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Simone de Beauvoir has written of the sense of excitement that marked Jean-Paul Sartre's first encounter with the thought of Husserl and Heidegger. Perhaps no work of Sartre's communicates this excitement, and the reason for it, quite so transparently as his brief 1939 essay on Husserl's notion of intentionality. Husserl here appears as a revolutionary, almost as a saviour, who has provided the necessary key for putting philosophy back in touch with the ordinary experience which both French realism and French idealism had vainly sought to characterize. Realism and idealism alike had been guilty in effect of a reduplication of things in consciousness, dependence on an often unexpressed correspondence theory which made mental surrogates for the real the only reality available to man. But if the present essay testifies to Sartre's attempt to return French thought to immediate contact with things, it enters into a fascinating dialectical tension with another of Sartre's chief motives—to purify immediate experience of its deceptions through a highly reflective, analytic mediation. The essay first appeared in Nouvelle Revue Francaise, LII, January 1939. (Tr.)  相似文献   

《资本论》的哲学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何看待马克思《资本论》的哲学意义?这是一个迄今为止远未完全解决的重大问题。在国内外学术界中,有两种较为流行的理论观点:一种观点认为,《资本论》只是政治经济学著作,马克思一生只是一个经济学家,马克思《资本论》谈不上有什么特殊的、重大的哲学意义,大多数西方经济学著  相似文献   

第五讲灵敏度分析在临床决策中的应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
通常情况下,在临床上由于病人病情的复杂性,医生在处理病人时要承受一定的风险,此时医生所做出的决策就是风险性型决策.风险型决策之所以有风险,是因为决策所依据的主要参数中,存在不确定性(即概率性)的参数,如果这些参数发生一点变化,或估计时不够准确,有一点出入又会产生怎样的结果呢?这时决策方案还如以前一样稳定吗?因此,应该对决策方案的稳定性进行分析和估计.这时所作的分析和估计就是灵敏度分析.  相似文献   

社会进步、科学发展和医疗实践的需要,不仅呼唤着医学哲学,同时也呼唤着具有很高哲学素养的医学人才.科学发展呼唤着哲学智慧,驾驭学科知识需要哲学智慧,处理人与世界的关系离不开哲学智慧.  相似文献   

This paper has four parts. In the first part I argue that moral facts are subject to a certain epistemic accessibility requirement. Namely, moral facts must be accessible to some possible agent. In the second part I show that because this accessibility requirement on moral facts holds, there is a route from facts about the moral disagreements of agents in idealized conditions to conclusions about what moral facts there are. In the third part I build on this route to show that (*) if there is significant moral disagreement in idealized conditions, then our understanding of morality is fatally flawed and we should accept relativism over non‐naturalism and quasi‐realism. So, if, like many, you think that there would be significant moral disagreement in idealized conditions, you should hold that our understanding of morality is fatally flawed and reject non‐naturalism and quasi‐realism. In the fourth part of this paper I show that (*) undermines the plausibility of non‐naturalism, quasi‐realism, and the view that our understanding of morality is not fatally flawed even if we do not have sufficient reason to believe that there would be significant moral disagreement in idealized conditions.  相似文献   

在中国哲学发展史上,以"道"、"理"、"气"、"心"为本原或本体的,随处可见,亦多为人们所看重与论究,而以"情"、以"事"为本体的,却少有人关切并予检讨.本文认为,泰州学为"情"本论.需要说明的是,"情"的本体论与"事"的本体论是相通的,就像"事"与"情"之连通而成"事情"一样,"情"的本体论又可释为"事"的本体论.如果要作区别的话,那么大体上可以说,情与理的关系,主要涉及人的精神心理结构与取向问题,"情"本论所要确认的,是情感之于理性更具本真性与至上性;事与理的关系,则涉及到存在界的结构和主体与客体之间的多重结构关系,"事"本论所要申明的,是事之于理更具本然性与先在性.  相似文献   

This essay explores Edmund Husserl's significance for contemporary truth theory. Focusing on his Logical Investigations (1900/1901), it argues that early Husserl's conception of truth unsettles a common polarity between epistemic and nonepistemic approaches. Unlike contemporary epistemic conceptions of truth, he gives full weight to “truth makers” that have their own being: objective identity, perceptible objects, and states of affairs. Yet, unlike contemporary nonepistemic conceptions, he also insists on the intentional givenness of such truth makers and on the complexity of the experiences within which propositional truth claims arise. To develop this argument, the essay explains how early Husserl's conception of truth builds on his phenomenology of intentional experience and knowledge. By emphasizing an objective identity between what is signitively meant and intuitively given, Husserl's approach provides a way to resituate propositional truth within a broader and more dynamic conception of truth.  相似文献   

哈贝马斯1976年发表了一篇文章"什么是普通语用学"(Was heiβt Universalpragmatik).他在这篇文章中的第一个注释就指出,他的语言哲学称为"形式语用学"(Formalpragmatik)更合适.在其后的<交往行为理论>、<后形而上学思想>等重要著作中,他一般把自己的语言哲学称之为"形式语用学",它的目标是确定并重构关于言语可理解的普遍条件.  相似文献   

论“逻辑在先”的哲学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑格尔曾经指出要进入并研究哲学"需要一种特殊的能力和技巧"[1];柏格森更为明确地讲"研究哲学,就在于扭转思想活动的习惯方向."[2]进而言之,这一扭转乃是进人哲学研究的"门槛",只有跨越了这一门槛,才有可能登堂入室.这一门槛就是:从时间在先转向逻辑在先.  相似文献   

异熟概念之意指与果报不同,而有强烈的道德哲学意蕴.通过异熟概念的建立,唯识学认为道德善恶不同于价值而有绝对的意义,同时将道德善恶评判的范围严格限定在有记业上边,并阐明了道德对于现实生存状况的决定关系.  相似文献   

Continental Philosophy Review -  相似文献   

糖尿病性视网膜病变(DRP)是糖尿病患者致盲的一个主要原因。其发病的多样性决定了对其治疗应该个体化。就其个体化治疗的依据、方法的研究及具体的措施运用哲学原理加以综述。  相似文献   

通过论述逆向疫苗学的特点和发展过程,揭示其哲学意义,提示要善于抓住科学突破的机遇,要有创新性思维,尤其是逆向思维,不但可以用于逆向疫苗学,而且可以用于功能基因组学的研究.  相似文献   

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