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In an analysis of H. L. Roediger and K. B. McDermott's (1995) false-memory paradigm, M. B. Miller and G. L. Wolford (1999) argued that falsely recognized items occur because a bias toward calling such items "old" is created by their membership in a studied category. This interpretation was contested by Roediger and McDermott (1999). The authors of this article approach this issue as a statistical decision problem and observe that an explanation of false memory based on stored strengths and one based on decision process can have identical implications for data. Problems with equivalent formal models of this type can frequently be resolved by looking at the effects of other variables on the fitted estimates. The authors illustrate this analysis by examining the effects of presentation duration on the parameter estimates produced by models that instantiate the 2 explanations. Although the question remains open, the storage-based interpretation was found to be somewhat more plausible.  相似文献   

In the first of three experiments, university undergraduates were presented a list of 300 words and 100 nonwords in two sessions. Their confidence that an item was a word was indicated for each item on a 6-point scale. This experiment demonstrated the feasibility of creating a recognition test of vocabulary. In Expeiment II, 100 items were chosen to form a subtest, and the subtest was cross-validated on a new sample of subjects. The tests in Experiments I and II were scored using signal-detection measures. The primary criterion, SAT (verbal) scores, correlated approximately .60 with the test scores. In Experiment III subjects scaled the words and nonwords for four psychological attributes. These were submitted to a stepwise regression with the confidence ratings from Experiment I as the dependent variable. It was concluded that associability. frequency, orthography, and pronounceability all may be components of word recognition. However, only frequency was found to be a significant predictor of the confidence of recognition of nonwords.  相似文献   

Ruscio J  Marcus DK 《心理评价》2007,19(2):241-246
On the basis of taxometric analyses of data sets that they created to pose interpretive challenges, S. R. H. Beach, N. Amir, and J. J. Bau (2005) cautioned that using comparison data simulated by J. Ruscio's programs can lead to inaccurate conclusions. Careful examination of S. R. H. Beach et al.'s methods and results plus reanalysis of their data fails to substantiate this concern: Using comparison data identified the taxonic structure of S. R. H. Beach et al.'s data sets, even when the taxon base rate was very low. The authors show that J. Ruscio's simulation programs generate comparison data appropriately and that analyzing these data provides a useful interpretive aid. Additionally, the authors discuss and illustrate the effective use of the inchworm consistency test to disambiguate taxometric results for small taxa and dimensional constructs with positively skewed indicators.  相似文献   

Visual half field studies have repeatedly demonstrated the left hemisphere's superiority for language processing. Previous studies examined the effect of word length on bilateral and unilateral performance by comparing foveal and parafoveal presentations. The present study removed the potential confound of acuity by using parafoveal presentations for both unilateral and bilateral trials. Twenty participants named 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-letter words. The results supported previous findings, with right hemisphere performance being particularly degraded with increases in word length. There was no difference between left hemisphere and bihemispheric performance in terms of speed or accuracy, suggesting that bihemispheric performance is reliant upon the strategy of the hemisphere superior for language processing. Overall, the pattern of results supports the notion that the left hemisphere's superior linguistic capacity results from a more parallel processing strategy, while the right hemisphere is reliant upon a more sequential mechanism.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effect on recognition memory of having target and distractor stimuli consisting of different combinations of low-level elements (letters), relative to when targets and distractors consist of combinations of the same elements (nonoverlap and overlap conditions, respectively). It was found that recognition memory was enhanced in the nonoverlap condition, even though subjects reported being unaware of this experimental manipulation. This confirms the importance of perceptually driven processing in the implicit memory component of recognition memory. The extent to which this effect occurs is found to be age dependent, with elderly subjects benefiting more from having targets and distractors consisting of nonoverlapping elements. This is consistent with the notion that elderly subjects show less reliance on item-specific/contextual detail to support recognition memory.  相似文献   

Effects of CaSe AlTeRnAtIoN were studied in two lateralized visual lexical decision experiments. We manipulated word length and letter case (UPPER, lower and MiXeD) in both English (Exp. 1, N=60) and Hebrew (Exp. 2, N=60). The previously reported visual field and word length interaction was found for upper and lower case presentation, but not for MiXeD CaSe, where both fields were affected by word length. The effects of case alternation are discussed in light of a new lateralized word recognition theory.  相似文献   

Summary A connectionist model is described, which accounts for data showing a mask appropriateness effect in word and letter recognition. In a backward-masking paradigm, if the letter fragment masks that are used are of a similar size to the word or word fragment they are masking, performance is better than if the masks are longer or discontinuous (Jordan, 1990). The model simulates these effects by adding to the familiar architecture of the interactive activation model length units, which are stimulated whenever word units of a particular letter length are active, and mask units, which are stimulated by masks of particular sizes and in turn stimulate length units. Detailed predictions of the model are examined for both forward and backward masking, and are found to be in good accord with the data.  相似文献   

A distributed, developmental model of word recognition and naming   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
A parallel distributed processing model of visual word recognition and pronunciation is described. The model consists of sets of orthographic and phonological units and an interlevel of hidden units. Weights on connections between units were modified during a training phase using the back-propagation learning algorithm. The model simulates many aspects of human performance, including (a) differences between words in terms of processing difficulty, (b) pronunciation of novel items, (c) differences between readers in terms of word recognition skill, (d) transitions from beginning to skilled reading, and (e) differences in performance on lexical decision and naming tasks. The model's behavior early in the learning phase corresponds to that of children acquiring word recognition skills. Training with a smaller number of hidden units produces output characteristic of many dyslexic readers. Naming is simulated without pronunciation rules, and lexical decisions are simulated without accessing word-level representations. The performance of the model is largely determined by three factors: the nature of the input, a significant fragment of written English; the learning rule, which encodes the implicit structure of the orthography in the weights on connections; and the architecture of the system, which influences the scope of what can be learned.  相似文献   

Different methods have been employed to assess handwriting posture in left-handers, and different dimensions of hand posture have been used for categorization. Within North American samples, there is a remarkable consistency between studies in the distributions when the same assessment method is used, but there are very large and highly significant differences for different methods of assessment. The various methods and dimensions of categorization evidently index different variables, and these are likely to have different relations with neuropsychological factors. It is possible, however, to gather questionnaire data on handwriting posture that closely resemble direct experimenter observation, as a brief report on left-handed males shows.  相似文献   

Seventy-two sentences presented to ten preschool children for repetition were designed so that three sentence construction factors varied independently. The factors were (1) length in number of words, (2) complexity of personal pronouns and main verbs as scaled by Lee (1974), and (3) word familiarity, defined as common vocabulary or the substitution of a nonsense word in place of a typical noun or verb in the model sentence. Three methods were employed for scoring the children's responses: (1) number of retained words, (2) Developmental Sentence Scoring (Lee, 1974), and (3) Stephens's Categories (Stephens, 1974). Eighteen sentences were re-presented for the assessment of reliability. The results of multiple regression analyses indicated that length was the important contributing factor in the children's responses to the model sentences and that Stephens's Category Scale of response scoring was the most sensitive method for detecting the influence of the three sentence factors on the children's responses.  相似文献   

This study investigates the difficulty order in (1) sequence comprehension versus simultaneity comprehension and production, and (2) contribution of semantics, syntax, order of mention, and cognitive (Raven's CPM) and linguistic factors (PPVT) in understanding sequence and simultaneity constructions in Greek, which display similar properties to English sequence and simultaneity constructions. In general, results with kindergartners, first-, second-, and sixth-graders, and graduate school students supported the findings of psycholinguists who claimed that Piaget has specified difficulty order of simultaneity over succession. Performance on simultaneity production tasks was lower then performance on sequence. Performance on simultaneity production tasks was better than performance on simultaneity comprehension and consistently lower than performance on sequence. No consistent order of difficulty between the different construction types of sequence and simultaneity was found. Semantics (arbitrary vs. logical sequences) seems to affect performance, as a few studies have indicated. Unlike most previous findings, an order of mention strategy influences performance when the syntax (transformationally simple vs. complex) and semantics effect is partialed out. Syntax (when not confounded with the two previous variables) does not affect performance. Cognitive (Raven's CPM) and linguistic (PPVT) factors contributed approximately equal amounts of variance to performance on sequence and simultaneity by children in kindergarten and first and second grades.Research and Evaluation Department, Ft. Worth Independent School District.  相似文献   

Service (1998) carried out a study of the word length effect with Finnish pseudowords in which short and long pseudowords were identical except for the inclusion of certain phonemes differing only in pronunciation length, a manipulation that is impossible in English. She obtained an effect of phonemic complexity but little or no word duration effect per se - a discrepancy from the expectations generated by the well-known working memory model of Baddeley (1986). In the present study using English words, we controlled for phonemic complexity differences by using the same words for the short- and long-word sets, but with instructions inducing shorter or longer pronunciation of the words. We obtained substantial word duration effects. Concerns raised by Service are addressed, and we conclude that both duration and complexity are likely to contribute to the word length effect in serial recall.  相似文献   

A. Caramazza, A. Costa, M. Miozzo, and Y. Bi (2001) reported a series of experiments demonstrating that the ease of producing a word depends only on the frequency of that specific word but not on the frequency of a homophone twin. A. Caramazza, A. Costa, et al. concluded that homophones have separate word form presentations and that the absence of frequency-inheritance effects for homophones undermines an important argument in support of 2-stage models of lexical access, which assume that syntactic (lemma) representations mediate between conceptual and phonological representations. The authors of this article evaluate the empirical basis of this conclusion, report 2 experiments demonstrating a frequency-inheritance effect, and discuss other recent evidence. It is concluded that homophones share a common word form and that the distinction between lemmas and word forms should be upheld.  相似文献   

本研究采用眼动追踪技术,通过对预期性和词频、预期性和笔画数在词汇识别过程中是否存在交互作用进行考察,以探讨预期性效应对词汇识别产生影响的加工阶段。结果显示,预期性和词频、预期性和笔画数之间均不存在交互作用。由此表明,预期性、词频和笔画数均独立地对中文文本阅读中的词汇识别产生显著的影响,该结果符合E-Z读者模型的研究假设。  相似文献   

P. Maguire, B. Devereux, F. Costello, and A. Cater discussed the Gagné and Shoben (1997) CARIN theory of conceptual combination and, after presenting a sample drawn from the British National Corpus and comparing the two corpora, concluded that the Gagné and Shoben corpus is too small and unrepresentative. They then discussed the mathematical model presented by Gagné and Shoben and claimed that the model does not incorporate relational competition. In this article, the authors present critical aspects of the mathematical model not considered by Maguire et al. and show that the mathematical instantiation of CARIN presented by Gagn and Shoben is, in fact, very sensitive to the number of strong competing relations. The authors then present some new comparisons between the corpora, showing that they correspond surprisingly well.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined contributions of conceptual relatedness and feelings of familiarity to false recognition. Participants first studied lists of unrelated items (e.g., table, lock) followed by a recognition test with three types of items: (1) studied items (e.g., table), (2) semantically related lures (e.g., key), and (3) unrelated lures (e.g., cup). Participants falsely recognized more related than unrelated lures when the stimuli were words (Experiment 1A) and pictures (Experiment 1B), when the studied items and related lures differed in language (Experiment 2), and when they differed in perceptual format (Experiment 3). In Experiment 4, an attribution manipulation, designed to make feelings of familiarity nondiagnostic for memory judgments, eliminated the false-recognition effect obtained in Experiment 3. Overall, the study suggests that conceptual relatedness produces false recognition even in the absence of shared perceptual surface features between study and test items, and it does so by generating feelings of familiarity.  相似文献   

Computer measured aspects of prose vocabulary as correlates of intelligence are of interest because they offer the potential of assessing intelligence in situations where more direct assessment (e.g. through IQ tests) is either impractically expensive or (as in the case of populations that lived in the past) impossible. This study assessed a word-length measure (average number of letters), two word-diversity measures (ratio of number of different to number of total words, and Yule's Characteristic K, which indicates the repeat rate for words), and a word-rarity measure (proportion of words present on a rare-words list). In the first part of the study, essays of 120 students in Grade 11 and 12 in a private American high-school for whom Cooperative School and College Ability Test (SCAT) scores (which correlate with IQ test scores) were available, were assessed in terms of the vocabulary measures. Only the word-rarity and word-length measures correlated significantly with SCAT scores, and the highest correlations were manifested by the word-rarity measure. In the study's second part, the vocabulary measures were applied to articles selected from American newspapers representing African American (119 articles), general (110 articles), and Jewish-American (109 articles) communities, among which, for whatever reasons, reliable average IQ performance differences have been found. Only the word-rarity measure discriminated in the predicted way among the three sorts of newspapers. Implications for other potential uses of the computerized word-rarity measure for assessing temporal, social, and geographic group differences in intelligence are discussed.  相似文献   

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