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Neutralizations are important explanations for the rise and persistence of deviant behavior. We can find many different and overlapping techniques of neutralizations in the literature, which may be a reason for inconsistent research findings on the use and influence of neutralization techniques. Therefore, by following both a deductive and an inductive approach, this article develops a model that covers these techniques in a logical way. This is a novel approach in studying neutralization techniques. We distinguish four categories of neutralizations: distorting the facts, negating the norm, blaming the circumstances, and hiding behind oneself. Based on a broad inventory of neutralizations that are identified in the literature – something that has not been done before – we operationalized each of the four categories into three techniques, each of which consists of five subtechniques. The resulting model aims to reduce the risk of arbitrariness in the selection of techniques for empirical research and thereby facilitates more consistent future research findings. The model also aims to help better understand how neutralizations work.  相似文献   

Small ungulates may compete with larger species through higher mobility, greater aggressiveness, and/or by larger group sizes. We observed a herd of approximately 100 red deer (Cervus elaphus) and 130 fallow deer (Dama dama) at the Žehušice Deer Park during supplemental feeding to determine whether fallow deer can displace red deer at feeding sites and to describe strategies used for displacement. Data were analyzed during the antlered period (AP) when males of both species had hard antlers and the cast period (CP) when all red deer stags had cast antlers, but fallow bucks were still in a hard antler. We conducted 41 observation sessions, 29 during the AP and 12 during the CP. In both periods red deer were more numerous than fallow deer at the feeding sites. Fallow bucks initially waited until red deer arrived at the feeding site, after which they attacked any red deer. Fallow bucks were more aggressive than red deer stags or hinds. When stags retaliated, the bucks turned their attacks toward hinds. During feeding sessions, attacks against hinds intensified, while bucks avoided encounters with stags. As a result, in most cases (90%), red deer vacated the feeding site before the supplementary food was depleted. In contrast, fallow does not compete with the larger red deer and selected other sources of food in the park. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

High achievers constitute a unique case in that they are simultaneously positive deviants—often to parents and teachers—and stigmatized as rate-busters—often to peers. Thus, a question is raised: Are theories that have been used to explain negative behaviors, such as the techniques of neutralization theory, also pertinent to positive behaviors? A group of high-achieving students were interviewed and it was found that each of the five techniques of neutralization was in fact advanced as a way of coping with the stigma, or the rate-busting portion, of their status.  相似文献   

Neutralization theory posits that criminals assuage feelings of guilt they feel as a consequence of their actions by developing thoughts that justify their deviant behavior. The process is believed to occur prior to the act, and is seen as enabling the deviant behavior. A large body of research has been conducted demonstrating that neutralization “techniques” are used by many criminals. The present work seeks to determine if members of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) use techniques of neutralization. The method used was a content analysis of anonymous communiqués written by the ALF. The results indicate that ALF members do indeed use various techniques of neutralization to justify their actions, including what may be a newly identified technique, “appeal to a higher moral principle.” Moreover, as the ALF is motivated by a particular ideology, it seems reasonable to conclude that these techniques were developed in the minds of the communiqué authors prior to the criminal actions they perpetrated.  相似文献   


“Communicative work directed to transforming an individual's total identity into an identity lower in the group's social types is called a ‘status degradation ceremony'” (Garfinkel 1956, p. 420). Status degradation ceremonies are particularly troublesome for undercover narcotics agents. In this context, they act as the mechanism by which agents’ dissembled identities are questioned and their real police ones revealed. This process, what officers call “getting narced,” is the topic of the present paper. Explored here are both its causes and the responses officers proffer to neutralize full identity exposure. Causes are tactical in nature and involve transactional overaggressiveness. Neutralization responses are dramaturgical in nature and involve sarcastic admission, evidential refutation, and belligerent denial/threatening retort. Discussion focuses on the conceptual implications of officers’ counteruncovering moves (Goffman 1969) as these relate to the sociology of accounts (Scott and Lyman 1968). Data were drawn from ethnographic interviews with 30 high school undercover officers operating out of a large U.S. city.  相似文献   

Joel Best 《Deviant behavior》2013,34(5):483-492

Neutralization theory states that deviant behavior is determined by the use of accounts rather than by an individual's acceptance of a social norm. A critical review of neutralization theory shows that (a) neutralization is only a weak predictor of norm-contradictive behavior, (b) high norm-acceptance seems to amplify the neutralization-behavior effect but might not be a prerequisite, and (c) in contrast to Minor's hardening process assumption, prior norm violation should increase impact of neutralization on behavior rather than decrease it. Future directions of neutralization research are suggested, based on a situational analysis of the neutralization process.  相似文献   

Identifying the respective functions of distinct call types is an important step towards understanding the diversification of mammal vocal repertoires. Red deer (Cervus elaphus) stags give two distinct types of roars during the rut, termed ‘common roars’ and ‘harsh roars’. This study tests the hypothesis that harsh roars function to raise and maintain female attention to calling males. To this end, we examined the response of female red deer to playback sequences of common roar bouts including a bout of harsh roars midway through the sequence. We found that females not only substantially increased their attention to the bout of harsh roars but also then maintained overall higher attention levels to subsequent common roar bouts. Our results suggest that the specific acoustic characteristics of male red deer harsh roar bouts may have evolved to engage and maintain the attention of female receivers during the breeding season. More generally, they indicate a possible evolutionary path for the diversification of male sexual vocal repertoires.  相似文献   

A path model illustrating the relationships between church attendance, delinquent peer association, tendency to neutralize delinquency, and self-reported delinquent behavior was compared between males and females and between Mexican-American and Anglo college students (N = 694). The structure of the relationships among these variables was found to be similar across all four subsamples, although there was some variation in the strength of the relationships. In all four subsamples, the strongest paths were between neutralization and delinquent behavior, especially among Anglos and among males, and the weakest paths were between church attendance and delinquent behavior. On the other hand, church attendance was more strongly related to having fewer delinquent peers among Anglos and females. The path models explained substantial amounts of variation in delinquent behavior: 38% among Anglos, 32% among females, 31% among males, and 30% among Mexican-Americans.  相似文献   

We explore how societies convince citizens to “go to hell,” where they kill strangers and risk their own lives. Our premise is that killing is difficult for most, regardless of context and widely considered a form of extreme deviance. Using Sykes and Matza’s techniques of neutralization, we show how this aversion to killing is neutralized by placing individuals in organized—both macro-level bureaucratic and micro-level small primary groups—to justify killing. Consequently, the neutralization of mass killing illustrates the role of power in defining deviance, and the failure of neutralizations may sometimes explain Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.  相似文献   

Two trials were carried out to determine: (a) if there is a positive relation between the frequency of aggressive interactions among female pampas deer and their position within the hierarchy (HI), (b) if short-term removal of the male triggers an increase in the frequency of aggression, and (c) if the magnitude of this increase is related to the individual rank position of the female. Each of 19 breeding groups comprised one adult male and from four to six adult females. The HI was determined for each female and all aggressive interactions were recorded. These were recorded while the male was present (i.e., all of Trial 1 and the “with male” period in Trial 2) and after removal of the male (i.e., the “without male” period in Trial 2). The individual percentage change in the frequency of aggressive interactions after male removal was calculated. In Trial 1 the HI, the frequency of different types of aggressive interaction and the total of aggressive interactions were positively related (all: p < .001; General Linear Mixed Model [GLMM]). In Trial 2, the frequency of total aggressive interactions increased after male removal (F(1, 27) = 3.5; p < .001; GLMM). The individual percentage changes in aggressive interaction between periods were positively related to HI (F(6, 24) = 2.56; p = .05; GLMM). For female pampas deer maintained in breeding groups, we conclude that the frequency of aggressive interactions increases within the hierarchy. Aggression also increases after the short-term removal of the male, mainly among females of higher social status.  相似文献   

Techniques of neutralization have become one of the most ubiquitous concepts in the study of deviance. This article examines the way in which analysts who use neutralization theory construct the nature of deviance and those who engage in it. The author argues that by invoking the concept of neutralizations, analysts endorse the deviant label being applied to those they study and engage in the practice of “motive mongering.” In many cases, assumptions about the behavior and disposition of those who engage in deviant behavior have been accepted without empirical justification. The implications of this practice for objectivist and subjectivist approaches to defining deviance are examined.  相似文献   

Heavy drinking and sexual assault are prevalent among college students who attend parties hosted by fraternities and athletic teams, and accusations often produce victim blaming and disbelief. We provide a symbolic interactionist explanation of how subculturally held sentiments shape students’ perceptions. We find that fraternity or athletic team party attendees (but not those who drink in other settings) are more likely than abstainers to hold stereotypical definitions of rape, rate sexual assault as less likely, and are less likely to acknowledge an assault as rape. This study offers a potential mechanism—meanings transmitted and sustained within subcultures—for explaining the denial of rape among students who attend parties hosted by fraternities or athletic teams.  相似文献   

T D Norris  R A Dodder 《Adolescence》1979,14(55):545-555
This paper develops some ideas in Matza's Neutralization theory into a continuum containing four categories ranging from extreme goodness to rebellion. We labeled these categories as Moral Absolute, Situational Ethic, Neutralization, and Rebellious Absolute. We discuss the percentages expected in each category and hypothesize that involvement in delinquency will increase progressively across these four categories. The rationale behind this hypothesis is that youth in the United States are viewed as being socialized to accept absolute norms but also to allow exceptions to these norms for particular situations, and that delinquent youth extend these exceptions to zones wider than are tolerated by law officers and wider than are generally accepted. A modified version of the Nye-Short self-reported delinquency scale and measures of normative oreintation which we constructed were used in a mail-out questionnaire to public school students (N = 351). We view our findings as being basically consistent with these expectations.  相似文献   

Many children in need of psychotherapy are latency-age boys who have little or no contact with their fathers. Their problems typically include low self-esteem, identity problems, depression, difficulties in peer relationships, and aggression. Clinical material illustrates that the consequences for the child of fatherlessness depend on many factors, among them the mother's attitude to the father and other mature males. If the mother devalues all men, her son has little space to grow into a healthy adult. The male therapist may be experienced as a threat to the mother-son union, which may render his efforts to help the boy fruitless. If, in contrast, the mother's experiences of her own father and other men are more positive, her pride in her son's masculinity may strengthen his need to find support for his male development. These observations are discussed as affecting the capacity for triadic object representations in mothers and sons.  相似文献   

张继 《管子学刊》2004,(2):62-65
中和思想反映的是中国古代人的朴素辩证的思维模式,西周时期基于社会大变革及意识形态的巨大变化发展成为指导法制建设的法制思想。中和思想在处理民族矛盾的宏观法制建设中和微观法律适用及司法实践中都起了重要作用,对中和思想及法制实践的研究对于弥补西周法史研究的不足有重要意义。  相似文献   

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