with Catholic moral principles, and with any ethic that gives serious weight to the moral status of the human embryo. Moreover, because there are promising and morally acceptable alternative approaches to the repair and regeneration of human tissues, and because treatments that rely on destruction of human embryos would be morally offensive to many patients, embryonic stem cell research may play a far less significant role in medical progress than proponents believe.  相似文献   

Since we have learned that human organs can be used to treat severe health problems, only donation has been considered for organ procurement. Among the other possibilities that can be used after a person’s death, purchase or systematic removal have been a priori rejected. However, we will show that the appeal to individual altruism have resulted in some of the aporias of the present situation. Subsequently, we will consider how systematic organ removal from deceased persons can be made acceptable in liberal and democratic societies. Finally, we will suggest that individual choices with regard to systematic organ removal could well be registered in a way that allows proper implementation of present French legislation.  相似文献   

To understand others’ minds is crucial for survival; however, it is quite puzzling how access to others’ minds can be—to some extent—direct and not necessarily mediated by conceptual reasoning. Recent advances in neuroscience have led to hypothesize a role for motor circuits not only in controlling the elementary physical features of movement (e.g., force, direction, and amplitude), but also in understanding and shaping human behavior. The concept of “motor cognition” refers to these aspects, and neurophysiological, neuroimaging, and behavioral studies in human and nonhuman primates support this view. From a clinical perspective, motor cognition represents a challenge in several domains. A thorough investigation of the neural mechanisms mediating motor action/intention understanding and automatized/compulsive behaviors seems to be a promising way to tackle a range of neurodevelopmental and drug-related disorders. On the one hand, anomalies in motor cognition may have cascade effects on social functioning in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); on the other, motor cognition may help explain the pathophysiology of drug-seeking and drug-taking behaviors in the most severe phase of drug addiction (i.e., see drug dependence, motor low-order cue reactivity). This may represent a promising approach that could improve the efficacy of rehabilitative interventions. The only way to shed light on multifactorial disorders such as ASD and drug addiction is through the investigation of their multiple factors. This motor way can promote new theoretical and experimental perspectives that would help bridge the gap between the basic neuroscience approach and clinical practice.  相似文献   

“道德”探幽   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德既是人之为人的内在规定性,亦是人的自由存在方式,既是人对存在的反思性把握,亦是人的反思性存在方式。  相似文献   

There is surmounting evidence in the literature demonstrating that social pain (e.g. rejection, humiliation, and isolation) and physical pain (e.g. injury or assault) overlap in personal experiences. The present investigation focuses on second‐hand perceptions of social and physical pain. We argue that judgments of others' pain may vary as a function of group membership. By integrating research on intergroup bias in pain judgment with intergroup attributions of humanity, we predicted that observers tend to underestimate social pain more than physical pain in out‐groups compared with in‐groups. Across two studies that considered different scenarios, we found that Italian participants attributed less severe social pain when considering an out‐group (Chinese and Ecuadorian) than an in‐group member. No such effect was found for physical pain. Overall, the current work suggests an additional way through which people preserve a privileged human status to in‐group members while denying out‐group members' humanness. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This article reviews the complex origins of modern human rights discourse, and the diversity of views hidden within that discourse. It suggests that the Christian Church should locate itself within this complexity by way of four basic categories: as beneficiary of human rights; as object of human rights obligations; as promoter of public justice; and as exemplar of a community of human flourishing. In each case, there needs to be a careful appropriation and critique of the language and reasoning of human rights.  相似文献   

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