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关于先发情绪体验对后发情绪过程的影响的一项实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验试图探讨是否存在着一种先发体验,它的影响能在随后发生的情绪过程中表现出来。实验得到了肯定的结果。它显示为:(1)先发情绪体验若与后发情绪的性质相接近,则对后者起促进作用;若相反,则起抑制作用,(2)激起后发情绪的反应时(RT)与所发生情绪的持续时(DE)二者之间有显著的正相关。  相似文献   

护士职业的人格特质研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
采用Y-G性格测验问卷,对临床护士和在读护生共390人,进行了心理测评,展开了护士职业的人格特质研究。研究结果表明:优秀护士群体的性格类型和某些人格特质显著地优于一般护士群体;优秀护士与一般护士间所显现出显著差异的人格特质,对于护士角色人格的构成具有决定性影响;Y-G性格测验的A型性格类型评定对于护士职业的心理选拔显现特异性趋势;整个测评研究结果,基本支持"护士个体人格特质与角色人格特质的匹配模式"等理论假设.  相似文献   

This article examines psychosocial aspects of family/parent-child relationships during the Holocaust by focusing on the emotional memories of such relationships. Global and thematic analyses were undertaken on 93 life story interviews and testimonies with Holocaust survivors. Results showed that survivors who lived through most of the war with parents/family and those who had lived approximately an equal time with loved ones and without them were able to recall and narrate more emotional memories, both positive and negative, than people who had experienced the traumatic period mostly on their own. However, going through the war with family did not guarantee the narration of emotional memories; close to half of these victims could not recall/narrate such memories. In general, when the survivor recalled relative emotional security, she or he felt safe, even when physical danger was imminent. However, this feeling did not always continue when the physical situation worsened or when the survivor was separated from loved ones. It was suggested that the ability to recall and narrate emotional memories highlights the heterogeneity in family relationships that existed during the Holocaust and the kinds of family relationships that developed after the Holocaust.  相似文献   

张智勇  王垒  漆鸣 《心理学报》1998,31(1):85-92
根据王登峰等人收集的中文人格词表,本研究用定距抽取的方式构造了一个包含244个人格特质词的自我评定检核表。601名中国大学生参加了自我评定。因素分析结果表明,七因素模式能较好地体现中文人格特质词的基本维度。中国大学生自我描述维度由七个因素钩:(1)负价一:虚伪浮夸,(2)正价:严谨负责,(3)负价二:浅薄无能,(4)内向负情绪:多悉善感。(5)外同正情绪:热情可爱,(6)外向负情绪:暴躁易怒,(7  相似文献   

A biographical information blank (BIB) was administered to students in grades 7, 9, and 11, and was subsequently analyzed to determine the stability of both its factor pattern and structure. This was done by deriving a single average factor pattern matrix which was rotated to simple structure and then to similarity to each of three factor matrices at each grade level. Of 11 factors extracted, all but three showed reasonably good stability. Those factors that showed the greatest change, in terms of their presence over the three grade levels, were General Appreciation of School Courses, Social Activities, and High Level Literary Activities. Implications of stability in factor pattern and structure for further BIB development and for utilization in the framework of a longitudinal study are discussed.  相似文献   

电击信号应激对大鼠体液免疫及内分泌功能的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
邵枫  林文娟  王玮雯  郑丽 《心理学报》2000,32(4):428-432
研究了足电击及以电击装置为信号刺激所诱发的情绪应激对大鼠原发性体液免疫反应及内分泌的影响。 结果表明每天10分钟,共6天的足电击对大鼠抗特异性抗原OVA的原发性体液免疫反应无明显作用,而此电击作 用结合每天10分钟,共8天的情绪应激则可显著降低大鼠体液免疫反应及脾脏指数。同时该应激可显著提高大鼠 血儿茶酚胶和皮质酮水平。该研究证明了情绪应激对大鼠体液免疫功能的调节作用,并对交感神经系统和下丘脑- 垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴在其中所起的作用进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

情绪应激对不同脑区c-fos表达的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用电击信号和空瓶刺激两种情绪应激体液免疫调节作用动物模型,以c-fos原癌基因为探针,观察情绪应激后2个小时,大鼠全脑的c—fos原癌基因表达情况,探讨情绪应激对不同脑区c—fos表达的影响。结果表明,电击信号和空瓶刺激两种情绪应激源均能引起某些脑区或核团的c—fos蛋白表达明显增加,包括额皮质、扣带皮质、杏仁内侧核、前连合核、下丘脑背内侧核弥散部、弓状核、孤束核。结果提示,这些脑区或核团是情绪应激主要激活的中枢部位。  相似文献   

Extreme caution must be observed when correlation coefficients are used in factorial studies in the clinical area. Distortional effects resulting from differences between the levels of test performance are demonstrated on both a correlational and factorial level. Further research to obtain a more suitable statistical index than the correlation coefficient for clinical research is recommended.  相似文献   

以66名应届或往届大学生为被试,运用何小蕾(2004)修订的情绪智力量表和信息板技术探讨了决策时限、选项数量及情绪智力对职业决策过程中线索加工的影响。结果发现:(1)决策时限和选项数量影响职业决策过程中各条线索的平均点击次数和平均加工时间,说明完成信息板任务过程中被试加工线索的策略会因为决策时限和选项数量的变化而发生改变;(2)情绪智力水平对职业决策中的信息搜索模式有显著影响,高情绪智力水平者倾向于采用基于选项的复杂搜索策略;(3)情绪智力的各维度对职业决策中信息加工的平均决策时间、搜索深度和搜索模式具有不同的影响,其中管理情绪、表达情绪对决策时间和搜索深度均有显著影响,理解情绪对决策时间有显著影响,利用情绪对搜索深度和搜索模式有显著影响,而情绪发展对决策时间有显著影响。  相似文献   

K uusinen , J. Factorial invariance of personality ratings. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10 , 33–44—Three studies employing the same set of 33 personality rating scales are described. (I) Five factor structures of the scales, derived from ratings of five groups of stimuli, were compared. (2) One subject rated different personality concepts three times at one week's intervals. (3) 12 individual factor structures were compared to the factor structure computed from peer ratings of a group of 39 subjects. Results: (a) the factor structure of the scales was largely independent of stimuli, (b) the structure for an individual was stable, (c) the group structure represented the individual's structure, ( d ) differences between group and the individual structure and between individuals were negligible.  相似文献   

个性心理特点对神經衰弱及高血压病心理治療的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王景和 《心理学报》1961,6(4):51-63
关于个性心理特点在某些疾病中的作用,长期的医疗实践已积累有丰富的經驗。如内經灵枢中的阴阳12人論,即是两千年前我国医学界在这方面的一个初步概括。本世紀初,C.A.苏哈諾夫曾以专著論述某些个性特点与不同神經官能症的联系。但科学地闡述这  相似文献   

A total of 366 school children were rated by 12 teachers in respect of 11 personality traits. In a laboratory experiment, a group of 10 teachers estimated the degree of perceived similarity between the same traits. In a second laboratory experiment, estimates were obtained of the frequency with which the traits occur together. It was found that similarity of traits was proportional to the squared coefficient of inter-trait ccmelation. A similar relation was demonstrated for estimated co-frequency and inter-trait corre- lation. Furthermore, factor analyses of the three sets of data revealed essentially the same three factors of Intelligence, Sociability and Dependability. The results are discussed within a psychophysical framework regarding the subjects rated and traits estimated as stimuli in a person-perception experiment.  相似文献   

Six-hundred and thirteen girls and 601 boys in Zimbabwe completed the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (JEPQ). The reliability of the Neuroticism (N) and Social Desirability (L) factors was acceptable but the Psychoticism (P) and Extraversion (E) factors possessed modest reliability. While the factorial validity of the P, N and L scales was acceptable, the factorial validity of the E scale was poor. L scores were significantly correlated with N and P scores among girls and boys. Whereas Zimbabwean girls reported higher P scores than did Canadian girls, Zimbabwean boys reported lower P scores than did Canadian boys. Zimbabwean girls and boys reported lower E and N and higher P scores than their Canadian counterparts. This study provides broad support for Eysenck's basic personality model, but it does not support the use of this version of the JEPQ, and especially the E scale, among Zimbabwean children.  相似文献   

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