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跨文化心理学中的文化适应研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
余伟  郑钢 《心理科学进展》2005,13(6):836-846
文化适应(acculturation)的研究已经成为跨文化心理学研究的一个重要组成部分。近年来这方面的研究急剧增加,新的理论模型不断出现,其研究对西方国家移民政策产生了重要影响。文章从文化适应的定义出发,回顾了文化适应的理论发展和主要的研究范式,同时也指出了当前文化适应研究中存在的问题,最后对文化适应研究今后的发展趋势做出了展望。这一研究领域对我国流动人口的适应问题和民族融合等方面的研究也有重大的理论意义  相似文献   

该研究以城市移民子女作为研究对象,主要探讨社会支持对城市移民子女生活满意度的影响及预测作用,以及学校适应在社会支持与生活满意度之间的作用机制。研究结果表明:1)社会支持、学校适应与城市移民子女的生活满意度均呈显著相关,社会支持对城市移民子女生活满意度具有显著的正向预测作用。2)学校适应在社会支持影响城市移民子女生活满意度中起部分中介作用,即社会支持可以直接影响生活满意度,也可以通过学校适应间接影响生活满意度。但社会支持对生活满意度的直接影响是最主要的影响路径。.  相似文献   

段楠 《四川心理科学》2014,(14):124-124
《孤独的伦敦人》是特立尼达人作家塞穆尔·塞尔文的一篇小说。这部小说详细的描述了第二次世界大战后西部印第安人在伦敦的生活,伦敦曾被这些移民者视为世界的中心,他们非常努力地在此谋生并梦想着有一天能够创造财富,并与其他家庭成员自此快乐的生活下去。他们各自使用了不同的态度及策略去融入这个社会。这篇论文基于约翰贝瑞和他的同事所提出的文化适应的理论和策略去分析《孤独的伦敦人》这篇小说中一些人物的文化适应过程及策略。  相似文献   

关于冷适应研究的反思第四军医大学研究生(西安710032)王枫导师董兆申张映玉寒冷严重影响人们的工作、生活和学习,鉴于人体对寒冷的适应能力没有适应高温的能力强,所以很久以来,寒冷损伤和寒冷适应的研究为医学界所高度重视。许多科学工作者致力于研究如何使处...  相似文献   

文化融入与中国留学生的适应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本研究的目的是探讨两个维度 (主族和客族文化认同 )、四种方式 (整合、分离、同化和边缘 )及其与中国留学生适应的关系。采用一套问卷测验 (包括文化融入指数、社会文化适应问题及主观幸福感等测验量表 )调查了在澳大利亚的 1 57名中国留学生。结果表明在调查的中国留学生中 ,整合者占40 1 % ,分离者占 42 7% ,同化者占 8 3% ,而边缘者占 8 9% ,中国留学生的主族和客族文化认同指标均与心理适应指标有显著的正相关 ;在心理适应方面 ,整合者最好 ,其次为同化者和分离者 ,最差为边缘者。对于留学生出国前的选拔和培训 ,出国后的教育与学习 ,有关部门和学校应重视其文化认同和文化融入方式等因素 ,以便更好地帮助留学生适应新的环境 ,提高留学生教育质量。  相似文献   

张秋生 《学海》2014,(2):171-176
澳大利亚基廷政府执政期间,从国家利益出发,加快了将对外政策重心转向亚洲和太平洋地区的步伐,提出了"面向亚洲"和"融入亚洲"的政策,在经济、政治与外交转向的同时,对亚洲语言文化与移民政策,也作了重大调整。本文论述了基廷政府调整亚洲语言文化与移民政策的背景、主要内容与深远影响,认为推广亚洲语言文化教育和进一步吸纳亚洲移民,并不仅仅是出于发展经济贸易的现实需要,而且在相当程度上体现了澳大利亚文化价值观的变革和面向亚洲政策进程的深化。  相似文献   

艺术图像是丝绸之路文化传播中十分重要的影响媒介,其形式语言的文化演变具有重要研究价值,从中可窥视外来文化与本土文化交流融合的印迹。以文化传播的适应理论为支撑,研究丝路文化适应下须弥座图像作为媒介融合演进的艺术表现形式,为丝绸之路文化传播中艺术媒介的演变提供新的研究视角。须弥座是外来文化形式与中国传统文化相结合的产物,通过对中国历代佛塔须弥座图像谱系的整理,对比研究各代佛塔须弥座发展的异同及其演变规律,反映丝路文化传播中本土文化适应外来文化以及外来文化适应本土文化两个交互影响的过程。  相似文献   

随着积极心理学的展开,积极情绪对群际关系认知的影响作用逐渐引起了研究者的关注。本文以熟悉和陌生为线索,回顾了近年来积极情绪对群际关系认知影响的相关研究,并抽取了最能解释积极情绪对群际关系认知的影响因素,包括动机因素、个体与群体的相关度和群体情境。同时根据国外研究的结果,初步总结出积极情绪对群际关系认知的影响模型以及6条影响路径,并对今后的研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

流动儿童城市适应标准的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究采用自编的半结构访谈提纲对21名流动儿童进行了深度访谈,以探讨流动儿童城市适应的标准。研究结果表明,流动儿童城市适应标准总体来说可分为两个层面,一是心理适应,二是社会文化适应。心理适应包括心境和个性两个维度,社会文化适应包括人际关系、适应环境、外显行为、内隐观念、语言、学习6个维度。本研究亦对城市适应标准的框架、理论以及相应的测量工具进行了讨论。  相似文献   

采用问卷法和教师评价法对上海、河南、山东、甘肃四地共1730名青少年及其父母进行调查,旨在考察价值取向的代际效应及其与青少年心理和学校适应的关系。结果发现:(1)父母集体价值取向均能正向预测青少年集体责任;父亲集体取向和母亲个体价值取向均能正向预测青少年同伴友情;父亲个体价值取向和母亲集体取向均能正向预测青少年超越进取;仅母亲个体取向正向预测青少年时尚潮流;(2)父母集体取向均能通过青少年集体责任对其心理适应产生积极影响;父母个体取向和母亲集体取向能通过青少年超越进取对其心理和学校适应产生积极影响;(3)母亲个体取向通过青少年同伴友情对其心理适应产生积极影响,对学校适应产生消极作用;母亲个体取向通过青少年时尚潮流对其心理和学校适应产生消极作用。这些结果证实了亲子之间存在价值取向的代际效应,并强调了代际效应对青少年的心理和学校适应的重要性。  相似文献   

While a great deal of research has been conducted to understand acculturation and its relationship to adaptation in the new country, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the ways in which the characteristics of the local community impact these processes. The present study addresses this gap in the literature by exploring the potential role of community differences in the acculturation and adaptation processes of 269 refugee and immigrant adolescents from the former Soviet Union who resettled in two different community contexts. Specifically, a prior study on acculturation and adjustment among high school students (D. Birman, E. J. Trickett, & A. Vinokurov, 2002) was replicated with the same émigré population in a contrasting community within the same state. The contrast between these communities allowed us to test hypotheses emerging from an ecological perspective concerning (1) patterns of acculturation, (2) levels of discrimination and its effect on acculturative outcomes, and (3) community differences in the relationship between acculturation and outcomes. In addition to the focus on community differences, the study also employs a multidimensional measure of acculturation and assesses acculturation to both American and Russian culture. Furthermore, adaptation is assessed across different life domains; including peer relationships, family relationships, school adaptation, and psychological adaptation. Findings support the general ecological perspective, suggesting the importance of studying acculturation and adaptation as a reflexive process in which culture and context are very much intertwined.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to identify acculturation preference profiles using cluster analysis in public and private areas of culture in the host and immigrant populations, and to find out the relationship between these profiles and prejudice levels. Four hundred and ninety-nine Spaniards and 500 Romanians participated in a survey. The sampling of Spaniards was multistage random and the sampling of Romanians was by quota. The results confirm our predictions. Romanians who are less prejudiced against Spaniards prefer assimilation in public areas and integration in private areas. Romanians who are more prejudiced against Spaniards prefer integration in public areas and separation in private areas. Spaniards who are less prejudiced against Romanians prefer integration in both public and private areas. Spaniards who are more prejudiced against Romanians prefer assimilation in both areas.  相似文献   


The authors expected the extent to which host community members (a) perceive immigrants as threatening, (b) believe that the immigrants are able to assimilate to the host community (permeability), and (c) consider their presence in the host community as legitimate to predict attitudes towards immigrant acculturation. The authors designed Study 1 to examine attitudes of Germans toward Turkish immigrants. Participants were 227 German white-collar and blue-collar workers. As expected, ethnocentric acculturation attitudes positively correlated with perceived threat and negatively correlated with perceived legitimacy and perceived permeability. However, only perceived threat contributed uniquely to the prediction of the attitudes. In Study 2, the authors applied an experimental manipulation of perceived threat. Before answering attitude questions, participants read magazine articles with a threatening, enriching, or irrelevant content. The manipulation had the predicted impact on the self-reported attitudes toward immigrants. However, the salience of threatening or enriching aspects of the Turkish culture did not affect implicitly measured attitudes.  相似文献   

Processes of globalisation, migration, and increasing cultural diversity within nations have resulted in a growing need to understand intercultural relations in plural societies. Accordingly, this paper highlights the relations between immigrants and members of host societies and considers how social and demographic changes may affect acculturation and intercultural relations and shape future psychological theory and research in these areas. Based on a combination of empirical data and informed speculation, we discuss three significant changes. First is the growing importance of transnational relations due to a large degree of faster and cheaper forms of communication and traveling. A second important factor is changing demographics characterised by the growth of mega‐cities and the increasing proportion of first and second generation of immigrants in contemporary immigration nations and – consequently – the diminishing size of native majority groups. Third is the greater acceptance of a global culture, which is shaped by globalisation and coloured by local multi‐ethnic characteristics and creolisation processes in each country of settlement. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study investigated acculturation to the Hispanic and American cultures and self-perceptions of competence among 123 Latino immigrant adolescents. The study tested a contextual model of biculturalism by examining whether different acculturation styles predicted perceived competence in life spheres with different cultural demands. Perceived competence was assessed using Harter's (1988) Self-Perceptions of Competence Profile for Adolescents for the life spheres of school, peers (both Latino and non-Latino), and global self-worth. In addition, an analogous scale to assess perceptions of competence in the family was constructed for that sphere. The study found some support for a contextual model of acculturation. Acculturation to American culture predicted positive self-perceptions of competence with American peers, while acculturation to Hispanic culture predicted positive self-perceptions of competence with Latino peers. Perceived family competence, however, was predicted by acculturation to American rather than Hispanic culture. Results with respect to biculturalism are tentative, with a trend relating biculturalism to positive self-perceptions of global self-worth. However, because many of the conditions stipulated by the model were not met, results with respect to biculturalism raise questions about current approaches to operationalizing the construct.  相似文献   

This study explores how acculturation is related to adaptation across different life spheres for 162 Soviet Jewish refugee adolescents in a suburban community in Maryland. Because the different contexts of refugee adolescents' lives vary in acculturative demands, different patterns of acculturation should be related to adaptation in different life spheres. The study uses a multidimensional measure of acculturation and assesses acculturation to both American and Russian cultures as it relates to psychological adaptation, peer relations, and school and family outcomes. Findings support the general ecological thesis that acculturation to different cultures is differentially related to adaptation across life domains. Acculturation to American culture predicted better grades and perceived support from American peers. Acculturation to Russian culture predicted perceived support from Russian peers. Both American acculturation and Russian acculturation predicted reduced loneliness and perceived support from parents. Further, different dimensions of acculturation, such as language and identity, were differentially related to adaptation. Implications for acculturation theory and measurement are drawn, and cautions are offered about the interpretation of acculturation studies using single proxies such as language use or preference.  相似文献   

苏州市劳动密集型企业民工的心理融入调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民工的心理融入直接关系到城市经济发展和"城市和谐社会"的构建.本研究对苏州市高新技术产业开发区6家劳动密集型企业的20名外来民工进行了深度访谈,探讨了他们融入城市文化的心理状况.结果显示,苏州市劳动密集型企业民工有一定程度的心理融入,但是融入的范围狭小,层次较浅,且融入具有多面性.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare experiences of discrimination and their influence on trust in authorities and psychological distress among immigrants in Finland. A sample of 1146 immigrants, aged between 20 and 36 and representing seven immigrant groups (Russians, Ingrian/Finnish returnees, Estonians, Somalis, Arabs, Vietnamese and Turks), answered a mailed questionnaire based on traditional acculturation research as well as victim research. In accordance with our expectations, discrimination experiences in various realms of life were highly predictive of the psychological well‐being of all immigrants, as well as of lack of trust in the Finnish authorities. However, contrary to our hypotheses regarding the effects of visibility and cultural proximity, group differences in psychological distress did not correspond to the group differences observed in perceived discrimination. These results are discussed in the light of the opposing predictions concerning self‐damage effects of discrimination, made by social identity theory on the one hand and the theory on self‐protecting functions of external attributions (Crocker and Major, 1989) on the other. It is concluded that the low level of stress observed in the most visible and most culturally distant group, despite high levels of perceived discrimination, is better explained by the latter than the former. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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