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《周易》尊崇的经典地位是在西汉时期确立的,汉《易》之特色在于象数学大昌。汉代易学既以其哲理观念的宏观层面的影响,更以其卦爻符号、象数模式的具体形态的影响,介入政治、经济、军事、伦理等核心领域,也介入天文历法、物候气象、灾异、医药等自然科学领域,还介入音乐、文学、建筑等艺术领域,表现出易学文化解释功能的扩张。汉代易学文化解释功能之扩张,对当时及后世均产生极大的影响,具有独特的文化意义。  相似文献   

唐宋时期的大理是南诏、大理国等六个王朝和政权五百多年的京畿之地,是11世纪世界十四座大城市之一和亚洲文化十字路口的古都.自汉代传人云南洱海地区的易学对南诏、大理国的政治思想、宗教教育、建筑规划、城市布局、艺术创作等皆产生了极其重要的作用和深远的影响.本文通过作者对南诏、大理国都城的系统研究,从王都的选址、整体规划布局及建筑格式与风格等方面来论述易学运用对中国南方少数民族王朝都城建设和规划的影响.  相似文献   

Inspired by a panel which took place at the 2018 IARPP conference in New York – this paper, which deals with the bilingualism of the language of the victim and the language of the perpetrator, offers a close reading of the panel’s three papers, trying to characterize their unique poetics of testimony through a differentiation between four modes of traumatic testimony which are distinguished from one another by the degree of the psychic motility they succeed to form in relation to traumatic memories: the “metaphoric”, the “metonymic”, the “excessive” and the “Muselmann” testimonial modes. The last part of the paper suggests a link between the testimonial language of the victim and the testimonial language of the victimizer, trying to understand these polarized languages as two variations of the refusal to mourn.  相似文献   

今本<周易>序卦是一件完美的数学作品.序卦的分布规律体现于一系列的数列之中,但是,假如这些排列规律彼此间缺乏关联性,显得孤立、分散,便难以真正体现序卦排列的数学规律性.经过更深入的研究,笔者发现这些排列规律并非彼此分散、互不相干的,而是互有关联,整合成一个完美的统一体.序卦排列数学规律其鲜明的特点有四:其一是连续性,其二是周期性,其三是对称性,其四是关联性.连续性、周期性体现其简易性,对称性、关联性体现其统一性.简易性、统一性体现其完美性.  相似文献   

<周易>古经虽没有出现阴阳、刚柔概念,但已经以奇偶为依据,将二爻、八卦设置为属性阴柔和阳刚的两仪二分结构,重卦而成的六十四卦及每卦中的六爻因此形成上下卦之间、各爻之间种种阴阳刚柔关系.由<周易>对其分合处位的态度以及与之相应的吉凶判定可见其对于阴阳交合、刚柔持衡的钟爱和追求.  相似文献   

试论宋儒人文性格的时代特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受时代变迁和社会环境的影响,宋儒的人文性格呈现出鲜明的时代特质。他们所表现出来的“仕以行道”、以天下为己任的理想与豪情,严格的道德自律精神,深沉、浓重的忧患意识,参禅悟道、争相趋禅之风尚,从一定意义上讲,都与当时的社会文化环境密切相联。宋儒人文性格之形成与涵养,涵摄了个人自身和与之相应的社会文化现象的多重因素。  相似文献   

Law  Andrew 《Philosophical Studies》2021,178(4):1301-1314

There is an old but powerful argument for the claim that exhaustive divine foreknowledge is incompatible with the freedom to do otherwise. A crucial ingredient in this argument is the principle of the “Fixity of the Past” (FP). A seemingly new response to this argument has emerged, the so-called “dependence response,” which involves, among other things, abandoning FP for an alternative principle, the principle of the “Fixity of the Independent” (FI). This paper presents three arguments for the claim that FI ought to be preferred to FP.


有关《姤卦》意的解释,历来众说纷纭。通过研究周王朝初期社会习俗,特别是婚姻制度的制定和施行,结合文献,分析象意,考据卦辞,认为本卦的主题旨在宣扬周礼婚姻制度的必要性、时代性、进步性,同时也表现了这一婚姻制度的局限性,悲剧性。并对当前《易经》研究的一些不足现象,从注重历史、卦身分析、占辞研究等方面提出看法和建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对《周易研究》自1988年创刊以来至2005年底刊登的64篇有关“出土易学文献研究”的论文进行归类阐述与分析研究,梳理了《周易研究》所关注“出土易学文献研究”的脉络,为今后本刊确立研究重点与方向提供了系统的分析资料。  相似文献   

工业化革命的动力打造了当代医学的昌明和繁盛,而工业化思维即成为当代医学向高层次发展的新羁绊。工业化思维的价值取向,使当代医学走向刻板和教化,耐日益失去应有的灵性和柔性,其僵硬的模式化治疗体系与高度个性化的代谢性新疾病群形成了巨大的反差。医学的技术语汇应匡正“恶”行,择“善”而为,追求和谐,这是当代医学走出工业化阴影的必然出路。  相似文献   

试论网络文化的心理代偿功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
博玫 《心理学探新》2004,24(4):17-19,61
e时代,网络文化的心理功能成为心理学研究的新领域,本文从网络文化的狂欢性角度,探讨了网络文化在心理代偿机制中的独特性和社会意义。  相似文献   

Two studies examined narcissism and behavior in a commons dilemma. Study 1 used a four-person, laboratory-based task and Study 2 used a dyadic task. Participants were told that they represented one of four (Study 1) or two (Study 2) forestry companies and then were asked to harvest timber from a renewable forest. Narcissism was found to be positively related to acquisitive goals and harvesting more timber in the initial round. The more narcissists harvesting in the competitive group of four (Study 1) or dyad (Study 2), the less timber was harvested overall and the more rapidly the forest was depleted. Within competitive groups and dyads, however, narcissists harvested more than the nonnarcissists competing with them. In all, narcissism provided a benefit to the self, but at a long-term cost to other individuals and to the commons.  相似文献   

A group of very low birthweight preterm infants (mean WEIGHT = 1193.6 g; mean gestational AGE = 31.1 weeks) were examined with the PREMIE. The PREMIE is a modification of the scoring system of the full term Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment (BNBAS) examination for use with preterm infants. Infants were assessed during the acute phase of cardio-respiratory illness (mean AGE = 7 days) and during the recovery phase (mean AGE = 22 days). Many modifications in procedure were required. Several analyses were performed to assess the redundancy and the comparative validity of the scoring systems of the PREMIE, the BNBAS, and the BNBAS + (the BNBAS plus a set of five additional preterm items). Results indicated that the three scoring systems were highly redundant, that they were equally related to physiologic and clinical variables, and that they were similar in their sensitivity to behavioral change and stability. Overall the results offered little in the way of differentiating among these three scoring systems with this group of infants, raising doubts about the need to use the PREMIE or other scoring systems like it for many research purposes.  相似文献   

The way one asks a question is shaped by a-priori assumptions and constrains the range of possible answers. We identify and test the assumptions underlying contemporary debates, models, and methodology in the study of the neural correlates of consciousness, which was framed by Crick and Koch’s seminal paper (1990). These premises create a sequential and passive conception of conscious perception: it is considered the product of resolved information processing by unconscious mechanisms, produced by a singular event in time and place representing the moment of entry. The conscious percept produced is then automatically retained to be utilized by post-conscious mechanisms. Major debates in the field, such as concern the moment of entry, the all-or-none vs graded nature, and report vs no-report paradigms, are driven by the consensus on these assumptions. We show how removing these assumptions can resolve some of the debates and challenges and prompt additional questions. The potential non-sequential nature of perception suggests new ways of thinking about consciousness as a dynamic and dispersed process, and in turn about the relationship between conscious and unconscious perception. Moreover, it allows us to present a parsimonious account for conscious perception while addressing more aspects of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

It is legitimate to imagine that the Church would have been different had it not been for the courage and insight of Pope John XXIII, who convened the Second Ecumenical Council, completed after him by Pope Paul VI. It initiated extensive reform in the Catholic Church, both in the way she understands herself and as she sees her presence and interaction with the (secular) world. This Ecumenical Council also invited Religious Congregations and Institutes of Consecrated Apostolic Life to engage in a process of renewal (aggiornamento) that would bring them also into line with the new theology of the Second Vatican Council. The Missionaries of Africa, under the leadership of Fr Léo Volker, undertook this thorough renewal before, during and after the 1967 General Chapter. This article explores how aggiornamento changed our Missionary Family and how it impacted on the local churches in Africa which we served.  相似文献   

为了保证公民道德建设取得实效,我们必须做到以下三个有机结合:他律机制和自律机制有机结合;灌输机制和接受机制有机结合;普遍性和特殊性有机结合。  相似文献   

帛书《二三子问》作为解经之作,其论述是依《易》之经文展开的。《二三子问》论《易》屡称"龙德",分别从龙与天地阴阳的关系,龙的变化特性,龙之德在人类社会中的体现三个方面进行论证,表达作者的易学观。在此基础上,《二三子问》的作者通过对卦爻辞的诠释,以阐述施政艰难的方式表达忧患意识,同时通过比较人君、贤者、君子、小人的不同德行,表达重德的核心观念,凸显忧患意识。  相似文献   

文德尔班开创的新康德主义价值哲学,是对黑格尔之后以危机形式表现出的“哲学合法性’’的探求,在这种探求中,文氏继承了洛采的价值思想,并将其置于康德先验哲学的框架中,从而建构了独具特色的先验价值哲学。  相似文献   

Terence Penelhum has written extensively about the role of the idea of the self in Hume's account of the emotional and moral life of persons. Penelhum fails to notice, however, a change that takes place in the way that the idea of the self functions in Hume's account of the passions as that account evolved after the Treatise. This paper charts part of that evolution, and reflects on its significance for Hume's moral psychology.  相似文献   

当前,医学美学作为技术美学涵盖下的一个分支,在口腔修复诊疗工作中,起着从未有过的重要作用.它以哲学的研究方法,运用艺术的手段,正自觉或不自觉地影响着口腔医护人员的工作.本文以口腔诊疗活动中形式美的审美为基点,讨论了几个有关的问题.  相似文献   

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