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While it has been frequently suggested that sexual deviations are learned, the learning has usually been thought of as taking place during one traumatic experience. From a study of 45 sexual deviants, the authors believe that it is often a much more gradual process occurring during masturbation to a memory, which need not have been sexually stimulating at the time of the initial experience and which often alters with the passage of time. The hypothesis is illustrated from case histories of pedophilia, exhibitionism, homosexuality, voyeurism and transvestism. The implications for both aversive treatment of deviations and positive conditioning to normal sex are considered.  相似文献   

Considering the long history of research into stuttering, it is surprising that so little time has been devoted to the study of factors that contribute to the success of therapy. Even less attention has been devoted to uncovering forces that promote poor treatment outcomes. In this article and the companion piece that follows it, an attempt has been made to delineate what may prove to be predictors of unsuccessful therapy. In this first of the two articles, the focus in on the identification of patient, extraclinical, and clinician variables that could act to negate progress during the establishment phase of treatment.  相似文献   

Ego-depletion (depletion of self-regulatory strength) can impair conscious efforts at self-regulation. Research into nonconscious self-regulation has demonstrated that preconscious automaticity and implementation intentions can automatically carry out regulatory tasks during times of ego-depletion. However, preconscious automaticity can only emerge during well-practiced tasks while implementation intentions can only support tasks that have been explicitly planned. Thus, when it comes to supporting the conscious self-regulation of nonroutine and unplanned behaviour during times of ego-depletion these processes should be ineffective. However, it is argued here that because the conscious self-regulation of nonroutine and unplanned behaviour can incidentally prime the underlying mental representations those primed representations can be postconsciously re-activated to support that behaviour during times of ego-depletion. Postconscious self-regulation might, therefore, support a type of self-regulatory behaviour that has, thus far, not been associated with any form of support.  相似文献   

The work on this bibliography was carried out mostly in 2002. Though it aims at being exhaustive, the research in different languages and translations may not have yielded every document and some may still be unknown to me. It is also likely that more material have been translated since. Besides, the Spanish and Brazilian-Portuguese literature has not been researched. This is why this bibliography must be considered as a 'work in progress' which any addition can only enrich. Victor Ovcharenko has made a list of the writings of Sabina Spielrein starting with 1911, the year of her medical thesis in Zürich, and covering the years to 1931. He points out, however, that between the date of the last paper that she is known to have written and her death in 1942, there are eleven years and that it would be truly astonishing if she had neither written nor published anything during that period. Up to this date no document by her during that time has been found (Journal of Analytical Psychology, 44, 3, 1999).  相似文献   

传世《六经图》,唯《四库全书》所收一种。近得外祖父所藏《六经图》碑本拓片一套,与四库所收,多所不同。考《六经图》首撰为宋人杨甲,其后,历朝多有增删补缀,大体沿两条线索发展:一从昌州石本到信州石本,为碑本体系;一从程森刻本到吴继仕刻本,为书版体系。书版体系经明清学者“臆为窜乱”已非杨甲原本;碑本体系则保存了宋元体格,更具有史料价值。  相似文献   

Although there has been some controversy as to whether attention is guided by memory during visual search, recent findings have suggested that memory helps to prevent attention from needlessly reinspecting examined items. Until now, it has been assumed that some form of retrospective memory is responsible for keeping track of examined items and preventing revisitations. Alternatively, some form of prospective memory, such as strategic scanpath planning, could be responsible for guiding attention away from examined items. We used a new technique that allowed us to selectively prevent retrospective or prospective memory from contributing to search. We demonstrated that both retrospective and prospective memory guide attention during visual search.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new infant-based measure for assessing infant attachment to a sibling during a modified strange situation procedure. Research has demonstrated that young siblings often form a special relationship and that they prefer to interact with one another rather than with an unfamiliar peer. Also it has been shown that older siblings can respond appropriately to the distress of an infant. Research on relationships has moved from frequency counts of discrete behaviours towards more global measures of the ways in which behaviour is organized. These have tended to focus upon the older child as caregiver or the influence of the mother-child relationship on child-child interaction during the strange situation. The main findings of previous studies are presented. This paper describes a new method for measuring sibling attachment. Advantages of the new scoring system over previous procedures are that it utilizes ethological attachment theory, it is infant-based, it allows for a variety of infant reactions to reunion with the older sibling, and it focuses on overall patterns of behaviour rather than tallies of frequences.  相似文献   

Functional Transcranial Doppler sonography (fTCD) has been applied to assess peak mean cerebral blood flow velocity (MFV) with a high temporal resolution during cognitive activation. Yet, little attention has been devoted to gender-related alterations of MFV, including spectral analysis. In healthy subjects, fTCD was used to investigate a series of cerebral hemodynamic parameters in the middle cerebral arteries (MCA) during the Trail Making Tests (TMT), a means of selective attention and complex cognitive functioning. In females, there was a frequency peak at 0.375 Hz in both MCA, and we observed a dynamic shift in hemispheric dominance during that condition. Further, after the start phase, there was an MFV decline during complex functioning for the entire sample. These novel results suggest condition-specific features of cerebral hemodynamics in females, and it adds to the notion that gender is a fundamental confounder of brain physiology.  相似文献   

In the task-switching literature, it has frequently been demonstrated that although advance task preparation reduces the switch cost, it never really eliminates the switch cost. This remaining residual switch cost received much attention, and it has been argued that advance preparation is restricted in nature. In the present study, the role of task-cue presentation in the establishment of the residual switch cost was investigated. In 4 experiments, the cue was removed during the preparation interval, and it was hypothesized that this would encourage participants to complete advance task preparation. The results of all 4 experiments provided support for this hypothesis: When the cue was presented for a short time and then removed, the residual switch cost completely disappeared. This was found for different cue types. Furthermore, Experiment 3 demonstrated that it was not the presence of the cue itself but merely differences in advance task preparation that caused the effects. This suggests that advance task preparation is not as restricted in nature as previously assumed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To the casual observer, it would seem that the United States' suicide rate has been remarkably steady in recent years. However, this stability may be more apparent than real. While it is true that the total suicide rate has varied little, this composite figure masks a dramatic shift in the risk of suicide by age. In recent years there has been a reduction of suicide at older ages reciprocated by an unprecedented increase of suicide (and homicide) at younger ages. The extent of this change during the ten-year period 1966–75 is explored along with possible explanations for the increase of aggressive violent death among young people.  相似文献   

Large depletion of brain 5 HT has been shown to induce mouse-killing behavior in the rat. Selective lesions of the raphe nuclei have been investigated in order to determine whether the various components of the 5 HT system exert some specific control over this aggressive behavior. Electrolytic lesions of the dorsal or the median raphe nucleus do not induce mouse killing, whereas combined lesions of these nuclei elicit this behavior in about 40% of naive rats. Consequently, it appears that serotonergic neurons originating in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei work synergistically in mediating inhibitory control over mouse-killing behavior. Loco-motor activity is increased in novel environments by each of the selective lesions and to a larger extent by combined raphe lesions; 24 hours activity in resting conditions is unchanged during the light period, and increased during the dark period of the daily cycle by the various lesions. As it has been shown previously that hyper-activity in response to novelty following raphe lesions is not directly related to the 5 HT decrease in the brain, it appears that interspecific aggression and motor responsiveness must not be dependent on the same neural substrate within the raphe nuclei. The raphe lesions do not facilitate the elicitation of mouse killing by further olfactory bulb ablations, in contrast to earlier results where bulbectomy facilitated the induction of this behavior by raphe lesions.  相似文献   

Scotland has traditionally been seen as a religious country which, according to Callum Brown, has latterly succumbed to the same secularising tendencies which have affected many Western civilisations. Brown has described the Scottish process as so severe as to be tantamount to 'the haemorrhage of faith'. Commercial opinion poll data for representative samples of the Scottish population, a source not greatly used by Brown, are reviewed here for evidence of religious practices, beliefs and attitudes in contemporary Scotland. Considering these data in isolation, and more briefly in relation to equivalent British and world poll data, it is concluded that there has undoubtedly been religious decline since the 1970s, especially during the 1990s. While Scotland is far from being a post-Christian nation, according to the polls, it is no longer-outwardly or inwardly-significantly more religious than Britain as a whole and much of Western Europe.  相似文献   

Recent theories in numerical cognition propose the existence of an approximate number system (ANS) that supports the representation and processing of quantity information without symbols. It has been claimed that this system is present in infants, children, and adults, that it supports learning of symbolic mathematics, and that correctly harnessing the system during tuition will lead to educational benefits. Various experimental tasks have been used to investigate individuals' ANSs, and it has been assumed that these tasks measure the same system. We tested the relationship across six measures of the ANS. Surprisingly, despite typical performance on each task, adult participants' performances across the tasks were not correlated, and estimates of the acuity of individuals' ANSs from different tasks were unrelated. These results highlight methodological issues with tasks typically used to measure the ANS and call into question claims that individuals use a single system to complete all these tasks.  相似文献   


This article provides an overview of one of the fields of religiosity that have so far remained outside the main scope of scholarly research on postcommunist societies. In the West heterodox religiosity, the most common form of which is constituted by so called ‘esoteric’ world views, has already been studied for several decades, since it has been able to manifest itself more or less freely through specialised media, books and events organised by its engaged practitioners. In Russia in communist times, however, it had to keep silent so as to avoid persecution by the government. It was not until the regime change in 1991 that heterodox religiosity was suddenly free to spread widely and quickly. Now that time has passed and the situation stabilised somewhat, it is interesting to look back at how this kind of religiosity evolved in Russia during the last century and especially during the challenging transition years. The article examines the situation today with the use of selected results from a recent representative population survey. These results suggest that at the moment heterodox forms of religiosity are at least as widely spread among Russians as traditional ones, if not even more widely. This evidence might provide interesting input for further development of theoretical knowledge on religious transformations in modern societies.  相似文献   

Despite the importance given in their narratives to the birth of their children and grandchildren, in most of the interviews I conducted with Holocaust survivors they do not discuss their children or family life in detail. Rather, for many of them, discussion is generally connected to how or what they have explained to their children about their experiences during the war. Survivors’ preoccupation with this issue could be understood as a response to the context in which they find themselves, in which a particular social discourse about survivors has developed. This discourse arguably engendered particular responses from survivors: it is a question that survivors expect to be asked, and it is seen as part of their prescribed role. Based on over 50 narrative interviews with survivors of the Holocaust, this article explores how survivors reflect and understand their parenting. It examines to what extent their behaviour has been influenced by their experiences during the war, or in reaction to a particular social discourse. Whilst literature on the second generation has been predominantly based on the responses of the children of survivors, this article provides important evidence of how survivors reflect on and understand their parenting.  相似文献   

The central position of occupations in work careers has been a widely accepted position in the study of careers. Furthermore, it has also been commonly believed that most work careers follow the temporal sequence of occupational choice, occupational preparation and training, and occupational entry and retention. An analysis of research findings, however, shows that most individuals do not make stable occupational choices as the first step in their work careers, nor do they show a strong commitment to a particular occupation during their work careers. On the contrary, occupational mobility is far more characteristic of most work careers than occupational stability. One possible explanation of the high rates of occupational mobility is that individuals are responding to opportunities that develop during the course of their careers. As opportunities unfold during work careers, individuals use those opportunities to make future career and occupational choices. Thus, careers may be more accurately considered as a series of responses to a succession of opportunity situations than the effort to realize a predetermined occupational goal.  相似文献   

Although shadowing has been assumed to hold attention strongly (e.g. Hochberg, 1970) this has not been demonstrated, and the incidence of errors and intrusions suggest that it is not as powerful a technique as might have been supposed. An alternative, simpler, technique would be monitoring, but Kahneman (1970) maintains that selectivity fails in the absence of a continuous response. The experiments here compare the shadowing and monitoring tasks when attentional selectivity was required, and when it was not required, and indicate that similar attentional strategies operate during the monitoring and shadowing of brief messages. The shadowing paradigm is criticized in terms of an interaction between the relative resemblance of the stimuli and the shadowing voice. It is not demonstrated that an absolute interaction takes place, but more importantly that relatively greater interference is apparent when the shadower's voice and the stimuli to be shadowed are similar than when they are distinct. It is suggested that low target detections in the unattended message may be an artifact of the processing requirements of the shadowing task.  相似文献   

精神科医患之间有效沟通之几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内镜检查和治疗技术作为一种侵入性技术,已经被全世界的医生广泛接受和应用。但消化内镜术前病人普遍存在不同程度的焦虑、恐惧等负面心理反应,甚至影响临床治疗效果。为缓解内镜术前病人焦虑情绪,改善术前生理心理状态,促进康复,音乐治疗作为内镜手术的辅助治疗手段,已被引入消化内镜室并显示了其重要的治疗价值。  相似文献   

Recent theories in numerical cognition propose the existence of an approximate number system (ANS) that supports the representation and processing of quantity information without symbols. It has been claimed that this system is present in infants, children, and adults, that it supports learning of symbolic mathematics, and that correctly harnessing the system during tuition will lead to educational benefits. Various experimental tasks have been used to investigate individuals' ANSs, and it has been assumed that these tasks measure the same system. We tested the relationship across six measures of the ANS. Surprisingly, despite typical performance on each task, adult participants' performances across the tasks were not correlated, and estimates of the acuity of individuals' ANSs from different tasks were unrelated. These results highlight methodological issues with tasks typically used to measure the ANS and call into question claims that individuals use a single system to complete all these tasks.  相似文献   

Positive affect and the other side of coping   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
Although research on coping over the past 30 years has produced convergent evidence about the functions of coping and the factors that influence it, psychologists still have a great deal to learn about how coping mechanisms affect diverse outcomes. One of the reasons more progress has not been made is the almost exclusive focus on negative outcomes in the stress process. Coping theory and research need to consider positive outcomes as well. The authors focus on one such outcome, positive affect, and review findings about the co-occurrence of positive affect with negative affect during chronic stress, the adaptive functions of positive affect during chronic stress, and a special class of meaning-based coping processes that support positive affect during chronic stress.  相似文献   

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