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刘菁菁 《天风》2008,(22):22-23
圣经《诗篇》119篇105节说:你的话是我脚前的灯,是我路上的光。这一节经文又把一些重要的真理告诉我们:神的道如同灯光,能指引人的道路,照明人的脚步。看到这里,我不仅放下了手里的圣经,回首往事,不禁从心里庆幸自己顺服了真神,感激主拣选了我做他的仆人和子女。  相似文献   

<正>2017年春节的时候,我休假回了家乡。家乡的教会有个非常好的传统,那就是聚会点每天晚上都会组织聚会。春节期间的聚会,和平时略有不同,每晚都是唱诗赞美会。那一天,奶奶从包里拿出来一个非常有年代感的、红色塑料封皮的笔记本,上面密密麻麻地抄满了赞美诗歌。看到这个本子,我不禁莞尔。算来这个本子已有三十年了,那时,因为当时奶奶识字不多,这个本子上的赞美诗  相似文献   

我小的时候,根本就不像现在的孩子有那么多电玩和游戏。能够找到的乐趣多数是我们自己“开发”的,比如整天抽打着那个旋转的陀螺在草场上享受童年的快乐。如今童年远逝,快乐不再。生活的艰辛成了一条条鞭子,而我们自己似乎则成了被抽打的陀螺。在这无穷无尽的旋转中,我们的生命  相似文献   

必言 《天风》2003,(6):30-30
圣经上曾说:“原来我们在许多事上都有过失;若有人在话语上没有过失,他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身。”(雅3:2)可是谁又能制服自己的舌头呢? 今天晚自习结束时,突然班上两位同学吵了起来,原因是因为其中一位同学说另一位同学在别人祷告时看英语书。两个人就你一言我一语地吵了起来。“你是什么东西,我……”另一位言:“你是什么东西,我要你管……”两人互不示弱。同学好多去劝架,才平息了……  相似文献   

赵誌恩 《天风》2004,(10):52-53
编辑老师: 在我们教会里,现在正流行着这样的一种祷告,就是主领人在领祷告时,忽然在祷告中间加入几句"我奉主耶稣的名斥责一切混乱和搅扰的灵离开我们,我奉主耶稣的名斥责一切的疾病和软弱离开我们,我奉主耶稣的名斥责一切沉睡和打盹的灵离开我们,我奉主耶稣的名捆绑魔鬼撒但和一切的邪灵,我奉主耶稣的名命令……"等等。然后又是祷告,最后是"这样的祷告不配,都是奉主耶稣的圣名祈求的,阿们"。据他(她)们自己解释:这种祷告叫"宣告的祷告"。并且每次聚会祷告时都是如此。  相似文献   

伏永红 《天风》2003,(12):18-19
保罗在给提摩太的信中论到教会时说:“倘若我耽延日久,你也可以知道在神的家中当怎样行,这家就是永生神的教会,真理的柱石和根基。”(提前3:15)用“神的家”来比作教会是十分有意义的,人们对家都有一种特殊的感情,因为家是人长久养生栖息之地,其中有天伦之乐,也有弟兄姊妹之间的手足亲情。 教会是神的“家”,神是慈爱的父亲,我们都是神的儿女,弟兄姊妹和睦同居,彼此相爱,这是一个多么温暧多么幸福和谐的家。使徒约翰说:“你看父赐给我们是何等的慈爱,使我们得称为神的儿女;我们也真是他的儿女。”(约壹3:1)  相似文献   

李栋 《天风》2005,(12):40-41
“以马内利”,就是“神与我们同在”的意思。它的第一次出现、是在旧约圣经以赛亚书7章14小节那里:“主自己要给你一个兆头,必有童女怀孕生子,给他起名叫以马内利”。在该书的第8章中第8、10小节中再次出现,以后圣经中我们几乎再没有看到这样的字句。没有这样的字句,丝毫不影响  相似文献   

林教琦 《天风》2008,(19):28-29
改革开放30年,礼拜恢复30年.对中国来说,30年是关键、辉煌的30年,对我来说,是振奋有为的30年.在这纪念改革开放30周年的时刻,我心感恩,激情涌动……  相似文献   

田素良 《天风》2009,(1):44-45
"主爱深广,无量无边,在主爱中,生活美满,我今觐主,心存感谢,猛省主爱,永铭心意.灵光如火,洁净我心,导我进行,前途光明,我灵喜乐,我心坚定,终身事主,时刻自新."  相似文献   

刘兴强 《天风》2004,(9):6-7
用爱心,帮助那些需要帮助的人的时候,我们就成了他们的邻舍;同时,当我们去接受那些帮助时候,他们又成了我们的邻舍。  相似文献   

Although vocabulary acquisition requires children learn names for multiple things, many investigations of word learning mechanisms teach children the name for only one of the objects presented. This is problematic because it is unclear whether children's performance reflects recall of the correct name–object association or simply selection of the only object that was singled out by being the only object named. Children introduced to one novel name may perform at ceiling as they are not required to discriminate on the basis of the name per se, and appear to rapidly learn words following minimal exposure to a single word. We introduced children to four novel objects. For half the children, only one of the objects was named and for the other children, all four objects were named. Only children introduced to one word reliably selected the target object at test. This demonstration highlights the over-simplicity of one-word learning paradigms and the need for a shift in word learning paradigms where more than one word is taught to ensure children disambiguate objects on the basis of their names rather than their degree of salience.  相似文献   

In this questionnaire study it was tested to what extent identification with a merged basketball club could be predicted on the basis of six concepts derived from a social identity perspective on mergers. Respondents were 160 fans and 91 youth players of a Belgian first division basketball club that had merged the previous season. A direct multiple regression analysis indicated that, both for fans and youth players identification with the pre-merger club was the best predictor of identification with the new merger club, followed by the perceived success of the merger. Two other concepts emerged as significant, though modest, predictors of post-merger identification for fans and youth players: the perceived necessity of the merger and their satisfaction with the merger process. For the fans, the perceived continuity/representation of the in-group in the merger group was also a significant predictor. Together, the hypothesized predictors accounted for 70% of the total variance in their post-merger identification. This high percentage underlines the relevance of a social-psychological perspective on how sport fans' react to mergers. For youth players, 61% of the total variance in their post-merger identification was explained, which suggests that the processes that facilitate fans and youth players’ post-merger identification are quite similar.  相似文献   

Psychologists have used artificial neural networks for a few decades to simulate perception, language acquisition, and other cognitive processes. This paper discusses the use of artificial neural networks in research on semantics—in particular, in the investigation of abstract noun meanings. It is widely acknowledged that a word’s meaning varies with its contexts of use, but it is a complex task to identify which context elements are relevant to a word’s meaning. The present study illustrates how connectionist networks can be used to examine this problem. A simple feedforward network learned to distinguish among six abstract nouns, on the basis of characteristics of their contexts, in a corpus of randomly selected naturalistic sentences.  相似文献   

Feedback semantics refers to whether a specific meaning can be represented by only one word (consistent) or by several words (inconsistent)—that is, whether a word has synonyms (e.g.,jail) or not (e.g.,milk). Models of word perception that allow feedback activation from semantics to orthography and phonology predict that performance should be worse for words that are feedback inconsistent (words with a synonym) than for words that are feedback consistent (words without a synonym). The present study showed that both naming and lexical decision responses are faster and more accurate to consistent than to inconsistent words. The results provide support for models that allow feedback activation between phonology, orthography, and semantics.  相似文献   

When skilled readers make speeded categorization judgements about printed words, errors occur to homophones of real category exemplars. In Experiments 1 and 2, for example, subjects incorrectly accepted both the word STEAL (as a member of the category A METAL) and the nonword JEAP (as A VEHICLE) significantly more often than incorrect non-homophonic items matched in orthographic similarity to real exemplars. Experiment 3 demonstrated equivalent error rates for homophone targets differing from real exemplars by various types of single-letter change, but reduced error rates, especially for non-word homophones, when subjects were instructed to accept only correctly spelled instances. Experiments 4 and 5 established that the magnitude of the homophone effect is predicted by the degree of orthographic similarity between homophonic mates but not by spelling-sound regularity of the presented homophone. The results suggest that automatic phonological activation plays a major role in the comprehension of written words.  相似文献   

Subjects studied 12-word lists for free recall. During presentation of the lists, each word was followed by a supraspan sequence of digits, which the subjects tried to reproduce. This task, unlike those used in previous research with this continual distractor procedure, presumably taxed immediate memory capacity to the full. Nevertheless, the word recall data showed a pronounced recency effect. Moreover, the magnitude of the recency effect was found to be just as great with this task as with a more typical task in which the demands on immediate memory are likely to be fewer. These findings reinforce the emerging view that the recency effect need not be the product of immediate memory.  相似文献   

The sum of induced and real motion is not a straight path   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Some perceptual mechanisms manifest high temporal precision, allowing reports of visual information even when that information is restricted to windows smaller than 50 ms. Other visual judgments are limited to much coarser time scales. What about visual information extracted at late processing stages, for which we nonetheless have perceptual expertise, such as words? Here, the temporal limits on binding together visual word parts were investigated. In one trial, either the word 'ball' was alternated with 'deck', or 'dell' was alternated with 'back', with all stimuli presented at fixation. These stimuli restrict the time scale of the rod identities because the two sets of alternating words form the same image at high alternation frequencies. Observers made a forced choice between the two alternatives. Resulting 75% thresholds are restricted to 5 Hz or less for words and nonword letter strings. A similar result was obtained in an analogous experiment with Chinese participants viewing alternating Chinese characters. These results support the theory that explicit perceptual access to visual information extracted at late stages is limited to coarse time scales.  相似文献   

Vulnerability to depression and non-response to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are associated with specific neurophysiological characteristics including greater right hemisphere (RH) relative to left hemisphere (LH) activity. The present study investigated the relationship between hemispheric specialization and processing of emotional words using a divided visual field paradigm administered to never-depressed and previously-depressed individuals, who were subdivided into SSRI responders and non-responders. SSRI responders and never-depressed participants were similar in their left hemispheric lateralization for evaluating emotional words. In contrast, SSRI non-responders showed a relative shift towards RH processing of negative words, and a strong bias toward negative evaluation of words presented to the RH. The results are discussed within the context of a biological-cognitive model of vulnerability to depression.  相似文献   

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