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原军超 《法音》2012,(12):38-42
美国肯·威尔伯是当代著名的超个人心理学家和理论心理学家, 他的意识理论对超个人心理学产生重要影响,并成为该领域的理论基础,其甚至被称为"意识领域的爱因斯坦",而整合心理学的提出则在更大范围的汲取了东西方的心理学、哲学和宗教的理论成果, 形成一套层次分明互相交涉的统一体系。人本心理学被称为行为主义和弗洛伊德心理学之外的"第三种力量"。超个人心理学则被称为继人本心理学之后的 "第四种力量"[1]。肯·威尔伯的工作主要以创造一个以心理学、神秘主义、现代主义、经验科学、系统论连贯为整体的"意识的完整理论"为主。  相似文献   

超个人心理学是20世纪60年代末至70年代初在美国兴起的一种心理学流派,是关于个人及其超越的心理学,被称为心理学的第四势力。本文对超个人心理学的历史、背景渊源、主要理论及治疗都做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

为了深入了解维尔伯超个人心理学及其理论渊源,本文将维尔伯超个人心理学理论中的"宇宙意识"、"沉思"和"道德指南针"与海德格尔哲学中的"此在"、"去蔽"和"思"进行比较,结果发现,三者之间具有明显的相似性,同时又有所区别。相似性充分表明维尔伯超个人心理学理论在本体论、认识论和伦理观三个方面具有明显的海德格尔哲学特征;不同之处说明,维尔伯对海德格尔哲学思想进行了心理学改造和发展。  相似文献   

南宗内丹理论冷静地反省了人的生存困境,强调人与天地万物的同源性以及人之生命的特殊意义,提倡克制过度膨胀的欲望而回归自然无为的生活方式。在对精神世界的探索中,提出先天三宝与后天三宝的区别及功用,总结了"性命双修"的返源式的自我超越之路。南宗内丹理论与超个人心理学有关心灵整体的解释可以沟通,而其性命双修的内省式修行实践,可谓一种现象学的实证主义,并为超个人心理学的心理治疗模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

布伦塔诺对内意识和无意识的区分开启了现代心理学的两个研究方向,并在总体上厘清了无意识问题以及无意识理论的可能性问题.胡塞尔与弗洛伊德后来对意识与无意识的研究分别处理人类心灵的两个组成部分的问题,它们可以纳入显现的意识现象(意识)与不显现的意识机能(无意识)两个范畴.而在胡塞尔与弗洛伊德之前,艾宾浩斯的记忆心理学研究已经...  相似文献   

催眠和变更意识状态的探索与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如今一般大众,甚至许多心理学专业人员都把催眠状态下的意识和各种变更的意识状态统称为潜意识状态,这种提法存在着很大弊端。本文举实例论述了单就催眠状态来说也有不相同的表现利性质;同时阐述了研究具体的各种变更意识状态的表现、性质、特点及分类的重要性。  相似文献   

我国运动员退役意识与心理状态的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王进 《心理学报》2008,40(4):496-506
基于运动员退役过程理论,对我国运动员的退役意识和生活心理状态进行定量分析,旨在探索运动员在退役过程中的意识与心理状态变化。通过对789名运动员(现役运动员540人,退役运动员249人)的退役意识和生活心理状态调查,结果发现运动员的退役意识主要反映在运动员角色和退役准备的认知方面,当运动员角色的认知下降时,退役准备的认知会上升;在生活心理状态的评估方面,有退役想法的运动员要比无退役想法的运动员差;现役运动员的心理状态与退役运动员的心理状态在表现形式上不一样,主要表现为现役运动员反映了较高的生活焦虑,而退役运动员反映了较高的孤独感;分析进一步发现,运动员在退役过程中普遍感到缺乏社会支持。基于以上这些发现,研究从社会心理学角度,讨论了我国运动员退役的意识与心理现状  相似文献   

从“意识状态”解释人类意识的本质是当前意识心理学研究的一个重要取向。研究意识状态改变(ASC)的物质生理基础具有十分突出的理论和临床实践意义。意识状态改变可以分为自发、物理和生理原因、心理方式和疾病引起这样四个方面,不同类型的意识状态改变可以从激活、意识域、自我觉察和感觉振荡四个维度进行综合归类和分析。不仅脑结构功能状态、脑动力的暂时变化、神经化学过程和新陈代谢过程等因素影响着人的意识经验改变状态,而且环境变化、心理活动和自我控制及技巧也可以暂时改变人的意识功能状态。  相似文献   

情境意识日渐成为工程心理学领域的热点研究问题,其自身的研究理论、研究技术以及研究方法也变得越来越丰富和成熟。文章通过对比工程心理学观点中分布式情境意识理论和经典情境意识信息加工三水平理论之间的差异,通过介绍经典情境意识测量技术和新兴情境意识测量技术以及最后通过对于当前情境意识研究的应用及展望进行讨论,从而对工程心理学领域情境意识研究的现状和发展趋势进行了评述。  相似文献   

一般理论心理学与精神污染间题进一步提高心理学基本理论的研究工作中国心理学会基本理论专业委员会1983年学术年会总结心理本质新探毛泽东思想是发展我国心理科学的指导思想心理学中需要问题的探讨必须用马列主义毛泽东哲学思想指导心理学的研究和教学 一一评一本《心理学》教材不讲意识问题论反馈在人的意识活动中的作用和意义人的心理状态的特点及其功能试论个体心理发生的动因及其差异心理学与社会精精文明建设历史资料研究法是研究心理学的重要方法关于心理学研究方法的几个问题试谈心理科学的发展趋势 一一从SCI看心理科学的发展立…  相似文献   

In order to redress imbalances in South African psychological service provision, honor indigenous, transpersonal, community based perspectives, and introduce fresh insights and direction, this article presents an integral approach to psychology in South Africa. Areas highlighted for future research and praxis include integral and transpersonal psychology; spirituality; consciousness; especially moral consciousness, ancestral consciousness and reverence; indigenous knowledge systems, particularly indigenous healing; harmonisation of old and new, African, Eastern and Western forms of psychology; well-being and community development through health promotion practices and multicultural counselling.  相似文献   

The author discusses ways to make the history of psychology course relevant for a clinical psychology doctoral program within a multidenominational Protestant theological seminary. She uses a personalist orientation to emphasize the need to integrate psychology, philosophy, and theology. She differentiates among the intrapersonal, interpersonal, impersonal, and transpersonal dimensions of experience. She illustrates the rich multidisciplinary historical roots of contemporary psychology by tracing the the history of the term psychology and examining its meanings in the existential psychology of S?ren Kierkegaard and in the 19th-century novel. She includes brief histories of the "new psychology" and of the unconscious. She describes how she uses the field of psychotheological integration to illustrate principles of historiography and summarizes resources used to supplement traditional textbooks.  相似文献   

本文对内省作为一种心理学的基本方法作了历史回顾。作者还把内省看作人的某种个性倾向或心理特征尝试进行实证研究。调查结果表明,内省在被试看来,是自我概念形成与发展所必不可少的。结果还使作者确信,对内省联系个体心理与行为的调适作实证研究,不仅可行,而且有益。  相似文献   


An overview of transpersonal psychology is provided with specific focus on a number of its central themes (nonduality, intrinsic health, self‐transcendence, and inclusivity) and practices (meditation, ritual, and inquiry). The relationship of transpersonal psychology to both mainstream psychology and spiritual wisdom traditions is discussed. The field's implications for diversity issues, research, and service applications are also considered.  相似文献   

Retrospective analysis of definitions published over some 35 years suggests the major subject areas of the field can be summed up in three themes: beyond-ego psychology, integrative/holistic psychology, and psychology of transformation. Theme frequency analysis reveals that early emphasis on alternative states of consciousness has moderated into a broader approach to human transcendence, wholeness, and transformation. This expanded definition of transpersonal psychology suggests the field has much in common with integral psychology. As a comprehensive, historically based content summary, this tripartite definition contributes a small but vital piece to the foundation of a transpersonal vision that is spreading across the globe. While transpersonal psychology still needs to embody the inclusiveness and diversity that it represents, its vision is one of great relevance to the contemporary human condition.  相似文献   

After describing the manner in which the integration of psychoanalysis and developmental psychology became a central problem for ego psychology, the author examines the conditions that make it possible for new research and theory in developmental psychology to contribute to a revolution in contemporary psychoanalytic theory. They include: (1) the emergence of a state of "crisis" in American psychoanalysis centering on questions of the nature of early development and how it can be known; (2) the explosive growth of developmental research on early childhood dealing with issues at the heart of that crisis; and (3) the presence of a new generation of psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically oriented researchers capable of bringing that research to bear on those issues.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the transpersonal approach has emerged from mainstream psychology to address the effects of spirituality and consciousness on personal transformation and health and to explore the optimal levels of human functioning. Despite its increasing popularity, many mental health professionals lack basic knowledge of the transpersonal approach. This article provides an introduction to and overview of the historical development, scientific basis, philosophical stance, theoretical principles, and clinical methods of transpersonal psychology.  相似文献   


A model of psychosomatic mysticism (PM) is proposed that reintroduces the body into transpersonal psychology. The argument for PM develops links between transpersonal psychology and neuroimmunology and includes scientific notions of the mind as embodied not just in the brain but more widely throughout the body, as well as the comparative analyses of perspectives on the body in various spiritual traditions. PM is used to examine how transpersonal psychology can integrate the body, thus meeting the goals of the clinician, the standards of the researcher, and the emerging needs of psychosomatic medicine. The core principles of PM are explicated, such as: 1) decentralized consciousness, 2) structural phenomenological correlations between the psyche and the body, 3) in‐depth understanding of energy as intentionality, and 4) the possibility of actualizing cosmic awareness in the individual psyche. Examples of the clinical use of psychospiritual practices of PM show practical applications of these principles. It is concluded that the studies of the embodied consciousness and subtle energies through PM can help to develop both transpersonal theory and applications.  相似文献   


The question of how to interpret the ideas and evidence from the transpersonal realm has been a challenge to western psychology since its inception. This article illustrates how process philosophy, as developed by Alfred North Whitehead, can serve as a theoretical foundation for transpersonal psychology. Making it especially qualified for this role are process philosophy's unique approach to the nature of experience, its openness to spiritual matters, and its ability to offer a single framework of thought capable of integrating these issues with the concerns of the scientific and academic communities as well as our experience of everyday life. Following the introduction of some of Whitehead's basic ideas that illustrate this philosophy's relevance to psychological and transpersonal metatheory, aspects of Ken Wilber's new work are examined and criticized from a Whiteheadian perspective.  相似文献   

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