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Work satisfaction in the Soviet Union is examined by reviewing original research of several prominent Russian authors during the period 1959 to the present. This research is introduced by examining the translated works of a noted U.S. economist. Some limited comparisons are made to U.S. studies of similar phenomenon.  相似文献   

苏联心理学界对活动理论的近期讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈会昌 《心理学报》1986,19(2):105-113
本文综述了近几年来苏联心理学界对A.H.列昂节夫代表的活动理论的讨论情况。其中包括三种意见,一种是支持态度,一种是持较大异议、企图用系统论取而代之的态度,一种是既不完全支持,也不完全否定的态度。从讨论中可以看出,活动理论在苏联仍有很大影响,人们公认列昂节夫是苏联马克思主义心理学奠基者之一,公认他提出的活动理论对建设马克思主义心理学的重要贡献。目前开展的讨论,不是要否定和批判活动理论,而是在爱护、珍惜它的前提下,对它进行补充、修正和发展,使它更加完善。作者认为,这一讨论对我们的主要启示是:一、苏联心理学者在把马克思主义作为建设心理学的方法论基础这一点上,没有根本分歧;二、我国心理学界需要展开一些理论上的争鸣和讨论,需要培养我们自己的理论家;三、必须首先明确“中国心理学的发展究竟走哪条路”的问题,为此应该重视基本理论的建设。  相似文献   

向四个现代化进军中的工程心理学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈立 《心理学报》1979,12(2):4-7
向四个现代化进军,是一次新长征。要迅速改变我国落后的现状,跃进到世界先进的行列,就必须战胜数不尽的艰难险阻。我们要用“万水千山只等闲”的气概,攀高峰,越难关。当我想到祖国未来的灿烂图景时,心中就不只是欢乐,更意识到我们责任的重大和时间的紧迫。新长征意味着一系列的变化,会给工程心理学提出一系列的新要求。既要照  相似文献   

Psychologists abroad often ask about the system of training psychologists in the United Stales, as If the United States had a formal system laid down by the government or by a centralized educational authority, as is the ease in many other countries. This article was originally drafted to provide information to psychologists abroad about the diversity and variety of training in the U.S., but it is published here in the hope that it will also be informative and interesting to American psychologists as well as to our colleagues in other countries.  相似文献   

Psychology formally entered the Australian arena via university departments of Philosophy, commencing last century and taking its initial direction largely from Britain. The previous pattern of development of Australian psychology was more distinctive than is its present state. Although the influences of Germany and the United States have supplemented that of the parent country, it is difficult to discern any locally blended colouration in the discipline or the profession as they now appear. Somewhat distanced from the universities, applied psychology has flourished especially in the public sector beginning with the initial close liaison formed between psychology and education in a developing colonial society. The public impact of research and practice is by no means as apparent as in the United States or Britain. After a burgeoning in the ‘sixties and early ‘seventies, the present state is one of limited growth concurrent with the general recession.  相似文献   


詹鍈 《心理学报》1961,6(4):3-12
心理学的科学性貭問題是一个决定心理学发展前途的重要問題。不确定心理学的科学性貭,就不能使它和邻近的科学明确分工,不能突出它在社会主义建設中所担負的任务,也不能肯定它在科学研究中所应該运用的方法,因而它的发展前途必然受到很大的限  相似文献   

徐联仓 《心理学报》1979,12(1):25-31
党的十一届三中全会向全国人民提出了新的战斗号召——要把全党和全国工作的重点放到社会主义现代化建设上来。这是一个重大的转变,处在这个伟大历史转折关头,我们心理学工作者也和全国各条战线上的同志们一样,欢欣鼓舞,精神振奋。我们一定要把心理学研究工作搞好,为实现四个现代化而贡献力量,在实现工作重点转移的过程中,发挥我们这一学科应有的作用。  相似文献   

论勒温心理学中的动力   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
申荷永 《心理学报》1991,24(3):84-90
在本文中,作者分析与探讨了勒温心理学中的动力问题,讨论了他的动力概念,动力模式和动力观,阐发了其中历史与理论的意义,以及其方法论的意义。作者认为动力是勒温心理学研究的核心和进行理论建构的基础,从而理解勒温心理学中的动力,也就成了理解勒温心理学理论的关键。  相似文献   

The major features of comtemporary psychology in Catalonia, a principality of Spain, are described. Training, licensing, and employment are explored within the context of recent regional advancements in the discipline of psychology. These advances are viewed from an historical perspective in which recent progress in psychology in highlighted against a backdrop of political reforms emerging out of the new Spanish democratic constitution and the consignment of educational/professional development and oversight to the autonomous State Government of Catalonia.  相似文献   

心理学为提高企业素质服务   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
心理学为社会主义建设服务,这是当前的一项重要任务。为发展生产、改进经营管理服务则是我们近年来探索的一个重点。因为管理的改革十分需要心理学工作者参加解决与人的因素有关的问题。在现代管理学中行为科学起着日益为人重视的作用。 提高企业素质是当前我国管理研究中的一个中心课题。邓小平同志说,从“六五”计  相似文献   

A review of the development of Chinese psychology since early 1900 to the present time is given with particular emphasis for the period after 1949 when Chinese psychology was faced with the task of reestablishment. Progress as well as drawbacks are described. At present, China is in the process of modernizations in industry, agriculture, science and technology, and defense. The Four Modernizations have opened up new prospects for psychological research, particularly social psychology and applied psychology could contribute to China's national aspirations.  相似文献   

后现代景观下的心理学   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
王小章 《心理科学》1998,21(4):354-357,353
本文考察了论述心理学目前正面临的一深刻的变革,即从实证主义方法论以对支配地位的现代化心理学向强调理论和方法之多元性的后现代心理学的转变。  相似文献   

Unlike other social sciences, psychology has for long remained outside the orbit of social change and national development. Because of the very nature of socio-economic development that is taking place in the Third World countries, psychology has a distinct role. Temporal compression and cacophonic nature of changes have caused conditions of instability that have brought to the fore many socio-psychological problems requiring immediate attention. The role of psychology in this context and the factors underlying the limited impact it has made so far have been discussed. Some robust findings in psychology that have obvious implications for policy formulation and action programme are outlined.  相似文献   

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