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It is difficult to study failed medical devices because of a lack of data. Routine device retrieval and analysis (DRA) is essential to performance evaluation, which, in turn, is essential to good patient care. We argue for the development of a national DRA program and medical device database and discuss the major ethical and policy issues associated with this proposal.  相似文献   

Aimola Davies AM  White RC 《Perception》2011,40(10):1245-1247
A self-touch paradigm elicits a surprising illusion. With the participant's eyes closed, the examiner guides the participant's right index finger to administer strokes and taps to the right side of the participant's face. At the same time, the examiner strokes and taps the corresponding location on the left side of the participant's face. Although the participant administered touch to only the right side of the face, this paradigm elicited the illusion of self-touch to both sides of the face, and the illusion often implicated a third, disconnected or disembodied, hand. We propose an explanation, and draw parallels with the phenomenon of supernumerary phantom limb.  相似文献   

今年 1 0月 6日 ,是新中国马克思主义伦理学的奠基人之一 ,我的恩师李奇同志 90岁华诞。在这值得庆贺的日子里 ,回顾自己沐浴师恩廿四年 ,思绪万千 ,感激、兴奋之情 ,难以言表。我因视野和能力所限 ,只能记叙恩师与我之间师生情谊的心路历程 ,来表达对恩师做人为师的高风亮节的敬意。1 978年 ,我在浙江省一个小县城的一所中学里教书。 4月 2 5日 ,偶然在当天的《浙江日报》上看到“中国社会科学院招收研究生”的新华社通讯 (当时报纸似乎尚无“广告”一说 ) ,上载哲学研究所所招专业中有“伦理学”一项 ,“导师”是李奇。这是我第一次看到恩…  相似文献   

We present the case of a multidisciplinary primary care assessment of a 32-year-old woman with multiple medical and psychological complaints. Following the collaborative care model, this assessment was conducted by a team consisting of a clinical health psychologist, Dr. J. L. Skillings, and a family physician, Dr. W. J. Murdoch. We describe the primary care environment in which this referral was made including the methods that were utilized to insure a successful professional collaboration. We report the results and recommendations from a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment; we place emphasis on the psychological diagnosis and pain symptoms. We also describe the feedback session in which the assessment results were provided to the patient and her spouse by both physician and psychologist. Multiperspective commentary about the assessment is offered by the patient and her husband as well as the physician and psychologist assessors.  相似文献   

Consultations, motives, experience, and attitudes were explored in 201 men with alopecia androgenetica who had two years before shown interest in hair treatment using minoxidil. During the past two years, one-third consulted a professional on account of hair loss. General practitioners were consulted by 60% and other professionals by about 75%. The main motive for the consultation was hair treatment, which was offered to half of the consulting subjects. Medical professionals were generally considered to be more suitable than other professionals for consultation on minoxidil treatment. The perceived chance of the treatment being successful and the amount of hair problems experienced seemed more important factors for consulting than the views on the suitability of a professional or the extent of baldness. There were indications that subjects who consulted both general practitioners and other professionals had also more general problems.  相似文献   

当年(1975年)我在艾普孙使用约翰&;#183;里力的盐水漂浮罐时,身边有好多人都对神秘事物着了迷.有人对我谈起尤里&;#183;盖勒,说他能通过超自然的力让钥匙变形,能用意念扭曲玻璃管中的铜丝,等等.他还说盖勒已经得到英国一些专家,比如一位叫大卫&;#183;波姆的物理学教授的验证.他问我是否有兴趣对此进行考查.……  相似文献   

This short essay grew out of remarks made by Dr. Rhi, the leading Jungian psychiatrist in Korea, to friends, colleagues, and students at the end of term in 1996 at Union Theological Seminary in New York, where he had been a visiting professor. He shows briefly, succinctly, with that mixture of earnestness and diffidence which characterizes him as a person and as an analyst, what led him to psychiatry as a profession and how his Jungian convictions and understanding brought opposites into easy relationship for him. Shamanism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Christianity come together here. East meets West in that wholeness which Rhi, like Jung before him, holds always before him as both goal and achievement.  相似文献   

Issues recognized as having ethical or moral components are becoming increasingly common, for society in general, the health care system and for general practitioner/family physicians in particular. Some of the peculiar problems for GP's relate to the provision of continuing, comprehensive, primary medical care to large numbers of individuals who provide extensive potential for conflict between all the involved elements: patients, physicians, families, consultants and societal attitudes. There is a need for more formal education programs.  相似文献   

A physician may feel guilt and sorrow if he contributes, though innocently, to a patient's death. One radiation therapist, whose famous patient died, finds a parallel to his own experience in the case of the opera composer Giacomo Puccini, who died while being treated for cancer by his well-meaning radiotherapist.  相似文献   

In this paper, I make no pretence at offering a learned argument or scholarly debate. There will be little logic and less reason. There will be no deep philosophical theorizing and certainly no sound solutions. Rather, I challenge some established wisdoms or perhaps duel with windmills.  相似文献   

汪振仁 《天风》2005,(1):4-5
经文:诗121:1-8 山,是我们熟悉的自然景物。人们喜欢山,因为爱它那多姿多彩的风景,也爱它里面蕴含的宝藏。诗人笔下的山,其高大、巍峨、挺拔、险峻、秀丽,令人神往,给人以遐想;经过艺术家的妙笔,展现在画卷上的山峦、奇峰,使人赏心悦目,陶冶人的性情。许多人喜欢爬山,是为了锻炼身体和意志,并增加对大自然的认识。然而对基督徒来说,山,这一受造之物与我们的信仰又有着千丝万缕的关系。  相似文献   

李隆华 《现代哲学》2003,20(3):22-26
生产作为运用知识的活动这一点昭示了人类关系的本质。由于知识是达于主体间、主客体间相互作用内在性质的信息,所以,运用知识进行生产就是在按主体间、主客体间相互作用的性质建立相互关系。显然,这是人类关系所独具的形式;由此建立起来的关系必定具有和谐的品质。而这种关系乃是人类的本质关系。借用北宋张载的说法,可以称之为“民胞物与”。  相似文献   

At last, my research article on procrastination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper considered three studies designed to examine procrastinatory behavior. In Study I, a general form (G) of a true-false procrastination scale was created. This form was based on an earlier version of the scale containing parallel forms A and B. Procrastination was positively related to measures of disorganization and independent of need-achievement, energy level, and self-esteem. High scorers on the procrastination scale were more likely to return their completed inventory late. Procrastination was unrelated to grade-point average (R = −10). In Study II, subjects completed Form G of the procrastination scale and a variation of Little's (1983) Personal Projects Questionnaire. Based on ratings of their personal projects, procrastinators and nonprocrastinators were distinguished in a number of ways, foremost being the nonprocrastinator's more positive response to the project dimension of stress and the procrastinator's greater sensitivity to how enjoyable the project was in terms of time spent. In Study III, after completing a personality inventory, air-passengers awaiting their flight departure were asked to take an envelope with them and to mail it back on a designated date. Procrastinators were less accurate in doing so than were nonprocrastinators. Various aspects of procrastinatory behavior were discussed, including a reconsideration of the defining of the construct.  相似文献   

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